From 260f63283deff986395d38636978bb6cf90ae4ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nikita Pettik <>
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2019 15:53:10 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] sql: introduce ADD CONSTRAINT CHECK statement

This patch extends parser's grammar to allow to create CHECK constraints
on already existent tables via SQL facilities.

Closes #3097

@TarantoolBot document
Title: Document ADD CONSTRAINT CHECK statement

Now it is possible to add CHECK constraints to already existent table
via SQL means. To achieve this one must use following syntax:

ALTER TABLE <table> ADD CONSTRAINT <name> CHECK (<expr>);
 src/box/sql/build.c          | 26 ++++++++++++++++---
 src/box/sql/parse.y          |  7 +++++-
 src/box/sql/parse_def.h      |  6 ++---
 test/sql-tap/alter2.test.lua | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/box/sql/build.c b/src/box/sql/build.c
index 292168f887..396de63fd1 100644
--- a/src/box/sql/build.c
+++ b/src/box/sql/build.c
@@ -668,6 +668,11 @@ trim_space_snprintf(char *wptr, const char *str, uint32_t str_len)
 	*wptr = '\0';
+static void
+vdbe_emit_ck_constraint_create(struct Parse *parser,
+			       const struct ck_constraint_def *ck_def,
+			       uint32_t reg_space_id);
 sql_create_check_contraint(struct Parse *parser)
@@ -680,7 +685,7 @@ sql_create_check_contraint(struct Parse *parser)
 	assert(alter_def->entity_type == ENTITY_TYPE_CK);
 	(void) alter_def;
 	struct space *space = parser->create_table_def.new_space;
-	assert(space != NULL);
+	bool is_alter = space == NULL;
 	/* Prepare payload for ck constraint definition. */
 	struct region *region = &parser->region;
@@ -694,6 +699,7 @@ sql_create_check_contraint(struct Parse *parser)
 	} else {
+		assert(! is_alter);
 		uint32_t ck_idx = ++parser->create_table_def.check_count;
 		name = tt_sprintf("CK_CONSTRAINT_%d_%s", ck_idx,
@@ -734,8 +740,22 @@ sql_create_check_contraint(struct Parse *parser)
 	trim_space_snprintf(ck_def->expr_str, expr_str, expr_str_len);
 	memcpy(ck_def->name, name, name_len);
 	ck_def->name[name_len] = '\0';
-	rlist_add_entry(&parser->create_table_def.new_check, ck_parse, link);
+	if (is_alter) {
+		const char *space_name = alter_def->entity_name->a[0].zName;
+		struct space *space = space_by_name(space_name);
+		if (space == NULL) {
+			diag_set(ClientError, ER_NO_SUCH_SPACE, space_name);
+			parser->is_aborted = true;
+			return;
+		}
+		int space_id_reg = ++parser->nMem;
+		sqlVdbeAddOp2(sqlGetVdbe(parser), OP_Integer, space->def->id,
+			      space_id_reg);
+		vdbe_emit_ck_constraint_create(parser, ck_def, space_id_reg);
+	} else {
+		rlist_add_entry(&parser->create_table_def.new_check, ck_parse,
+				link);
+	}
diff --git a/src/box/sql/parse.y b/src/box/sql/parse.y
index 010feffd40..2a60ad25b7 100644
--- a/src/box/sql/parse.y
+++ b/src/box/sql/parse.y
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ ccons ::= cconsname(N) UNIQUE. {
 ccons ::= check_constraint_def .
 check_constraint_def ::= cconsname(N) CHECK LP expr(X) RP. {
-  create_ck_def_init(&pParse->create_ck_def, &N, &X);
+  create_ck_def_init(&pParse->create_ck_def, NULL, &N, &X);
@@ -1680,6 +1680,11 @@ cmd ::= alter_add_constraint(N) FOREIGN KEY LP eidlist(FA) RP REFERENCES
+cmd ::= alter_add_constraint(N) CHECK LP expr(X) RP. {
+    create_ck_def_init(&pParse->create_ck_def, N.table_name, &, &X);
+    sql_create_check_contraint(pParse);
 cmd ::= alter_add_constraint(N) unique_spec(U) LP sortlist(X) RP. {
   create_index_def_init(&pParse->create_index_def, N.table_name, &, X, U,
                         SORT_ORDER_ASC, false);
diff --git a/src/box/sql/parse_def.h b/src/box/sql/parse_def.h
index 6c1b6fddd4..557e415297 100644
--- a/src/box/sql/parse_def.h
+++ b/src/box/sql/parse_def.h
@@ -417,10 +417,10 @@ create_trigger_def_init(struct create_trigger_def *trigger_def,
 static inline void
-create_ck_def_init(struct create_ck_def *ck_def, struct Token *name,
-		   struct ExprSpan *expr)
+create_ck_def_init(struct create_ck_def *ck_def, struct SrcList *table_name,
+		   struct Token *name, struct ExprSpan *expr)
-	create_constraint_def_init(&ck_def->base, NULL, name, false,
+	create_constraint_def_init(&ck_def->base, table_name, name, false,
 				   false, ENTITY_TYPE_CK);
 	ck_def->expr = expr;
diff --git a/test/sql-tap/alter2.test.lua b/test/sql-tap/alter2.test.lua
index 8969dfab24..e0bd60727b 100755
--- a/test/sql-tap/alter2.test.lua
+++ b/test/sql-tap/alter2.test.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env tarantool
 test = require("sqltester")
 -- This suite is aimed to test ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT statement.
@@ -260,4 +260,50 @@ test:do_catchsql_test(
         -- </alter2-5.2>
+-- Test ADD CONSTRAINT CHECK functionality. CHECK constraints are
+-- integrated into Tarantool's core, so basically we would test
+-- only grammar and validate correctness of raised errors.
+    "alter2-6.1",
+    [[
+        ALTER TABLE t1 ADD CONSTRAINT ck CHECK(id > 0);
+        INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (-1);
+    ]], { 1, "Check constraint failed 'CK': id > 0" })
+-- Make sure that one can't create constraint with the same name twice.
+    "alter2-6.2",
+    [[
+        ALTER TABLE t1 ADD CONSTRAINT ck CHECK(id > 0);
+    ]], { 1, "Constraint CK already exists" })
+-- Make sure that CHECK constraint can be created only on empty space.
+    "alter2-6.3",
+    [[
+        INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1);
+        ALTER TABLE t1 ADD CONSTRAINT ck1 CHECK(id > 0);
+    ]], { 1, "Failed to create check constraint 'CK1': referencing space must be empty" })
+-- "Non-existant" space error is raised correctly.
+    "alter2-6.4",
+    [[
+        ALTER TABLE fake ADD CONSTRAINT ck CHECK(id > 0);
+    ]], { 1, "Space 'FAKE' does not exist" })
+-- "Non-existant" column error is raised correctly.
+    "alter2-6.5",
+    [[
+        ALTER TABLE t2 ADD CONSTRAINT ck CHECK(fake_col > 0);
+    ]], { 1, "Failed to create check constraint 'CK': Can’t resolve field 'FAKE_COL'" })