default: tags: - docker retry: max: 1 when: - scheduler_failure - runner_system_failure - stuck_or_timeout_failure - api_failure stages: - build-base-image - test - pack - docker - stress-test - front-deploy workflow: # See rules: # To avoid duplicate pipelines we disable merge request events, # leaving only pushes and manual triggering. - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event" when: never - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "web" variables: REGISTRY: BASE_IMAGE: ${REGISTRY}/picodata-build-base BASE_IMAGE_LATEST: latest MAIN_BRANCH: &main-branch master CARGO_HOME: $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.cargo KANIKO_REGISTRY_MIRROR: FF_USE_FASTZIP: "true" CACHE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL: "fastest" GIT_DEPTH: 1 GET_SOURCES_ATTEMPTS: 3 PARENT_BRANCH: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH PARENT_CI_COMMIT_SHA: $CI_COMMIT_SHA PARENT_PROJECT_PATH: ${CI_PROJECT_PATH}.git # k8s runner config KUBERNETES_CPU_REQUEST: 6 KUBERNETES_MEMORY_REQUEST: "6Gi" # job:rules explained: # # - if build-base changes on master branch (compared to HEAD~1) # * build-base-image (with tag latest) and push # * test (on base-image:latest) # - if build-base changes on development branch (compared to master) # * build-base-image (with tag sha) # * test (on base-image:sha) # - else (if build-base doesn't change) # * skip build-base-image # * just test (on base-image:latest) # # Anchor syntax explained here: # # .rules: - &if-build-base-changes-on-master-branch if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $MAIN_BRANCH changes: # implies compare_to HEAD~1 paths: &build-base-changes-paths - docker-build-base/** - .gitlab-ci.yml - &if-build-base-changes-on-dev-branch if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != $MAIN_BRANCH changes: compare_to: *main-branch paths: *build-base-changes-paths - &else {} .base_cache: &base_cache paths: - .cargo/ key: files: - Cargo.lock .base_node: &base_node paths: - webui/node_modules/ key: files: - webui/yarn.lock .py_cache: &py_cache paths: - .venv key: files: - Pipfile.lock build-base-image: interruptible: true stage: build-base-image rules: - <<: *if-build-base-changes-on-master-branch variables: BASE_IMAGE_TAG: ${BASE_IMAGE_LATEST} - <<: *if-build-base-changes-on-dev-branch variables: BASE_IMAGE_TAG: ${PARENT_CI_COMMIT_SHA} - <<: *else when: never variables: DOCKERFILE: docker-build-base/Dockerfile DESTINATION: ${BASE_IMAGE}:${BASE_IMAGE_TAG} PUSH_DOCKER: "" trigger: project: picodata/devops/picodata-in-docker branch: main strategy: depend .test: interruptible: true stage: test variables: GIT_STRATEGY: clone GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive RUST_BACKTRACE: full before_script: # Gitlab CI implicitly clones specific refs (e.g. `refs/pipelines/xxxxxxx`), # but it doesn't imply fetching tags. We clone them manually with the # `git fetch` command. # # Tags in `tarantool-sys` and `luajit` submodules are necessary for # the build scripts. Without them the job fails. - &fetch-tags | ci-log-section start "fetch-submodule-tags" Fetching tags for submodules ./tools/ . tarantool-sys tarantool-sys/third_party/luajit ci-log-section end "fetch-submodule-tags" .parallel: parallel: matrix: - BUILD_PROFILE: [release, dev] .pipenv-install: &pipenv-install | # Pipenv install ci-log-section start "pipenv-install" Installing pip dependencies ... PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 PIP_NO_CACHE_DIR=true python3.10 -m pipenv install --deploy ci-log-section end "pipenv-install" test-linux: extends: - .test - .parallel rules: - <<: *if-build-base-changes-on-master-branch variables: BASE_IMAGE_TAG: ${BASE_IMAGE_LATEST} - <<: *if-build-base-changes-on-dev-branch variables: BASE_IMAGE_TAG: ${CI_COMMIT_SHA} - <<: *else variables: BASE_IMAGE_TAG: ${BASE_IMAGE_LATEST} image: name: ${BASE_IMAGE}:${BASE_IMAGE_TAG} pull_policy: if-not-present cache: - <<: *py_cache - <<: *base_cache - <<: *base_node script: - | # Check rust version consistency ci-log-section start "rust-version" Checking rust version consistency ... exec 3>&1 # duplicate stdout fd grep_rust_version() { echo "$1: $(sed -nr "s/.*rust-version = \"(\S+)\".*/\1/p" $1)"; } grep_toolchain() { echo "$1: $(sed -nr "s/.*--default-toolchain (\S+).*/\1/p" $1)"; } UNIQUE_VERSIONS=$( { grep_rust_version Cargo.toml; grep_toolchain Makefile; grep_toolchain docker-build-base/Dockerfile; grep_toolchain helm/picodata.Dockerfile; } \ | tee /dev/fd/3 \ | cut -d: -f2- | sort | uniq | wc -l ); ci-log-section end "rust-version" if [ "$UNIQUE_VERSIONS" != "1" ]; then echo "Error: checking rust version consistency failed" exit 1 fi - cargo -V - *pipenv-install # There are no Rust tests for `webui` feature, it's checked in pytest - cargo build --timings --locked --profile=$BUILD_PROFILE - cargo build -p gostech-audit-log --profile=$BUILD_PROFILE - cargo build -p testplug --profile=$BUILD_PROFILE - cargo test --locked --profile=$BUILD_PROFILE - cargo build --features webui,error_injection --locked --profile=$BUILD_PROFILE # -vv shows extended diff for failures - > BUILD_PROFILE=$BUILD_PROFILE pipenv run pytest -vv --color=yes --numprocesses auto --junitxml=junit_pytest.xml --with-webui artifacts: when: always paths: - junit_pytest.xml - ./target/cargo-timings/cargo-timing.html reports: junit: junit_pytest.xml lint: stage: test interruptible: true rules: - <<: *if-build-base-changes-on-master-branch variables: BASE_IMAGE_TAG: ${BASE_IMAGE_LATEST} - <<: *if-build-base-changes-on-dev-branch variables: BASE_IMAGE_TAG: ${CI_COMMIT_SHA} - <<: *else variables: BASE_IMAGE_TAG: ${BASE_IMAGE_LATEST} image: name: ${BASE_IMAGE}:${BASE_IMAGE_TAG} pull_policy: if-not-present variables: GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive cache: - <<: *py_cache policy: pull - <<: *base_cache policy: pull - <<: *base_node policy: pull script: - *fetch-tags - *pipenv-install - make lint - cd webui && yarn lint .test-patch-rules: &test-patch-rules rules: - <<: *if-build-base-changes-on-master-branch variables: BASE_IMAGE_TAG: ${BASE_IMAGE_TAG} # build base didnt chage but we still want the job to run - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $MAIN_BRANCH variables: BASE_IMAGE_TAG: ${BASE_IMAGE_TAG} - <<: *if-build-base-changes-on-dev-branch when: manual allow_failure: true variables: BASE_IMAGE_TAG: ${CI_COMMIT_SHA} # build base didnt change but we still want the job to run # in case certification_patches has changed - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != $MAIN_BRANCH changes: - certification_patches/**/* allow_failure: true variables: BASE_IMAGE_TAG: ${BASE_IMAGE_LATEST} # manual in other cases - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != $MAIN_BRANCH when: manual allow_failure: true variables: BASE_IMAGE_TAG: ${BASE_IMAGE_LATEST} test-patch-picodata: extends: .test <<: *test-patch-rules variables: GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive image: name: ${BASE_IMAGE}:${BASE_IMAGE_LATEST} pull_policy: always cache: - <<: *py_cache - <<: *base_cache - <<: *base_node script: - PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 PIP_NO_CACHE_DIR=true python3.10 -m pipenv install --deploy - ./tools/ apply - cargo build --locked --release --features dynamic_build - cargo build -p testplug --release - cargo build -p gostech-audit-log --release - cargo test --locked --release --features dynamic_build - cargo build --features webui,error_injection --locked --release --features dynamic_build - > BUILD_PROFILE=release pipenv run pytest -vv --color=yes --numprocesses auto --junitxml=junit_pytest.xml --with-webui test-patch-tarantool: extends: .test <<: *test-patch-rules variables: GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive image: name: ${BASE_IMAGE}:${BASE_IMAGE_LATEST} pull_policy: always script: - pushd tarantool-sys/ && make -f test-release; popd test-mac-m1: extends: .test tags: - mac-dev-m1 script: # Gitlab doesnt know about $HOME. If specified in variables it becomes empty - export CARGO_HOME=$HOME/.cargo - cargo -V - cargo build --locked - cargo build --features webui --locked # There are no Rust tests for `webui` feature. # It will be checked during integration tests. - cargo test --locked - cargo fmt -- -v --check - cargo clippy --version - cargo clippy --features "load_test webui error_injection" -- --deny clippy::all --no-deps # - | # # Pipenv install # ci-log-section start "pipenv-install" Installing pip dependencies ... # PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 PIP_NO_CACHE_DIR=true python3.10 -m pipenv install --deploy # ci-log-section end "pipenv-install" # - pipenv run pytest --numprocesses auto -v # - pipenv run lint # - | .test-helm: interruptible: true stage: test rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != $MAIN_BRANCH changes: compare_to: *main-branch paths: - helm/picodata.Dockerfile - helm/docker-compose.yml - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $MAIN_BRANCH when: on_success - when: manual allow_failure: true variables: PUSH_DOCKER: "" test-helm-image: extends: .test-helm parallel: matrix: - DOCKERFILE: helm/picodata.Dockerfile DESTINATION: ${REGISTRY}/picodata:master trigger: project: picodata/devops/picodata-in-docker branch: main strategy: depend gamayun-prepare: extends: .test when: manual rules: - <<: *if-build-base-changes-on-master-branch variables: BASE_IMAGE_TAG: ${BASE_IMAGE_LATEST} - <<: *if-build-base-changes-on-dev-branch variables: BASE_IMAGE_TAG: ${CI_COMMIT_SHA} - <<: *else variables: BASE_IMAGE_TAG: ${BASE_IMAGE_LATEST} image: name: ${BASE_IMAGE}:${BASE_IMAGE_TAG} pull_policy: if-not-present script: - export CARGO_HOME=$HOME/.cargo - cargo -V - cargo clippy --locked --message-format=json > clippy.json artifacts: when: always paths: - clippy.json gamayun-run: extends: .test needs: ["gamayun-prepare"] tags: - picodata-shell script: # create an ssh tunnel to gamayun server to allow the report uploading - TUNNEL="ssh -4 -L 9000:localhost:9000 sonar-reports -N -f" - eval $TUNNEL - ls -la - | # svace patches is more iportant than gamayun and order of applying is important # first - svace, second - gamayun ./tools/ apply - | # TODO consider moving this to the script as well, this may delete some html # license files which is probably not intended find . -type d -name 'test*' -o -name 'doc' -o -name 'docs' | xargs -n1 rm -rvf find tarantool-sys/third_party/ -type f -name '*.htm*' | xargs -n 1 rm -rfv find tarantool-sys/vendor/ -type f -name '*.htm*' | xargs -n 1 rm -rfv find . -type d -name stress-test | xargs -n 1 rm -rvf find . -type d -name integration-tests | xargs -n 1 rm -rvf find . -type d -name 'example*' | xargs -n 1 rm -rvf find . -type d -name 'docsrc' | xargs -n 1 rm -rvf find . -name '*.md' | xargs -n 1 rm -rvf find http tarantool-sys vshard -type d -name .github | xargs -n 1 rm -rfv - | docker run --rm -t \ -v $PWD:/tmp/src:rw \ -e "SONAR_OPS=-Dsonar.python.version=3 -Dsonar.login=${SONAR} -Dsonar.projectKey=Picodata-CI -Dsonar.exclusions=**/*.mod,osv-sonar.json" \ -e "SONAR_SCANNER_OPTS="-Xmx4096m"" \ -e "CARGO_CLIPPY_FILE=clippy.json" \ -u $(id -u):$(id -g) --ulimit nofile=100000:100000 --network=host \ build-vm-image: interruptible: true stage: test when: manual inherit: variables: false variables: BRANCH: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH trigger: project: picodata/picodata/picodata-fstek-vmbuilder branch: main strategy: depend pack-on-tag: stage: pack rules: - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "web" - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG variables: PROJECT_TARGET: "picodata" TYPE: "RELEASE" BRANCH_TARGET: $CI_COMMIT_TAG inherit: variables: - TYPE - PROJECT_TARGET - BRANCH_TARGET trigger: project: "picodata/devops/builder" strategy: depend .deploy-docker-tmpl: stage: docker variables: PUSH_DOCKER: "" rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG variables: PARENT_BRANCH: ${CI_COMMIT_TAG} deploy-docker: extends: .deploy-docker-tmpl parallel: matrix: - DOCKERFILE: helm/picodata.Dockerfile DESTINATION: ${REGISTRY}/picodata:${CI_COMMIT_TAG} trigger: project: picodata/devops/picodata-in-docker branch: main strategy: depend docker-compose: stage: docker needs: [test-helm-image] tags: - picodata-shell rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != $MAIN_BRANCH changes: compare_to: *main-branch paths: - helm/docker-compose.yml - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $MAIN_BRANCH when: on_success - when: manual allow_failure: true script: - mkdir --mode=777 pico/ - docker-compose -f helm/docker-compose.yml up -d --wait - echo "ALTER USER \"admin\" WITH PASSWORD 'T0psecret' using md5" > alter_pass.sql - docker cp alter_pass.sql picodata-1-1:/pico/ - sleep 30 # the cluster does not manage to assemble quickly enough - docker exec -t picodata-1-1 sh -c "cat /pico/alter_pass.sql |picodata admin /pico/data/picodata-1-1/admin.sock" - count=$(psql "user=admin host= port=55432 password=T0psecret sslmode=disable" -t -A -c "select count(*) from \"_pico_instance\"") && if [[ $count -eq 4 ]] ; then echo "OK"; else echo count=$count; exit 2; fi after_script: - docker-compose -f helm/docker-compose.yml rm -fsv - sudo rm -rf pico/ # Stages of independent stress testing in downstream pipeline # We cannot move artefacts to the downstream pipeline, so we need to build and upload them to our repo .upload-picodata-to-binary: image: name: ${BASE_IMAGE}:${BASE_IMAGE_LATEST} variables: VER: $CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive before_script: # To conduct stress tests, we require the most recent picodata tag. However, # creating a shallow copy with $GIT_DEPTH commits might not include this tag. # Fetching all commits takes too much time, so we incrementally download more # chunks of commits until we find the required tag. - *fetch-tags script: - cargo build --locked --release --features webui - mv target/release/picodata target/release/picodata-$VER - curl -v --upload-file target/release/picodata-$VER $RAW_NT_REGISTRY upload-picodata-to-binary-stress-test: stage: stress-test extends: .upload-picodata-to-binary rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $MAIN_BRANCH when: always - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != $MAIN_BRANCH when: manual allow_failure: true downstream-stress-test: interruptible: true # See stage: stress-test rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $MAIN_BRANCH when: always - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != $MAIN_BRANCH when: manual allow_failure: true trigger: project: picodata/devops/proxmox/sbroad-nt branch: main strategy: depend variables: VER: $CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA needs: - job: upload-picodata-to-binary-stress-test upload-picodata-to-binary-front-deploy: stage: front-deploy extends: .upload-picodata-to-binary needs: [] when: manual downstream-front-deploy: interruptible: true # See stage: front-deploy allow_failure: true trigger: project: picodata/devops/pico-servers/front branch: main strategy: depend variables: VER: $CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA needs: - job: upload-picodata-to-binary-front-deploy