From 23cea1df68cd784f1bea70ddb78871e720a16f08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aleksandr Lyapunov <>
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2023 15:59:07 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] box: forbid foreign keys for incompatible temp/local spaces

There must be a couple of rules:
* foreign key from non-temporary space to temporary space must be
  forbidden since after restart all existing links will be broken.
* foreign key from non-local space to local space must be forbidden
  on any replica all existing can be broken.

This patch implements the rules.

Closes #8936


(cherry picked from commit 7d23b339075889e59919158bc73b6e4a1493b989)
--- |   5 +
 src/box/                              |  50 ++++
 src/box/tuple_constraint_fkey.c               |  30 +++
 ..._8936_foreign_key_wrong_reference_test.lua | 217 ++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 302 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 changelogs/unreleased/
 create mode 100644 test/engine-luatest/gh_8936_foreign_key_wrong_reference_test.lua

diff --git a/changelogs/unreleased/ b/changelogs/unreleased/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ba758a069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelogs/unreleased/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+## bugfix/core
+* Now foreign keys from non-temporary to temporary and from non-local to local
+  spaces are prohibited since they can potentially break foreign key consistency
+  (gh-8936).
diff --git a/src/box/ b/src/box/
index bbf0fabdb8..68a492356c 100644
--- a/src/box/
+++ b/src/box/
@@ -1955,6 +1955,52 @@ space_check_truncate(struct space *space)
 	return 0;
+ * Check whether @a old_space holders prohibit alter to @a new_space_def.
+ * For example if the space becomes temporary, there can be foreign keys
+ * from non-temporary space, so this alter must not be allowed.
+ * Return 0 if allowed, or -1 if not allowed (diag is set).
+ */
+static int
+space_check_alter(struct space *old_space, struct space_def *new_space_def)
+	/*
+	 * group_id, which is currently used for defining local spaces, is
+	 * now can't be changed; if it could, an additional check would be
+	 * required below.
+	 */
+	assert(old_space->def->opts.group_id == new_space_def->opts.group_id);
+	/* Only alter from non-temporary to temporary can cause problems. */
+	if (old_space->def->opts.is_temporary ||
+	    !new_space_def->opts.is_temporary)
+		return 0;
+	/* Check for foreign keys that refers to this space. */
+	struct space_cache_holder *h;
+	rlist_foreach_entry(h, &old_space->space_cache_pin_list, link) {
+		if (h->selfpin)
+			continue;
+		if (h->type != SPACE_HOLDER_FOREIGN_KEY)
+			continue;
+		struct tuple_constraint *constr =
+			container_of(h, struct tuple_constraint,
+				     space_cache_holder);
+		struct space *other_space = constr->space;
+		/*
+		 * If the referring space is temporary too then the alter
+		 * can't break foreign key consistency after restart.
+		 */
+		if (other_space->def->opts.is_temporary)
+			continue;
+		diag_set(ClientError, ER_ALTER_SPACE,
+			 space_name(old_space),
+			 tt_sprintf("foreign key '%s' from non-temporary space"
+				    " '%s' can't refer to temporary space",
+				    constr->, space_name(other_space)));
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
  * A trigger which is invoked on replace in a data dictionary
  * space _space.
@@ -2247,6 +2293,10 @@ on_replace_dd_space(struct trigger * /* trigger */, void *event)
 			return -1;
+		if (space_check_alter(old_space, def) != 0)
+			return -1;
 		 * Allow change of space properties, but do it
 		 * in WAL-error-safe mode.
diff --git a/src/box/tuple_constraint_fkey.c b/src/box/tuple_constraint_fkey.c
index 03e20e4953..8d7f0d7d28 100644
--- a/src/box/tuple_constraint_fkey.c
+++ b/src/box/tuple_constraint_fkey.c
@@ -619,6 +619,33 @@ tuple_constraint_fkey_destroy(struct tuple_constraint *constr)
 	constr->space = NULL;
+ * Check that spaces @a space and @a foreign_space are compatible with
+ * the foreign key constraint @a constr.
+ * Return 0 on success, return -1 and set diag in case of error.
+ */
+static int
+tuple_constraint_fkey_check_spaces(struct tuple_constraint *constr,
+				   struct space *space,
+				   struct space *foreign_space)
+	if (space_is_temporary(foreign_space) && !space_is_temporary(space)) {
+		diag_set(ClientError, ER_CREATE_FOREIGN_KEY,
+			 constr->, constr->space->def->name,
+			 "foreign key from non-temporary space"
+			 " can't refer to temporary space");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (space_is_local(foreign_space) && !space_is_local(space)) {
+		diag_set(ClientError, ER_CREATE_FOREIGN_KEY,
+			 constr->, constr->space->def->name,
+			 "foreign key from non-local space"
+			 " can't refer to local space");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
 tuple_constraint_fkey_init(struct tuple_constraint *constr,
 			   struct space *space, int32_t field_no)
@@ -637,6 +664,9 @@ tuple_constraint_fkey_init(struct tuple_constraint *constr,
 	enum space_cache_holder_type type = SPACE_HOLDER_FOREIGN_KEY;
 	if (foreign_space != NULL) {
 		/* Space was found, use it. */
+		if (tuple_constraint_fkey_check_spaces(constr, space,
+						       foreign_space) != 0)
+			return -1;
 		space_cache_pin(foreign_space, &constr->space_cache_holder,
 				type, fkey_same_space);
diff --git a/test/engine-luatest/gh_8936_foreign_key_wrong_reference_test.lua b/test/engine-luatest/gh_8936_foreign_key_wrong_reference_test.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f2a8bfc20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/engine-luatest/gh_8936_foreign_key_wrong_reference_test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+-- Test foreign keys to temporary and local spaces.
+local server = require('luatest.server')
+local t = require('luatest')
+-- The test creates two spaces - 'country' and 'city' which are linked with
+-- foreign key - city has country_id field that is linked to country space.
+local test_opts = t.helpers.matrix{
+    engine = {'memtx', 'vinyl'},
+    -- Value of country space option 'temporary' or 'is_local' (depending on
+    -- test case).
+    country_variant = {false, true},
+    -- Value of city space option 'temporary' or 'is_local' (depending on
+    -- test case).
+    city_variant = {false, true},
+local g ='gh-8936-foreign-key-wrong-reference-test', test_opts)
+    cg.server = server:new({alias = 'master'})
+    cg.server:start()
+    cg.server:stop()
+    cg.server = nil
+    cg.server:exec(function()
+        if then
+        end
+        if then
+        end
+    end)
+-- Foreign key must not refer to temporary space from normal space.
+g.test_field_foreign_key_temporary = function(cg)
+    local engine = cg.params.engine
+    local country_is_temporary = cg.params.country_variant
+    local city_is_temporary = cg.params.city_variant
+    -- vinyl space can't be temporary.
+    t.skip_if(engine == 'vinyl')
+    cg.server:exec(function(engine, country_is_temporary, city_is_temporary)
+        -- foreign key must not point for non-temporary to temporary space.
+        local must_be_prohibited =
+            country_is_temporary and not city_is_temporary
+        local country_fmt = {
+            {name = 'id', type = 'unsigned'},
+            {name = 'name', type = 'string'},
+        }
+        local country_opts = {engine = engine, format = country_fmt,
+                              temporary = country_is_temporary}
+        local city_fmt = {
+            {name = 'id', type = 'unsigned'},
+            {name = 'country_id', type = 'unsigned',
+                foreign_key = {space = 'country', field = 'id'}},
+            {name = 'name', type = 'string'},
+        }
+        local city_opts = {engine = engine, format = city_fmt,
+                           temporary = city_is_temporary}
+        local country = box.schema.create_space('country', country_opts)
+        country:create_index('pk')
+        if must_be_prohibited then
+            t.assert_error_msg_content_equals(
+                "Failed to create foreign key 'country' in space 'city': " ..
+                "foreign key from non-temporary space " ..
+                "can't refer to temporary space",
+                box.schema.create_space, 'city', city_opts
+            )
+            return nil
+        end
+        local city = box.schema.create_space('city', city_opts)
+        city:create_index('pk')
+        -- Alter to wrong state must be prohibited while all other alters
+        -- must be allowed.
+        if country_is_temporary and city_is_temporary then
+            t.assert_error_msg_content_equals(
+                "Failed to create foreign key 'country' in space 'city': " ..
+                "foreign key from non-temporary space " ..
+                "can't refer to temporary space",
+                city.alter, city, {temporary = false}
+            )
+            country:alter{temporary = false}
+            country:alter{temporary = true}
+        end
+        if not country_is_temporary and not city_is_temporary then
+            t.assert_error_msg_content_equals(
+                "Can't modify space 'country': foreign key 'country' from " ..
+                "non-temporary space 'city' can't refer to temporary space",
+                country.alter, country, {temporary = true}
+            )
+            city:alter{temporary = true}
+            city:alter{temporary = false}
+        end
+        t.assert_equals(country_is_temporary, country.temporary)
+        t.assert_equals(city_is_temporary, city.temporary)
+        -- Check that foreign key still works as expected
+        t.assert_error_msg_content_equals(
+            "Foreign key constraint 'country' failed for field " ..
+             "'2 (country_id)': foreign tuple was not found",
+            city.replace, city, {1, 1, 'msk'}
+        )
+        country:replace{1, 'ru'}
+        city:replace{1, 1, 'msk'}
+        t.assert_error_msg_content_equals(
+            "Foreign key 'country' integrity check failed: index was not found",
+            country.delete, country, {1}
+        )
+        city:create_index('sk', {parts = {{'country_id'}}, unique = false})
+        t.assert_error_msg_content_equals(
+            "Foreign key 'country' integrity check failed: tuple is referenced",
+            country.delete, country, {1}
+        )
+        t.assert_error_msg_content_equals(
+            "Can't modify space 'country': space is referenced by foreign key",
+            country.truncate, country
+        )
+        t.assert_error_msg_content_equals(
+            "Can't modify space 'country': space is referenced by foreign key",
+            country.drop, country
+        )
+    end, {engine, country_is_temporary, city_is_temporary})
+-- Foreign key must not refer to local space from non-local space.
+g.test_field_foreign_key_local = function(cg)
+    local engine = cg.params.engine
+    local country_is_local = cg.params.country_variant
+    local city_is_local = cg.params.city_variant
+    cg.server:exec(function(engine, country_is_local, city_is_local)
+        -- foreign key must not point for non-temporary to temporary space.
+        local must_be_prohibited =
+            country_is_local and not city_is_local
+        local country_fmt = {
+            {name = 'id', type = 'unsigned'},
+            {name = 'name', type = 'string'},
+        }
+        local country_opts = {engine = engine, format = country_fmt,
+                              is_local = country_is_local}
+        local city_fmt = {
+            {name = 'id', type = 'unsigned'},
+            {name = 'country_id', type = 'unsigned',
+                foreign_key = {space = 'country', field = 'id'}},
+            {name = 'name', type = 'string'},
+        }
+        local city_opts = {engine = engine, format = city_fmt,
+                           is_local = city_is_local}
+        local country = box.schema.create_space('country', country_opts)
+        country:create_index('pk')
+        if must_be_prohibited then
+            t.assert_error_msg_content_equals(
+                "Failed to create foreign key 'country' in space 'city': " ..
+                "foreign key from non-local space can't refer to local space",
+                box.schema.create_space, 'city', city_opts
+            )
+            return nil
+        end
+        local city = box.schema.create_space('city', city_opts)
+        city:create_index('pk')
+        -- Alter of 'is_local' should be prohibited in any case.
+        t.assert_error_msg_content_equals(
+            "Illegal parameters, unexpected option 'is_local'",
+            country.alter, country, {is_local = not country_is_local}
+        )
+        t.assert_error_msg_content_equals(
+            "Illegal parameters, unexpected option 'is_local'",
+            city.alter, city, {is_local = not city_is_local}
+        )
+        -- Check that foreign key still works as expected
+        t.assert_error_msg_content_equals(
+            "Foreign key constraint 'country' failed for field " ..
+             "'2 (country_id)': foreign tuple was not found",
+            city.replace, city, {1, 1, 'msk'}
+        )
+        country:replace{1, 'ru'}
+        city:replace{1, 1, 'msk'}
+        t.assert_error_msg_content_equals(
+            "Foreign key 'country' integrity check failed: index was not found",
+            country.delete, country, {1}
+        )
+        city:create_index('sk', {parts = {{'country_id'}}, unique = false})
+        t.assert_error_msg_content_equals(
+            "Foreign key 'country' integrity check failed: tuple is referenced",
+            country.delete, country, {1}
+        )
+        t.assert_error_msg_content_equals(
+            "Can't modify space 'country': space is referenced by foreign key",
+            country.truncate, country
+        )
+        t.assert_error_msg_content_equals(
+            "Can't modify space 'country': space is referenced by foreign key",
+            country.drop, country
+        )
+    end, {engine, country_is_local, city_is_local})