From 39cd14e6f392428a5f9745a1514efaadb3001905 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ocelot-inc <>
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2013 14:48:33 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] server.administration.xml add section about

 doc/user/server-administration.xml | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 44 insertions(+)

diff --git a/doc/user/server-administration.xml b/doc/user/server-administration.xml
index 29f7d07423..39ae004386 100644
--- a/doc/user/server-administration.xml
+++ b/doc/user/server-administration.xml
@@ -122,6 +122,50 @@ last xlog lsn: 0
+<section xml:id="tarantool_deploy">
+<title>Utility <code>tarantool_deploy</code></title>
+With tarantool_deploy one can set up so that, during system boot,
+one or more instances of the tarantool_box server will start.
+Technically, tarantool_deploy will place instructions in <filename>/etc/init.d</filename>
+which will initiate tarantool_box with appropriate options and
+with settings that maximize resource usage.
+The root password is necessary. These options are available,
+as shown by <code>tarantool_deploy --help</code>:
+Tarantool deployment script: add more Tarantool instances.
+usage: [options] &lt;instance&gt;
+  --prefix &lt;path&gt;       installation path (/usr)
+  --prefix_etc &lt;path&gt;   installation etc path (/etc)
+  --prefix_var &lt;path&gt;   installation var path (/var)
+  --status              display deployment status
+  --dry                 don't create anything, show commands
+  --debug               show commands
+  --yes                 don't prompt
+  --help                display this usage
+The default prefixes (<filename>/usr</filename> and <filename>/etc</filename> and <filename>/var</filename>) are appropriate
+if a Tarantool installation was done with default settings,
+for example tarantool_box should be in <filename>/usr/bin</filename>.
+The only necessary argument is the "instance", which is an
+arbitrary numeric identification formatted as digit.digit.
+The following is a sample run:
+<programlisting><prompt>$ </prompt> 0.1 About to deploy Tarantool instance 0.1. Continue? [n/y]
+y &gt;&gt;&gt; deploy instance 0.1 &gt;&gt;&gt; updating deployment config done
 <section xml:id="os-install-notes">
 <title>System-specific administration notes</title>