From 4b181cca27bbb549e943b8b3dd66a30f7290da23 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dmitry Simonenko <>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 19:08:17 +0400
Subject: [PATCH] sophia-update: remove old test result file

 test/sophia/sophia.result | 335 --------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 335 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 test/sophia/sophia.result

diff --git a/test/sophia/sophia.result b/test/sophia/sophia.result
deleted file mode 100644
index 2126bd3e38..0000000000
--- a/test/sophia/sophia.result
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-os.execute("rm -rf sophia")
-- 0
-space = box.schema.create_space('tweedledum', { id = 123, engine = 'sophia' })
-space:create_index('primary', { type = 'tree', parts = {1, 'num'} })
-for v=1, 10 do space:insert({v}) end
-t = space.index[0]:select({}, {iterator = box.index.ALL})
-- - [1]
-  - [2]
-  - [3]
-  - [4]
-  - [5]
-  - [6]
-  - [7]
-  - [8]
-  - [9]
-  - [10]
-t = space.index[0]:select({}, {iterator = box.index.GE})
-- - [1]
-  - [2]
-  - [3]
-  - [4]
-  - [5]
-  - [6]
-  - [7]
-  - [8]
-  - [9]
-  - [10]
-t = space.index[0]:select(4, {iterator = box.index.GE})
-- - [4]
-  - [5]
-  - [6]
-  - [7]
-  - [8]
-  - [9]
-  - [10]
-t = space.index[0]:select({}, {iterator = box.index.LE})
-- - [10]
-  - [9]
-  - [8]
-  - [7]
-  - [6]
-  - [5]
-  - [4]
-  - [3]
-  - [2]
-  - [1]
-t = space.index[0]:select(7, {iterator = box.index.LE})
-- - [7]
-  - [6]
-  - [5]
-  - [4]
-  - [3]
-  - [2]
-  - [1]
-t = {}
-for v=1, 10 do table.insert(t, space:get({v})) end
-- - [1]
-  - [2]
-  - [3]
-  - [4]
-  - [5]
-  - [6]
-  - [7]
-  - [8]
-  - [9]
-  - [10]
-- ok
--- gh-283: Sophia: hang after three creates and drops
-s = box.schema.create_space('space0', {id = 33, engine='sophia'})
-i = s:create_index('space0', {type = 'tree', parts = {1, 'STR'}})
-s:insert{'a', 'b', 'c'}
-- ['a', 'b', 'c']
-s = box.schema.create_space('space0', {id = 33, engine='sophia'})
-i = s:create_index('space0', {type = 'tree', parts = {1, 'STR'}})
-s:insert{'a', 'b', 'c'}
-- ['a', 'b', 'c']
-t = s.index[0]:select({}, {iterator = box.index.ALL})
-- - ['a', 'b', 'c']
-s = box.schema.create_space('space0', {id = 33, engine='sophia'})
-i = s:create_index('space0', {type = 'tree', parts = {1, 'STR'}})
-s:insert{'a', 'b', 'c'}
-- ['a', 'b', 'c']
-t = s.index[0]:select({}, {iterator = box.index.ALL})
-- - ['a', 'b', 'c']
--- gh-280: Sophia: crash if insert without index
-s = box.schema.create_space('test', {engine='sophia'})
-- error: 'No index #0 is defined in space ''test'''
---- gh-431: Sophia: assertion if box.begin
-s = box.schema.create_space('tester',{engine='sophia'})
-s:create_index('sophia_index', {})
-s:insert{10000, 'Hilton'}
-- [10000, 'Hilton']
-s:delete{10000} -- exception
-- error: sophia does not support transactions
-- - [10000, 'Hilton']
---- gh-456: Sophia: index size() is unsupported
-s = box.schema.create_space('tester',{engine='sophia'})
-s:create_index('sophia_index', {})
-s.index[0]:len() -- exception
-- error: SophiaIndex does not support size operation
-- error: SophiaIndex does not support size operation
---- gh-436: No error when creating temporary sophia space
-s = box.schema.create_space('tester',{engine='sophia', temporary=true})
-- error: 'Can''t modify space 512: space does not support temporary flag'
---- gh-432: Sophia: ignored limit
-s = box.schema.create_space('tester',{id = 89, engine='sophia'})
-s:create_index('sophia_index', {})
-for v=1, 100 do s:insert({v}) end
-t = s:select({''},{iterator='GT', limit =1})
-- error: 'Supplied key type of part 0 does not match index part type: expected NUM'
-- - ['a', 'b', 'c']
-t = s:select({},{iterator='GT', limit =1})
-- - [1]
-s = box.schema.create_space('tester', {id = 90, engine='sophia'})
-s:create_index('sophia_index', {type = 'tree', parts = {1, 'STR'}})
-for v=1, 100 do s:insert({tostring(v)}) end
-t = s:select({''},{iterator='GT', limit =1})
-- - ['1']
-t = s:select({},{iterator='GT', limit =1})
-- - ['1']
---- gh-282: Sophia: truncate() does nothing
-s = box.schema.create_space('name_of_space', {id = 33, engine='sophia'})
-i = s:create_index('name_of_index', {type = 'tree', parts = {1, 'STR'}})
-s:insert{'a', 'b', 'c'}
-- ['a', 'b', 'c']
-- - ['a', 'b', 'c']
-- []
-os.execute("rm -rf sophia")
-- 0