diff --git a/connector/perl/t/03-box.t b/connector/perl/t/03-box.t
deleted file mode 100644
index eb51050fcfc05e7d504f3bd54942e48c601dfdd2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/connector/perl/t/03-box.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1057 +0,0 @@
-# Tarantool/Box config below
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-    sub mPOP::Config::GetValue ($) {
-        die;
-    }
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use lib "$Bin";
-use lib "$Bin/../lib";
-use Carp qw/confess/;
-use Test::More tests => 372;
-use Test::Exception;
-    warn $Bin;
-    use_ok 'Test::Tarantool';
-    use_ok 'POSIX';
-use List::MoreUtils qw/zip/;
-local $SIG{__DIE__} = \&confess;
-our $CLASS;
-    $CLASS = $ENV{BOXCLASS} || 'MR::Tarantool::Box';
-    eval "require $CLASS" or die $@;
-POSIX::setlocale(LC_ALL, 'C');
-use constant ILL_PARAM         => qr/Error (00000202|00002A02)/;
-use constant TUPLE_NOT_EXISTS  => qr/Error 00003102/;
-use constant TUPLE_EXISTS      => qr/Error 00003702/;
-use constant INDEX_VIOLATION   => qr/Error 00003802/;
-use constant NO_SUCCESS        => qr/no success after/;
-use constant TOO_BIG_FIELD => qr/too big field/;
-our $box;
-my $tarantool_config = "$Bin/data/box.t.cfg";
-ok -r $tarantool_config, "-r $tarantool_config";
-my $tnt_srv = Test::Tarantool->run(cfg => 't/data/box.t.cfg');
-ok $tnt_srv, 'server instance created';
-diag $tnt_srv->log unless ok $tnt_srv->started, 'server is started';
-our $server = shift || $ENV{BOX} ||
-    sprintf '', $tnt_srv->primary_port;
-ok $server, 'server address was defined ' . $server || 'undef';
-our %opts = (
-    debug => $ENV{DEBUG}||0,
-    ipdebug => $ENV{IPDEBUG}||0,
-    raise => 1,
-sub cleanup ($) {
-    my ($id) = @_;
-    die unless defined $id;
-    ok defined $box->Delete($id), 'delete of possible existing record';
-    ok $box->Delete($id) == 0, 'delete of non existing record';
-sub def_param  {
-    my $format = shift || 'l& SSLL';
-    return { servers => $server,
-             name    => $CLASS,
-             namespaces => [ {
-                 indexes => [ {
-                     index_name   => 'primary_id',
-                     keys         => [0],
-                 }, {
-                     index_name   => 'primary_email',
-                     keys         => [1],
-                 }, ],
-                 namespace     => 0,
-                 format        => $format,
-                 default_index => 'primary_id',
-                 name          => 'main',
-             } ],
-             default_space => "main",
-             %opts,
-         }
-$box = $CLASS->new(def_param('l&SSLL&'));
-ok $box->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
-cleanup 13;
-ok $box->Insert(13, q/some_email@test.mail.ru/, 1, 2, 3, 4, '777',{space => 'main'}), 'insert';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '777'], 'select/insert';
-ok $box->Insert(13, q/some_email@test.mail.ru/, 2, 2, 3, 4, '666',{namespace => 'main'}), 'replace';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 2, 2, 3, 4, '666'], 'select/replace';
-ok $box->Update(13, 3 => 1) == 1, 'update of some field';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 2, 1, 3, 4, '666'], 'select/update';
-ok $box->Append( 13, 6 => 'APPEND') , 'append op';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 2, 1, 3, 4, '666APPEND'], 'select/append';
-ok $box->Prepend(13, 6 => 'PREPEND'), 'prepend op';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 2, 1, 3, 4, 'PREPEND666APPEND'], 'select/prepend';
-ok $box->Cutbeg(13, 6 => 2), 'cutbeg op';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 2, 1, 3, 4, 'EPEND666APPEND'], 'select/cutbeg';
-ok $box->Cutend(13, 6 => 2), 'cutend op';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 2, 1, 3, 4, 'EPEND666APPE'], 'select/cutend';
-ok $box->Substr(13, 6 => [3,4,'12345']), 'substr op';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 2, 1, 3, 4, 'EPE123456APPE'], 'select/substr';
-ok $box->UpdateMulti(13, [6 => splice => [0]]), 'generic splice (offset = 0)';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 2, 1, 3, 4, ''], 'select/splice (offset = 0)';
-cleanup 13;
-ok $box->Insert(13, q/some_email@test.mail.ru/, 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'), 'insert';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'], 'select/insert';
-throws_ok sub { $box->UpdateMulti(13, [6 => splice => [-10]]) }, ILL_PARAM, "splice/bad_params_1";
-ok $box->UpdateMulti(13, [6 => splice => [100]]), "splice/big_offset";
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'], 'select';
-ok $box->UpdateMulti(13, [6 => splice => [5]]), "splice/cut_tail_pos_offset";
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '12345'], 'select';
-ok $box->UpdateMulti(13, [6 => splice => [-2]]), "splice/cut_tail_neg_offset";
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123'], 'select';
-ok $box->Insert(13, q/some_email@test.mail.ru/, 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'), 'replace';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'], 'select';
-ok $box->UpdateMulti(13, [6 => splice => [8, 1000]]), "splice/big_pos_length";
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '12345678'], 'select';
-ok $box->UpdateMulti(13, [6 => splice => [1, -1000]]), "splice/big_neg_length";
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '12345678'], 'select';
-ok $box->Insert(13, q/some_email@test.mail.ru/, 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'), 'replace';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'], 'select';
-ok $box->UpdateMulti(13, [6 => splice => [0x7fffffff]]), "splice/max_offset";
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'], 'select';
-ok $box->UpdateMulti(13, [6 => splice => [1, 2]], [6 => splice => [-2, -1, 'qwe']]), "splice/multi";
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '14567qwe9'], 'select';
-cleanup 13;
-cleanup 14;
-throws_ok sub { $box->Replace(13, q/some_email@test.mail.ru/, 5, 5, 5, 5, '555555555')}, TUPLE_NOT_EXISTS, 'replace';
-ok $box->Add(13, q/some_email@test.mail.ru/, 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'), 'add';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'], 'select/add';
-throws_ok sub { $box->Add(13, q/some_email@test.mail.ru/, 5, 5, 5, 5, '555555555')}, TUPLE_EXISTS, 'add2';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'], 'select/add2';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(q/some_email@test.mail.ru/, {use_index => "primary_email"}), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'], 'select/add2';
-throws_ok sub { $box->Add(14, q/some_email@test.mail.ru/, 5, 5, 5, 5, '555555555')}, INDEX_VIOLATION, 'add3';
-ok $box->Add(14, q/some1email@test.mail.ru/, 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'), 'add4';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(14), [14, 'some1email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'], 'select/add4';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(q/some1email@test.mail.ru/, {use_index => "primary_email"}), [14, 'some1email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'], 'select/add4';
-throws_ok sub { $box->Replace(13, q/some1email@test.mail.ru/, 6, 6, 6, 6, '666666666')}, INDEX_VIOLATION, 'replace';
-throws_ok sub { $box->Set(13, q/some1email@test.mail.ru/, 6, 6, 6, 6, '666666666')}, INDEX_VIOLATION, 'set';
-ok $box->Set(13, q/some_email@test.mail.ru/, 5, 5, 5, 5, '555555555'), 'set';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 5, 5, 5, 5, '555555555'], 'select/set';
-ok $box->Replace(13, q/some_email@test.mail.ru/, 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'), 'replace';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'], 'select/replace';
-is_deeply [$box->Select([13], {raise => 0, hash_by => 0, raw => 1})], [{13 => [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789']}], 'select/rawhash1';
-is_deeply [$box->Select([13,14], {raise => 0, hash_by => 0, raw => 1})], [{13 => [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'], 14 => [14, 'some1email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789']}], 'select/rawhash2';
-do {
-    my $continuation = $box->Select(13,{ return_fh => 1 });
-    ok $continuation, "select/continuation";
-    my $rin = '';
-    vec($rin,$continuation->{fh}->fileno,1) = 1;
-    my $ein = $rin;
-    ok 0 <= select($rin,undef,$ein,2), "select/continuation/select";
-    my $res = $continuation->{continue}->();
-    use Data::Dumper;
-    is_deeply $res, [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789'], "select/continuation/result";
-our $ANYEVENT = 1 && eval { require AnyEvent; 1 };
-    skip "AnyEvent not found", 60 unless $ANYEVENT;
-    local $opts{raise} = 0;
-    $box = $CLASS->new(def_param('l&SSLL&'));
-    my $tt =     [ [1, 'rtokarev@corp.mail.ru',     11, 111, 1111, 11111, "1111111111111"],
-                   [2, 'vostrikov@corp.mail.ru',    22, 222, 2222, 22222, "2222222222222"],
-                   [3, 'aleinikov@corp.mail.ru',    33, 333, 3333, 33333, "3333333333333"],
-                   [4, 'roman.s.tokarev@gmail.com', 44, 444, 4444, 44444, "4444444444444"],
-                   [5, 'vostrIIIkov@corp.mail.ru',  55, 555, 5555, 55555, "5555555555555"] ];
-    foreach my $tuple (@$tt) {
-        cleanup $tuple->[0];
-    }
-    AnyEvent->now_update;
-    my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
-    foreach my $tuple (@$tt) {
-        $cv->begin;
-        ok $box->Insert(@$tuple, {callback => sub { ok $_[0], "async/insert$tuple->[0]/result"; $cv->end; }}), "async/insert$tuple->[0]";
-    }
-    $cv->recv;
-    AnyEvent->now_update;
-    $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
-    $cv->begin;
-    ok $box->Select(1,2,3,{callback => sub {
-                                  my ($res) = @_;
-                                  $cv->end;
-                                  is_deeply $res, [@$tt[0,1,2]], "async/select1/result";
-                           }}), "async/select1";
-    $cv->begin;
-    ok $box->Select(4,5,{ callback => sub {
-                                  my ($res) = @_;
-                                  $cv->end;
-                                  is_deeply $res, [@$tt[3,4]], "async/select2/result";
-                           }}), "async/select2";
-    $cv->recv;
-    AnyEvent->now_update;
-    $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
-    foreach my $tuple (@$tt) {
-        $tuple->[4] += 10000;
-        $cv->begin;
-        ok $box->UpdateMulti($tuple->[0], [ 4 => add => 10000 ], {callback => sub { ok $_[0], "async/update1-$tuple->[0]/result"; $cv->end; }}), "async/update1-$tuple->[0]";
-    }
-    $cv->begin;
-    ok $box->Select((map{$_->[0]}@$tt),{ callback => sub {
-                                  my ($res) = @_;
-                                  $cv->end;
-                                  is_deeply $res, $tt, "async/update1-select/result";
-                           }}), "async/update1-select";
-    $cv->recv;
-    AnyEvent->now_update;
-    $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
-    foreach my $tuple (@$tt) {
-        $tuple->[4] += 10000;
-        $cv->begin;
-        ok $box->UpdateMulti($tuple->[0], [ 4 => add => 10000 ], {want_result => 1, callback => sub { is_deeply $_[0], $tuple, "async/update2-$tuple->[0]/result"; $cv->end; }}), "async/update2-$tuple->[0]";
-    }
-    $cv->begin;
-    ok $box->Select((map{$_->[0]}@$tt),{ callback => sub {
-                                  my ($res) = @_;
-                                  $cv->end;
-                                  is_deeply $res, $tt, "async/update2-select/result";
-                           }}), "async/update2-select";
-    $cv->recv;
-    AnyEvent->now_update;
-    $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
-    foreach my $tuple (@$tt) {
-        $cv->begin;
-        ok $box->Delete($tuple->[0], {want_result => 1, callback => sub { is_deeply $_[0], $tuple, "async/delete-$tuple->[0]/result"; $cv->end; }}), "async/delete-$tuple->[0]";
-    }
-    $cv->begin;
-    ok $box->Select((map{$_->[0]}@$tt),{ callback => sub {
-                                  my ($res) = @_;
-                                  $cv->end;
-                                  is_deeply $res, [], "async/delete-select/result";
-                           }}), "async/delete-select";
-    $cv->recv;
-sub countwarn {
-    my ($qr, $counter) = @_;
-    return sub {
-        ++$$counter if $_[0] =~ $qr;
-#         note "caught warning: ", @_;
-    };
-do {
-    local $server = sprintf "", Test::Tarantool::_find_free_port;
-    local $opts{raise} = 0;
-    my $try = 3;
-    my $counter = 0;
-    local $SIG{__WARN__} = countwarn(qr/refused/i, \$counter);
-    my $box = $CLASS->new(def_param('l&SSLL&'));
-    throws_ok sub{my$x=$box->Select(13,{ want => "arrayref", raise => 1 })}, NO_SUCCESS, "reject/select/raise/sync";
-    is $counter, $try, "reject/select/raise/sync/counter";
-    $counter = 0;
-    ok !$box->Select(13,{ want => "arrayref", raise => 0 }), "reject/select/noraise/sync";
-    ok $counter == $try, "reject/select/noraise/sync/counter";
-    $counter = 0;
-    my $continuation = $box->Select(13,{ return_fh => 1, raise => 0 });
-    ok !$continuation, "reject/select/continuation";
-    ok $counter == 1, "reject/select/continuation/counter";
-    $counter = 0;
-  SKIP:{
-        skip "AnyEvent not found", 5 unless $ANYEVENT;
-        AnyEvent->now_update;
-        my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
-        $cv->begin;
-        ok $box->Select(4,5,{ callback => sub {
-                                  my ($res) = @_;
-                                  $cv->end;
-                                  ok !$res, "reject/select/async/noraise/cb";
-                                  ok $box->Error, "reject/select/async/noraise/cb/error";
-                                  ok $box->ErrorStr, "reject/select/async/noraise/cb/errorstr";
-                              }}), "reject/select/async/noraise";
-        $cv->recv;
-        ok $counter == $try, "reject/select/async/noraise/counter";
-        $counter = 0;
-    }
-do {
-    my $pid;
-    local $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub { kill 'TERM', $pid };
-    $pid = fork();
-    die unless defined $pid;
-    unless($pid) {
-        $0 = "$0 <SERVER>";
-        my $stop = 0;
-        my $h;
-        my $l = IO::Socket::INET->new(
-            LocalAddr => '',
-            LocalPort => 1111,
-            Proto => 'tcp',
-            Listen => 10,
-            Blocking => 1,
-            ReuseAddr => 1,
-        ) or die $!;
-        $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub { ++$stop; close $l; close $h; exit; };
-        while(!$stop) {
-            $h = $l->accept;
-            my $data;
-            while($h->read($data,1024) > 0) { 0; }
-            close $h;
-        }
-        exit;
-    }
-    local $server = "";
-    local $opts{raise} = 0;
-    local $opts{timeout} = 0.1;
-    local $opts{select_timeout} = 0.1;
-    my $try = 3;
-    my $counter = 0;
-    local $SIG{__WARN__} = countwarn(qr/timed? ?out/i, \$counter);
-    my $box = $CLASS->new(def_param('l&SSLL&'));
-    sleep 1;
-    throws_ok sub{my$x=$box->Select(13,{ want => "arrayref", raise => 1 })}, NO_SUCCESS, "timeout1/select/raise/sync";
-    ok $counter == $try, "timeout1/select/raise/sync/counter";
-    $counter = 0;
-    ok !$box->Select(13,{ want => "arrayref", raise => 0 }), "timeout1/select/noraise/sync";
-    ok $counter == $try, "/counter";
-    $counter = 0;
-    my $continuation = $box->Select(13,{ return_fh => 1, raise => 0 });
-    ok $continuation, "timeout1/select/continuation";
-    ok !$continuation->{continue}->(), "timeout1/select/continuation/result";
-    ok $counter == 1, "timeout1/select/continuation/counter";
-    $counter = 0;
-  SKIP:{
-        skip "AnyEvent not found", 5 unless $ANYEVENT;
-        AnyEvent->now_update;
-        my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
-        $cv->begin;
-        ok $box->Select(4,5,{ callback => sub {
-                                  my ($res) = @_;
-                                  $cv->end;
-                                  ok !$res, "timeout1/select/async/noraise/cb";
-                                  ok $box->Error, "timeout1/select/async/noraise/cb/error";
-                                  ok $box->ErrorStr, "timeout1/select/async/noraise/cb/errorstr";
-                              }}), "timeout1/select/async/noraise";
-        $cv->recv;
-        ok $counter == $try, "timeout1/select/async/noraise/counter";
-        $counter = 0;
-    }
-    kill 'TERM', $pid;
-do {
-    my $pid;
-    local $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub { kill 'TERM', $pid };
-    $pid = fork();
-    die unless defined $pid;
-    unless($pid) {
-        $0 = "$0 <SERVER>";
-        my $stop = 0;
-        my $h;
-        my @ok = (0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1);
-        my $l = IO::Socket::INET->new(
-            LocalAddr => '',
-            LocalPort => 1111,
-            Proto => 'tcp',
-            Listen => 10,
-            Blocking => 1,
-            ReuseAddr => 1,
-        ) or die $!;
-        my ($host, $port) = split /:/, $server;
-        my $box = IO::Socket::INET->new(
-            PeerAddr => $host,
-            PeerPort => $port,
-            Proto => 'tcp',
-            Blocking => 1,
-        ) or die;
-        $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub { ++$stop; close $l; close $h; close $box; exit; };
-        while(!$stop) {
-            $h = $l->accept;
-            $h->blocking(1);
-            my $data = '';
-            if (shift @ok) {
-                while(!$stop) {
-                    $h->blocking(0);
-                    $h->read($data,1024,length$data);
-                    if(length$data) {
-                        $h->blocking(1);
-                        $h->read($data,12-length$data,length$data) while length $data < 12;
-                        my ($len) = unpack 'x4L', $data;
-                        $h->read($data,12+$len-length$data,length$data) while length $data < 12+$len;
-                        $box->write($data);
-                        $data = '';
-                        $box->read($data,12-length$data, length$data) while length $data < 12;
-                        ($len) = unpack 'x4L', $data;
-                        $box->read($data,12+$len-length$data,length$data) while length $data < 12+$len;
-                        $h->write($data);
-                        close $h;
-                        last;
-                    }
-                    sleep 0.1;
-                }
-            } else {
-                while($h->read($data,1024) > 0) { 0; }
-            }
-            close $h;
-        }
-        close $l;
-        close $box;
-        exit;
-    }
-    local $server = "";
-    local $opts{raise} = 0;
-    local $opts{timeout} = 0.1;
-    local $opts{select_timeout} = 0.1;
-    my $try = 2;
-    my $counter = 0;
-    local $SIG{__WARN__} = countwarn(qr/timed? ?out/i, \$counter);
-    my $box = $CLASS->new(def_param('l&SSLL&'));
-    sleep 1;
-    is_deeply $box->Select(13,{ want => "arrayref", raise => 1 }), [[13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789']], "timeout2/select/raise/sync";
-    ok !$box->Error, "timeout2/select/raise/sync/error";
-    ok !$box->ErrorStr, "timeout2/select/raise/sync/errorstr";
-    ok $counter == $try, "timeout2/select/raise/sync/counter";
-    $counter = 0;
-    is_deeply $box->Select(13,{ want => "arrayref", raise => 0 }), [[13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789']], "timeout2/select/noraise/sync";
-    ok !$box->Error, "timeout2/select/noraise/sync/error";
-    ok !$box->ErrorStr, "timeout2/select/noraise/sync/errorstr";
-    ok $counter == $try, "timeout2/select/noraise/sync/counter";
-    $counter = 0;
-    my $continuation = $box->Select(13,{ return_fh => 1, raise => 0, want => 'arrayref' });
-    ok $continuation, "timeout2/select/continuation";
-    is_deeply $continuation->{continue}->(), [[13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789']], "timeout2/select/continuation/result";
-    ok !$box->Error, "timeout2/select/continuation/error";
-    ok !$box->ErrorStr, "timeout2/select/continuation/errorstr";
-    ok $counter == 0, "timeout2/select/continuation/counter";
-    $counter = 0;
-  SKIP:{
-        skip "AnyEvent not found", 5 unless $ANYEVENT;
-        AnyEvent->now_update;
-        my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
-        $cv->begin;
-        ok $box->Select(13,{ callback => sub {
-                                  my ($res) = @_;
-                                  $cv->end;
-                                  is_deeply $res, [[13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 1, 2, 3, 4, '123456789']], "timeout2/select/async/noraise/cb";
-                                  ok !$box->Error, "timeout2/select/async/noraise/cb/error";
-                                  ok !$box->ErrorStr, "timeout2/select/async/noraise/cb/errorstr";
-                              }}), "timeout2/select/async/noraise";
-        $cv->recv;
-        ok $counter == $try, "timeout2/select/async/noraise/counter";
-        $counter = 0;
-    }
-    kill 'TERM', $pid;
-$box = $CLASS->new(def_param);
-ok $box->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
-cleanup 13;
-ok $box->Insert(13, q/some_email@test.mail.ru/, 1, 2, 3, 4), 'insert';
-ok $box->Insert(13, q/some_email@test.mail.ru/, 2, 2, 3, 4), 'replace';
-ok $box->Update(13, 3 => 1) == 1, 'update of some field';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 2, 1, 3, 4], 'select/update';
-cleanup 14;
-ok $box->Insert(14, 'aaa@test.mail.ru', 0, 0, 1, 1), 'insert';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(14), [14, 'aaa@test.mail.ru', 0, 0, 1, 1], 'select';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select('aaa@test.mail.ru', {use_index => 'primary_email'}), [14, 'aaa@test.mail.ru', 0, 0, 1, 1], 'select';
-ok $box->Update(14, 2 => 2), 'update of some field';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select(14), [14, 'aaa@test.mail.ru', 2, 0, 1, 1], 'select';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select('aaa@test.mail.ru', {use_index => 'primary_email'}), [14, 'aaa@test.mail.ru', 2, 0, 1, 1], 'select';
-$box = $CLASS->new(def_param);
-ok $box->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
-for (1..3) {
-    %MR::IProto::sockets = ();
-    %MR::IProto::sockets = ();
-    $box = $CLASS->new(def_param);
-    ok $box->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
-    cleanup 14;
-    ok $box->Insert(14, 'aaa@test.mail.ru', 0, 0, 1, 1), 'insert';
-    ok $box->Update(14, 2 => 2), 'update of field';
-# interfaces
-#            0   1                   2  3  4  5
-my @tuple = (14, 'aaa@test.mail.ru', 0, 0, 1, 0);
-my $id = $tuple[0];
-my $email = $tuple[1];
-cleanup 14;
-ok $box->Insert(@tuple), 'insert';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select($id), \@tuple, 'select';
-### Bit ops
-# zero namespace
-$box->Bit($id, 5, bit_set => (1 << 15));
-$tuple[5] |= (1 << 15);
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select($id), \@tuple, 'bit set';
-$box->Bit($id, 5, bit_clear => (1 << 15));
-$tuple[5] &= ~(1 << 15);
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select($id), \@tuple, 'bit clear';
-$box->Bit($id, 5, bit_set => (1 << 15), bit_clear => (1 << 16));
-$tuple[5] |= (1 << 15);
-$tuple[5] &= ~(1 << 16);
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select($id), \@tuple, 'bit_set + bit_clear';
-$box->Bit($id, 5, set => 4095, bit_set => (1 << 5), bit_clear => (1 << 6));
-$tuple[5] = 4095;
-$tuple[5] |= (1 << 5);
-$tuple[5] &= ~(1 << 6);
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select($id), \@tuple, 'set + bit_set + bit_clear';
-$box->Bit($id, 5, set => 123);
-$tuple[5] = 123;
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select($id), \@tuple, 'set via Bit';
-## Num ops
-# zero namespace
-$box->Num($id, 5, num_add => 1);
-$tuple[5] += 1;
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select($id), \@tuple, 'num_add';
-$box->Num($id, 5, num_sub => 1);
-$tuple[5] -= 1;
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select($id), \@tuple, 'num_sub';
-$box->Num($id, 5, set => 123);
-$tuple[5] = 123;
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select($id), \@tuple, 'set via Num';
-$box->Num($id, 5, set => 4095, num_add => 5, num_sub => 10);
-$tuple[5] = 4095;
-$tuple[5] += 5;
-$tuple[5] -= 10;
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select($id), \@tuple, 'set + num_add + num_sub';
-### Bit & Num opt parse
-throws_ok sub { $box->Bit($id, 5, update => 123) }, qr/unknown op 'update'/, 'bad op for Bit';
-throws_ok sub { $box->Bit($id, 5, hxxxxx => 123) }, qr/unknown op 'hxxxxx'/, 'bad op for Bit';
-throws_ok sub { $box->Num($id, 5, update => 123) }, qr/unknown op 'update'/, 'bad op for Num';
-throws_ok sub { $box->Num($id, 5, hxxxxx => 123) }, qr/unknown op 'hxxxxx'/, 'bad op for Num';
-### AndXorAdd
-$box->AndXorAdd($id, 5, 4095, 5, 10);
-$tuple[5] &= 4095;
-$tuple[5] ^= 5;
-$tuple[5] += 10;
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select($id), \@tuple, 'AndXorAdd namespace=1';
-### key parser
-throws_ok sub { my $a = $box->Select('some@test.mai;.ru') }, qr/not numeric key/, 'validation of $key';
-throws_ok sub { my $a = $box->Num('some@test.mai;.ru', 5, num_add => 1) }, qr/not numeric key/, 'validation of $key';
-throws_ok sub { my $a = $box->Delete('some@test.mai;.ru') }, qr/not numeric key/, 'validation of $key';
-throws_ok sub { my $a = $box->Select('1.1') }, qr/not numeric key/, 'validation of $key';
-throws_ok sub { my $a = $box->Num('1.1', 5, num_add => 1) }, qr/not numeric key/, 'validation of $key';
-throws_ok sub { my $a = $box->Delete('1.1') }, qr/not numeric key/, 'validation of $key';
-throws_ok sub { my $a = $box->Select('') }, qr/not numeric key/, 'validation of $key';
-throws_ok sub { my $a = $box->Num('', 5, num_add => 1) }, qr/not numeric key/, 'validation of $key';
-throws_ok sub { my $a = $box->Delete('') }, qr/not numeric key/, 'validation of $key';
-## Detete
-cleanup $id;
-ok $box->Insert(@tuple), 'insert';
-ok $box->Delete($id), 'delete by id';
-ok 0 == $box->Delete($id), 'delete by id';
-## UpdateMulti
-cleanup $id;
-ok $box->Insert(@tuple), 'insert';
-ok $box->UpdateMulti($id, ([5 => set => 1]) x 127), 'big update multi';
-# CANT TEST throws_ok sub { $box->UpdateMulti($id, ([5 => set => 1]) x 128) }, ILL_PARAM, 'too big update multi';
-throws_ok sub { $box->UpdateMulti($id, ([5 => set => 1]) x 129) }, qr/too many op/, 'too big update multi';
-    my $box = $CLASS->new(def_param(q/l& SSL&/));
-    my @tuple = @tuple;
-    ok $box->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
-    ok $box->UpdateMulti($id, map { [5 => set => 'x' x 127] } (1..127)), 'big update multi';
-    $tuple[5] = 'x' x 127;
-    is_deeply scalar $box->Select($id), \@tuple, 'result of update multi';
-    # DISABLED since no BER IN BOX yet
-    # ok $box->UpdateMulti($id, ([5 => set => 'x' x 6554])), 'very big update multi';
-    # $tuple[5] = 'x' x 6554;
-    # is_deeply scalar $box->Select($id), \@tuple, 'result of update multi';
-    my $box = $CLASS->new(def_param(q/l& &&&&/));
-    my @tuple = @tuple;
-    my $id = $tuple[0];
-    ok $box->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
-    ok $box->UpdateMulti($id, [2 => set => 'ab'], [5 => set => 'z' x 127]), 'update multi no teplate';
-    $tuple[2] = 'ab';
-    $tuple[5] = 'z' x 127;
-    my @r = @{$box->Select($id)};
-    is_deeply scalar [@r[2,5]], [@tuple[2,5]] , 'result of update multi';
-throws_ok sub { $box->UpdateMulti($id, [5 => and_xor_add => [1,2,3,4]]) }, qr/bad op <and_xor_add>/, 'bad and_xor_add';
-throws_ok sub { $box->UpdateMulti($id, [5 => and_xor_add => [1,2]]) }, qr/bad op <and_xor_add>/, 'bad and_xor_add';
-throws_ok sub { $box->UpdateMulti($id, [5 => and_xor_add => 1]) }, qr/bad op <and_xor_add>/, 'bad and_xor_add';
-throws_ok sub { $box->UpdateMulti($id, [1, 2, 3]) }, qr/bad op/, 'bad op';
-throws_ok sub { $box->UpdateMulti($id, [1, 2]) }, qr/bad op/, 'bad op';
-throws_ok sub { $box->UpdateMulti($id, '') }, qr/bad op/, 'bad op';
-    my @tuple = (14, 'aaa@test.mail.ru', 0, 0, 1, 1);
-    cleanup 14;
-    cleanup 15;
-    ok $box->Insert(@tuple), 'insert';
-    my @op = ([4 => num_add => 300], [5 => num_sub => 100], [5 => set => 1414], [5 => bit_set => 1 | 2], [5 => bit_clear => 2]);
-    ok $box->UpdateMulti($tuple[0], @op), 'update multi';
-    my @tuple_new = @tuple;
-    $tuple_new[4] += 300;
-    $tuple_new[5] -= 100;
-    $tuple_new[5] = 1414;
-    $tuple_new[5] |= 1 | 2;
-    $tuple_new[5] &= ~2;
-    is_deeply scalar $box->Select(14), \@tuple_new, 'update multi';
-    cleanup 14;
-    ok $box->Insert(@tuple), 'insert';
-    is_deeply scalar $box->UpdateMulti($tuple[0], @op, {want_result => 1}), \@tuple_new, 'update multi, want_result';
-    ok 0 == $box->UpdateMulti(15, [4 => num_add => 300], [5 => num_sub => 100], [5 => set => 1414]), 'update multi of nonexist';
-## Select
-throws_ok sub { $box->Select(1) }, qr/void context/, 'select in void context';
-throws_ok sub { my $a = $box->Select(1,2,3) }, qr/too many keys in scalar context/, 'too many keys in scalar context';
-cleanup $tuple[0];
-ok $box->Insert(@tuple);
-is_deeply [$box->Select($tuple[0], $tuple[0])], [\@tuple, \@tuple], 'select in scalar context';
-is_deeply scalar $box->Select($tuple[0], $tuple[0], {want => 'arrayref'}), [\@tuple, \@tuple], 'select want => arrrayref';
-    my $box = $CLASS->new(
-        { %{def_param()},
-          hashify => sub {
-              my ($namespace, $row) = @_;
-              my $i = 1;
-              foreach (@$row) {
-                  my @tuple = @{$_};
-                  $_ = {};
-                  foreach my $k (@tuple) {
-                      $_->{$i++} = $k;
-                  }
-              }
-          },
-      }
-    );
-    my $hash = {};
-    my $i = 1;
-    $hash->{$i++} = $_ foreach @tuple;
-    is_deeply $box->Select($tuple[0]), $hash, 'select with hashify';
-## Tree indexes
-sub def_param1 {
-    my $format = 'l&l';
-    return { servers => $server,
-             namespaces => [ {
-                 indexes => [ {
-                     index_name   => 'primary_num1',
-                     keys         => [0],
-                 }, {
-                     index_name   => 'secondary_str2',
-                     keys         => [1],
-                 }, {
-                     index_name   => 'secondary_complex',
-                     keys         => [1, 2],
-                 } ],
-                 namespace     => 26,
-                 format        => $format,
-                 default_index => 'primary_num1',
-             } ],
-             %opts,
-         }
-$box = $CLASS->new(def_param1);
-ok $box->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
-my @tuple1 = (13, 'mail.ru', 123);
-cleanup $tuple1[0];
-my @tuple2 = (14, 'mail.ru', 456);
-cleanup $tuple2[0];
-ok $box->Insert(@tuple1);
-is_deeply [$box->Select([[$tuple1[0]]])], [\@tuple1], 'select by primary_num1 index';
-is_deeply [$box->Select([[$tuple1[1]]], { use_index => 'secondary_str2' })], [\@tuple1], 'select by secondary_str2 index';
-is_deeply [$box->Select([[$tuple1[1], $tuple1[2]]], { use_index => 'secondary_complex' })], [\@tuple1], 'select by secondary_complex index';
-is_deeply [$box->Select([[$tuple1[1]]], { use_index => 'secondary_complex' })], [\@tuple1], 'select by secondary_complex index, partial key';
-ok $box->Insert(@tuple2);
-is_deeply [$box->Select([[$tuple2[0]]])], [\@tuple2], 'select by primary_num1 index';
-is_deeply [$box->Select([[$tuple1[1]]], { use_index => 'secondary_str2', limit => 2, offset => 0 })], [\@tuple1, \@tuple2], 'select by secondary_str2 index';
-is_deeply [$box->Select([[$tuple2[1], $tuple2[2]]], { use_index => 'secondary_complex' })], [\@tuple2], 'select by secondary_complex index';
-## Check index constrains
-sub def_param_bad {
-    my $format = 'l&&';
-    return { servers => $server,
-             spaces => [ {
-                 indexes => [ {
-                     index_name   => 'primary_num1',
-                     keys         => [0],
-                 }, {
-                     index_name   => 'secondary_str2',
-                     keys         => [1],
-                 }, {
-                     index_name   => 'secondary_complex',
-                     keys         => [1, 2],
-                 } ],
-                 namespace     => 26,
-                 format        => $format,
-                 default_index => 'primary_num1',
-             } ],
-             %opts,
-         }
-$box = $CLASS->new(def_param_bad);
-ok $box->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
-my @tuple_bad = (13, 'mail.ru', '123');
-cleanup $tuple_bad[0];
-throws_ok sub { $box->Insert(@tuple_bad) }, ILL_PARAM, "index_constains/bad_field_type";
-## Check unique tree index
-sub def_param_unique {
-    my $format = 'l&&&';
-    return { servers => $server,
-             namespaces => [ {
-                 indexes => [ {
-                     index_name   => 'id',
-                     keys         => [0],
-                 }, {
-                     index_name   => 'email',
-                     keys         => [1],
-                 }, {
-                     index_name   => 'firstname',
-                     keys         => [2],
-                 }, {
-                     index_name   => 'lastname',
-                     keys         => [3],
-                 } , {
-                     index_name   => 'fullname',
-                     keys         => [2, 3]
-                 } ],
-                 space     => 27,
-                 format        => $format,
-                 default_index => 'id',
-             } ],
-             %opts,
-         }
-$box = $CLASS->new(def_param_unique);
-ok $box->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
-my $tuples = [ [1, 'rtokarev@corp.mail.ru', 'Roman', 'Tokarev'],
-               [2, 'vostrikov@corp.mail.ru', 'Yuri', 'Vostrikov'],
-               [3, 'aleinikov@corp.mail.ru', 'Roman', 'Aleinikov'],
-               [4, 'roman.s.tokarev@gmail.com', 'Roman', 'Tokarev'],
-               [5, 'vostrikov@corp.mail.ru', 'delamon', 'delamon'] ];
-foreach my $tuple (@$tuples) {
-        cleanup $tuple->[0];
-foreach my $tuple (@$tuples) {
-        if ($tuple == $tuples->[-1] || $tuple == $tuples->[-2]) {
-                throws_ok sub { $box->Insert(@$tuple) }, INDEX_VIOLATION, "unique_tree_index/insert \'$tuple->[0]\'";
-        } else {
-                ok $box->Insert(@$tuple), "unique_tree_index/insert \'$tuple->[0]\'";
-        }
-my @res = $box->Select([map $_->[0], @$tuples], { limit => 100 });
-foreach my $r (@res) {
-        ok sub { return $r->[0] != $tuples->[-1] && $r->[0] != $tuples->[-2] },
-            'invalid insert into unique index';
-my $flds;
-my $lflds;
-BEGIN{ $flds = [qw/ f1 f2 f3 f4 LL /] }
-BEGIN{ $lflds = [qw/ l1 l2 l3 /] }
-    {
-        package TestBox;
-        use MR::Tarantool::Box::Singleton;
-        use base 'MR::Tarantool::Box::Singleton';
-        BEGIN {
-            __PACKAGE__->mkfields(@$flds);
-            __PACKAGE__->mklongfields(@$lflds);
-        }
-        sub SERVER   { $server }
-        sub REPLICAS { '' }
-        sub SPACES   {[{
-            space         => 27,
-            indexes       => [ {
-                index_name   => 'primary_id',
-                keys         => [TUPLE_f1],
-            } ],
-            format        => 'l&$&(&$&)*',
-            default_index => 'primary_id',
-        }]}
-    }
-$box = 'TestBox';
-#$box = $CLASS->new(def_param_flds);
-#ok $box->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
-do {
-    my $tuples = [
-        [1, "asdasdasd1", "qqq\xD0\x8Eqqq1", "ww\xD0\x8Eww1", "la\xD0\x8Elalala11", "la\xD0\x8Elala11", "lala11"],
-        [2, "asdasdasd2", "qqq\xD0\x8Eqqq2", "ww\xD0\x8Eww2", "la\xD0\x8Elalala21", "la\xD0\x8Elala21", "lala21", "lalalala22", "lalala22", "lala22", "lalalala23", "lalala23", "lala23"],
-        [3, "asdasdasd3", "qqq\xD0\x8Eqqq3", "ww\xD0\x8Eww3", "la\xD0\x8Elalala31", "la\xD0\x8Elala31", "lala31", "lalalala32", "lalala32", "lala32"],
-        [4, "asdasdasd4", "qqq\xD0\x8Eqqq4", "ww\xD0\x8Eww4", "la\xD0\x8Elalala41", "la\xD0\x8Elala41", "lala41", "lalalala42", "lalala42", "lala42", "lalalala43", "lalala43", "lala43"],
-        [5, "asdasdasd5", "qqq\xD0\x8Eqqq5", "ww\xD0\x8Eww5", "la\xD0\x8Elalala51", "la\xD0\x8Elala51", "lala51"],
-    ];
-    my $check = [];
-    for my $tuple (@$tuples) {
-        my $i = 0;
-        Encode::_utf8_on($tuple->[2+$i*3]), ++$i while @$tuple > 1+$i*3;
-        my $t = { zip @{[@$flds[0..($#$flds-1)]]}, @{[@$tuple[0..($#$flds-1)]]} };
-        my $l = $t->{$flds->[-1]} = [];
-        $i = 1;
-        push(@$l, { zip @$lflds, @{[@$tuple[(1+$i*3)..(1+$i*3+2)]]} }), ++$i while @$tuple > 1+$i*3;
-        push @$check, $t;
-    }
-    foreach my $tuple (@$tuples) {
-        cleanup $tuple->[0];
-    }
-    foreach my $i (0 .. $#$tuples) {
-        is_deeply [$box->Insert(@{$tuples->[$i]}, {want_inserted_tuple => 1})], [$check->[$i]], "flds/insert \'$tuples->[$i]->[0]\'";
-    }
-    is_deeply [$box->Select([[$tuples->[0]->[0]]])], [$check->[0]], 'select by primary_num1 index';
-    my $res;
-    is_deeply [$res=$box->Select([map {$_->[0]} @$tuples],{want=>'arrayref'})], [$check], 'select all';
-    # print $res->[0]->{f3}, "\n";
-    # print $check->[0]->{f3}, "\n";
-    ok $res->[$_]->{f3}            eq $check->[$_]->{f3}, "utf8chk"                for 0..$#$tuples;
-    ok $res->[$_]->{LL}->[0]->{l2} eq $check->[$_]->{LL}->[0]->{l2}, "utf8chklong" for 0..$#$tuples;
-    is_deeply [$box->UpdateMulti($tuples->[2]->[0],[ $flds->[3] => set => $tuples->[2]->[3] ],{want_updated_tuple => 1})], [$check->[2]], 'update1';
-    ok         $box->UpdateMulti($tuples->[2]->[0],[ $flds->[3] => set => $tuples->[2]->[3] ]), 'update2';
-    is_deeply [$box->UpdateMulti($tuples->[2]->[0],[ 3          => set => $tuples->[2]->[3] ],{want_updated_tuple => 1})], [$check->[2]], 'update3';
-    ok         $box->UpdateMulti($tuples->[2]->[0],[ 3          => set => $tuples->[2]->[3] ]), 'update4';
-    is_deeply [$box->UpdateMulti($tuples->[2]->[0],[ 6          => set => $tuples->[2]->[6] ],{want_updated_tuple => 1})], [$check->[2]], 'update5';
-    ok         $box->UpdateMulti($tuples->[2]->[0],[ 6          => set => $tuples->[2]->[6] ]), 'update6';
-    is_deeply [$box->UpdateMulti($tuples->[2]->[0],[ [0,2]      => set => $tuples->[2]->[6] ],{want_updated_tuple => 1})], [$check->[2]], 'update7';
-    ok         $box->UpdateMulti($tuples->[2]->[0],[ [0,2]      => set => $tuples->[2]->[6] ]), 'update8';
-    is_deeply [$box->UpdateMulti($tuples->[2]->[0],[ [0,'l3']   => set => $tuples->[2]->[6] ],{want_updated_tuple => 1})], [$check->[2]], 'update9';
-    ok         $box->UpdateMulti($tuples->[2]->[0],[ [0,'l3']   => set => $tuples->[2]->[6] ]), 'update10';
-    is_deeply [$box->Delete($tuples->[$_]->[0],{want_deleted_tuple => 1})], [$check->[$_]], "delete$_" for 0..$#$tuples;
-## Check u64 index
-# note, that u64 keys are emulated via pack('ll') since default ubuntu perl doesn't support pack('q')
-sub def_param_u64 {
-    my $format = '&&&&';
-    return { servers => $server,
-             spaces => [ {
-                 indexes => [ {
-                     index_name   => 'id',
-                     keys         => [0],
-                 } ],
-                 space         => 20,
-                 format        => $format,
-                 default_index => 'id',
-             } ],
-             %opts,
-         }
-$box = $CLASS->new(def_param_u64);
-ok $box->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
-$_->[0] = pack('ll', $_->[0], 0) foreach @$tuples;
-foreach my $tuple (@$tuples) {
-        cleanup $tuple->[0];
-foreach my $tuple (@$tuples) {
-    ok $box->Insert(@$tuple), "unique_tree_index/insert \'$tuple->[0]\'";
-is_deeply($tuples, [$box->Select([map $_->[0], @$tuples])], 'Select tuples');
diff --git a/connector/perl/t/box.pl b/connector/perl/t/box.pl
index 3be1120d8d52f62b216f4db7c7760e9b07b370b5..39216604fd4f897f1a661ab7412e5277ff3fb72c 100644
--- a/connector/perl/t/box.pl
+++ b/connector/perl/t/box.pl
@@ -4,26 +4,40 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin";
+use lib "$Bin/../lib";
     sub mPOP::Config::GetValue ($) {
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use lib "$Bin";
-use Carp qw/confess/;
-use Test::More tests => 366;
+use Carp qw/confess/;
+use Test::More tests => 372;
 use Test::Exception;
+    warn "$Bin/../lib";
+    use_ok 'Test::Tarantool';
+    use_ok 'POSIX';
 use List::MoreUtils qw/zip/;
 local $SIG{__DIE__} = \&confess;
 our $CLASS;
-BEGIN { $CLASS = $ENV{BOXCLASS} || 'MR::Tarantool::Box'; eval "require $CLASS" or die $@; }
+    $CLASS = $ENV{BOXCLASS} || 'MR::Tarantool::Box';
+    eval "require $CLASS" or die $@;
+POSIX::setlocale(LC_ALL, 'C');
-use constant ILL_PARAM         => qr/Error 00000202/;
+use constant ILL_PARAM         => qr/Error (00000202|00002A02)/;
 use constant TUPLE_NOT_EXISTS  => qr/Error 00003102/;
 use constant TUPLE_EXISTS      => qr/Error 00003702/;
 use constant INDEX_VIOLATION   => qr/Error 00003802/;
@@ -33,7 +47,18 @@ use constant NO_SUCCESS        => qr/no success after/;
 use constant TOO_BIG_FIELD => qr/too big field/;
 our $box;
-our $server = (shift || $ENV{BOX}) or die;
+my $tarantool_config = "$Bin/data/box.t.cfg";
+ok -r $tarantool_config, "-r $tarantool_config";
+my $tnt_srv = Test::Tarantool->run(cfg => $tarantool_config);
+ok $tnt_srv, 'server instance created';
+diag $tnt_srv->log unless ok $tnt_srv->started, 'server is started';
+our $server = shift || $ENV{BOX} ||
+    sprintf '', $tnt_srv->primary_port;
+ok $server, 'server address was defined ' . $server || 'undef';
 our %opts = (
     debug => $ENV{DEBUG}||0,
     ipdebug => $ENV{IPDEBUG}||0,
@@ -97,6 +122,8 @@ is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 2, 1, 3, 4, '
 ok $box->Substr(13, 6 => [3,4,'12345']), 'substr op';
 is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 2, 1, 3, 4, 'EPE123456APPE'], 'select/substr';
 ok $box->UpdateMulti(13, [6 => splice => [0]]), 'generic splice (offset = 0)';
 is_deeply scalar $box->Select(13), [13, 'some_email@test.mail.ru', 2, 1, 3, 4, ''], 'select/splice (offset = 0)';
@@ -275,12 +302,12 @@ sub countwarn {
     my ($qr, $counter) = @_;
     return sub {
         ++$$counter if $_[0] =~ $qr;
-        warn @_;
+#         note "caught warning: ", @_;
 do {
-    local $server = "";
+    local $server = sprintf "", Test::Tarantool::_find_free_port;
     local $opts{raise} = 0;
     my $try = 3;
@@ -290,7 +317,7 @@ do {
     my $box = $CLASS->new(def_param('l&SSLL&'));
     throws_ok sub{my$x=$box->Select(13,{ want => "arrayref", raise => 1 })}, NO_SUCCESS, "reject/select/raise/sync";
-    ok $counter == $try, "reject/select/raise/sync/counter";
+    is $counter, $try, "reject/select/raise/sync/counter";
     $counter = 0;
     ok !$box->Select(13,{ want => "arrayref", raise => 0 }), "reject/select/noraise/sync";
@@ -556,6 +583,7 @@ ok $box->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
 for (1..3) {
+    %MR::IProto::sockets = ();
     %MR::IProto::sockets = ();
     $box = $CLASS->new(def_param);
     ok $box->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
@@ -875,26 +903,28 @@ $box = $CLASS->new(def_param_unique);
 ok $box->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
 my $tuples = [ [1, 'rtokarev@corp.mail.ru', 'Roman', 'Tokarev'],
-	       [2, 'vostrikov@corp.mail.ru', 'Yuri', 'Vostrikov'],
-	       [3, 'aleinikov@corp.mail.ru', 'Roman', 'Aleinikov'],
-	       [4, 'roman.s.tokarev@gmail.com', 'Roman', 'Tokarev'],
-	       [5, 'vostrikov@corp.mail.ru', 'delamon', 'delamon'] ];
+               [2, 'vostrikov@corp.mail.ru', 'Yuri', 'Vostrikov'],
+               [3, 'aleinikov@corp.mail.ru', 'Roman', 'Aleinikov'],
+               [4, 'roman.s.tokarev@gmail.com', 'Roman', 'Tokarev'],
+               [5, 'vostrikov@corp.mail.ru', 'delamon', 'delamon'] ];
 foreach my $tuple (@$tuples) {
-	cleanup $tuple->[0];
+        cleanup $tuple->[0];
 foreach my $tuple (@$tuples) {
-	if ($tuple == $tuples->[-1] || $tuple == $tuples->[-2]) {
-		throws_ok sub { $box->Insert(@$tuple) }, INDEX_VIOLATION, "unique_tree_index/insert \'$tuple->[0]\'";
-	} else {
-		ok $box->Insert(@$tuple), "unique_tree_index/insert \'$tuple->[0]\'";
-	}
+        if ($tuple == $tuples->[-1] || $tuple == $tuples->[-2]) {
+                throws_ok sub { $box->Insert(@$tuple) }, INDEX_VIOLATION, "unique_tree_index/insert \'$tuple->[0]\'";
+        } else {
+                ok $box->Insert(@$tuple), "unique_tree_index/insert \'$tuple->[0]\'";
+        }
 my @res = $box->Select([map $_->[0], @$tuples], { limit => 100 });
 foreach my $r (@res) {
-	ok sub { return $r != $tuples->[-1] && $r != $tuples->[-2] };
+        ok sub { return $r->[0] != $tuples->[-1] && $r->[0] != $tuples->[-2] },
+            'invalid insert into unique index';
 my $flds;
@@ -926,6 +956,8 @@ BEGIN{ $lflds = [qw/ l1 l2 l3 /] }
 $box = 'TestBox';
 #$box = $CLASS->new(def_param_flds);
 #ok $box->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
@@ -952,11 +984,12 @@ do {
         push @$check, $t;
     foreach my $tuple (@$tuples) {
         cleanup $tuple->[0];
-    foreach my $i (0..$#$tuples) {
+    foreach my $i (0 .. $#$tuples) {
         is_deeply [$box->Insert(@{$tuples->[$i]}, {want_inserted_tuple => 1})], [$check->[$i]], "flds/insert \'$tuples->[$i]->[0]\'";
@@ -1009,76 +1042,15 @@ ok $box->isa($CLASS), 'connect';
 $_->[0] = pack('ll', $_->[0], 0) foreach @$tuples;
 foreach my $tuple (@$tuples) {
-	cleanup $tuple->[0];
+        cleanup $tuple->[0];
 foreach my $tuple (@$tuples) {
     ok $box->Insert(@$tuple), "unique_tree_index/insert \'$tuple->[0]\'";
-is_deeply($tuples, [$box->Select([map $_->[0], @$tuples])]);
+is_deeply($tuples, [$box->Select([map $_->[0], @$tuples])], 'Select tuples');
-space[0].enabled = 1
-space[0].index[0].type = "HASH"
-space[0].index[0].unique = 1
-space[0].index[0].key_field[0].fieldno = 0
-space[0].index[0].key_field[0].type = "NUM"
-space[0].index[1].type = "HASH"
-space[0].index[1].unique = 1
-space[0].index[1].key_field[0].fieldno = 1
-space[0].index[1].key_field[0].type = "STR"
-space[20].enabled = 1
-space[20].index[0].type = "HASH"
-space[20].index[0].unique = 1
-space[20].index[0].key_field[0].fieldno = 0
-space[20].index[0].key_field[0].type = "NUM64"
-space[26].enabled = 1
-space[26].index[0].type = "HASH"
-space[26].index[0].unique = 1
-space[26].index[0].key_field[0].fieldno = 0
-space[26].index[0].key_field[0].type = "NUM"
-space[26].index[1].type = "TREE"
-space[26].index[1].unique = 0
-space[26].index[1].key_field[0].fieldno = 1
-space[26].index[1].key_field[0].type = "STR"
-space[26].index[2].type = "TREE"
-space[26].index[2].unique = 0
-space[26].index[2].key_field[0].fieldno = 1
-space[26].index[2].key_field[0].type = "STR"
-space[26].index[2].key_field[1].fieldno = 2
-space[26].index[2].key_field[1].type = "NUM"
-space[27].enabled = 1
-space[27].index[0].type = "HASH"
-space[27].index[0].unique = 1
-space[27].index[0].key_field[0].fieldno = 0
-space[27].index[0].key_field[0].type = "NUM"
-space[27].index[1].type = "HASH"
-space[27].index[1].unique = 1
-space[27].index[1].key_field[0].fieldno = 1
-space[27].index[1].key_field[0].type = "STR"
-space[27].index[2].type = "TREE"
-space[27].index[2].unique = 1
-space[27].index[2].key_field[0].fieldno = 2
-space[27].index[2].key_field[0].type = "STR"
-space[27].index[2].type = "TREE"
-space[27].index[2].unique = 1
-space[27].index[2].key_field[0].fieldno = 3
-space[27].index[2].key_field[0].type = "STR"
-space[27].index[3].type = "TREE"
-space[27].index[3].unique = 1
-space[27].index[3].key_field[0].fieldno = 2
-space[27].index[3].key_field[0].type = "STR"
-space[27].index[3].key_field[1].fieldno = 3
-space[27].index[3].key_field[1].type = "STR"