diff --git a/core/tarantool_lua.m b/core/tarantool_lua.m
index ccfaebdd59086503852a08840e5ee61bd0a9b0c8..919437c0ab8d65f8197915dc913a81b72064964e 100644
--- a/core/tarantool_lua.m
+++ b/core/tarantool_lua.m
@@ -868,13 +868,11 @@ tarantool_lua_load_cfg(struct lua_State *L, struct tarantool_cfg *cfg)
 		if (strchr(key, '.') == NULL) {
 			lua_pushfstring(L, "box.cfg.%s = %s%s%s\n",
 					key, quote, value, quote);
-			luaL_addstring(&b, lua_tostring(L, -1));
-			lua_pop(L, 1);
+			luaL_addvalue(&b);
 		} else if (strncmp(key, "space", strlen("space")) == 0) {
 			lua_pushfstring(L, "box.%s = %s%s%s\n",
 					key, quote, value, quote);
-			luaL_addstring(&b, lua_tostring(L, -1));
-			lua_pop(L, 1);
+			luaL_addvalue(&b);
@@ -887,8 +885,10 @@ tarantool_lua_load_cfg(struct lua_State *L, struct tarantool_cfg *cfg)
 "  box.on_reload_configuration()\n"
-	if (luaL_loadstring(L, lua_tostring(L, -1)) == 0)
-		lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0);
+	if (luaL_loadstring(L, lua_tostring(L, -1)) != 0 ||
+	    lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0) != 0) {
+		panic("%s", lua_tostring(L, -1));
+	}
 	lua_pop(L, 1);
diff --git a/mod/box/box.lua b/mod/box/box.lua
index 1556becb922fc018ae3118a5c439e29b95687607..8045fb52017195b80aa88b49ddfae94db5e7fcdd 100644
--- a/mod/box/box.lua
+++ b/mod/box/box.lua
@@ -123,9 +123,11 @@ function box.on_reload_configuration()
     for i, space in pairs(box.space) do
         rawset(space, 'n', i)
         setmetatable(space, space_mt)
-        for j, index in pairs(space.index) do
-            rawset(index, 'idx', box.index.new(i, j))
-            setmetatable(index, index_mt)
+        if type(space.index) == 'table' and space.enabled then
+            for j, index in pairs(space.index) do
+                rawset(index, 'idx', box.index.new(i, j))
+                setmetatable(index, index_mt)
+            end
diff --git a/test/box/configuration.result b/test/box/configuration.result
index ded392434a19c82b584904728c4139217c2533ab..d9cde0798298b81cb3eecf2b7e4dd9a5006fefef 100644
--- a/test/box/configuration.result
+++ b/test/box/configuration.result
@@ -186,6 +186,18 @@ lua box.cfg.wal_fsync_delay
  - 0.01
+# Bug#928413 Lua malfunction on certain configuration
+#  (https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/928413)
+lua box.cfg.wal_fsync_delay
+ - 0.1
+lua box.space[0].enabled
+ - true
 #  Test field type conflict in keys
 tarantool_box -c tarantool_bad_type.cfg
diff --git a/test/box/configuration.test b/test/box/configuration.test
index 7eb7cb3bd6b08ee65704cfa5d3b4711753a6181f..97356e8737da50b602b2d9c83a66a2db26de45a9 100644
--- a/test/box/configuration.test
+++ b/test/box/configuration.test
@@ -41,6 +41,18 @@ server.deploy("box/tarantool_bug876541.cfg")
 # check values
 exec admin "lua box.cfg.wal_fsync_delay"
+print """
+# Bug#928413 Lua malfunction on certain configuration
+#  (https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/928413)
+# stop current server
+# start server from config with different boolean represenation
+# check values
+exec admin "lua box.cfg.wal_fsync_delay"
+exec admin "lua box.space[0].enabled"
 print """
 #  Test field type conflict in keys
diff --git a/test/box/tarantool_bug928413.cfg b/test/box/tarantool_bug928413.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3038550eda411646755eb648fb0672a6252bad55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/box/tarantool_bug928413.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+slab_alloc_arena = 0.1
+pid_file = "box.pid"
+logger="cat - >> tarantool.log"
+primary_port = 33013
+secondary_port = 33014
+admin_port = 33015
+log_level = 4 
+local_hot_standby = true
+slab_alloc_minimal = 48
+# Growth factor, each subsecuent unit size is factor * prev unit size
+slab_alloc_factor = 1.04
+# SESSIONS!!! #####################################
+#memcached_space = 52
+space[0].enabled = 1
+#namespace[0].expire_field = 2
+space[0].index[0].type = "HASH"
+space[0].index[0].unique = 1
+space[0].index[0].key_field[0].type = "STR"
+space[0].index[0].key_field[0].fieldno = 0
+space[0].index[1].type = "TREE"
+space[0].index[1].unique = 0
+space[0].index[1].key_field[0].type = "STR"
+space[0].index[1].key_field[0].fieldno = 1
+# video meta.  Indexes: 1.ACCID  
+space[46] = {
+        enabled = 1
+        index = [{
+            type = "HASH"
+            unique = 1
+            key_field = [{
+                 fieldno = 0
+                 type = "NUM"
+            }]
+        }]
+ }
+# upload meta. Indexes: 1.ITEMID 2.ACCID 3.UPLOADTIME
+space[47] = {
+	enabled = 1
+	index = [{
+	    type="HASH"
+	    unique = 1
+	    Key_field = [{
+		    fieldno = 0
+		    type = "NUM64"
+	    }]
+	},{
+	    type="TREE"
+	    unique = 0
+	    Key_field = [{
+		    fieldno = 1
+		    type = "NUM"
+	    }]        
+	},{ 
+	    type="TREE"
+	    unique = 0
+	    Key_field = [{
+		    fieldno = 2
+		    type = "NUM"
+	    }]    
+	}]   
+ }
+# user meta. Indexes: 0.ITEMID 1.ACCID 2.EXTERNALID 3.FLAGS 4.STATUS 5.SERVICEID   	           
+space[48] = {
+	enabled = 1
+	index = [{
+	    type="HASH"
+	    unique = 1
+	    Key_field = [{
+		    fieldno = 0
+		    type = "NUM"
+	    }]
+	},{
+	    type="TREE"
+	    unique=0
+	    Key_field = [{
+		    fieldno = 1
+		    type = "NUM"
+	    }]
+	},
+        {
+            type="HASH"
+	    unique = 1
+            Key_field = [{
+                   fieldno = 2
+                   type = "STR" 
+            }]  
+        },{
+            type="TREE"
+            unique = 0
+            key_field = [{
+                   fieldno = 3
+                   type = "NUM"
+            }]  
+        },{
+	    type="TREE"
+            unique = 0
+            key_field = [{
+		   fieldno = 4  	
+                   type = "NUM"
+            }]
+        },{
+            type="TREE"
+            unique = 0
+            key_field = [{
+		   fieldno = 5
+                   type = "NUM"	
+            }]  			
+	}
+        ]
+ }                                
+space[50] = {
+	enabled = 1
+	index = [{
+	    type="HASH"
+	    unique = 1
+	    Key_field = [{
+		    fieldno = 0
+		    type = "NUM"
+	    }]
+	}]
+ }
+space[53] = {
+        enabled = 1
+        index = [{
+                type = "HASH"
+                unique = 1
+                key_field = [{
+                        fieldno = 0 
+                        type= "NUM"
+                }]
+        }]
+ }
+wal_fsync_delay = 0.1
+io_collect_interval = 0.001
+logger_nonblock = true
+coredump = true
+snap_io_rate_limit = 50.0
+custom_proc_title = "videobox"