diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 37dfe6ac2cf848a3bc63f9e27785df7226448303..7096323bc177b8c24c0124ba732673375c1a9822 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -90,6 +90,10 @@ to 2 and 3.
 - `DROP PLUGIN` now leaves the plugin's data in the database if `WITH DATA`
   wasn't specified. Previously we would return an error instead.
+- Block and end-of-lines comments in SQL statements are now allowed.
+- Punctuation in unquoted identifiers is no longer allowed.
 ## [24.6.1] - 2024-10-28
 ### Configuration
diff --git a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/ir/tests.rs b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/ir/tests.rs
index 7b22c7708077c73c70fd35fb2171c2f4972cee23..091a3ccc3231a0989a24f375040c90bb6167f410 100644
--- a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/ir/tests.rs
+++ b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/ir/tests.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 use crate::errors::SbroadError;
 use crate::executor::engine::mock::RouterConfigurationMock;
 use crate::frontend::sql::ast::{AbstractSyntaxTree, ParseTree, Rule};
+use crate::frontend::sql::ParsingPairsMap;
 use crate::frontend::Ast;
 use crate::ir::node::relational::Relational;
 use crate::ir::node::NodeId;
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ use crate::ir::value::Value;
 use crate::ir::{Plan, Positions};
 use pest::Parser;
 use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
 use time::{format_description, OffsetDateTime, Time};
 fn sql_to_optimized_ir_add_motions_err(query: &str) -> SbroadError {
@@ -693,13 +695,13 @@ execution options:
 fn front_sql_check_arbitraty_utf_in_identifiers() {
     let input = r#"SELECT "id" "from", "id" as "select", "id"
-                                , "id" aц1&@$Ƶǖ%^&«»§&%ښ۞@Ƶǖ FROM "test_space" &%ښ۞@Ƶǖ"#;
+                                , "id" Бу_3, "id" aц1ƵǖښƵǖ FROM "test_space" ښƵǖ"#;
     let plan = sql_to_optimized_ir(input, vec![]);
     let expected_explain = String::from(
-        r#"projection ("&%ښ۞@ƶǖ"."id"::unsigned -> "from", "&%ښ۞@ƶǖ"."id"::unsigned -> "select", "&%ښ۞@ƶǖ"."id"::unsigned -> "123»&%ښ۞@Ƶǖselect.""''\\", "&%ښ۞@ƶǖ"."id"::unsigned -> "aц1&@$ƶǖ%^&«»§&%ښ۞@ƶǖ")
-    scan "test_space" -> "&%ښ۞@ƶǖ"
+        r#"projection ("ښƶǖ"."id"::unsigned -> "from", "ښƶǖ"."id"::unsigned -> "select", "ښƶǖ"."id"::unsigned -> "123»&%ښ۞@Ƶǖselect.""''\\", "ښƶǖ"."id"::unsigned -> "бу_3", "ښƶǖ"."id"::unsigned -> "aц1ƶǖښƶǖ")
+    scan "test_space" -> "ښƶǖ"
 execution options:
     sql_vdbe_opcode_max = 45000
     sql_motion_row_max = 5000
@@ -4342,6 +4344,85 @@ fn front_sql_whitespaces_are_not_ignored() {
+fn syntax_error(query: &str) -> impl '_ + FnOnce(SbroadError) {
+    move |err| {
+        eprintln!("{err}");
+        eprintln!("QUERY[[{query}]]END QUERY");
+        panic!("syntax error");
+    }
+fn test_comment_parsing() {
+    let comment_texts = ["", "doodle", "select * from $$@"];
+    // FIXME: some queries parse differently with comments in specific places.
+    let queries = [
+        "select * from foo",
+        "select 1",
+        "select * from foo",
+        r#"set value to key"#,
+        // r#"set transaction isolation level read commited"#,
+        r#"grant create on user vasya to emir option(timeout=1)"#,
+        r#"alter plugin abc 0.1.0 remove service svc1 from tier tier1 option(timeout=11)"#,
+        // r#"create table if not exists t(a int primary key,b int) using memtx distributed by(a,b) wait applied locally option(timeout=1)"#,
+        // r#"with cte1(a,b) as(select * from t),cte2 as(select * from t) select * from t join t on true group by a having b order by a union all select * from t"#,
+        r#"select cast(1 as int) or not exists (values(true)) and 1+1 and true or (a in (select * from t)) and i is not null"#,
+    ];
+    for query in queries {
+        let mut map1 = ParsingPairsMap::new();
+        let mut map2 = HashMap::new();
+        let mut map3 = HashMap::new();
+        let mut standard_parse = AbstractSyntaxTree::empty();
+        standard_parse
+            .fill(query, &mut map1, &mut map2, &mut map3)
+            .unwrap_or_else(syntax_error(query));
+        let bytes = query.as_bytes();
+        // We compute the word boundaries where comments may be inserted in a hacky way.
+        // This doesn't handle more complex cases, like quoted identifiers, strings or procedures.
+        let mut word_boundaries = vec![0];
+        for n in 1..query.len() {
+            let is_boundary = |c: u8|
+                // Whitespace is always a boundary, unless within quoted strings.
+                // We don't properly handle quotes in this test, so quoted strings/idents
+                // should be absent from test cases.
+                c.is_ascii_whitespace()
+                    // Same as with whitespace. Dots are excluded, because they happen in
+                    // versions, dates and field accesses.
+                    || (c.is_ascii_punctuation() && c != b'.');
+            if is_boundary(bytes[n - 1]) || is_boundary(bytes[n]) {
+                word_boundaries.push(n);
+            }
+        }
+        word_boundaries.push(query.len());
+        for boundary in word_boundaries {
+            for comment in comment_texts {
+                let get_commented = |prefix: &str, suffix: &str| {
+                    format!(
+                        "{}{prefix}{comment}{suffix}{}",
+                        &query[..boundary],
+                        query.get(boundary..).unwrap_or(""),
+                    )
+                };
+                for commented_query in [get_commented("--", "\n"), get_commented("/*", "*/")] {
+                    let mut map1 = ParsingPairsMap::new();
+                    let mut map2 = HashMap::new();
+                    let mut map3 = HashMap::new();
+                    let mut parsed = AbstractSyntaxTree::empty();
+                    parsed
+                        .fill(&commented_query, &mut map1, &mut map2, &mut map3)
+                        .unwrap_or_else(syntax_error(&commented_query));
+                    assert_eq!(parsed, standard_parse, "Query: {commented_query}");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
 mod coalesce;
diff --git a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/query.pest b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/query.pest
index e0de518afda836de227deb35747e0a0997177986..946a7506e2faf0343aa284ef1d251b80e1b23cfb 100644
--- a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/query.pest
+++ b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/query.pest
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Plugin = _{ CreatePlugin | DropPlugin | AlterPlugin }
         EnablePlugin = ${ PluginVersion ~ W ~ ^"enable" ~ (W ~ TimeoutOption)? }
         DisablePlugin = ${ PluginVersion ~ W ~ ^"disable" ~ (W ~ TimeoutOption)? }
         MigrateTo = ${ ^"migrate" ~ W ~ ^"to" ~ W ~ PluginVersion ~ (W ~ MigrateUpOption)? }
-            RollbackTimeout = !{ ^"rollback_timeout" ~ "=" ~ Duration }
+            RollbackTimeout = !{ ^"rollback_timeout" ~ WO ~ "=" ~ WO ~ Duration }
             MigrateUpOptionParam = _{ Timeout | RollbackTimeout }
             MigrateUpOption = _{ ^"option" ~ WO ~ "(" ~ WO ~ MigrateUpOptionParams ~ WO ~ ")" }
                 MigrateUpOptionParams = _{ MigrateUpOptionParam ~ (WO ~ "," ~ WO ~ MigrateUpOptionParam)* }
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ DDL = _{ CreateTable | DropTable | CreateIndex | DropIndex | CreateSchema | Drop
             ForValuesSpec = _{ ForValuesSpecIn | ForValuesSpecFromTo | ForValuesSpecWith }
                 ForValuesSpecIn = { ^"in" ~ W ~ Row }
                 ForValuesSpecFromTo = ${ ^"from" ~ W ~ ForValuesSpecFromToRow ~ W ~ ^"to" ~ W ~ ForValuesSpecFromToRow }
-                    ForValuesSpecFromToRow = !{ "(" ~ ExprOrMinMax ~ ("," ~ ExprOrMinMax)* ~ ")" }
+                    ForValuesSpecFromToRow = !{ "(" ~ WO ~ ExprOrMinMax ~ WO ~ (WO ~ "," ~ WO ~ ExprOrMinMax)* ~ WO ~ ")" }
                         ExprOrMinMax = { MinValue | MaxValue | Expr }
                             MinValue = { ^"minvalue" }
                             MaxValue = { ^"maxvalue" }
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ DDL = _{ CreateTable | DropTable | CreateIndex | DropIndex | CreateSchema | Drop
         (W ~ Engine)? ~ (W ~ Distribution)? ~ (W ~ WaitApplied)? ~ (W ~ Partition)? ~ (W ~ TimeoutOption)?
         NewTable = @{Table}
-        Columns = !{ ColumnDef ~ ("," ~ ColumnDef)* }
+        Columns = !{ ColumnDef ~ WO ~ (WO ~ "," ~ WO ~ ColumnDef)* }
             ColumnDef = ${ Identifier ~ W ~ ColumnDefType ~ (W ~ ColumnDefIsNull)? ~ (W ~ PrimaryKeyMark)? }
             ColumnDefIsNull = { (NotFlag ~ W)? ~ ^"null" }
             PrimaryKeyMark = { ^"primary" ~ W ~ ^"key" }
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ DDL = _{ CreateTable | DropTable | CreateIndex | DropIndex | CreateSchema | Drop
                 PartitionRange = { ^"range" }
                 PartitionList = { ^"list" }
                 PartitionHash = { ^"hash" }
-            PartitionBySpec = !{ "(" ~ Identifier ~ ("," ~ Identifier)* ~ ")" }
+            PartitionBySpec = !{ "(" ~ WO ~ Identifier ~ WO ~ (WO ~ "," ~ WO ~ Identifier)* ~ WO ~ ")" }
     DropTable = ${ ^"drop" ~ W ~ ^"table" ~ W ~ (IfExists ~ W)? ~ Table ~ (W ~ WaitApplied)? ~ (W ~ TimeoutOption)? }
     CreateProc = ${
         ^"create" ~ W ~ ^"procedure" ~ W ~ (IfNotExists ~ W)? ~ Identifier ~ WO
@@ -130,14 +130,14 @@ DDL = _{ CreateTable | DropTable | CreateIndex | DropIndex | CreateSchema | Drop
         ~ ((^"as" ~ W ~ "$$" ~ WO ~ ProcBody ~ WO ~ "$$") | (^"begin" ~ W ~ "atomic" ~ W ~ ProcBody ~ W ~ "end"))
         ~ (W ~ WaitApplied)? ~ (W ~ TimeoutOption)?
-        ProcParams = !{ "(" ~ ProcParamsColumnDefTypes? ~ ")" }
+        ProcParams = !{ "(" ~ WO ~ ProcParamsColumnDefTypes? ~ WO ~ ")" }
             ProcParamsColumnDefTypes = _{ ColumnDefType ~ (WO ~ "," ~ WO ~ ColumnDefType)* }
         ProcLanguage = { SQL }
             SQL = { ^"sql" }
         ProcBody = { (Insert | Update | Delete) }
     DropProc = ${ ^"drop" ~ W ~ ^"procedure" ~ W ~ (IfExists ~ W)? ~ ProcWithOptionalParams ~ (W ~ WaitApplied)? ~ (W ~ TimeoutOption)? }
-        ProcWithOptionalParams = ${ Identifier ~ ProcParams? }
+        ProcWithOptionalParams = ${ Identifier ~ (WO ~ ProcParams)? }
     RenameProc = ${ ^"alter" ~ W ~ ^"procedure" ~ W ~ OldProc ~ (ProcParams)? ~ W ~ ^"rename" ~ W ~ ^"to"
                     ~ W ~ NewProc ~ (W ~ WaitApplied)? ~ (W ~ TimeoutOption)? }
@@ -155,21 +155,21 @@ DDL = _{ CreateTable | DropTable | CreateIndex | DropIndex | CreateSchema | Drop
         Hash = { ^"hash" }
         RTree = { ^"rtree" }
         BitSet = { ^"bitset" }
-    Parts = !{ Identifier ~ ("," ~ Identifier)* }
+    Parts = !{ Identifier ~ WO ~ (WO ~ "," ~ WO ~ Identifier)* }
     IndexOptions = ${ ^"with" ~ WO ~ "(" ~ WO ~ IndexOptionsParams ~ WO ~ ")" }
         IndexOptionsParams = _{ IndexOptionParam ~ (WO ~ "," ~ WO ~ IndexOptionParam)* }
     IndexOptionParam = { BloomFpr | PageSize | RangeSize | RunCountPerLevel | RunSizeRatio
                          | Dimension | Distance | Hint }
-        BloomFpr = !{ ^"bloom_fpr" ~ "=" ~ Decimal }
-        PageSize = !{ ^"page_size" ~ "=" ~ Unsigned }
-        RangeSize = !{ ^"range_size" ~ "=" ~ Unsigned }
-        RunCountPerLevel = !{ ^"run_count_per_level" ~ "=" ~Unsigned }
-        RunSizeRatio = !{ ^"run_size_ratio" ~ "=" ~ Decimal }
-        Dimension = !{ ^"dimension" ~ "=" ~ Unsigned }
-        Distance = !{ ^"distance" ~ "=" ~ (Euclid | Manhattan) }
+        BloomFpr = !{ ^"bloom_fpr" ~ WO ~ "=" ~ WO ~ Decimal }
+        PageSize = !{ ^"page_size" ~ WO ~ "=" ~ WO ~ Unsigned }
+        RangeSize = !{ ^"range_size" ~ WO ~ "=" ~ WO ~ Unsigned }
+        RunCountPerLevel = !{ ^"run_count_per_level" ~ WO ~ "=" ~ WO ~ Unsigned }
+        RunSizeRatio = !{ ^"run_size_ratio" ~ WO ~ "=" ~ WO ~ Decimal }
+        Dimension = !{ ^"dimension" ~ WO ~ "=" ~ WO ~ Unsigned }
+        Distance = !{ ^"distance" ~ WO ~ "=" ~ WO ~ (Euclid | Manhattan) }
             Euclid = { ^"euclid" }
             Manhattan = { ^"manhattan" }
-        Hint = !{ ^"hint" ~ "=" ~ (True | False) }
+        Hint = !{ ^"hint" ~ WO ~ "=" ~ WO ~ (True | False) }
     DropIndex = ${ ^"drop" ~ W ~ ^"index" ~ W ~ (IfExists ~ W)? ~ Identifier ~ (W ~ WaitApplied)? ~ (W ~ TimeoutOption)? }
     CreateSchema = ${ ^"create" ~ W ~ ^"schema" ~ W ~ (IfNotExists ~ W)? ~ Identifier }
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ DDL = _{ CreateTable | DropTable | CreateIndex | DropIndex | CreateSchema | Drop
 Block = ${ CallProc ~ (W ~ DqlOption)? }
     CallProc = ${ ^"call"~ W ~ Identifier ~ WO ~ "(" ~ WO ~ ProcValues ~ WO ~ ")" }
-        ProcValues = !{ (ProcValue ~ ("," ~ ProcValue)*)? }
+        ProcValues = !{ (ProcValue ~ WO ~ (WO ~ "," ~ WO ~ ProcValue)*)? }
             ProcValue = _{ Literal | Parameter }
 ExplainQuery = _{ Explain }
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Query = { (SelectFull | Values | Insert | Update | Delete) ~ DqlOption? }
                 ExceptOp = @{ (^"except" ~ W ~ ^"distinct") | ^"except" }
                 UnionAllOp = @{ ^"union" ~ W ~ ^"all" }
     Cte = ${ Identifier ~ (WO ~ CteColumns)? ~ W ~ ^"as" ~ WO ~ "(" ~ WO ~ (SelectStatement | Values) ~ WO ~ ")" }
-        CteColumns = _{ "(" ~ CteColumn ~ (WO ~ "," ~ WO ~ CteColumn)* ~ ")" }
+        CteColumns = _{ "(" ~ WO ~ CteColumn ~ (WO ~ "," ~ WO ~ CteColumn)* ~ WO ~ ")" }
         CteColumn = @{ Identifier }
     Select = ${ ^"select" ~ W ~ Projection ~ (W ~ SelectMainBody)? }
         SelectMainBody = _{ ^"from" ~ W ~ Scan ~ (W ~ Join)* ~
@@ -260,43 +260,37 @@ Query = { (SelectFull | Values | Insert | Update | Delete) ~ DqlOption? }
         OrderFlag = _{ Asc | Desc }
             Asc = { ^"asc" }
             Desc = { ^"desc" }
-    SubQuery = !{ "(" ~ (SelectFull | Values) ~ ")" }
+    SubQuery = !{ "(" ~ WO ~ (SelectFull | Values) ~ WO ~ ")" }
     Insert = ${ ^"insert" ~ W ~ ^"into" ~ W ~ Table ~ WO ~ (TargetColumns ~ W)? ~ (SelectFull | Values) ~ (W ~ OnConflict)? }
-        TargetColumns = !{ "(" ~ Identifier ~ ("," ~ Identifier)* ~ ")" }
+        TargetColumns = !{ "(" ~ WO ~ Identifier ~ (WO ~ "," ~ WO ~ Identifier)* ~ WO ~ ")" }
         OnConflict = _{ ^"on" ~ W ~ ^"conflict" ~ W ~ ^"do" ~ W ~ (DoNothing | DoReplace | DoFail) }
         DoReplace = { ^"replace" }
         DoNothing = { ^"nothing" }
         DoFail = { ^"fail" }
     Update = ${ ^"update" ~ W ~ ScanTable ~ W ~ ^"set" ~ W ~ UpdateList ~ (W ~ (UpdateFrom | WhereClause))? }
         UpdateList = { UpdateItem ~ (WO ~ "," ~ WO ~ UpdateItem)* }
-        UpdateItem = !{ Identifier ~ "=" ~ Expr }
+        UpdateItem = !{ Identifier ~ WO ~ "=" ~ WO ~ Expr }
         UpdateFrom = _{ ^"from" ~ W ~ Scan ~ (W ~ ^"where" ~ W ~ Expr)? }
     Values = { ^"values" ~ WO ~ ValuesRows }
         ValuesRows = _{ Row ~ (WO ~ "," ~ WO ~ Row)* }
-    DqlOption = !{ ^"option" ~ "(" ~ OprionParams ~ ")" }
-        OprionParams = _{ OptionParam ~ (WO ~ "," ~ WO ~ OptionParam)* }
+    DqlOption = !{ ^"option" ~ WO ~ "(" ~ WO ~ OptionParams ~ WO ~ ")" }
+        OptionParams = _{ OptionParam ~ (WO ~ "," ~ WO ~ OptionParam)* }
     OptionParam = _{ VdbeOpcodeMax | MotionRowMax }
-    Timeout = !{ ^"timeout" ~ "=" ~ Duration }
+    Timeout = !{ ^"timeout" ~ WO ~ "=" ~ WO ~ Duration }
        Duration = @{ Unsigned ~ ("." ~ Unsigned)? }
     TimeoutOption = _{ ^"option" ~ WO ~ "(" ~ WO ~ Timeout ~ WO ~ ")" }
-    VdbeOpcodeMax = { ^"sql_vdbe_opcode_max" ~ "=" ~ (Unsigned | Parameter) }
-    MotionRowMax = { ^"sql_motion_row_max" ~ "=" ~ (Unsigned | Parameter) }
+    VdbeOpcodeMax = { ^"sql_vdbe_opcode_max" ~ WO ~ "=" ~ WO ~ (Unsigned | Parameter) }
+    MotionRowMax = { ^"sql_motion_row_max" ~ WO ~ "=" ~ WO ~ (Unsigned | Parameter) }
     Delete = ${ ^"delete" ~ W ~ ^"from" ~ W ~ ScanTable ~ (W ~ ^"where" ~ W ~ DeleteFilter)? }
     	DeleteFilter = { Expr }
 Identifier = @{ DelimitedIdentifier | RegularIdentifier  }
     DelimitedIdentifier = @{ ("\"" ~ ((!("\"") ~ ANY) | "\"\"")* ~ "\"") }
     RegularIdentifier = @{ !KeywordCoverage ~
-                            RegularIdentifierFirstApplicableSymbol ~
-                            RegularIdentifierApplicableSymbol* ~
-                            &IdentifierInapplicableSymbol }
-        RegularIdentifierFirstApplicableSymbol = { !(IdentifierInapplicableSymbol | ASCII_DIGIT) ~ ANY }
-        RegularIdentifierApplicableSymbol = { !IdentifierInapplicableSymbol ~ ANY }
-        IdentifierInapplicableSymbol = { WHITESPACE | "." | "," | "(" | EOF | ")" | "\"" | ":"
-                                       | "'" | ArithInfixOp | ConcatInfixOp | NotEq | GtEq
-                                       | Gt | LtEq | Lt | Eq }
-        KeywordCoverage = { Keyword ~ IdentifierInapplicableSymbol }
+                            (XID_START | "_" | "#" ) ~
+                            (XID_CONTINUE  | "_" | "#" )* }
+        KeywordCoverage = { Keyword ~ !(XID_CONTINUE  | "_" | "#" ) }
             // Note: In case two keywords with the same prefix are met, shorter ones must go after longest.
             //       E.g. ^"in" must go after ^"insert" because keywords traversal stops on the first match.
             //       Please, try to keep the list in alphabetical order.
@@ -451,7 +445,9 @@ NotFlag = { ^"not" }
 // * Note: Keep in mind that rule like `!{ RULE_1 ~ ("," ~ RULE_2)* }` will consume possible
 //         whitespaces that follow the `RULE_1` rule.
-WHITESPACE = _{ " " | "\t" | "\n" | "\r\n" }
+EOL_COMMENT = @{ "--" ~ (!NEWLINE ~ ANY)* ~ NEWLINE? }
+BLOCK_COMMENT = @{ "/*" ~ (!("*/") ~ ANY)* ~ "*/" }
 W  = _{ WHITESPACE+ }
 EOF = { EOI | ";" }