diff --git a/doc/sphinx/book/box/box_schema.rst b/doc/sphinx/book/box/box_schema.rst
index 8af37388ab80ec29f6a8c542c27679edaa90c854..fce9b6eafd9f76b89d5e023f38223b0e4c8b4118 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/book/box/box_schema.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/book/box/box_schema.rst
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
 The ``box.schema`` package has one data-definition function: ``space.create()``.
+.. _box.schema.space.create:
 .. function:: space.create(space-name [, {options} ])
     Create a space.
@@ -36,6 +38,8 @@ The ``box.schema`` package has one data-definition function: ``space.create()``.
         | user          | user name          | string  | current user's name |
+        | format        | field names+types  | table   | (blank)             |
+        +---------------+--------------------+---------+---------------------+
@@ -52,6 +56,8 @@ The ``box.schema`` package has one data-definition function: ``space.create()``.
  | :codenormal:`---`
  | :codenormal:`...`
+For an illustration with the :code:`format` clause, see :ref:`box.space._space example <boxspaceexample>`.
 After a space is created, usually the next step is to
 :func:`create an index <space_object.create_index>` for it,
 and then it is available for insert, select, and all the other :mod:`box.space`
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/book/box/box_space.rst b/doc/sphinx/book/box/box_space.rst
index e64343628a84977c25bc4cfb28537dd6d9c420c4..66d9240cea853cab436791eafdfa18bc5f10f53c 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/book/box/box_space.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/book/box/box_space.rst
@@ -645,26 +645,27 @@ A list of all ``box.space`` functions follows, then comes a list of all
 .. data::     _space
     ``_space`` is a system tuple set. Its tuples contain these fields:
-    ``id, uid, space-name, engine, field_count, temporary``.
+    ``id, uid, space-name, engine, field_count, temporary, format``.
+    These fields are established by :ref:`box.schema.space.create <box.schema.space.create>`.
     EXAMPLE. The following function will display all simple fields
     in all tuples of ``_space``.
     | :codenormal:`console = require('console'); console.delimiter('!')`
     | :codenormal:`function example()`
-        | :codenormal:`local ta = {}, i, line`
-        | :codenormal:`for k, v in box.space._space:pairs() do`
-            | :codenormal:`i = 1`
-            | :codenormal:`line = ''`
-            | :codenormal:`while i <= #v do`
-                | :codenormal:`if type(v[i]) ~= 'table' then`
-                    | :codenormal:`line = line .. v[i] .. ' '`
-                | :codenormal:`end`
-                | :codenormal:`i = i + 1`
-            | :codenormal:`end`
-            | :codenormal:`table.insert(ta, line)`
-        | :codenormal:`end`
-        | :codenormal:`return ta`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`local ta = {}, i, line`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`for k, v in box.space._space:pairs() do`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`i = 1`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`line = ''`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`while i <= #v do`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`if type(v[i]) ~= 'table' then`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`line = line .. v[i] .. ' '`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`end`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`i = i + 1`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`end`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`table.insert(ta, line)`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp|:codenormal:`end`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`return ta`
     | :codenormal:`end!`
     | :codenormal:`console.delimiter('')!`
@@ -684,6 +685,31 @@ A list of all ``box.space`` functions follows, then comes a list of all
     | :codenormal:`- '514 1 archive memtx 0  '`
     | :codenormal:`...`
+.. _boxspaceexample:
+    EXAMPLE. The following requests will create a space using
+    :code:`box.schema.space.create` with a :code:`format` clause.
+    Then it retrieves the _space tuple for the new space.
+    This illustrates the typical use of the :code:`format` clause,
+    it shows the recommended names and data types for the fields.
+    | :codenormal:`tarantool>` :codebold:`box.schema.space.create('TM',{format={[1]={["name"]="field#1"},[2]={["type"]="num"}}})`
+    | :codenormal:`---`
+    | :codenormal:`- index: []`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`on_replace: 'function: 0x41c67338'`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`temporary: false`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`id: 522`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`engine: memtx`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`enabled: false`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`name: TM`
+    | |nbsp| |nbsp| :codenormal:`field_count: 0`
+    | :codenormal:`- created`
+    | :codenormal:`...`
+    | :codenormal:`tarantool>` :codebold:`box.space._space:select(522)`
+    | :codenormal:`---`
+    | :codenormal:`- - [522, 1, 'TM', 'memtx', 0, '', [{'name': 'field#1'}, {'type': 'num'}]]`
+    | :codenormal:`...`
 .. data::     _index
     ``_index`` is a system tuple set. Its tuples contain these fields:
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/shard.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/shard.rst
index 25534b05216fed9125cd742a433da4a4a1e73d3a..24c5de02c3627f6922417d3ad6deb1b204894315 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/reference/shard.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/shard.rst
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ are on `the shard section of github`_.
     | :codenormal:`rm -r *.xlog`
     | :codenormal:`~/tarantool-master/src/tarantool`
     | :codenormal:`box.cfg{listen = 3301}`
-    | :codenormal:`box.schema.create_space('tester')`
+    | :codenormal:`box.schema.space.create('tester')`
     | :codenormal:`box.space.tester:create_index('primary', {})`
     | :codenormal:`box.schema.user.passwd('admin', 'password')`
     | :codenormal:`console = require('console')`
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ and shard.tester, should look approximately like this:
     | :codenormal:`rm -r *.xlog`
     | :codenormal:`~/tarantool-master/src/tarantool`
     | :codenormal:`box.cfg{listen = 3301}`
-    | :codenormal:`box.schema.create_space('tester')`
+    | :codenormal:`box.schema.space.create('tester')`
     | :codenormal:`box.space.tester:create_index('primary', {})`
     | :codenormal:`box.schema.user.passwd('admin', 'password')`
     | :codenormal:`console = require('console')`
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ and shard.tester, should look approximately like this:
     | :codenormal:`rm -r *.xlog`
     | :codenormal:`~/tarantool-master/src/tarantool`
     | :codenormal:`box.cfg{listen = 3302}`
-    | :codenormal:`box.schema.create_space('tester')`
+    | :codenormal:`box.schema.space.create('tester')`
     | :codenormal:`box.space.tester:create_index('primary', {})`
     | :codenormal:`box.schema.user.passwd('admin', 'password')`
     | :codenormal:`console = require('console')`