From 24084239fdba1dc9c3774f81b8d5877ed81810fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mergen Imeev <>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 17:58:32 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] config: introduce initial support of vshard

This patch introduces initial support for the vshard configuration.
There is still a lot to be done in both vshard and the config to be able
to run vshard naturally. Key support restrictions introduced in the
1) at the moment there are only two roles: storage and router;
2) the entire config is considered a configuration for one sharded
3) the rebalancer is currently disabled;
4) The router can automatically find all masters, but once all masters
are found, any changes to the masters will be ignored until
vshard.router.cfg() is called manually.

Closes #9007

NO_DOC=Will be described when full support for vshard is introduced.
 .../unreleased/      |   1 +
 src/box/CMakeLists.txt                        |   1 +
 src/box/lua/config/applier/box_cfg.lua        |   2 +
 src/box/lua/config/applier/sharding.lua       |  84 ++++
 src/box/lua/config/configdata.lua             | 154 +++++++-
 src/box/lua/config/init.lua                   |   1 +
 src/box/lua/init.c                            |   5 +
 test/config-luatest/config_test.lua           |   5 +-
 test/config-luatest/vshard_test.lua           | 362 ++++++++++++++++++
 9 files changed, 597 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/box/lua/config/applier/sharding.lua
 create mode 100644 test/config-luatest/vshard_test.lua

diff --git a/changelogs/unreleased/ b/changelogs/unreleased/
index 4ebda7bd90..ed0c72191f 100644
--- a/changelogs/unreleased/
+++ b/changelogs/unreleased/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 ## feature/config
 * Most of vshard options are now added in the config (gh-9007).
+* Added initial support of vshard (gh-9007).
diff --git a/src/box/CMakeLists.txt b/src/box/CMakeLists.txt
index 6e814460e5..65c29ac0b0 100644
--- a/src/box/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/box/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ lua_source(lua_sources lua/config/applier/console.lua     config_applier_console
 lua_source(lua_sources lua/config/applier/credentials.lua config_applier_credentials_lua)
 lua_source(lua_sources lua/config/applier/fiber.lua       config_applier_fiber_lua)
 lua_source(lua_sources lua/config/applier/mkdir.lua       config_applier_mkdir_lua)
+lua_source(lua_sources lua/config/applier/sharding.lua    config_applier_sharding_lua)
 lua_source(lua_sources lua/config/cluster_config.lua      config_cluster_config_lua)
 lua_source(lua_sources lua/config/configdata.lua          config_configdata_lua)
 lua_source(lua_sources lua/config/init.lua                config_init_lua)
diff --git a/src/box/lua/config/applier/box_cfg.lua b/src/box/lua/config/applier/box_cfg.lua
index 619cf7ed48..54c91ee56d 100644
--- a/src/box/lua/config/applier/box_cfg.lua
+++ b/src/box/lua/config/applier/box_cfg.lua
@@ -245,6 +245,8 @@ local function apply(config)
     local names = configdata:names()
     box_cfg.instance_name = names.instance_name
     box_cfg.replicaset_name = names.replicaset_name
+    box_cfg.instance_uuid = names.instance_uuid
+    box_cfg.replicaset_uuid = names.replicaset_uuid
     -- Set bootstrap_leader option.
     box_cfg.bootstrap_leader = configdata:bootstrap_leader()
diff --git a/src/box/lua/config/applier/sharding.lua b/src/box/lua/config/applier/sharding.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..195adaea2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/box/lua/config/applier/sharding.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+local log = require('internal.config.utils.log')
+local fiber = require('fiber')
+_G.vshard = nil
+local fiber_wait_ro_rw
+local function vshard_cfg(config)
+    local configdata = config._configdata
+    local roles = configdata:get('sharding.roles')
+    if roles == nil then
+        return
+    end
+    if _G.vshard == nil then
+        _G.vshard = require('vshard')
+    end
+    for _, role in pairs(roles) do
+        local cfg = configdata:sharding()
+        --
+        -- Make vshard repeat current box.cfg options (see vshard/issues/428).
+        -- TODO: delete when box.cfg{} will not be called in vshard.
+        --
+        cfg.listen = box.cfg.listen
+        cfg.read_only = box.cfg.read_only
+        cfg.replication = box.cfg.replication
+        if role == 'storage' then
+            local names = configdata:names()
+            local replicaset_uuid = names.replicaset_uuid
+            assert(replicaset_uuid == box.cfg.replicaset_uuid)
+            local instance_uuid = names.instance_uuid
+            assert(instance_uuid == box.cfg.instance_uuid)
+            local this_replicaset_cfg = cfg.sharding[replicaset_uuid]
+            --
+            -- Currently, the replicaset master must set itself as the master in
+            -- its own configuration.
+            -- TODO: remove when vshard introduces auto-discovery of masters.
+            --
+            if not then
+                this_replicaset_cfg.master = nil
+                this_replicaset_cfg.replicas[instance_uuid].master = true
+            end
+  'sharding: apply sharding config')
+  , instance_uuid)
+            --
+            -- Currently, replicaset masters may not be aware of all other
+            -- masters, so the rebalancer is disabled.
+            -- TODO: remove when vshard introduces auto-discovery of masters.
+            --
+            if then
+      'sharding: disable rebalancer')
+            end
+        end
+        if role == 'router' then
+            _G.vshard.router.cfg(cfg)
+        end
+    end
+local function wait_ro_rw(config)
+    while true do
+        if then
+            box.ctl.wait_rw()
+        else
+            box.ctl.wait_ro()
+        end
+        local ok, err = pcall(vshard_cfg, config)
+        if not ok then
+            log.error(err)
+        end
+    end
+local function apply(config)
+    vshard_cfg(config)
+    if fiber_wait_ro_rw == nil then
+        fiber_wait_ro_rw = fiber.create(wait_ro_rw, config)
+    end
+return {
+    name = 'sharding',
+    apply = apply,
diff --git a/src/box/lua/config/configdata.lua b/src/box/lua/config/configdata.lua
index db7f7657b5..f0065b9f1b 100644
--- a/src/box/lua/config/configdata.lua
+++ b/src/box/lua/config/configdata.lua
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 -- Intended to be used as an immutable object.
 local fun = require('fun')
+local urilib = require('uri')
+local digest = require('digest')
 local instance_config = require('internal.config.instance_config')
 local cluster_config = require('internal.config.cluster_config')
@@ -62,9 +64,131 @@ function methods.names(self)
         group_name = self._group_name,
         replicaset_name = self._replicaset_name,
         instance_name = self._instance_name,
+        replicaset_uuid = self._replicaset_uuid,
+        instance_uuid = self._instance_uuid,
+local function uuid_from_name(str)
+    local sha = digest.sha1_hex(str)
+    return sha:sub(1,8)..'-'..sha:sub(9,12)..'-'..sha:sub(13,16)..'-'..
+           '00'..sha:sub(17,18)..'-'..sha:sub(19,30)
+local function instance_sharding(iconfig, instance_name)
+    local roles = instance_config:get(iconfig, 'sharding.roles')
+    if roles == nil or #roles == 0 then
+        return nil
+    end
+    assert(type(roles) == 'table')
+    local is_storage = false
+    for _, role in pairs(roles) do
+        is_storage = is_storage or role == 'storage'
+    end
+    if not is_storage then
+        return nil
+    end
+    local zone = instance_config:get(iconfig, '')
+    local uri = instance_config:instance_uri(iconfig, 'sharding')
+    --
+    -- Currently, vshard does not accept URI without a username. So if we got a
+    -- URI without a username, use "guest" as the username without a password.
+    --
+    local u, err = urilib.parse(uri)
+    -- NB: The URI is validated, so the parsing can't fail.
+    assert(u ~= nil, err)
+    if u.login == nil then
+        u.login = 'guest'
+        uri = urilib.format(u, true)
+    end
+    return {
+        uri = uri,
+        zone = zone,
+        name = instance_name,
+    }
+local function apply_vars_f(data, w, vars)
+    if w.schema.type == 'string' and data ~= nil then
+        assert(type(data) == 'string')
+        return (data:gsub('{{ *(.-) *}}', function(var_name)
+            if vars[var_name] ~= nil then
+                return vars[var_name]
+            end
+            w.error(('Unknown variable %q'):format(var_name))
+        end))
+    end
+    return data
+local function iconfig_apply_vars(iconfig, vars)
+    return instance_config:map(iconfig, apply_vars_f, vars)
+function methods.sharding(self)
+    local sharding = {}
+    for _, group in pairs(self._cconfig.groups) do
+        for replicaset_name, value in pairs(group.replicasets) do
+            local lock
+            local replicaset_uuid
+            local replicaset_cfg = {}
+            for instance_name, _ in pairs(value.instances) do
+                local vars = {instance_name = instance_name}
+                local iconfig = cluster_config:instantiate(self._cconfig,
+                                                           instance_name)
+                iconfig = instance_config:apply_default(iconfig)
+                iconfig = iconfig_apply_vars(iconfig, vars)
+                if lock == nil then
+                    lock = instance_config:get(iconfig, 'sharding.lock')
+                end
+                local isharding = instance_sharding(iconfig, instance_name)
+                if isharding ~= nil then
+                    if replicaset_uuid == nil then
+                        replicaset_uuid = instance_config:get(iconfig,
+                            'database.replicaset_uuid')
+                        if replicaset_uuid == nil then
+                            replicaset_uuid = uuid_from_name(replicaset_name)
+                        end
+                    end
+                    local instance_uuid = instance_config:get(iconfig,
+                        'database.instance_uuid')
+                    if instance_uuid == nil then
+                        instance_uuid = uuid_from_name(instance_name)
+                    end
+                    replicaset_cfg[instance_uuid] = isharding
+                end
+            end
+            if next(replicaset_cfg) ~= nil then
+                assert(replicaset_uuid ~= nil)
+                sharding[replicaset_uuid] = {
+                    replicas = replicaset_cfg,
+                    master = 'auto',
+                    lock = lock,
+                }
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    local cfg = {sharding = sharding}
+    local vshard_global_options = {
+        'shard_index',
+        'bucket_count',
+        'rebalancer_disbalance_threshold',
+        'rebalancer_max_receiving',
+        'rebalancer_max_sending',
+        'sync_timeout',
+        'connection_outdate_delay',
+        'failover_ping_timeout',
+        'discovery_mode',
+        'sched_ref_quota',
+        'sched_move_quota',
+    }
+    for _, v in pairs(vshard_global_options) do
+        cfg[v] = instance_config:get(self._iconfig_def, 'sharding.'..v)
+    end
+    return cfg
 -- Should be called only if the 'manual' failover method is
 -- configured.
 function methods.leader(self)
@@ -87,23 +211,6 @@ local mt = {
     __index = methods,
-local function apply_vars_f(data, w, vars)
-    if w.schema.type == 'string' and data ~= nil then
-        assert(type(data) == 'string')
-        return (data:gsub('{{ *(.-) *}}', function(var_name)
-            if vars[var_name] ~= nil then
-                return vars[var_name]
-            end
-            w.error(('Unknown variable %q'):format(var_name))
-        end))
-    end
-    return data
-local function iconfig_apply_vars(iconfig, vars)
-    return instance_config:map(iconfig, apply_vars_f, vars)
 local function new(iconfig, cconfig, instance_name)
     -- Precalculate configuration with applied defaults.
     local iconfig_def = instance_config:apply_default(iconfig)
@@ -119,6 +226,17 @@ local function new(iconfig, cconfig, instance_name)
     local found = cluster_config:find_instance(cconfig, instance_name)
     assert(found ~= nil)
+    local replicaset_uuid = instance_config:get(iconfig_def,
+        'database.replicaset_uuid')
+    local instance_uuid = instance_config:get(iconfig_def,
+        'database.instance_uuid')
+    if replicaset_uuid == nil then
+        replicaset_uuid = uuid_from_name(found.replicaset_name)
+    end
+    if instance_uuid == nil then
+        instance_uuid = uuid_from_name(instance_name)
+    end
     -- Save instance configs of the peers from the same replicaset.
     local peers = {}
     for peer_name, _ in pairs(found.replicaset.instances) do
@@ -222,6 +340,8 @@ local function new(iconfig, cconfig, instance_name)
         _iconfig_def = iconfig_def,
         _cconfig = cconfig,
         _peer_names = peer_names,
+        _replicaset_uuid = replicaset_uuid,
+        _instance_uuid = instance_uuid,
         _peers = peers,
         _group_name = found.group_name,
         _replicaset_name = found.replicaset_name,
diff --git a/src/box/lua/config/init.lua b/src/box/lua/config/init.lua
index 16f1c28f83..3f45bf11a1 100644
--- a/src/box/lua/config/init.lua
+++ b/src/box/lua/config/init.lua
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ function methods._initialize(self)
+    self:_register_applier(require('internal.config.applier.sharding'))
     if extras ~= nil then
diff --git a/src/box/lua/init.c b/src/box/lua/init.c
index 9be8ae05e9..6f58efc475 100644
--- a/src/box/lua/init.c
+++ b/src/box/lua/init.c
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ extern char session_lua[],
+	config_applier_sharding_lua[],
@@ -381,6 +382,10 @@ static const char *lua_sources[] = {
+	"config/applier/sharding",
+	"internal.config.applier.sharding",
+	config_applier_sharding_lua,
diff --git a/test/config-luatest/config_test.lua b/test/config-luatest/config_test.lua
index 785a478d5e..a81ee9756c 100644
--- a/test/config-luatest/config_test.lua
+++ b/test/config-luatest/config_test.lua
@@ -138,7 +138,10 @@ g.test_configdata = function()
         instance_name = "instance-001",
         replicaset_name = "replicaset-001",
-    t.assert_equals(data:names(), expected_names)
+    local res_names = data:names()
+    res_names.instance_uuid = nil
+    res_names.replicaset_uuid = nil
+    t.assert_equals(res_names, expected_names)
     t.assert_equals(data:peers(), {'instance-001', 'instance-002'})
diff --git a/test/config-luatest/vshard_test.lua b/test/config-luatest/vshard_test.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d48fb8014b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/config-luatest/vshard_test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+local fun = require('fun')
+local t = require('luatest')
+local treegen = require('test.treegen')
+local server = require('test.luatest_helpers.server')
+local helpers = require('test.config-luatest.helpers')
+local g =
+local has_vshard = pcall(require, 'vshard')
+g.test_fixed_masters = function(g)
+    t.skip_if(not has_vshard, 'Module "vshard" is not available')
+    local dir = treegen.prepare_directory(g, {}, {})
+    local config = [[
+    credentials:
+      users:
+        guest:
+          roles: [super]
+    iproto:
+      listen: 'unix/:./{{ instance_name }}.iproto'
+      advertise:
+        sharding: 'storage:storage@'
+    sharding:
+      bucket_count: 1234
+      sched_ref_quota: 258
+    groups:
+      group-001:
+        replicasets:
+          replicaset-001:
+            database:
+              replicaset_uuid: '11111111-1111-1111-0011-111111111111'
+            instances:
+              instance-001:
+                database:
+                  mode: rw
+                sharding:
+                  roles: [storage]
+              instance-002:
+                sharding:
+                  roles: [storage]
+          replicaset-002:
+            instances:
+              instance-003:
+                database:
+                  instance_uuid: '22222222-2222-2222-0022-222222222222'
+                  mode: rw
+                sharding:
+                  roles: [storage]
+              instance-004:
+                sharding:
+                  roles: [storage]
+          replicaset-003:
+            instances:
+              instance-005:
+                database:
+                  mode: rw
+                sharding:
+                  roles: [router]
+    ]]
+    local config_file = treegen.write_script(dir, 'config.yaml', config)
+    local opts = {
+        env = {LUA_PATH = os.environ()['LUA_PATH']},
+        config_file = config_file,
+        chdir = dir,
+    }
+    g.server_1 = server:new(fun.chain(opts, {alias = 'instance-001'}):tomap())
+    g.server_2 = server:new(fun.chain(opts, {alias = 'instance-002'}):tomap())
+    g.server_3 = server:new(fun.chain(opts, {alias = 'instance-003'}):tomap())
+    g.server_4 = server:new(fun.chain(opts, {alias = 'instance-004'}):tomap())
+    g.server_5 = server:new(fun.chain(opts, {alias = 'instance-005'}):tomap())
+    g.server_1:start({wait_until_ready = false})
+    g.server_2:start({wait_until_ready = false})
+    g.server_3:start({wait_until_ready = false})
+    g.server_4:start({wait_until_ready = false})
+    g.server_5:start({wait_until_ready = false})
+    g.server_1:wait_until_ready()
+    g.server_2:wait_until_ready()
+    g.server_3:wait_until_ready()
+    g.server_4:wait_until_ready()
+    g.server_5:wait_until_ready()
+    -- Check that cluster was created.
+    local info = g.server_1:eval('return')
+    t.assert_equals(, 'instance-001')
+    t.assert_equals(, 'replicaset-001')
+    info = g.server_2:eval('return')
+    t.assert_equals(, 'instance-002')
+    t.assert_equals(, 'replicaset-001')
+    info = g.server_3:eval('return')
+    t.assert_equals(, 'instance-003')
+    t.assert_equals(, 'replicaset-002')
+    info = g.server_4:eval('return')
+    t.assert_equals(, 'instance-004')
+    t.assert_equals(, 'replicaset-002')
+    info = g.server_5:eval('return')
+    t.assert_equals(, 'instance-005')
+    t.assert_equals(, 'replicaset-003')
+    t.assert_equals(g.server_1:eval('return'), false)
+    t.assert_equals(g.server_2:eval('return'), true)
+    t.assert_equals(g.server_3:eval('return'), false)
+    t.assert_equals(g.server_4:eval('return'), true)
+    t.assert_equals(g.server_5:eval('return'), false)
+    -- Check vshard config on each instance.
+    local exp = {
+        bucket_count = 1234,
+        discovery_mode = "on",
+        failover_ping_timeout = 5,
+        listen = "unix/:./instance-002.iproto",
+        read_only = true,
+        rebalancer_disbalance_threshold = 1,
+        rebalancer_max_receiving = 100,
+        rebalancer_max_sending = 1,
+        replication = {
+            "unix/:./instance-001.iproto",
+            "unix/:./instance-002.iproto"
+        },
+        sched_move_quota = 1,
+        sched_ref_quota = 258,
+        shard_index = "bucket_id",
+        sync_timeout = 1,
+        sharding = {
+            ["11111111-1111-1111-0011-111111111111"] = {
+                master = "auto",
+                replicas = {
+                    ["ef10b92d-9ae9-e7bb-004c-89d8fb468341"] = {
+                        name = "instance-002",
+                        uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-002.iproto",
+                    },
+                    ["ffe08155-a26d-bd7c-0024-00ee6815a41c"] = {
+                        name = "instance-001",
+                        uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-001.iproto",
+                    },
+                },
+                weight = 1,
+            },
+            ["d1f75e70-6883-d7fe-0087-e582c9c67543"] = {
+                master = "auto",
+                replicas = {
+                    ["22222222-2222-2222-0022-222222222222"] = {
+                        name = "instance-003",
+                        uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-003.iproto",
+                    },
+                    ["50367d8e-488b-309b-001a-138a0c516772"] = {
+                        name = "instance-004",
+                        uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-004.iproto"
+                    },
+                },
+                weight = 1,
+            },
+        },
+    }
+    -- Non-master storages.
+    local exec = 'return'
+    local res = g.server_2:eval(exec)
+    t.assert_equals(res, exp)
+    res = g.server_4:eval(exec)
+    t.assert_equals(res.sharding, exp.sharding)
+    -- Router.
+    exec = 'return vshard.router.internal.static_router.current_cfg'
+    res = g.server_5:eval(exec)
+    t.assert_equals(res.sharding, exp.sharding)
+    exp = {
+        ["11111111-1111-1111-0011-111111111111"] = {
+            replicas = {
+                ["ef10b92d-9ae9-e7bb-004c-89d8fb468341"] = {
+                    name = "instance-002",
+                    uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-002.iproto",
+                },
+                ["ffe08155-a26d-bd7c-0024-00ee6815a41c"] = {
+                    name = "instance-001",
+                    uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-001.iproto",
+                    master = true,
+                },
+            },
+            weight = 1,
+        },
+        ["d1f75e70-6883-d7fe-0087-e582c9c67543"] = {
+            master = "auto",
+            replicas = {
+                ["22222222-2222-2222-0022-222222222222"] = {
+                    name = "instance-003",
+                    uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-003.iproto",
+                },
+                ["50367d8e-488b-309b-001a-138a0c516772"] = {
+                    name = "instance-004",
+                    uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-004.iproto"
+                },
+            },
+            weight = 1,
+        },
+    }
+    -- Master storages.
+    exec = 'return'
+    res = g.server_1:eval(exec)
+    t.assert_equals(res.sharding, exp)
+    exp = {
+        ["11111111-1111-1111-0011-111111111111"] = {
+            master = "auto",
+            replicas = {
+                ["ef10b92d-9ae9-e7bb-004c-89d8fb468341"] = {
+                    name = "instance-002",
+                    uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-002.iproto",
+                },
+                ["ffe08155-a26d-bd7c-0024-00ee6815a41c"] = {
+                    name = "instance-001",
+                    uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-001.iproto",
+                },
+            },
+            weight = 1,
+        },
+        ["d1f75e70-6883-d7fe-0087-e582c9c67543"] = {
+            replicas = {
+                ["22222222-2222-2222-0022-222222222222"] = {
+                    name = "instance-003",
+                    uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-003.iproto",
+                    master = true,
+                },
+                ["50367d8e-488b-309b-001a-138a0c516772"] = {
+                    name = "instance-004",
+                    uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-004.iproto"
+                },
+            },
+            weight = 1,
+        },
+    }
+    res = g.server_3:eval(exec)
+    t.assert_equals(res.sharding, exp)
+    -- Check that basic sharding works.
+    exec = [[
+        function put(v)
+  {, v.bucket_id})
+            return true
+        end
+        function get(id)
+            return
+        end
+        box.schema.func.create('put')
+        box.schema.role.grant('public', 'execute', 'function', 'put')
+        box.schema.func.create('get')
+        box.schema.role.grant('public', 'execute', 'function', 'get')
+        local format = {{'id', 'unsigned'}, {'bucket_id', 'unsigned'}}
+        a ='a', {format = format})
+        a:create_index('id', {parts = {'id'}})
+        a:create_index('bucket_id', {parts = {'bucket_id'}, unique = false})
+    ]]
+    g.server_1:eval(exec)
+    g.server_3:eval(exec)
+    t.helpers.retrying({timeout = 60}, function()
+        t.assert_equals(g.server_2:eval([[return]]), {})
+        t.assert_equals(g.server_4:eval([[return]]), {})
+    end)
+    exec = [[
+        vshard.router.bootstrap()
+, 'write', 'put', {{id = 1, bucket_id = 1}})
+, 'write', 'put', {{id = 800, bucket_id = 800}})
+    ]]
+    g.server_5:eval(exec)
+    t.helpers.retrying({timeout = 60}, function()
+        local res = g.server_2:eval([[return]])
+        t.assert_equals(res, {{800, 800}})
+        res = g.server_4:eval([[return]])
+        t.assert_equals(res, {{1, 1}})
+    end)
+    -- Check that vshard cfg is reformed when master is changed.
+    g.server_1:eval([[box.cfg{read_only = true}]])
+    exec = 'return'
+    exp = {
+        ["11111111-1111-1111-0011-111111111111"] = {
+            master = "auto",
+            replicas = {
+                ["ef10b92d-9ae9-e7bb-004c-89d8fb468341"] = {
+                    name = "instance-002",
+                    uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-002.iproto",
+                },
+                ["ffe08155-a26d-bd7c-0024-00ee6815a41c"] = {
+                    name = "instance-001",
+                    uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-001.iproto",
+                },
+            },
+            weight = 1,
+        },
+        ["d1f75e70-6883-d7fe-0087-e582c9c67543"] = {
+            master = "auto",
+            replicas = {
+                ["22222222-2222-2222-0022-222222222222"] = {
+                    name = "instance-003",
+                    uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-003.iproto",
+                },
+                ["50367d8e-488b-309b-001a-138a0c516772"] = {
+                    name = "instance-004",
+                    uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-004.iproto"
+                },
+            },
+            weight = 1,
+        },
+    }
+    t.helpers.retrying({timeout = 60}, function()
+        local res = g.server_1:eval(exec)
+        t.assert_equals(res.sharding, exp)
+        res = g.server_2:eval(exec)
+        t.assert_equals(res.sharding, exp)
+    end)
+    g.server_2:eval([[box.cfg{read_only = false}]])
+    res = g.server_1:eval(exec)
+    t.assert_equals(res.sharding, exp)
+    exp = {
+        ["11111111-1111-1111-0011-111111111111"] = {
+            replicas = {
+                ["ef10b92d-9ae9-e7bb-004c-89d8fb468341"] = {
+                    name = "instance-002",
+                    uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-002.iproto",
+                    master = true,
+                },
+                ["ffe08155-a26d-bd7c-0024-00ee6815a41c"] = {
+                    name = "instance-001",
+                    uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-001.iproto",
+                },
+            },
+            weight = 1,
+        },
+        ["d1f75e70-6883-d7fe-0087-e582c9c67543"] = {
+            master = "auto",
+            replicas = {
+                ["22222222-2222-2222-0022-222222222222"] = {
+                    name = "instance-003",
+                    uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-003.iproto",
+                },
+                ["50367d8e-488b-309b-001a-138a0c516772"] = {
+                    name = "instance-004",
+                    uri = "storage:storage@unix/:./instance-004.iproto"
+                },
+            },
+            weight = 1,
+        },
+    }
+    t.helpers.retrying({timeout = 60}, function()
+        local res = g.server_2:eval(exec)
+        t.assert_equals(res.sharding, exp)
+    end)