From 38d4d994f8fdb6af759b8e8530e3fff0a7374d61 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Konstantin Osipov <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2014 22:49:41 +0400
Subject: [PATCH] [msgpack] Reorder error codes and remove reserved dated error

Change box.error to push error codes without error flags.
 src/errcode.h            | 111 ++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 src/lua/          |   2 +-
 test/box/lua_misc.result |  82 ++++++++++++++---------------
 test/lib/      |  99 +++++++++++++++-------------------
 4 files changed, 127 insertions(+), 167 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/errcode.h b/src/errcode.h
index 2082ea0b34..bf4faf729b 100644
--- a/src/errcode.h
+++ b/src/errcode.h
@@ -41,8 +41,7 @@ struct errcode_record {
 enum { TNT_ERRMSG_MAX = 512 };
- * To add a new error code to Tarantool, extend this array. Please
- * try to reuse empty slots (ER_UNUSED*), if there are any left.
+ * To add a new error code to Tarantool, extend this array.
  * !IMPORTANT! Currently you need to manually update the user
  * guide (doc/user/errcode.xml) with each added error code.
@@ -51,65 +50,46 @@ enum { TNT_ERRMSG_MAX = 512 };
 #define ERROR_CODES(_)					    \
 	/*  0 */_(ER_OK,			0, "OK") \
-	/*  1 */_(ER_NONMASTER,			2, "Can't modify data on a replication slave. My master is: %s") \
-	/*  2 */_(ER_ILLEGAL_PARAMS,		2, "Illegal parameters, %s") \
-	/*  3 */_(ER_SECONDARY,			2, "Can't modify data upon a request on the secondary port.") \
-	/*  4 */_(ER_TUPLE_IS_RO,		1, "Tuple is marked as read-only") \
-	/*  5 */_(ER_INDEX_TYPE,		2, "Unsupported index type supplied for index %u in space %u") \
-	/*  6 */_(ER_SPACE_EXISTS,		2, "Space %u already exists") \
-	/*  7 */_(ER_MEMORY_ISSUE,		1, "Failed to allocate %u bytes in %s for %s") \
-	/*  8 */_(ER_CREATE_SPACE,		2, "Failed to create space %u: %s") \
-	/*  9 */_(ER_INJECTION,			2, "Error injection '%s'") \
-	/* 10 */_(ER_UNSUPPORTED,		2, "%s does not support %s") \
-		/* silverproxy error codes */ \
-	/* 11 */_(ER_RESERVED11,		0, "Reserved11") \
-	/* 12 */_(ER_RESERVED12,		0, "Reserved12") \
-	/* 13 */_(ER_RESERVED13,		0, "Reserved13") \
-	/* 14 */_(ER_RESERVED14,		0, "Reserved14") \
-	/* 15 */_(ER_RESERVED15,		0, "Reserved15") \
-	/* 16 */_(ER_RESERVED16,		0, "Reserved16") \
-	/* 17 */_(ER_RESERVED17,		0, "Reserved17") \
-	/* 18 */_(ER_RESERVED18,		0, "Reserved18") \
-	/* 19 */_(ER_RESERVED19,		0, "Reserved19") \
-	/* 20 */_(ER_RESERVED20,		0, "Reserved20") \
-	/* 21 */_(ER_RESERVED21,		0, "Reserved21") \
-	/* 22 */_(ER_RESERVED22,		0, "Reserved22") \
-	/* 23 */_(ER_RESERVED23,		0, "Reserved23") \
-		/* end of silverproxy error codes */ \
-	/* 24 */_(ER_DROP_SPACE,		2, "Can't drop space %u: %s") \
-	/* 25 */_(ER_ALTER_SPACE,		2, "Can't modify space %u: %s") \
-	/* 26 */_(ER_FIBER_STACK,		2, "Can not create a new fiber: recursion limit reached") \
-	/* 27 */_(ER_MODIFY_INDEX,		2, "Can't create or modify index %u in space %u: %s") \
-	/* 28 */_(ER_TUPLE_FORMAT_LIMIT,	2, "Tuple format limit reached: %u") \
-	/* 29 */_(ER_LAST_DROP,			2, "Can't drop the primary key in a system space, space id %u") \
-	/* 30 */_(ER_DROP_PRIMARY_KEY,		2, "Can't drop primary key in space %u while secondary keys exist") \
-	/* 31 */_(ER_SPACE_ARITY,		2, "Tuple field count %u does not match space %u arity %u") \
-	/* 32 */_(ER_INDEX_ARITY,		2, "Tuple field count %u is less than required by a defined index (expected %u)") \
-	/* 33 */_(ER_UNUSED33,			2, "Unused33") \
-	/* 34 */_(ER_UNUSED34,			2, "Unused34") \
-	/* 35 */_(ER_NO_SUCH_TRIGGER,		2, "Trigger is not found") \
-	/* 36 */_(ER_INVALID_MSGPACK,		2, "Invalid MsgPack") \
-	/* 37 */_(ER_TUPLE_NOT_ARRAY,		2, "Tuple/Key must be MsgPack array") \
-	/* 38 */_(ER_KEY_FIELD_TYPE,		2, "Supplied key type of part %u does not match index part type: expected %s") \
-	/* 39 */_(ER_WAL_IO,			2, "Failed to write to disk") \
-	/* 40 */_(ER_FIELD_TYPE,		2, "Tuple field %u type does not match one required by operation: expected %s") \
-	/* 41 */_(ER_ARG_TYPE,			2, "Argument type in operation on field %u does not match field type: expected a %s") \
-	/* 42 */_(ER_SPLICE,			2, "Field SPLICE error: %s") \
-	/* 43 */_(ER_TUPLE_IS_TOO_LONG,		2, "Tuple is too long %u") \
-	/* 44 */_(ER_UNKNOWN_UPDATE_OP,		2, "Unknown UPDATE operation") \
-	/* 45 */_(ER_EXACT_MATCH,		2, "Invalid key part count in an exact match (expected %u, got %u)") \
-	/* 46 */_(ER_FIELD_TYPE_MISMATCH,	2, "Ambiguous field type in index %u, key part %u. Requested type is %s but the field has previously been defined as %s") \
-	/* 47 */_(ER_KEY_PART_COUNT,		2, "Invalid key part count (expected [0..%u], got %u)") \
-	/* 48 */_(ER_PROC_RET,			2, "msgpack.encode: can not encode Lua type '%s'") \
-	/* 49 */_(ER_TUPLE_NOT_FOUND,		2, "Tuple doesn't exist in index %u") \
-	/* 50 */_(ER_NO_SUCH_PROC,		2, "Procedure '%.*s' is not defined") \
-	/* 51 */_(ER_PROC_LUA,			2, "%s") \
-	/* 52 */_(ER_SPACE_DISABLED,		2, "Space %u is disabled") \
-	/* 53 */_(ER_NO_SUCH_INDEX,		2, "No index #%u is defined in space %u") \
-	/* 54 */_(ER_NO_SUCH_FIELD,		2, "Field %u was not found in the tuple") \
-	/* 55 */_(ER_TUPLE_FOUND,		2, "Duplicate key exists in unique index %u") \
-	/* 56 */_(ER_UPDATE_FIELD,		2, "Field %u UPDATE error: %s") \
-	/* 57 */_(ER_NO_SUCH_SPACE,		2, "Space %u does not exist")
+	/*  1 */_(ER_ILLEGAL_PARAMS,		2, "Illegal parameters, %s") \
+	/*  2 */_(ER_MEMORY_ISSUE,		1, "Failed to allocate %u bytes in %s for %s") \
+	/*  3 */_(ER_TUPLE_FOUND,		2, "Duplicate key exists in unique index %u") \
+	/*  4 */_(ER_TUPLE_NOT_FOUND,		2, "Tuple doesn't exist in index %u") \
+	/*  5 */_(ER_UNSUPPORTED,		2, "%s does not support %s") \
+	/*  6 */_(ER_NONMASTER,			2, "Can't modify data on a replication slave. My master is: %s") \
+	/*  7 */_(ER_SECONDARY,			2, "Can't modify data upon a request on the secondary port.") \
+	/*  8 */_(ER_INJECTION,			2, "Error injection '%s'") \
+	/*  9 */_(ER_CREATE_SPACE,		2, "Failed to create space %u: %s") \
+	/* 10 */_(ER_SPACE_EXISTS,		2, "Space %u already exists") \
+	/* 11 */_(ER_DROP_SPACE,		2, "Can't drop space %u: %s") \
+	/* 12 */_(ER_ALTER_SPACE,		2, "Can't modify space %u: %s") \
+	/* 13 */_(ER_INDEX_TYPE,		2, "Unsupported index type supplied for index %u in space %u") \
+	/* 14 */_(ER_MODIFY_INDEX,		2, "Can't create or modify index %u in space %u: %s") \
+	/* 15 */_(ER_LAST_DROP,			2, "Can't drop the primary key in a system space, space id %u") \
+	/* 16 */_(ER_TUPLE_FORMAT_LIMIT,	2, "Tuple format limit reached: %u") \
+	/* 17 */_(ER_DROP_PRIMARY_KEY,		2, "Can't drop primary key in space %u while secondary keys exist") \
+	/* 18 */_(ER_KEY_FIELD_TYPE,		2, "Supplied key type of part %u does not match index part type: expected %s") \
+	/* 19 */_(ER_EXACT_MATCH,		2, "Invalid key part count in an exact match (expected %u, got %u)") \
+	/* 20 */_(ER_INVALID_MSGPACK,		2, "Invalid MsgPack") \
+	/* 21 */_(ER_PROC_RET,			2, "msgpack.encode: can not encode Lua type '%s'") \
+	/* 22 */_(ER_TUPLE_NOT_ARRAY,		2, "Tuple/Key must be MsgPack array") \
+	/* 23 */_(ER_FIELD_TYPE,		2, "Tuple field %u type does not match one required by operation: expected %s") \
+	/* 24 */_(ER_FIELD_TYPE_MISMATCH,	2, "Ambiguous field type in index %u, key part %u. Requested type is %s but the field has previously been defined as %s") \
+	/* 25 */_(ER_SPLICE,			2, "Field SPLICE error: %s") \
+	/* 26 */_(ER_ARG_TYPE,			2, "Argument type in operation on field %u does not match field type: expected a %s") \
+	/* 27 */_(ER_TUPLE_IS_TOO_LONG,		2, "Tuple is too long %u") \
+	/* 28 */_(ER_UNKNOWN_UPDATE_OP,		2, "Unknown UPDATE operation") \
+	/* 29 */_(ER_UPDATE_FIELD,		2, "Field %u UPDATE error: %s") \
+	/* 30 */_(ER_FIBER_STACK,		2, "Can not create a new fiber: recursion limit reached") \
+	/* 31 */_(ER_KEY_PART_COUNT,		2, "Invalid key part count (expected [0..%u], got %u)") \
+	/* 32 */_(ER_PROC_LUA,			2, "%s") \
+	/* 33 */_(ER_NO_SUCH_PROC,		2, "Procedure '%.*s' is not defined") \
+	/* 34 */_(ER_NO_SUCH_TRIGGER,		2, "Trigger is not found") \
+	/* 35 */_(ER_NO_SUCH_INDEX,		2, "No index #%u is defined in space %u") \
+	/* 36 */_(ER_NO_SUCH_SPACE,		2, "Space %u does not exist") \
+	/* 37 */_(ER_NO_SUCH_FIELD,		2, "Field %u was not found in the tuple") \
+	/* 38 */_(ER_SPACE_ARITY,		2, "Tuple field count %u does not match space %u arity %u") \
+	/* 39 */_(ER_INDEX_ARITY,		2, "Tuple field count %u is less than required by a defined index (expected %u)") \
+	/* 40 */_(ER_WAL_IO,			2, "Failed to write to disk") \
@@ -138,10 +118,9 @@ static inline const char *tnt_errcode_str(uint32_t errcode)
 static inline uint32_t tnt_errcode_val(uint32_t errcode)
-	if (errcode >= tnt_error_codes_enum_MAX)
-		return (errcode << 8) | 2; /* non-recoverable */
-	return (errcode << 8) | tnt_error_codes[errcode].errflags;
+	uint32_t errflags = errcode < tnt_error_codes_enum_MAX ?
+		tnt_error_codes[errcode].errflags : 2; /* non-recoverable */
+	return (errcode << 8) | errflags;
@@ -150,7 +129,7 @@ static inline uint32_t tnt_errcode_val(uint32_t errcode)
 static inline const char *tnt_errcode_desc(uint32_t errcode)
 	if (errcode >= tnt_error_codes_enum_MAX)
-		return "";
+		return "Unknown error";
 	return tnt_error_codes[errcode].errdesc;
diff --git a/src/lua/ b/src/lua/
index 759e82f5f7..87d03284d9 100644
--- a/src/lua/
+++ b/src/lua/
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ tarantool_lua_error_init(struct lua_State *L) {
 		const char *name = tnt_error_codes[i].errstr;
 		if (strstr(name, "UNUSED") || strstr(name, "RESERVED"))
-		lua_pushnumber(L, tnt_errcode_val(i));
+		lua_pushnumber(L, i);
 		lua_setfield(L, -2, name);
 	lua_pop(L, 1);
diff --git a/test/box/lua_misc.result b/test/box/lua_misc.result
index 1044b6d8c7..711264596e 100644
--- a/test/box/lua_misc.result
+++ b/test/box/lua_misc.result
@@ -126,49 +126,47 @@ end;
-- - 'box.error.ER_NO_SUCH_INDEX : 13570'
-  - 'box.error.ER_PROC_RET : 12290'
-  - 'box.error.ER_CREATE_SPACE : 2050'
-  - 'box.error.ER_TUPLE_FORMAT_LIMIT : 7170'
-  - 'box.error.ER_FIELD_TYPE : 10242'
+- - 'box.error.ER_NO_SUCH_INDEX : 35'
+  - 'box.error.ER_TUPLE_FOUND : 3'
+  - 'box.error.ER_CREATE_SPACE : 9'
+  - 'box.error.ER_TUPLE_FORMAT_LIMIT : 16'
+  - 'box.error.ER_FIELD_TYPE : 23'
   - 'box.error.ER_OK : 0'
-  - 'box.error.ER_TUPLE_NOT_FOUND : 12546'
-  - 'box.error.ER_INDEX_ARITY : 8194'
-  - 'box.error.ER_WAL_IO : 9986'
-  - 'box.error.ER_INJECTION : 2306'
-  - 'box.error.ER_DROP_PRIMARY_KEY : 7682'
-  - 'box.error.ER_INDEX_TYPE : 1282'
-  - 'box.error.ER_ARG_TYPE : 10498'
-  - 'box.error.ER_INVALID_MSGPACK : 9218'
-  - 'box.error.ER_KEY_PART_COUNT : 12034'
-  - 'box.error.ER_MEMORY_ISSUE : 1793'
-  - 'box.error.ER_ILLEGAL_PARAMS : 514'
-  - 'box.error.ER_KEY_FIELD_TYPE : 9730'
-  - 'box.error.ER_NONMASTER : 258'
-  - 'box.error.ER_FIELD_TYPE_MISMATCH : 11778'
-  - 'box.error.ER_MODIFY_INDEX : 6914'
-  - 'box.error.ER_EXACT_MATCH : 11522'
-  - 'box.error.ER_SECONDARY : 770'
-  - 'box.error.ER_NO_SUCH_SPACE : 14594'
-  - 'box.error.ER_TUPLE_FOUND : 14082'
-  - 'box.error.ER_UPDATE_FIELD : 14338'
-  - 'box.error.ER_DROP_SPACE : 6146'
-  - 'box.error.ER_UNKNOWN_UPDATE_OP : 11266'
-  - 'box.error.ER_NO_SUCH_FIELD : 13826'
-  - 'box.error.ER_UNSUPPORTED : 2562'
-  - 'box.error.ER_SPACE_DISABLED : 13314'
-  - 'box.error.ER_TUPLE_NOT_ARRAY : 9474'
-  - 'box.error.ER_PROC_LUA : 13058'
-  - 'box.error.ER_FIBER_STACK : 6658'
-  - 'box.error.ER_ALTER_SPACE : 6402'
-  - 'box.error.ER_TUPLE_IS_RO : 1025'
-  - 'box.error.ER_LAST_DROP : 7426'
-  - 'box.error.ER_NO_SUCH_PROC : 12802'
-  - 'box.error.ER_SPACE_EXISTS : 1538'
-  - 'box.error.ER_NO_SUCH_TRIGGER : 8962'
-  - 'box.error.ER_SPACE_ARITY : 7938'
-  - 'box.error.ER_SPLICE : 10754'
-  - 'box.error.ER_TUPLE_IS_TOO_LONG : 11010'
+  - 'box.error.ER_TUPLE_NOT_FOUND : 4'
+  - 'box.error.ER_INDEX_ARITY : 39'
+  - 'box.error.ER_WAL_IO : 40'
+  - 'box.error.ER_INJECTION : 8'
+  - 'box.error.ER_DROP_PRIMARY_KEY : 17'
+  - 'box.error.ER_INDEX_TYPE : 13'
+  - 'box.error.ER_ARG_TYPE : 26'
+  - 'box.error.ER_INVALID_MSGPACK : 20'
+  - 'box.error.ER_KEY_PART_COUNT : 31'
+  - 'box.error.ER_MEMORY_ISSUE : 2'
+  - 'box.error.ER_ILLEGAL_PARAMS : 1'
+  - 'box.error.ER_KEY_FIELD_TYPE : 18'
+  - 'box.error.ER_NONMASTER : 6'
+  - 'box.error.ER_FIELD_TYPE_MISMATCH : 24'
+  - 'box.error.ER_MODIFY_INDEX : 14'
+  - 'box.error.ER_EXACT_MATCH : 19'
+  - 'box.error.ER_SECONDARY : 7'
+  - 'box.error.ER_UPDATE_FIELD : 29'
+  - 'box.error.ER_FIBER_STACK : 30'
+  - 'box.error.ER_UNKNOWN_UPDATE_OP : 28'
+  - 'box.error.ER_SPACE_ARITY : 38'
+  - 'box.error.ER_UNSUPPORTED : 5'
+  - 'box.error.ER_NO_SUCH_FIELD : 37'
+  - 'box.error.ER_TUPLE_NOT_ARRAY : 22'
+  - 'box.error.ER_NO_SUCH_SPACE : 36'
+  - 'box.error.ER_LAST_DROP : 15'
+  - 'box.error.ER_ALTER_SPACE : 12'
+  - 'box.error.ER_NO_SUCH_PROC : 33'
+  - 'box.error.ER_SPACE_EXISTS : 10'
+  - 'box.error.ER_PROC_LUA : 32'
+  - 'box.error.ER_PROC_RET : 21'
+  - 'box.error.ER_NO_SUCH_TRIGGER : 34'
+  - 'box.error.ER_TUPLE_IS_TOO_LONG : 27'
+  - 'box.error.ER_SPLICE : 25'
+  - 'box.error.ER_DROP_SPACE : 11'
diff --git a/test/lib/ b/test/lib/
index d84cafc564..b58d7975d7 100644
--- a/test/lib/
+++ b/test/lib/
@@ -17,64 +17,47 @@ from tarantool.request import (
 ER = {
-    0: "ER_OK"                  ,
-    1: "ER_NONMASTER"           ,
-    2: "ER_ILLEGAL_PARAMS"      ,
-    3: "ER_SECONDARY"           ,
-    4: "ER_TUPLE_IS_RO"         ,
-    5: "ER_INDEX_TYPE"          ,
-    6: "ER_SPACE_EXISTS"        ,
-    7: "ER_MEMORY_ISSUE"        ,
-    8: "ER_CREATE_SPACE"        ,
-    9: "ER_INJECTION"           ,
-   10: "ER_UNSUPPORTED"         ,
-   11: "ER_RESERVED11"          ,
-   12: "ER_RESERVED12"          ,
-   13: "ER_RESERVED13"          ,
-   14: "ER_RESERVED14"          ,
-   15: "ER_RESERVED15"          ,
-   16: "ER_RESERVED16"          ,
-   17: "ER_RESERVED17"          ,
-   18: "ER_RESERVED18"          ,
-   19: "ER_RESERVED19"          ,
-   20: "ER_RESERVED20"          ,
-   21: "ER_RESERVED21"          ,
-   22: "ER_RESERVED22"          ,
-   23: "ER_RESERVED23"          ,
-   24: "ER_DROP_SPACE"          ,
-   25: "ER_ALTER_SPACE"         ,
-   26: "ER_FIBER_STACK"         ,
-   27: "ER_MODIFY_INDEX"        ,
-   29: "ER_LAST_DROP"           ,
-   30: "ER_DROP_PRIMARY_KEY"    ,
-   31: "ER_SPACE_ARITY"         ,
-   32: "ER_INDEX_ARITY"         ,
-   33: "ER_UNUSED33"            ,
-   34: "ER_UNUSED34"            ,
-   35: "ER_UNUSED35"            ,
-   36: "ER_UNUSED36"            ,
-   37: "ER_UNUSED37"            ,
-   38: "ER_KEY_FIELD_TYPE"      ,
-   39: "ER_WAL_IO"              ,
-   40: "ER_FIELD_TYPE"          ,
-   41: "ER_ARG_TYPE"            ,
-   42: "ER_SPLICE"              ,
-   43: "ER_TUPLE_IS_TOO_LONG"   ,
-   44: "ER_UNKNOWN_UPDATE_OP"   ,
-   45: "ER_EXACT_MATCH"         ,
-   47: "ER_KEY_PART_COUNT"      ,
-   48: "ER_PROC_RET"            ,
-   49: "ER_TUPLE_NOT_FOUND"     ,
-   50: "ER_NO_SUCH_PROC"        ,
-   51: "ER_PROC_LUA"            ,
-   52: "ER_SPACE_DISABLED"      ,
-   53: "ER_NO_SUCH_INDEX"       ,
-   54: "ER_NO_SUCH_FIELD"       ,
-   55: "ER_TUPLE_FOUND"         ,
-   56: "ER_UNUSED"              ,
-   57: "ER_NO_SUCH_SPACE"
+     0: "ER_OK"                 ,
+     1: "ER_ILLEGAL_PARAMS"     ,
+     2: "ER_MEMORY_ISSUE"       ,
+     3: "ER_TUPLE_FOUND"        ,
+     4: "ER_TUPLE_NOT_FOUND"    ,
+     5: "ER_UNSUPPORTED"        ,
+     6: "ER_NONMASTER"          ,
+     7: "ER_SECONDARY"          ,
+     8: "ER_INJECTION"          ,
+     9: "ER_CREATE_SPACE"       ,
+    10: "ER_SPACE_EXISTS"       ,
+    11: "ER_DROP_SPACE"         ,
+    12: "ER_ALTER_SPACE"        ,
+    13: "ER_INDEX_TYPE"         ,
+    14: "ER_MODIFY_INDEX"       ,
+    15: "ER_LAST_DROP"          ,
+    17: "ER_DROP_PRIMARY_KEY"   ,
+    18: "ER_KEY_FIELD_TYPE"     ,
+    19: "ER_EXACT_MATCH"        ,
+    20: "ER_INVALID_MSGPACK"    ,
+    21: "ER_PROC_RET"           ,
+    22: "ER_TUPLE_NOT_ARRAY"    ,
+    23: "ER_FIELD_TYPE"         ,
+    25: "ER_SPLICE"             ,
+    26: "ER_ARG_TYPE"           ,
+    27: "ER_TUPLE_IS_TOO_LONG"  ,
+    28: "ER_UNKNOWN_UPDATE_OP"  ,
+    29: "ER_UPDATE_FIELD"       ,
+    30: "ER_FIBER_STACK"        ,
+    31: "ER_KEY_PART_COUNT"     ,
+    32: "ER_PROC_LUA"           ,
+    33: "ER_NO_SUCH_PROC"       ,
+    34: "ER_NO_SUCH_TRIGGER"    ,
+    35: "ER_NO_SUCH_INDEX"      ,
+    36: "ER_NO_SUCH_SPACE"      ,
+    37: "ER_NO_SUCH_FIELD"      ,
+    38: "ER_SPACE_ARITY"        ,
+    39: "ER_INDEX_ARITY"        ,
+    40: "ER_WAL_IO"
 errstr = """---