# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) and this project adheres to [Calendar Versioning](https://calver.org/#scheme) with the `YY.MINOR.MICRO` scheme. <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/calver-YY.MINOR.MICRO-22bfda.svg"> ## Unreleased - Fix `picodata admin` 100\% CPU usage when server closes the socket - SQL supports `trim` function. - SQL supports `to_char`, `to_date` functions. - SQL supports `ORDER BY` clause. - SQL supports `UNION` operator. - SQL supports common table expressions (CTE). <!-- - New feature `tier` - a group of instances with own replication factor. Tiers can span multiple failure domains and a single cluster can have multiple tiers. Going forward it will be possible to specify which tier a table belongs to. - New option `picodata run -c` for specifying any configuration parameters in the same naming scheme as in the config.yaml file. - New option `picodata run --tier` specifies whether an instance belongs to a tier. - New configuration parameters: - `instance.memtx.checkpoint_count` - `instance.memtx.checkpoint_interval` - `instance.vinyl.memory` - `instance.vinyl.cache` - `instance.iproto.max_concurrent_messages` - `instance.log.format` - Changed configuration parameter names: - `instance.log` -> `instance.log.destination` - `instance.log_level` -> `instance.log.level` - `instance.memtx_memory` -> `instance.memtx.memory` - New subcommand `picodata config default` for generating contents of the config.yaml file with default parameter values. - New rpc entrypoint: `.proc_get_config` which returns the effective picodata configuration. - Change _pico_index table structure. - Support index creation with SQL. - Support index drop with SQL. - Primary indexes change there naming convention: now it is "{table_name}_pkey". --> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## [24.2.2] - 2024-04-03 - Fix panic after `CREATE USER alice; DROP ROLE alice;` - Fix SQL chain of joins without sub-queries `SELECT * FROM ... JOIN ... JOIN ...` - Fix SQL grammar support for `table.*` - Refine audit log [events][audit_events] list: remove 'new_database_created', add 'create_local_db', 'drop_local_db', 'connect_local_db', 'recover_local_db', 'integrity_violation' - Revise [picodata expel][cli_expel] command-line arguments and [tutorial][tutorial_expel] [audit_events]: https://docs.picodata.io/picodata/devel/reference/audit_events/ [cli_expel]: https://docs.picodata.io/picodata/24.2/reference/cli/#expel [tutorial_expel]: https://docs.picodata.io/picodata/24.2/tutorial/deploy/#expel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## [24.2.1] - 2024-03-20 ### SQL - Introduce stored procedures: ```sql CREATE PROCEDURE my_proc(int, text) LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ INSERT INTO my_table VALUES($1, $2) $$; CALL my_proc(42, 'the answer'); SELECT * FROM my_table; ``` - The following new queries are supported: ``` CREATE PROCEDURE DROP PROCEDURE CALL PROCEDURE ALTER PROCEDURE ... RENAME TO GRANT ... ON PROCEDURE REVOKE ... ON PROCEDURE ALTER USER ... RENAME TO ``` ### Security - All inter-instance communications now occur under `pico_service` builtin user. The user is secured with a password in a file provided in `picodata run --service-password-file` command-line option - New requirements on password complexity — enforce uppercase, lowercase, digits, special symbols ### Implementation details - Make RPC API the main communication interface, see [Architecture — RPC API]. Lua API is deprecated and will be removed soon ### Compatibility - System table `_pico_role` was deleted - System table `_pico_user` format changed, a new field `type` was added (_string_, `"user" | "role"`) - The current version is NOT compatible with prior releases. It cannot be started with the old snapshots [Architecture — RPC API]: https://docs.picodata.io/picodata/devel/architecture/rpc_api/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## [24.1.1] - 2024-02-09 - Slightly change calendar versioning semantics, it's `YY.MINOR` now instead of `YY.0M`. ### CLI - New `picodata admin` command connects to an instance via unix socket under the admin account, see [Tutorial — Connecting — Admin console]. - New `picodata connect` implementation provides a console interface to the distributed SQL, see [Tutorial — Connecting — SQL console]. - New option `picodata run --admin-sock` replaces `--console-sock` which is removed. The default value is `<data_dir>/admin.sock`. - New option `picodata run --shredding` enables secure removing of data files (snap, xlog). - New option `picodata run --log` configures the diagnotic log. - New option `picodata run --memtx-memory` controls the amount of memory allocated for the database engine. [Tutorial — Connecting — Admin console]: https://docs.picodata.io/picodata/24.1/tutorial/connecting/#admin_console [Tutorial — Connecting — SQL console]: https://docs.picodata.io/picodata/24.1/tutorial/connecting/#sql_console ### SQL - Global tables now can be used in the following queries: ``` SELECT SELECT ... EXCEPT SELECT ... UNION ALL SELECT ... WHERE ... IN (SELECT ...) SELECT ... JOIN SELECT ... GROUP BY ``` - `ALTER USER ... WITH LOGIN` can now unblock a user, who was blocked due to exceeding login attempts. ### Fixes - Revoke excess privileges from `guest` - Fix panic after `ALTER USER "alice" WITH NOLOGIN` - Repair `picodata connect --auth-type=ldap` - Picodata instances will no longer ingore raft entries which failed to apply. Instead now the raft loop will keep retrying the operation forever, so that admin has an opportunity to fix the error manually. Raft entries should never fail to apply, so if this happens please report a bug to us. ### Compatibility - System table `_pico_replicaset` now has a different format: the field `master_id` is replaced with 2 fields `current_master_id` and `target_master_id`. - All `.proc_*` stored procedures changed their return values. An extra top level array of 1 element is removed. - The current version is NOT compatible with prior releases. It cannot be started with the old snapshots. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## [23.12.1] - 2023-12-21 ### Fixes - Correct `picodata -V` - Web UI appeared to be broken in 23.12.0 - And `picodata connect --unix` too -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## [23.12.0] - 2023-12-08 ### Features - Clusterwide SQL is available via `\set language sql` in the interactive console with the support of global and sharded tables, see [Reference — SQL Queries]. The basic features are: ``` # DDL CREATE TABLE ... USING memtx DISTRIBUTED GLOBALLY CREATE TABLE ... USING memtx/vinyl DISTRIBUTED BY DROP TABLE # ACL CREATE USER CREATE ROLE ALTER USER DROP USER DROP ROLE GRANT ... TO REVOKE ... FROM # DQL SELECT SELECT ... JOIN SELECT ... LEFT JOIN SELECT ... WHERE SELECT ... WHERE ... IN SELECT ... UNION ALL SELECT ... GROUP BY # DML INSERT UPDATE DELETE # other EXPLAIN ``` - Implement request authorization based on access control lists (ACL), see [Tutorial — Access Control]. - Implement security audit log, see [Tutorial — Audit log]. - Implement automatic failover of replicaset leaders, see [Architecture — Topology management]. - Introduce Web UI. It includes cluster status panel and replicaset list. Current status of Web UI is still beta. [Reference — SQL Queries]: https://docs.picodata.io/picodata/reference/sql_queries/ [Tutorial — Access Control]: https://docs.picodata.io/picodata/tutorial/access_control/ [Tutorial — Audit log]: https://docs.picodata.io/picodata/tutorial/audit_log/ [Architecture — Topology management]: https://docs.picodata.io/picodata/architecture/topology_management/ ### CLI - Interactive console is disabled by default. Enable it implicitly with `picodata run -i`. - Allow connecting interactive console over a unix socket `picodata run --console-sock`. Use `picodata connect --unix` to connect. Unlike connecting to a `--listen` address, console communication occurs in plain text and always operates under the admin account. - New option `--password-file` for `picodata connect' allows supplying password in a plain-text file. - Allow specifying `picodata connect [user@][host][:port]` format. It overrides the `--user` option. - Enable the audit log with `picodata run --audit`. - Allow connecting interactive console over a unix socket `picodata run --console-sock`. Use `picodata connect --unix` to connect. Unlike connecting to a `--listen` address, console communication occurs in plain text and always operates under the admin account. - Block a user after 4 failed login attempts. ### Lua API - Changes in terminology - all appearances of `space` changed to `table` - Update `pico.LUA_API_VERSION`: `1.0.0` -> `3.1.0` - New semantics of `pico.create_table()`. It's idempotent now. - `pico.create_table()` has new optional parameter: `engine`. Note: global spaces can only have memtx engine. - `pico.whoami()` and `pico.instance_info()` returns new field `tier` - Add `pico.sql()` - Add `pico.drop_table()` - Add `pico.create_user()`, `pico.drop_user()` - Add `pico.create_role()`, `pico.drop_role()` - Add `pico.grant_privilege()`, `pico.revoke_privilege()` - Add `pico.raft_term()` - Add `pico.change_password()` - Add `pico.wait_ddl_finalize()` - Make `pico.cas` follow access control rules - `pico.cas` now verifies dml operations before applying them - Change `pico.raft_log()` arguments - Make `opts.timeout` optional in most functions ### Compatibility - The current version is NOT compatible with prior releases. It cannot be started with the old snapshots. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## [23.06.0] - 2023-06-16 ### Features - Expose the Public Lua API `pico.*`. It's supplemented with a built-in reference manual, see `pico.help()`. - _Compare and Swap_ (CaS) is an algorithm that allows to combine Raft operations with a predicate checking. It makes read-write access to global spaces serializable. See `pico.help('cas')`. - _Clusterwide schema_ now allows to create global and sharded spaces. The content of global spaces is replicated to every instance in the cluster. In sharded spaces the chuncs of data (buckets) are distributed across different replicasets. See `pico.help('create_space')`. - _Raft log compaction_ allows stripping old raft log entries in order to prevent its infinite growth. See `pico.help('raft_compact_log')`. - Remove everything related to "migrations". They're superseeded with "clusterwide schema" mentioned above. ### CLI - `picodata run --script` command-line argument sets a path to a Lua script executed at startup. - `picodata run --http-listen` command-line argument sets the [HTTP server](https://github.com/tarantool/http) listening address. If no value is provided, the server won't be initialized. - `picodata connect` CLI command provides interactive Lua console. ### Implementation details - Picodata automatically demotes Raft voters that go offline and promotes a replacement. See docs/topology.md for more details. Replicaset leadership is switched too. ### Compatibility - The current version is NOT compatible with prior releases. It cannot be started with the old snapshots. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## [22.11.0] - 2022-11-22 ### Features - Brand new algorithm of cluster management based on the _"governor"_ concept — a centralized actor that maintains cluster topology and performs instances configuration. - Instance states are now called _"grades"_. This new term more clearly denotes how an instance is currently perceived by other instances (eg. how they are configured in its regard) rather than what it assumes about itself. - Built-in _sharding_ configuration based on the `vshard` library. Once a replicaset is up to the given replication factor, Picodata will automatically re-balance data across replicasets. - Clusterwide schema and data _migrations_ are introduced. - Instances can now be _expelled_ in order to shrink the cluster. ### Compatibility - The current version is NOT compatible with `22.07.0`. It cannot be started with the old snapshots. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## [22.07.0] - 2022-07-08 ### Basic functionality - Command line interface for cluster deployment. - Dynamic topology configuration, cluster scaling by launching more instances. - Support for setting the replication factor for the whole cluster. - Failure domains-aware replicasets composition. - Two kinds of storages: - based on Raft consensus algorithm (clusterwide), - based on Tarantool master-master async replication. - Graceful instance shutdown. - Automatic Raft group management (voters provision, Raft leader failover). - Dead instance rebootstrap without data loss. - Automatic peers discovery during initial cluster configuration.