From 33670eae8afe425a0cd17067a114e7130b58bbd7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sergey Bronnikov <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2024 13:58:16 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] test/fuzz: add an engine fuzzing test

The test for Tarantool allows you to randomly generate DDL and DML
operations, apply these operations to vinyl and memtx spaces and
toggle random error injections simultaneously. All random
things generated by the test depends on random seed, that can
be passed via command-line argument.

Bugs found by the test:


Part of #4349
Closes #5076

 test/fuzz/lua/test_engine.lua | 1431 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1431 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 test/fuzz/lua/test_engine.lua

diff --git a/test/fuzz/lua/test_engine.lua b/test/fuzz/lua/test_engine.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f193ce4c38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fuzz/lua/test_engine.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1431 @@
+The test for Tarantool allows you to randomly generate DDL and DML
+operations for spaces uses vinyl and memtx engines and toggle
+random error injections. All random operations and settings depend
+on the seed, which is generated at the very beginning of the test.
+by default the script uses a directory `test_engine_dir` in
+a current directory. Custom test directory can be specified with
+option `--test_dir`. The script will clean up the directory before
+testing if it exists.
+Usage: tarantool test_engine.lua
+local fiber = require('fiber')
+local fio = require('fio')
+local fun = require('fun')
+local json = require('json')
+local log = require('log')
+local math = require('math')
+-- Tarantool datatypes.
+local datetime = require('datetime')
+local decimal = require('decimal')
+local uuid = require('uuid')
+local test_dir_name = 'test_engine_dir'
+local DEFAULT_TEST_DIR = fio.pathjoin(fio.cwd(), test_dir_name)
+local params = require('internal.argparse').parse(arg, {
+    { 'engine', 'string' },
+    { 'h', 'boolean' },
+    { 'seed', 'number' },
+    { 'test_duration', 'number' },
+    { 'test_dir', 'string' },
+    { 'verbose', 'boolean' },
+    { 'workers', 'number' },
+local function counter()
+    local i = 0
+    return function()
+        i = i + 1
+        return i
+    end
+local index_id_func = counter()
+if or params.h then
+    print(([[
+ Usage: tarantool test_engine.lua [options]
+ Options can be used with '--', followed by the value if it's not
+ a boolean option. The options list with default values:
+   workers <number, 50>                  - number of fibers to run in parallel
+   test_duration <number, 2*60>          - test duration time (sec)
+   test_dir <string, ./%s>  - path to a test directory
+   engine <string, 'vinyl'>              - engine ('vinyl', 'memtx')
+   seed <number>                         - set a PRNG seed
+   verbose <boolean, false>              - enable verbose logging
+   help (same as -h)                     - print this message
+    os.exit(0)
+-- Number of workers.
+local arg_num_workers = params.workers or 50
+-- Test duration time.
+local arg_test_duration = params.test_duration or 2*60
+-- Test directory.
+local arg_test_dir = params.test_dir or DEFAULT_TEST_DIR
+-- Tarantool engine.
+local arg_engine = params.engine or 'vinyl'
+local arg_verbose = params.verbose or false
+local seed = params.seed or os.time()
+math.randomseed(seed)'Random seed: %d', seed))
+-- The table contains a whitelist of errors that will be ignored
+-- by test. Each item is a Lua pattern, special characters
+-- should be escaped: ^ $ ( ) % . [ ] * + - ?
+-- These characters can also be used in the pattern as normal
+-- characters by prefixing them with a "%" character, so "%%"
+-- becomes "%", "%[" becomes "[", etc.
+local err_pat_whitelist = {
+    -- Multi-engine transactions aren't supported, see
+    -- and
+    --
+    "Can not perform index build in a multi-statement transaction",
+    -- DDL on a space is locked until the end of the current DDL
+    -- operation.
+    "the space is already being modified",
+    -- The test actively uses transactions that concurrently
+    -- changes a data in a space, this can lead to errors below.
+    "Transaction has been aborted by conflict",
+    "Vinyl does not support rebuilding the primary index of a non%-empty space",
+    "fiber is cancelled",
+    "fiber slice is exceeded",
+    "A multi%-statement transaction can not use multiple storage engines",
+    "Can not perform index build in a multi%-statement transaction",
+    "Index '[%w_]+' %(HASH%) of space '[%w_]+' %(memtx%) does not support pagination",
+    "Can't create or modify index '[%w_]+' in space '[%w_]+': primary key must be unique",
+    "Can't create or modify index '[%w_]+' in space '[%w_]+': hint is only reasonable with memtx tree index",
+    "Get%(%) doesn't support partial keys and non%-unique indexes",
+    "Index '[%w_]+' %(RTREE%) of space '[%w_]+' %(memtx%) does not support max%(%)",
+    "Index '[%w_]+' %(RTREE%) of space '[%w_]+' %(memtx%) does not support min%(%)",
+    -- Blocked by tarantool#10262.
+    "attempt to index local 'tuple' %(a nil value%)",
+    "Failed to allocate %d+ bytes in [%w_]+ for [%w_]+",
+local function keys(t)
+    assert(next(t) ~= nil)
+    local table_keys = {}
+    for k, _ in pairs(t) do
+        table.insert(table_keys, k)
+    end
+    return table_keys
+local function rmtree(path)
+'CLEANUP %s'):format(path))
+    if (fio.path.is_file(path) or fio.path.is_link(path)) then
+        fio.unlink(path)
+        return
+    end
+    if fio.path.is_dir(path) then
+        for _, p in pairs(fio.listdir(path)) do
+            rmtree(fio.pathjoin(path, p))
+        end
+    end
+local function rand_char()
+    return string.char(math.random(97, 97 + 25))
+local function rand_string(length)
+    length = length or 10
+    local res = ''
+    for _ = 1, length do
+        res = res .. rand_char()
+    end
+    return res
+local function oneof(tbl)
+    assert(type(tbl) == 'table')
+    assert(next(tbl) ~= nil)
+    local n = table.getn(tbl)
+    local idx = math.random(1, n)
+    return tbl[idx]
+local function unique_ids(max_num_ids)
+    local ids = {}
+    for i = 1, max_num_ids do
+        table.insert(ids, i)
+    end
+    return function()
+        local id = math.random(#ids)
+        local v = ids[id]
+        assert(v)
+        table.remove(ids, id)
+        return v
+    end
+-- Forward declaration.
+local index_create_op
+local function random_int()
+    return math.floor(math.random() * 10^12)
+-- Maximal possible R-tree dimension,
+-- see <src/lib/salad/rtree.h>.
+-- RTREE is a single index that support arrays, length of arrays
+-- depends on a RTREE's dimension.
+local function random_array()
+    local n = RTREE_DIMENSION * 2
+    local arr = {}
+    for i = 1, n do
+        table.insert(arr, i)
+    end
+    return arr
+local function random_map()
+    local n = math.random(1, 10)
+    local t = {}
+    for i = 1, n do
+        t[tostring(i)] = i
+    end
+    return t
+-- '+' - Numeric.
+-- '-' - Numeric.
+-- '&' - Numeric.
+-- '|' - Numeric.
+-- '^' - Numeric.
+-- '#' - For deletion.
+-- '=' - For assignment.
+-- ':' - For string splice.
+-- '!' - For insertion of a new field.
+-- TODO: support varbinary.
+-- NOTE: scalar type may include nil, boolean, integer, unsigned,
+-- number, decimal, string, varbinary, or uuid values. All these
+-- datatypes tested separately, except varbinary, so scalar is
+-- unused.
+-- NOTE: map is cannot be indexed, so it is unused.
+local tarantool_type = {
+    ['array'] = {
+        generator = random_array,
+        operations = {'=', '!'},
+    },
+    ['boolean'] = {
+        generator = function()
+            return oneof({true, false})
+        end,
+        operations = {'=', '!'},
+    },
+    ['decimal'] = {
+        generator = function()
+            return
+        end,
+        operations = {'+', '-'},
+    },
+    ['datetime'] = {
+        generator = function()
+            return{timestamp = os.time()})
+        end,
+        operations = {'=', '!'},
+    },
+    ['double'] = {
+        generator = function()
+            return math.random() * 10^12
+        end,
+        operations = {'-'},
+    },
+    ['integer'] = {
+        generator = random_int,
+        operations = {'+', '-'},
+    },
+    ['map'] = {
+        generator = random_map,
+        operations = {'=', '!'},
+    },
+    ['number'] = {
+        generator = random_int,
+        operations = {'+', '-'},
+    },
+    ['string'] = {
+        generator = rand_string,
+        operations = {'=', '!'}, -- XXX: ':'
+    },
+    ['unsigned'] = {
+        generator = function()
+            return math.abs(random_int())
+        end,
+        operations = {'#', '+', '-', '&', '|', '^'},
+    },
+    ['uuid'] = {
+        generator =,
+        operations = {'=', '!'},
+    },
+-- The name value may be any string, provided that two fields
+-- do not have the same name.
+-- The type value may be any of allowed types:
+-- any | unsigned | string | integer | number | varbinary |
+-- boolean | double | decimal | uuid | array | map | scalar,
+-- but for creating an index use only indexed fields;
+-- (Optional) The is_nullable boolean value specifies whether
+-- nil can be used as a field value. See also: key_part.is_nullable.
+-- (Optional) The collation string value specifies the collation
+-- used to compare field values. See also: key_part.collation.
+-- (Optional) The constraint table specifies the constraints that
+-- the field value must satisfy.
+-- (Optional) The foreign_key table specifies the foreign keys
+-- for the field.
+-- See
+local function random_space_format()
+    local space_format = {}
+    local min_num_fields = table.getn(keys(tarantool_type))
+    local max_num_fields = min_num_fields + 10
+    local num_fields = math.random(min_num_fields, max_num_fields)
+    for i, datatype in ipairs(keys(tarantool_type)) do
+        table.insert(space_format, {
+            name =('field_%d'):format(i),
+            type = datatype,
+        })
+    end
+    for i = min_num_fields - 1, num_fields - min_num_fields - 1 do
+        table.insert(space_format, {
+            name =('field_%d'):format(i),
+            type = oneof(keys(tarantool_type)),
+        })
+    end
+    return space_format
+-- Iterator types for indexes.
+-- See
+-- TODO: support `is_nullable`.
+-- TODO: support `multikey`.
+-- TODO: support `exclude_null`.
+-- TODO: support `pagination`.
+local tarantool_indices = {
+    HASH = {
+        iterator_type = {
+            'ALL',
+            'EQ',
+        },
+        data_type = {
+            ['boolean'] = true,
+            ['decimal'] = true,
+            ['double'] = true,
+            ['integer'] = true,
+            ['number'] = true,
+            ['scalar'] = true,
+            ['string'] = true,
+            ['unsigned'] = true,
+            ['uuid'] = true,
+            ['varbinary'] = true,
+        },
+        is_multipart = true,
+        is_min_support = false,
+        is_max_support = false,
+        is_unique_support = true,
+        is_non_unique_support = false,
+        is_primary_key_support = true,
+        is_partial_search_support = false,
+    },
+    BITSET = {
+        iterator_type = {
+            'ALL',
+            'BITS_ALL_NOT_SET',
+            'BITS_ALL_SET',
+            'BITS_ANY_SET',
+            'EQ',
+        },
+        data_type = {
+            ['string'] = true,
+            ['unsigned'] = true,
+            ['varbinary'] = true,
+        },
+        is_multipart = false,
+        is_min_support = false,
+        is_max_support = false,
+        is_unique_support = false,
+        is_non_unique_support = true,
+        is_primary_key_support = false,
+        is_partial_search_support = false,
+    },
+    TREE = {
+        iterator_type = {
+            'ALL',
+            'EQ',
+            'GE',
+            'GT',
+            'LE',
+            'LT',
+            'REQ',
+        },
+        data_type = {
+            ['boolean'] = true,
+            ['datetime'] = true,
+            ['decimal'] = true,
+            ['double'] = true,
+            ['integer'] = true,
+            ['number'] = true,
+            ['scalar'] = true,
+            ['string'] = true,
+            ['unsigned'] = true,
+            ['uuid'] = true,
+            ['varbinary'] = true,
+        },
+        is_multipart = true,
+        is_min_support = true,
+        is_max_support = true,
+        is_unique_support = true,
+        is_non_unique_support = true,
+        is_primary_key_support = true,
+        is_partial_search_support = true,
+    },
+    RTREE = {
+        iterator_type = {
+            'ALL',
+            'EQ',
+            'GE',
+            'GT',
+            'LE',
+            'LT',
+            'NEIGHBOR',
+            'OVERLAPS',
+        },
+        data_type = {
+            ['array'] = true,
+        },
+        is_multipart = false,
+        is_min_support = true,
+        is_max_support = true,
+        is_unique_support = false,
+        is_non_unique_support = true,
+        is_primary_key_support = false,
+        is_partial_search_support = true,
+    },
+local function select_op(space, idx_type, key)
+    local select_opts = {
+        iterator = oneof(tarantool_indices[idx_type].iterator_type),
+        -- The maximum number of tuples.
+        limit = math.random(100, 500),
+        -- The number of tuples to skip.
+        offset = math.random(100),
+        -- A tuple or the position of a tuple (tuple_pos) after
+        -- which select starts the search.
+        after = box.NULL,
+        -- If true, the select method returns the position of
+        -- the last selected tuple as the second value.
+        fetch_pos = oneof({true, false}),
+    }
+    space:select(key, select_opts)
+local function get_op(space, key)
+    space:get(key)
+local function put_op(space, tuple)
+    space:put(tuple)
+local function delete_op(space, tuple)
+    space:delete(tuple)
+local function insert_op(space, tuple)
+    space:insert(tuple)
+local function upsert_op(space, tuple, tuple_ops)
+    assert(next(tuple_ops) ~= nil)
+    space:upsert(tuple, tuple_ops)
+local function update_op(space, key, tuple_ops)
+    assert(next(tuple_ops) ~= nil)
+    space:update(key, tuple_ops)
+local function replace_op(space, tuple)
+    space:replace(tuple)
+local function bsize_op(space)
+    space:bsize()
+local function len_op(space)
+    space:len()
+local function format_op(space, space_format)
+    space:format(space_format)
+local function setup(engine_name, space_id_func, test_dir, verbose)
+    assert(engine_name == 'memtx' or
+           engine_name == 'vinyl')
+    -- Configuration reference (box.cfg),
+    --
+    local box_cfg_options = {
+        checkpoint_count = math.random(5),
+        checkpoint_interval = math.random(60),
+        checkpoint_wal_threshold = math.random(1024),
+        iproto_threads = math.random(1, 10),
+        memtx_allocator = oneof({'system', 'small'}),
+        memtx_memory = 1024 * 1024,
+        memtx_sort_threads = math.random(1, 256),
+        memtx_use_mvcc_engine = oneof({true, false}),
+        readahead = 16320,
+        slab_alloc_factor = math.random(1, 2),
+        vinyl_bloom_fpr = math.random(50) / 100,
+        vinyl_cache = oneof({0, 2}) * 1024 * 1024,
+        vinyl_max_tuple_size = math.random(0, 100000),
+        vinyl_memory = 800 * 1024 * 1024,
+        vinyl_page_size = math.random(1024, 2048),
+        vinyl_range_size = 128 * 1024,
+        vinyl_read_threads = math.random(2, 10),
+        vinyl_run_count_per_level = math.random(1, 10),
+        vinyl_run_size_ratio = math.random(2, 5),
+        vinyl_timeout = math.random(1, 5),
+        vinyl_write_threads = math.random(2, 10),
+        wal_cleanup_delay = 14400,
+        wal_dir_rescan_delay = math.random(1, 20),
+        wal_max_size = math.random(1024 * 1024 * 1024),
+        wal_mode = oneof({'write', 'fsync'}),
+        wal_queue_max_size = 16777216,
+        work_dir = test_dir,
+        worker_pool_threads = math.random(1, 10),
+    }
+    if verbose then
+        box_cfg_options.log_level = 'verbose'
+    end
+    box.cfg(box_cfg_options)
+    local space_format = random_space_format()
+    -- TODO: support `constraint`.
+    -- TODO: support `foreign_key`.
+    local space_opts = {
+        engine = engine_name,
+        field_count = oneof({0, table.getn(space_format)}),
+        format = space_format,
+        if_not_exists = oneof({true, false}),
+        is_local = oneof({true, false}),
+    }
+    if space_opts.engine ~= 'vinyl' then
+        space_opts.temporary = oneof({true, false})
+    end
+    local space_name = ('test_%d'):format(space_id_func())
+    local space =, space_opts)
+    index_create_op(space)
+    index_create_op(space)
+    return space
+local function cleanup_dir(dir)
+    if dir ~= nil then
+        rmtree(dir)
+        dir = nil -- luacheck: ignore
+    end
+local function teardown(space)
+    space:drop()
+-- Indexes,
+-- space_object:create_index(),
+local function index_opts(space, is_primary)
+    assert(space ~= nil)
+    local opts = {
+        if_not_exists = false,
+        -- TODO: support `sequence`,
+        -- TODO: support functional indices.
+    }
+    if space.engine == 'vinyl' then
+        opts.bloom_fpr = math.random(50) / 100
+        opts.page_size = math.random(10) * 1024
+        opts.range_size = 1073741824
+    end
+    local indices = fun.iter(keys(tarantool_indices)):filter(
+        function(x)
+            if tarantool_indices[x].is_primary_key_support == is_primary then
+                return x
+            end
+        end):totable()
+    if space.engine == 'vinyl' then
+        indices = {'TREE'}
+    end
+    opts.type = oneof(indices)
+    -- Primary key must be unique.
+    opts.unique = is_primary and
+                  true or
+                  tarantool_indices[opts.type].is_unique_support
+    -- 'hint' is only reasonable with memtx tree index.
+    if space.engine == 'memtx' and
+       opts.type == 'TREE' then
+        opts.hint = true
+    end
+    if opts.type == 'RTREE' then
+        opts.distance = oneof({'euclid', 'manhattan'})
+        opts.dimension = RTREE_DIMENSION
+    end
+ = {}
+    local space_format = space:format()
+    local idx = opts.type
+    local possible_fields = fun.iter(space_format):filter(
+        function(x)
+            if tarantool_indices[idx].data_type[x.type] == true then
+                return x
+            end
+        end):totable()
+    local n_parts = math.random(1, table.getn(possible_fields))
+    local id = unique_ids(n_parts)
+    for i = 1, n_parts do
+        local field_id = id()
+        local field = possible_fields[field_id]
+        table.insert(, { })
+        if not tarantool_indices[opts.type].is_multipart and
+           i == 1 then
+            break
+        end
+    end
+    return opts
+function index_create_op(space)
+    local idx_id = index_id_func()
+    local idx_name = 'idx_' .. idx_id
+    local is_primary = idx_id == 1
+    local opts = index_opts(space, is_primary)
+    space:create_index(idx_name, opts)
+local function index_drop_op(space)
+    if not space.enabled then return end
+    local idx = oneof(space.index)
+    if idx ~= nil then idx:drop() end
+local function index_alter_op(_, idx, opts)
+    assert(idx)
+    assert(opts)
+    opts.if_not_exists = nil
+    idx:alter(opts)
+local function index_compact_op(_, idx)
+    assert(idx)
+    idx:compact()
+local function index_max_op(_, idx)
+    assert(idx)
+    if not tarantool_indices[idx.type].is_max_support then
+        return
+    end
+    idx:max()
+local function index_min_op(_, idx)
+    assert(idx)
+    if not tarantool_indices[idx.type].is_min_support then
+        return
+    end
+    idx:min()
+local function index_random_op(_, idx)
+    assert(idx)
+    if idx.type ~= 'TREE' and
+       idx.type ~= 'BITSET' and
+       idx.type ~= 'RTREE' then
+        idx:random()
+    end
+local function index_rename_op(_, idx, idx_name)
+    assert(idx)
+    idx:rename(idx_name)
+local function index_stat_op(_, idx)
+    assert(idx)
+    idx:stat()
+local function index_get_op(_space, idx, key)
+    assert(idx)
+    assert(key)
+    local index_opts = tarantool_indices[idx.type]
+    if not index_opts.is_partial_search_support or
+       not index_opts.is_non_unique_support then
+        return
+    end
+    idx:get(key)
+local function index_select_op(_space, idx, key)
+    assert(idx)
+    assert(key)
+    idx:select(key)
+local function index_count_op(_, idx)
+    assert(idx)
+    idx:count()
+local function index_update_op(_space, key, idx, tuple_ops)
+    assert(idx)
+    assert(key)
+    assert(tuple_ops)
+    assert(next(tuple_ops) ~= nil)
+    local index_opts = tarantool_indices[idx.type]
+    if not index_opts.is_partial_search_support or
+       not index_opts.is_non_unique_support then
+        return
+    end
+    idx:update(key, tuple_ops)
+local function index_delete_op(_space, idx, key)
+    assert(idx)
+    assert(key)
+    local index_opts = tarantool_indices[idx.type]
+    if not index_opts.is_partial_search_support or
+       not index_opts.is_non_unique_support then
+        return
+    end
+    idx:delete(key)
+local function random_field_value(field_type)
+    local type_gen = tarantool_type[field_type].generator
+    assert(type(type_gen) == 'function', field_type)
+    return type_gen()
+-- TODO: support `is_nullable`.
+local function random_tuple(space_format)
+    local tuple = {}
+    for _, field in ipairs(space_format) do
+        table.insert(tuple, random_field_value(field.type))
+    end
+    return tuple
+-- Example of tuple operations: {{'=', 3, 'a'}, {'=', 4, 'b'}}.
+--  - operator (string) – operation type represented in string.
+--  - field_identifier (number) – what field the operation will
+--    apply to.
+--  - value (lua_value) – what value will be applied.
+local function random_tuple_operations(space)
+    local space_format = space:format()
+    local num_fields = math.random(table.getn(space_format))
+    local tuple_ops = {}
+    local id = unique_ids(num_fields)
+    for _ = 1, math.random(num_fields) do
+        local field_id = id()
+        local field_type = space_format[field_id].type
+        local operator = oneof(tarantool_type[field_type].operations)
+        local value = random_field_value(field_type)
+        table.insert(tuple_ops, {operator, field_id, value})
+    end
+    return tuple_ops
+local function random_key(space, idx)
+    assert(idx, ('indices: %s'):format(json.encode(space.index)))
+    local parts =
+    local key = {}
+    for _, field in ipairs(parts) do
+        local type_gen = tarantool_type[field.type].generator
+        assert(type(type_gen) == 'function')
+        table.insert(key, type_gen())
+    end
+    return key
+local function box_snapshot()
+    local in_progress =
+    if not in_progress then
+        box.snapshot()
+    end
+local ops = {
+    -- DML.
+    DELETE_OP = {
+        func = delete_op,
+        args = function(space) return random_key(space, space.index[0]) end,
+    },
+    INSERT_OP = {
+        func = insert_op,
+        args = function(space) return random_tuple(space:format()) end,
+    },
+    SELECT_OP = {
+        func = select_op,
+        args = function(space)
+            local idx = space.index[0]
+            return idx.type, random_key(space, idx)
+        end,
+    },
+    GET_OP = {
+        func = get_op,
+        args = function(space) return random_key(space, space.index[0]) end,
+    },
+    PUT_OP = {
+        func = put_op,
+        args = function(space) return random_tuple(space:format()) end,
+    },
+    REPLACE_OP = {
+        func = replace_op,
+        args = function(space) return random_tuple(space:format()) end,
+    },
+    UPDATE_OP = {
+        func = update_op,
+        args = function(space)
+            local pk = space.index[0]
+            return random_key(space, pk), random_tuple_operations(space)
+        end,
+    },
+    UPSERT_OP = {
+        func = upsert_op,
+        args = function(space)
+            return random_tuple(space:format()), random_tuple_operations(space)
+        end,
+    },
+    BSIZE_OP = {
+        func = bsize_op,
+        args = function(_) return end,
+    },
+    LEN_OP = {
+        func = len_op,
+        args = function(_) return end,
+    },
+    FORMAT_OP = {
+        func = format_op,
+        args = function(_space) return random_space_format() end,
+    },
+    -- DDL.
+        func = index_alter_op,
+        args = function(space)
+            local idx_n = oneof(keys(space.index))
+            local is_primary = idx_n == 0
+            return space.index[idx_n], index_opts(space, is_primary)
+        end,
+    },
+        func = index_compact_op,
+        args = function(space)
+            local idx_n = oneof(keys(space.index))
+            return space.index[idx_n]
+        end,
+    },
+        func = index_create_op,
+        args = function(_) return end,
+    },
+    INDEX_DROP_OP = {
+        func = index_drop_op,
+        args = function(space)
+            local indices = keys(space.index)
+            -- Don't touch primary index.
+            table.remove(indices, 0)
+            local idx_n = oneof(indices)
+            return space.index[idx_n]
+        end,
+    },
+    INDEX_GET_OP = {
+        func = index_get_op,
+        args = function(space)
+            local idx_n = oneof(keys(space.index))
+            local idx = space.index[idx_n]
+            return idx, random_key(space, idx)
+        end,
+    },
+        func = index_select_op,
+        args = function(space)
+            local idx_n = oneof(keys(space.index))
+            local idx = space.index[idx_n]
+            return idx, random_key(space, idx)
+        end,
+    },
+    INDEX_MIN_OP = {
+        func = index_min_op,
+        args = function(space)
+            local idx_n = oneof(keys(space.index))
+            return space.index[idx_n]
+        end,
+    },
+    INDEX_MAX_OP = {
+        func = index_max_op,
+        args = function(space)
+            local idx_n = oneof(keys(space.index))
+            return space.index[idx_n]
+        end,
+    },
+        func = index_random_op,
+        args = function(space)
+            local idx_n = oneof(keys(space.index))
+            return space.index[idx_n]
+        end,
+    },
+        func = index_count_op,
+        args = function(space)
+            local idx_n = oneof(keys(space.index))
+            return space.index[idx_n]
+        end,
+    },
+        func = index_update_op,
+        args = function(space)
+            local idx_n = oneof(keys(space.index))
+            local idx = space.index[idx_n]
+            return random_key(space, idx), idx, random_tuple_operations(space)
+        end,
+    },
+        func = index_delete_op,
+        args = function(space)
+            local idx_n = oneof(keys(space.index))
+            local idx = space.index[idx_n]
+            return idx, random_key(space, idx)
+        end,
+    },
+        func = index_rename_op,
+        args = function(space)
+            local idx_name = rand_string()
+            local idx_n = oneof(keys(space.index))
+            return space.index[idx_n], idx_name
+        end,
+    },
+    INDEX_STAT_OP = {
+        func = index_stat_op,
+        args = function(space)
+            local idx_n = oneof(keys(space.index))
+            return space.index[idx_n]
+        end,
+    },
+    TX_BEGIN = {
+        func = function()
+            if not box.is_in_txn() then
+                box.begin()
+            end
+        end,
+        args = function(_) return end,
+    },
+    TX_COMMIT = {
+        func = function()
+            if box.is_in_txn() then
+                box.commit()
+            end
+        end,
+        args = function(_) return end,
+    },
+    TX_ROLLBACK = {
+        func = function()
+            if box.is_in_txn() then
+                box.rollback()
+            end
+        end,
+        args = function(_) return end,
+    },
+    SNAPSHOT_OP = {
+        func = box_snapshot,
+        args = function(_) return end,
+    },
+local function apply_op(space, op_name)
+    local func = ops[op_name].func
+    local args = { ops[op_name].args(space) }
+'%s %s'):format(op_name, json.encode(args)))
+    local pcall_args = {func, space, unpack(args)}
+    local ok, err = pcall(unpack(pcall_args))
+    if ok ~= true then
+'ERROR: opname "%s", err "%s", args %s'):
+                 format(op_name, err, json.encode(args)))
+    end
+    return err
+local shared_gen_state
+local function worker_func(id, space, test_gen, test_duration)
+'Worker #%d has started.'):format(id))
+    local start = os.clock()
+    local gen, param, state = test_gen:unwrap()
+    shared_gen_state = state
+    local errors = {}
+    while os.clock() - start <= test_duration do
+        local operation_name
+        state, operation_name = gen(param, shared_gen_state)
+        if state == nil then
+            break
+        end
+        shared_gen_state = state
+        local err = apply_op(space, operation_name)
+        table.insert(errors, err)
+    end
+'Worker #%d has finished.'):format(id))
+    return errors
+local function toggle_random_errinj(errinj, max_enabled, space)
+    local enabled_errinj = fun.iter(errinj):
+                           filter(function(i, x)
+                               if x.is_enabled then
+                                   return i
+                               end
+                           end):totable()
+'Enabled fault injections: %s'):format(
+             json.encode(enabled_errinj)))
+    local errinj_val, errinj_name
+    if table.getn(enabled_errinj) >= max_enabled then
+        errinj_name = oneof(enabled_errinj)
+        errinj_val = errinj[errinj_name].disable(space)
+        errinj[errinj_name].is_enabled = false
+    else
+        errinj_name = oneof(keys(errinj))
+        errinj_val = errinj[errinj_name].enable(space)
+        errinj[errinj_name].is_enabled = true
+    end
+                           errinj_name, tostring(errinj_val)))
+    local ok, err = pcall(box.error.injection.set, errinj_name, errinj_val)
+    if not ok then
+'Failed to toggle fault injection: %s'):format(err))
+    end
+local enable_errinj_boolean = function(_space) return true end
+local disable_errinj_boolean = function(_space) return false end
+local enable_errinj_timeout = function(_space)
+    return math.random(1, 3)
+local disable_errinj_timeout = function(_space) return 0 end
+-- Tarantool fault injections described in a table returned by
+-- ``. However, some fault injections
+-- are not safe to use and could lead to false positive bugs.
+-- The table below contains fault injections that are useful
+-- in fuzzing testing, see details in [1].
+-- 1.
+local errinj_set = {
+    -- Set to index id (0, 1, 2, ...) to fail index (re)build on
+    -- alter.
+        enable = function(space)
+            return math.random(#(keys(space.index)))
+        end,
+        disable = function(_space)
+            return -1
+        end,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to inject delay during index (re)build on alter.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail index (re)build on alter.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to timeout in seconds to inject after each tuple
+    -- processed on index (re)build on alter.
+        enable = enable_errinj_timeout,
+        disable = disable_errinj_timeout,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to inject delay during space format check on
+    -- alter.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to inject OOM while allocating an index extend
+    -- in memtx.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail index iterator creation.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail insertion into memtx hash index.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to delay freeing memory after dropped memtx
+    -- index.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to delay materialization of memtx snapshot.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to delay write of memtx snapshot.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to timeout in seconds to inject after each tuple
+    -- written to memtx snapshot.
+        enable = enable_errinj_timeout,
+        disable = disable_errinj_timeout,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail index select.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail allocation of memtx tuple.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to timeout to inject before processing each internal
+    -- cbus message.
+        enable = enable_errinj_timeout,
+        disable = disable_errinj_timeout,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail reading vinyl page from disk.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to delay vinyl compaction.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to delay lookup of tuple in primary index by
+    -- secondary key.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to delay vinyl dump.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to disable vinyl garbage collection.
+    ERRINJ_VY_GC = {
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to timeout to fail vinyl index dump.
+        enable = enable_errinj_timeout,
+        disable = function() return -1 end,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail materialization of vinyl index file.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail materialization of vinyl log file.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail write to vinyl log file.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to timeout to inject before consuming vinyl memory
+    -- quota.
+        enable = enable_errinj_timeout,
+        disable = disable_errinj_timeout,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail reading vinyl page from disk.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to delay reading vinyl page from disk.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to timeout to inject while reading vinyl page from disk.
+        enable = enable_errinj_timeout,
+        disable = disable_errinj_timeout,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail read view merge during vinyl
+    -- dump/compaction due to OOM.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to disable purging empty/failed run files from
+    -- log after vinyl dump/compaction.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail materialization of vinyl run file.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail vinyl run file write.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to delay vinyl run file write.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to timeout to inject after writing each tuple during
+    -- vinyl dump/compaction.
+        enable = enable_errinj_timeout,
+        disable = disable_errinj_timeout,
+    },
+    -- Set to timeout to throttle scheduler for after failed vinyl
+    -- dump/compaction.
+        enable = enable_errinj_timeout,
+        disable = disable_errinj_timeout,
+    },
+    -- Set to timeout to inject before squashing vinyl upsert in
+    -- background.
+        enable = enable_errinj_timeout,
+        disable = disable_errinj_timeout,
+    },
+    -- Set to timeout to fail allocation of vinyl tuple.
+        enable = enable_errinj_timeout,
+        disable = disable_errinj_timeout,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail completion of vinyl dump/compaction.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail creation of vinyl dump/compaction task
+    -- due to OOM.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to delay write to WAL.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to timeout to fail WAL write due to error allocating disk
+    -- space.
+        enable = enable_errinj_timeout,
+        disable = disable_errinj_timeout,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail WAL write.
+    ERRINJ_WAL_IO = {
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail creation of new WAL file.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail WAL sync.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to inject delay after WAL sync.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail write to xlog file.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail write to xlog file.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to timeout to fail write to xlog file.
+        enable = enable_errinj_timeout,
+        disable = disable_errinj_timeout,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to fail xlog meta read.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+    -- Set to timeout to fail xlog data read.
+        enable = enable_errinj_timeout,
+        disable = disable_errinj_timeout,
+    },
+    -- Set to true to delay xlog file materialization.
+        enable = enable_errinj_boolean,
+        disable = disable_errinj_boolean,
+    },
+local function is_error_expected(err_msg, err_whitelist)
+    local is_expected = false
+    for _, err_pat in ipairs(err_whitelist) do
+        if err_msg:match(err_pat) then
+            is_expected = true
+            break
+        end
+    end
+    return is_expected
+local function process_errors(error_messages)
+    print('Unexpected errors:')
+    local found_unexpected_errors = false
+    for err_msg, _ in pairs(error_messages) do
+        local is_expected = is_error_expected(err_msg, err_pat_whitelist)
+        if not is_expected then
+            found_unexpected_errors = true
+            print(('\t- %s'):format(err_msg))
+        end
+    end
+    if not found_unexpected_errors then
+        print('None')
+    end
+    return found_unexpected_errors
+local function run_test(num_workers, test_duration, test_dir,
+                        engine_name, verbose_mode)
+    if fio.path.exists(test_dir) then
+        cleanup_dir(test_dir)
+    else
+        fio.mkdir(test_dir)
+    end
+    local workers = {}
+    local space_id_func = counter()
+    local space = setup(engine_name, space_id_func, test_dir, verbose_mode)
+    local test_gen = fun.cycle(fun.iter(keys(ops)))
+    local f
+    for id = 1, num_workers do
+        f =, id, space, test_gen, test_duration)
+        f:set_joinable(true)
+        f:name('WRK #' .. id)
+        table.insert(workers, f)
+    end
+    local errinj_f =
+'Fault injection fiber has started.')
+        local max_errinj_in_parallel = 5
+        local start = os.clock()
+        while os.clock() - start <= test_duration do
+            toggle_random_errinj(errinj_set, max_errinj_in_parallel, space)
+            fiber.sleep(2)
+        end
+'Fault injection fiber has finished.')
+    end, arg_test_duration)
+    errinj_f:set_joinable(true)
+    errinj_f:name('ERRINJ')
+    table.insert(workers, errinj_f)
+    local error_messages = {}
+    for _, fb in ipairs(workers) do
+        local ok, res = fiber.join(fb)
+        if not ok then
+  'ERROR: ' .. json.encode(res))
+        end
+        if fiber.status(fb) ~= 'dead' then
+            fiber.kill(fb)
+        end
+        if type(res) == 'table' then
+            for _, v in ipairs(res) do
+                local msg = tostring(v)
+                error_messages[msg] = error_messages[msg] or 1
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    teardown(space)
+    local exit_code = process_errors(error_messages) and 1 or 0
+    os.exit(exit_code)
+run_test(arg_num_workers, arg_test_duration, arg_test_dir,
+         arg_engine, arg_verbose)