diff --git a/src/box/iproto.cc b/src/box/iproto.cc
index b98f504d3269808eb83fec0b96ddce30904979a3..62fbc3a7ade6aa5155dcbacecacf96483197f02c 100644
--- a/src/box/iproto.cc
+++ b/src/box/iproto.cc
@@ -1306,6 +1306,11 @@ static void
 tx_fiber_init(struct session *session, uint64_t sync)
 	struct fiber *f = fiber();
+	/*
+	 * There should not be any not executed on_stop triggers
+	 * from a previous request executed in that fiber.
+	 */
+	assert(rlist_empty(&f->on_stop));
 	f->storage.net.sync = sync;
 	 * We do not cleanup fiber keys at the end of each request.
@@ -1710,8 +1715,6 @@ tx_process_sql(struct cmsg *m)
 	const char *sql;
 	uint32_t len;
-	tx_fiber_init(msg->connection->session, msg->header.sync);
 	if (tx_check_schema(msg->header.schema_version))
 		goto error;
 	assert(msg->header.type == IPROTO_EXECUTE);
diff --git a/src/lib/core/fiber.c b/src/lib/core/fiber.c
index b813c17399eba701decd12dfac0fe97792cd3319..244ef7c63b384191dc663aea8a070b6903805860 100644
--- a/src/lib/core/fiber.c
+++ b/src/lib/core/fiber.c
@@ -193,6 +193,25 @@ fiber_attr_getstacksize(struct fiber_attr *fiber_attr)
+fiber_on_stop(struct fiber *f)
+	/*
+	 * The most common case is when the list is empty. Do an
+	 * inlined check before calling trigger_run().
+	 */
+	if (rlist_empty(&f->on_stop))
+		return;
+	if (trigger_run(&f->on_stop, f) != 0)
+		panic("On_stop triggers can't fail");
+	/*
+	 * All on_stop triggers are supposed to remove themselves.
+	 * So as no to waste time on that here, and to make them
+	 * all work uniformly.
+	 */
+	assert(rlist_empty(&f->on_stop));
 static void
 fiber_recycle(struct fiber *fiber);
@@ -720,8 +739,7 @@ fiber_loop(MAYBE_UNUSED void *data)
 		       assert(f != fiber);
-		if (! rlist_empty(&fiber->on_stop))
-			trigger_run(&fiber->on_stop, fiber);
+		fiber_on_stop(fiber);
 		/* reset pending wakeups */
 		if (! (fiber->flags & FIBER_IS_JOINABLE))
@@ -1301,8 +1319,8 @@ cord_cojoin(struct cord *cord)
 break_ev_loop_f(struct trigger *trigger, void *event)
-	(void) trigger;
 	(void) event;
+	trigger_clear(trigger);
 	ev_break(loop(), EVBREAK_ALL);
diff --git a/src/lib/core/fiber.h b/src/lib/core/fiber.h
index fb168e25e2ba56576b46ce5bb0ef3829f9d3c36f..67ec79118c30c3cbac1a6d2d5708067c251dae11 100644
--- a/src/lib/core/fiber.h
+++ b/src/lib/core/fiber.h
@@ -393,7 +393,15 @@ struct fiber {
 	/** Triggers invoked before this fiber yields. Must not throw. */
 	struct rlist on_yield;
-	/** Triggers invoked before this fiber stops.  Must not throw. */
+	/**
+	 * Triggers invoked before this fiber is stopped/reset/
+	 * recycled/destroyed/reused. In other words, each time
+	 * when the fiber has finished execution of a request.
+	 * In particular, for fibers not from a fiber pool the
+	 * stop event is emitted before destruction and death.
+	 * Pooled fibers receive the stop event after each
+	 * request, even if they are never destroyed.
+	 */
 	struct rlist on_stop;
 	 * The list of fibers awaiting for this fiber's timely
@@ -441,6 +449,10 @@ struct fiber {
 	char name[FIBER_NAME_MAX + 1];
+/** Invoke on_stop triggers and delete them. */
+fiber_on_stop(struct fiber *f);
 struct cord_on_exit;
diff --git a/src/lib/core/fiber_pool.c b/src/lib/core/fiber_pool.c
index 77f89c9fac00539c3344cb4c72d2285eb8127b2a..d40c9bcc31aa1ffbb9b7192d05ff2ffba4684657 100644
--- a/src/lib/core/fiber_pool.c
+++ b/src/lib/core/fiber_pool.c
@@ -62,6 +62,16 @@ fiber_pool_f(va_list ap)
 			assert(f->caller->caller == &cord->sched);
+		/*
+		 * Normally fibers die after their function
+		 * returns, and they call on_stop() triggers. The
+		 * pool optimization interferes into that logic
+		 * and a fiber doesn't die after its function
+		 * returns. But on_stop triggers still should be
+		 * called so that the pool wouldn't affect fiber's
+		 * visible lifecycle.
+		 */
+		fiber_on_stop(f);
 	/** Put the current fiber into a fiber cache. */
 	if (!fiber_is_cancelled(fiber()) && (msg != NULL ||
diff --git a/src/lua/fiber.c b/src/lua/fiber.c
index b137b27d26d5814f26b871c6bfb0d8a5b0929cfd..a4950bd81b43a410eb020769239243590b4bf27e 100644
--- a/src/lua/fiber.c
+++ b/src/lua/fiber.c
@@ -364,11 +364,6 @@ lua_fiber_run_f(MAYBE_UNUSED va_list ap)
 	int coro_ref = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
 	lua_pop(L, 1);
 	result = luaT_call(L, lua_gettop(L) - 1, LUA_MULTRET);
-	/* Destroy local storage */
-	int storage_ref = f->storage.lua.ref;
-	if (storage_ref > 0)
-		luaL_unref(tarantool_L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, storage_ref);
 	 * If fiber is not joinable
 	 * We can unref child stack here,
@@ -529,12 +524,41 @@ lbox_fiber_name(struct lua_State *L)
+ * Trigger invoked when the fiber has stopped execution of its
+ * current request. Only purpose - delete storage.lua.ref keeping
+ * a reference of Lua fiber.storage object. Unlike Lua stack,
+ * Lua fiber storage may be created not only for fibers born from
+ * Lua land. For example, an IProto request may execute a Lua
+ * function, which can create the storage. Trigger guarantees,
+ * that even for non-Lua fibers the Lua storage is destroyed.
+ */
+static void
+lbox_fiber_on_stop(struct trigger *trigger, void *event)
+	struct fiber *f = (struct fiber *) event;
+	int storage_ref = f->storage.lua.ref;
+	assert(storage_ref > 0);
+	luaL_unref(tarantool_L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, storage_ref);
+	f->storage.lua.ref = LUA_NOREF;
+	trigger_clear(trigger);
+	free(trigger);
 static int
 lbox_fiber_storage(struct lua_State *L)
 	struct fiber *f = lbox_checkfiber(L, 1);
 	int storage_ref = f->storage.lua.ref;
 	if (storage_ref <= 0) {
+		struct trigger *t = (struct trigger *)
+			malloc(sizeof(*t));
+		if (t == NULL) {
+			diag_set(OutOfMemory, sizeof(*t), "malloc", "t");
+			return luaT_error(L);
+		}
+		trigger_create(t, lbox_fiber_on_stop, NULL, (trigger_f0) free);
+		trigger_add(&f->on_stop, t);
 		lua_newtable(L); /* create local storage on demand */
 		storage_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
 		f->storage.lua.ref = storage_ref;
diff --git a/test/app/gh-4662-fiber-storage-leak.result b/test/app/gh-4662-fiber-storage-leak.result
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cec1aba626e2c66d32e95180a27f96bcefd9c0ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/app/gh-4662-fiber-storage-leak.result
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+-- test-run result file version 2
+fiber = require('fiber')
+ | ---
+ | ...
+netbox = require('net.box')
+ | ---
+ | ...
+-- gh-4662: fiber.storage was not deleted when created in a fiber
+-- started from the fiber pool used by IProto requests. The
+-- problem was that fiber.storage was created and deleted in Lua
+-- land only, assuming that only Lua-born fibers could have it.
+-- But in fact any fiber can create a Lua storage. Including the
+-- ones used to serve IProto requests.
+-- The test checks if fiber.storage is really deleted, and is not
+-- shared between requests.
+box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'execute', 'universe')
+ | ---
+ | ...
+storage = nil
+ | ---
+ | ...
+i = 0
+ | ---
+ | ...
+weak_table = setmetatable({}, {__mode = 'v'})
+ | ---
+ | ...
+object = {'object'}
+ | ---
+ | ...
+weak_table.object = object
+ | ---
+ | ...
+function ref_object_in_fiber()                  \
+    storage = fiber.self().storage              \
+    assert(next(storage) == nil)                \
+    i = i + 1                                   \
+    fiber.self().storage.key = i                \
+    fiber.self().storage.object = object        \
+ | ---
+ | ...
+c = netbox.connect(box.cfg.listen)
+ | ---
+ | ...
+c:call('ref_object_in_fiber') c:call('ref_object_in_fiber')
+ | ---
+ | ...
+ | ---
+ | - key: 2
+ |   object:
+ |   - object
+ | ...
+ | ---
+ | - 2
+ | ...
+object = nil
+ | ---
+ | ...
+storage = nil
+ | ---
+ | ...
+ | ---
+ | - 0
+ | ...
+-- The weak table should be empty, because the only two hard
+-- references were in the fibers used to serve
+-- ref_object_in_fiber() requests. And their storages should be
+-- cleaned up.
+ | ---
+ | - []
+ | ...
+ | ---
+ | ...
+box.schema.user.revoke('guest', 'execute', 'universe')
+ | ---
+ | ...
diff --git a/test/app/gh-4662-fiber-storage-leak.test.lua b/test/app/gh-4662-fiber-storage-leak.test.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7a582d40e787bfc477af6dadd99728d43d83e262
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/app/gh-4662-fiber-storage-leak.test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+fiber = require('fiber')
+netbox = require('net.box')
+-- gh-4662: fiber.storage was not deleted when created in a fiber
+-- started from the fiber pool used by IProto requests. The
+-- problem was that fiber.storage was created and deleted in Lua
+-- land only, assuming that only Lua-born fibers could have it.
+-- But in fact any fiber can create a Lua storage. Including the
+-- ones used to serve IProto requests.
+-- The test checks if fiber.storage is really deleted, and is not
+-- shared between requests.
+box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'execute', 'universe')
+storage = nil
+i = 0
+weak_table = setmetatable({}, {__mode = 'v'})
+object = {'object'}
+weak_table.object = object
+function ref_object_in_fiber()                  \
+    storage = fiber.self().storage              \
+    assert(next(storage) == nil)                \
+    i = i + 1                                   \
+    fiber.self().storage.key = i                \
+    fiber.self().storage.object = object        \
+c = netbox.connect(box.cfg.listen)
+c:call('ref_object_in_fiber') c:call('ref_object_in_fiber')
+object = nil
+storage = nil
+-- The weak table should be empty, because the only two hard
+-- references were in the fibers used to serve
+-- ref_object_in_fiber() requests. And their storages should be
+-- cleaned up.
+box.schema.user.revoke('guest', 'execute', 'universe')