diff --git a/src/box/box_lua_space.cc b/src/box/box_lua_space.cc
index edc3c5aa28748a7a97058873ea09454ded864188..4a6b39c813fe32e0e9fe8cb77b6e6085c44809bf 100644
--- a/src/box/box_lua_space.cc
+++ b/src/box/box_lua_space.cc
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ lbox_fillspace(struct lua_State *L, struct space *space, int i)
 	lua_settable(L, i);
 	lua_pushstring(L, "enabled");
-	lua_pushboolean(L, space->engine.state != READY_NO_KEYS);
+	lua_pushboolean(L, space_index(space, 0) != 0);
 	lua_settable(L, i);
 	lua_getfield(L, i, "index");
diff --git a/test/box/alter_limits.result b/test/box/alter_limits.result
index 1c545a9b9aa51bc3c7da120e59577e65d10e529d..dd0d16af27b730c72b6ad2957ccd9d340c0e4359 100644
--- a/test/box/alter_limits.result
+++ b/test/box/alter_limits.result
@@ -852,49 +852,359 @@ s:insert(3, 2)
--- -----------
--- space cache
--- -----------
--- - all the various kinds of reference to a dropped space
---   - iterator to index
---   index to space
---   space to index
---   variable
---   key def
---   all userdata given away to lua - think how
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
+-- SPACE CACHE: what happens to a space cache when an object is gone
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
+s = box.schema.create_space('test')
+s1 = s
+s:create_index('primary', 'tree')
+- 0
+primary = s1.index.primary
+- 0
+- error: 'No index #0 is defined in space 512'
+-- @todo: add a test case for dangling iterator (currently no checks
+-- for a dangling iterator in the code
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
+-- RECOVERY: check that all indexes are correctly built
+-- during recovery regardless of when they are created
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
+-- primary, secondary keys in a snapshot
+s_empty = box.schema.create_space('s_empty')
+s_empty:create_index('primary', 'tree', {unique = true, parts = {0, 'num'}})
+s_empty:create_index('secondary', 'hash', {unique = true, parts = {1, 'num'}})
+s_full = box.schema.create_space('s_full')
+s_full:create_index('primary', 'tree', {unique = true, parts = {0, 'num'}})
+s_full:create_index('secondary', 'hash', {unique = true, parts = {1, 'num'}})
+s_full:insert(1, 1, 'a')
+- [1, 1, 'a']
+s_full:insert(2, 2, 'b')
+- [2, 2, 'b']
+s_full:insert(3, 3, 'c')
+- [3, 3, 'c']
+s_full:insert(4, 4, 'd')
+- [4, 4, 'd']
+s_full:insert(5, 5, 'e')
+- [5, 5, 'e']
+s_nil = box.schema.create_space('s_nil')
+s_drop = box.schema.create_space('s_drop')
+- ok
+s_nil:create_index('primary', 'hash', {unique=true, parts = {0, 'num'}})
+- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+s_nil:insert(7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12)
+- [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
+s_nil:create_index('secondary', 'tree', {unique=false, parts = {1, 'num', 2, 'num', 3, 'num'}})
+s_nil:insert(13, 14, 15, 16, 17)
+- [13, 14, 15, 16, 17]
+r_empty = box.schema.create_space('r_empty')
+r_empty:create_index('primary', 'tree', {unique = true, parts = {0, 'num'}})
+r_empty:create_index('secondary', 'hash', {unique = true, parts = {1, 'num'}})
+r_full = box.schema.create_space('r_full')
+r_full:create_index('primary', 'tree', {unique = true, parts = {0, 'num'}})
+r_full:create_index('secondary', 'hash', {unique = true, parts = {1, 'num'}})
+r_full:insert(1, 1, 'a')
+- [1, 1, 'a']
+r_full:insert(2, 2, 'b')
+- [2, 2, 'b']
+r_full:insert(3, 3, 'c')
+- [3, 3, 'c']
+r_full:insert(4, 4, 'd')
+- [4, 4, 'd']
+r_full:insert(5, 5, 'e')
+- [5, 5, 'e']
+s_full:create_index('multikey', 'tree', {unique = true, parts = { 1, 'num', 2, 'str'}})
+s_full:insert(6, 6, 'f')
+- [6, 6, 'f']
+s_full:insert(7, 7, 'g')
+- [7, 7, 'g']
+s_full:insert(8, 8, 'h')
+- [8, 8, 'h']
+r_disabled = box.schema.create_space('r_disabled')
+--# stop server default
+--# start server default
+s_empty = box.space['s_empty']
+s_full = box.space['s_full']
+s_nil = box.space['s_nil']
+s_drop = box.space['s_drop']
+r_empty = box.space['r_empty']
+r_full = box.space['r_full']
+r_disabled = box.space['r_disabled']
+- null
+- primary
+- primary
+- primary
+- primary
+- primary
+- true
+- true
+- true
+- true
+- true
+- false
+- secondary
+- secondary
+- secondary
+- secondary
+- secondary
+- 0
+- 1
+- 0
+- 1
+- 1
+- 0
+- 1
+- 0
+- 1
+- 0
+- [1, 1, 'a']
+- [2, 2, 'b']
+- [3, 3, 'c']
+- [4, 4, 'd']
+- [5, 5, 'e']
+- [6, 6, 'f']
+- [7, 7, 'g']
+- [8, 8, 'h']
+- [1, 1, 'a']
+- [2, 2, 'b']
+- [3, 3, 'c']
+- [4, 4, 'd']
+- [5, 5, 'e']
+- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+- [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
+- [13, 14, 15, 16, 17]
 -- -- inject error at various stages of commit and see that
--- the alter has no effects
---     - test that during commit phase
---       -> inject error at commit, inject error at rollback
+--    the alter has no effects
--- usability
+-- @todo usability
 -- ---------
 -- - space name in all error messages!
 --         error: Duplicate key exists in unique index 1 (ugly)
--- triggers
--- --------
--- - test that after disabling triggers we can
---   create an empty snapshot
--- - test for run_triggers on/off
--- recovery
--- --------
---  - add primary key in snapshot
---  - add secondary key in snapshot
---  - add primary key in xlog
---  - add secondary key in xlog
---  - the same for an empty space and a space with data
---  - test start from a space entry added in xlog
---  - test start from a space entry dropped in xlog
---  - test enabled/disabled property for these
---  spaces and space from a snapshot
--- features
+-- @todo features
 -- - ffi function to enable/disable space
diff --git a/test/box/alter_limits.test.lua b/test/box/alter_limits.test.lua
index 9dae0f4ae83df86da2ad24466386d8ceba90010b..07ac0a66a403fcec2d275119cc0eb1a5d3885582 100644
--- a/test/box/alter_limits.test.lua
+++ b/test/box/alter_limits.test.lua
@@ -293,49 +293,138 @@ s:insert(2, 2)
 s.index.secondary:alter({ unique = false})
 s:insert(3, 2)
--- -----------
--- space cache
--- -----------
--- - all the various kinds of reference to a dropped space
---   - iterator to index
---   index to space
---   space to index
---   variable
---   key def
---   all userdata given away to lua - think how
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
+-- SPACE CACHE: what happens to a space cache when an object is gone
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
+s = box.schema.create_space('test')
+s1 = s
+s:create_index('primary', 'tree')
+primary = s1.index.primary
+-- @todo: add a test case for dangling iterator (currently no checks
+-- for a dangling iterator in the code
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
+-- RECOVERY: check that all indexes are correctly built
+-- during recovery regardless of when they are created
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
+-- primary, secondary keys in a snapshot
+s_empty = box.schema.create_space('s_empty')
+s_empty:create_index('primary', 'tree', {unique = true, parts = {0, 'num'}})
+s_empty:create_index('secondary', 'hash', {unique = true, parts = {1, 'num'}})
+s_full = box.schema.create_space('s_full')
+s_full:create_index('primary', 'tree', {unique = true, parts = {0, 'num'}})
+s_full:create_index('secondary', 'hash', {unique = true, parts = {1, 'num'}})
+s_full:insert(1, 1, 'a')
+s_full:insert(2, 2, 'b')
+s_full:insert(3, 3, 'c')
+s_full:insert(4, 4, 'd')
+s_full:insert(5, 5, 'e')
+s_nil = box.schema.create_space('s_nil')
+s_drop = box.schema.create_space('s_drop')
+s_nil:create_index('primary', 'hash', {unique=true, parts = {0, 'num'}})
+s_nil:insert(7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12)
+s_nil:create_index('secondary', 'tree', {unique=false, parts = {1, 'num', 2, 'num', 3, 'num'}})
+s_nil:insert(13, 14, 15, 16, 17)
+r_empty = box.schema.create_space('r_empty')
+r_empty:create_index('primary', 'tree', {unique = true, parts = {0, 'num'}})
+r_empty:create_index('secondary', 'hash', {unique = true, parts = {1, 'num'}})
+r_full = box.schema.create_space('r_full')
+r_full:create_index('primary', 'tree', {unique = true, parts = {0, 'num'}})
+r_full:create_index('secondary', 'hash', {unique = true, parts = {1, 'num'}})
+r_full:insert(1, 1, 'a')
+r_full:insert(2, 2, 'b')
+r_full:insert(3, 3, 'c')
+r_full:insert(4, 4, 'd')
+r_full:insert(5, 5, 'e')
+s_full:create_index('multikey', 'tree', {unique = true, parts = { 1, 'num', 2, 'str'}})
+s_full:insert(6, 6, 'f')
+s_full:insert(7, 7, 'g')
+s_full:insert(8, 8, 'h')
+r_disabled = box.schema.create_space('r_disabled')
+--# stop server default
+--# start server default
+s_empty = box.space['s_empty']
+s_full = box.space['s_full']
+s_nil = box.space['s_nil']
+s_drop = box.space['s_drop']
+r_empty = box.space['r_empty']
+r_full = box.space['r_full']
+r_disabled = box.space['r_disabled']
 -- -- inject error at various stages of commit and see that
--- the alter has no effects
---     - test that during commit phase
---       -> inject error at commit, inject error at rollback
+--    the alter has no effects
--- usability
+-- @todo usability
 -- ---------
 -- - space name in all error messages!
 --         error: Duplicate key exists in unique index 1 (ugly)
--- triggers
--- --------
--- - test that after disabling triggers we can
---   create an empty snapshot
--- - test for run_triggers on/off
--- recovery
--- --------
---  - add primary key in snapshot
---  - add secondary key in snapshot
---  - add primary key in xlog
---  - add secondary key in xlog
---  - the same for an empty space and a space with data
---  - test start from a space entry added in xlog
---  - test start from a space entry dropped in xlog
---  - test enabled/disabled property for these
---  spaces and space from a snapshot
--- features
+-- @todo features
 -- - ffi function to enable/disable space