diff --git a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor.rs b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor.rs
index 7d219ec286e04833de2c31f4c98b86c89d92ace2..039a197479a666023fd6a64fbb0e3243f7ac5a4a 100644
--- a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor.rs
+++ b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor.rs
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ impl Plan {
     /// # Errors
     /// - Failed to optimize the plan.
     pub fn optimize(&mut self) -> Result<(), SbroadError> {
+        self.cast_constants()?;
diff --git a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor/engine/helpers.rs b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor/engine/helpers.rs
index d1d880d4fc5071819d3462b06dbcb937d11f0b9b..3321911e4a55607dca6eeaf28e55495da65dca26 100644
--- a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor/engine/helpers.rs
+++ b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor/engine/helpers.rs
@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ pub fn build_insert_args<'t>(
-                insert_tuple.push(value.cast(table_type)?);
+                insert_tuple.push(value.cast_and_encode(table_type)?);
             TupleBuilderCommand::SetValue(value) => {
@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@ fn execute_sharded_update(
-                            insert_tuple.push(value.cast(table_type)?);
+                            insert_tuple.push(value.cast_and_encode(table_type)?);
                         TupleBuilderCommand::CalculateBucketId(_) => {
@@ -1784,7 +1784,7 @@ pub fn build_update_args<'t>(
-                key_tuple.push(value.cast(table_type)?);
+                key_tuple.push(value.cast_and_encode(table_type)?);
             TupleBuilderCommand::UpdateColToCastedPos(table_col, pos, table_type) => {
                 let value = vt_tuple.get(*pos).ok_or_else(|| {
@@ -1798,7 +1798,7 @@ pub fn build_update_args<'t>(
                 let op = [
                     EncodedValue::Owned(LuaValue::Unsigned(*table_col as u64)),
-                    value.cast(table_type)?,
+                    value.cast_and_encode(table_type)?,
diff --git a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor/result.rs b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor/result.rs
index fe274ce97c6d5e1702b412c0c6251017cc3ddb60..132f08004c8e6988bc90690bed4f810666b2a3d3 100644
--- a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor/result.rs
+++ b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor/result.rs
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ impl ProducerResult {
                 if value.get_type() == column.r#type {
                 } else {
-                    tuple.push(Value::from(value.cast(&column.r#type)?));
+                    tuple.push(value.cast(column.r#type)?);
diff --git a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor/tests/concat.rs b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor/tests/concat.rs
index c0a6aa822164e8434eba2025922323eb2b64e6ec..09df269f7dbf88482adce8569b3e9ed438249a93 100644
--- a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor/tests/concat.rs
+++ b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor/tests/concat.rs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use crate::ir::value::Value;
 fn concat1_test() {
         r#"SELECT CAST('1' as string) || 'hello' FROM "t1""#,
-        r#"SELECT (CAST (? as string)) || (?) as "col_1" FROM "t1""#,
+        r#"SELECT (?) || (?) as "col_1" FROM "t1""#,
         vec![Value::from("1"), Value::from("hello")],
diff --git a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor/vtable.rs b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor/vtable.rs
index 817afb0033aea559a45b66ac9f2746a87691a244..2152b2d28cf6c613bc8d2cbb2324d7935f2c25f1 100644
--- a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor/vtable.rs
+++ b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/executor/vtable.rs
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ impl VirtualTable {
         for tuple in self.get_mut_tuples() {
             for (i, v) in tuple.iter_mut().enumerate() {
                 let (_, ty) = fixed_types.get(i).expect("Type expected.");
-                let cast_value = v.cast(ty)?;
+                let cast_value = v.cast_and_encode(ty)?;
                 match cast_value {
                     EncodedValue::Ref(_) => {
                         // Value type is already ok.
diff --git a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/explain/tests.rs b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/explain/tests.rs
index 0767a6c4b991511a33cf16a0cdc8b73c0dae5c7e..0c931a896ed6eb11b5f6ba970891dfcb16016d7d 100644
--- a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/explain/tests.rs
+++ b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/explain/tests.rs
@@ -585,3 +585,6 @@ mod delete;
 mod query_explain;
+mod cast_constants;
diff --git a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/explain/tests/cast_constants.rs b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/explain/tests/cast_constants.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..924d1011b37717a4bf6d03aca3d2ab2cebaf6cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/explain/tests/cast_constants.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+use crate::executor::{engine::mock::RouterRuntimeMock, Query};
+use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
+fn assert_expain_matches(sql: &str, expected_explain: &str) {
+    let metadata = &RouterRuntimeMock::new();
+    let mut query = Query::new(metadata, sql, vec![]).unwrap();
+    let actual_explain = query.to_explain().unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(actual_explain.as_str(), expected_explain);
+fn select_values_rows() {
+    assert_expain_matches(
+        "SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1::int, 2::decimal::unsigned, 'txt'::text::text::text))",
+        r#"projection ("COLUMN_1"::integer -> "COLUMN_1", "COLUMN_2"::unsigned -> "COLUMN_2", "COLUMN_3"::string -> "COLUMN_3")
+    scan
+        values
+            value row (data=ROW(1::integer, 2::unsigned, 'txt'::string))
+execution options:
+    vdbe_max_steps = 45000
+    vtable_max_rows = 5000
+buckets = any
+    );
+fn insert_values_rows() {
+    assert_expain_matches(
+        "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('txt'::text::text::text, 2::decimal::unsigned::double::integer)",
+        r#"insert "t1" on conflict: fail
+    motion [policy: segment([ref("COLUMN_1"), ref("COLUMN_2")])]
+        values
+            value row (data=ROW('txt'::string, 2::integer))
+execution options:
+    vdbe_max_steps = 45000
+    vtable_max_rows = 5000
+buckets = unknown
+    );
+fn select_selection() {
+    assert_expain_matches(
+        "SELECT * FROM t3 WHERE a = 'kek'::text::text::text",
+        r#"projection ("t3"."a"::string -> "a", "t3"."b"::integer -> "b")
+    selection ROW("t3"."a"::string) = ROW('kek'::string)
+        scan "t3"
+execution options:
+    vdbe_max_steps = 45000
+    vtable_max_rows = 5000
+buckets = [1610]
+    );
+fn update_selection() {
+    assert_expain_matches(
+        "UPDATE t SET c = 2 WHERE a = 1::int::int and b = 2::unsigned::decimal",
+        r#"update "t"
+"c" = "col_0"
+    motion [policy: local]
+        projection (2::unsigned -> "col_0", "t"."b"::unsigned -> "col_1")
+            selection ROW("t"."a"::unsigned) = ROW(1::integer) and ROW("t"."b"::unsigned) = ROW(2::decimal)
+                scan "t"
+execution options:
+    vdbe_max_steps = 45000
+    vtable_max_rows = 5000
+buckets = [550]
+    );
+fn delete_selection() {
+    assert_expain_matches(
+        r#"DELETE FROM "t2" where "e" = 3::unsigned and "f" = 2::decimal"#,
+        r#"delete "t2"
+    motion [policy: local]
+        projection ("t2"."g"::unsigned -> "pk_col_0", "t2"."h"::unsigned -> "pk_col_1")
+            selection ROW("t2"."e"::unsigned) = ROW(3::unsigned) and ROW("t2"."f"::unsigned) = ROW(2::decimal)
+                scan "t2"
+execution options:
+    vdbe_max_steps = 45000
+    vtable_max_rows = 5000
+buckets = [9374]
+    );
diff --git a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/explain/tests/concat.rs b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/explain/tests/concat.rs
index 1e65e6c1efeb134a9bb0b09098a8b9c1ee140f41..cc3026cbbf2ab30ae7ae902474a874f255aa4148 100644
--- a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/explain/tests/concat.rs
+++ b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/explain/tests/concat.rs
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ fn concat1_test() {
         r#"SELECT CAST('1' as string) || 'hello' FROM "t1""#,
-            r#"projection (ROW('1'::string::string) || ROW('hello'::string) -> "col_1")"#,
+            r#"projection (ROW('1'::string) || ROW('hello'::string) -> "col_1")"#,
             r#"    scan "t1""#,
             r#"execution options:"#,
             r#"    vdbe_max_steps = 45000"#,
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ fn concat2_test() {
             r#"projection ("t1"."a"::string -> "a")"#,
-            r#"    selection ROW(ROW(ROW('1'::string::string) || ROW("func"(('hello'::string))::integer)) || ROW('2'::string)) = ROW(42::unsigned)"#,
+            r#"    selection ROW(ROW(ROW('1'::string) || ROW("func"(('hello'::string))::integer)) || ROW('2'::string)) = ROW(42::unsigned)"#,
             r#"        scan "t1""#,
             r#"execution options:"#,
             r#"    vdbe_max_steps = 45000"#,
diff --git a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/transformation.rs b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/transformation.rs
index 333c762bff43af620f78a1ca78d2cb205410590d..49adc95ca4b6c2ec5a37680ba896b0b38f4fca2e 100644
--- a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/transformation.rs
+++ b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/transformation.rs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 //! Contains rule-based transformations.
 pub mod bool_in;
+pub mod cast_constants;
 pub mod dnf;
 pub mod equality_propagation;
 pub mod merge_tuples;
diff --git a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/transformation/cast_constants.rs b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/transformation/cast_constants.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e284214cb7e794af7bcf3ebc52b96f2e19c2f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/transformation/cast_constants.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+use crate::{
+    errors::SbroadError,
+    ir::{
+        node::{
+            expression::{Expression, MutExpression},
+            Cast, Constant, Node, NodeId, Row,
+        },
+        relation::Type,
+        tree::traversal::{LevelNode, PostOrderWithFilter},
+        value::Value,
+        Plan,
+    },
+fn apply_cast(plan: &Plan, child_id: NodeId, target_type: Type) -> Option<Value> {
+    match plan.get_expression_node(child_id).ok()? {
+        Expression::Constant(Constant { value }) => {
+            let value = value.clone();
+            value.cast(target_type).ok()
+        }
+        Expression::Cast(Cast {
+            child: cast_child,
+            to: cast_type,
+        }) => {
+            let cast_type = cast_type.as_relation_type();
+            let value = apply_cast(plan, *cast_child, cast_type);
+            // Note: We don't throw errors if casting fails.
+            // It's possible that some type and value combinations are missing,
+            // but in such cases, we simply skip this evaluation and continue with other casts.
+            // An optimization failure should not prevent the execution of the plan.
+            value.and_then(|x| x.cast(target_type).ok())
+        }
+        _ => None,
+    }
+impl Plan {
+    /// Evaluates cast constant expressions and replaces them with actual values in the plan.
+    ///
+    /// This function focuses on simplifying the plan by eliminating unnecessary casts in selection
+    /// expressions, enabling bucket filtering and in value rows, enabling local materialization.
+    pub fn cast_constants(&mut self) -> Result<(), SbroadError> {
+        // For simplicity, we only evaluate constants wrapped in Row,
+        // e.g., Row(Cast(Constant), Cast(Cast(Constant))).
+        // This approach includes the target cases from the function comment
+        // (selection expressions and values rows).
+        let rows_filter = |node_id| {
+            matches!(
+                self.get_node(node_id),
+                Ok(Node::Expression(Expression::Row(_)))
+            )
+        };
+        let mut subtree = PostOrderWithFilter::with_capacity(
+            |node| self.subtree_iter(node, false),
+            self.nodes.len(),
+            Box::new(rows_filter),
+        );
+        let top_id = self.get_top()?;
+        subtree.populate_nodes(top_id);
+        let row_ids = subtree.take_nodes();
+        drop(subtree);
+        let mut new_list = Vec::new();
+        for LevelNode(_, row_id) in row_ids {
+            // Clone row children list to overcome borrow checker.
+            new_list.clear();
+            if let Expression::Row(Row { list, .. }) = self.get_expression_node(row_id)? {
+                new_list.clone_from(list);
+            }
+            // Try to apply cast to constants, push new values in the plan and remember ids in a
+            // copy if row children list.
+            for row_child in new_list.iter_mut() {
+                if let Expression::Cast(Cast {
+                    child: cast_child,
+                    to,
+                }) = self.get_expression_node(*row_child)?
+                {
+                    let to = to.as_relation_type();
+                    if let Some(value) = apply_cast(self, *cast_child, to) {
+                        *row_child = self.add_const(value);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // Change row children to the new ones with casts applied.
+            if let MutExpression::Row(Row { ref mut list, .. }) =
+                self.get_mut_expression_node(row_id)?
+            {
+                new_list.clone_into(list);
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
diff --git a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/value.rs b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/value.rs
index 000a7bba0c289e05fc2df71f623e2ae2dd5447c4..18d85399fb6a90b50c0f1ec014802b7d99a3dc1b 100644
--- a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/value.rs
+++ b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/value.rs
@@ -780,111 +780,140 @@ impl Value {
-    /// Cast a value to a different type and wrap into encoded value.
-    /// If the target type is the same as the current type, the value
-    /// is returned by reference. Otherwise, the value is cloned.
-    ///
-    /// # Errors
-    /// - the value cannot be cast to the given type.
+    /// Cast a value to a different type.
-    pub fn cast(&self, column_type: &Type) -> Result<EncodedValue, SbroadError> {
-        let cast_error = SbroadError::Invalid(
-            Entity::Value,
-            Some(format_smolstr!("Failed to cast {self} to {column_type}.")),
-        );
+    pub fn cast(self, column_type: Type) -> Result<Self, SbroadError> {
+        fn cast_error(value: &Value, column_type: Type) -> SbroadError {
+            SbroadError::Invalid(
+                Entity::Value,
+                Some(format_smolstr!("Failed to cast {value} to {column_type}.")),
+            )
+        }
         match column_type {
-            Type::Any => Ok(self.into()),
+            Type::Any => Ok(self),
             Type::Array | Type::Map => match self {
-                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null.into()),
-                _ => Err(cast_error),
+                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null),
+                _ => Err(cast_error(&self, column_type)),
             Type::Boolean => match self {
-                Value::Boolean(_) => Ok(self.into()),
-                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null.into()),
-                _ => Err(cast_error),
+                Value::Boolean(_) => Ok(self),
+                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null),
+                _ => Err(cast_error(&self, column_type)),
             Type::Datetime => match self {
-                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null.into()),
-                Value::Datetime(_) => Ok(self.into()),
-                _ => Err(cast_error),
+                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null),
+                Value::Datetime(_) => Ok(self),
+                _ => Err(cast_error(&self, column_type)),
             Type::Decimal => match self {
-                Value::Decimal(_) => Ok(self.into()),
-                Value::Double(v) => Ok(Value::Decimal(
-                    Decimal::from_str(&format!("{v}")).map_err(|_| cast_error)?,
-                )
-                .into()),
-                Value::Integer(v) => Ok(Value::Decimal(Decimal::from(*v)).into()),
-                Value::Unsigned(v) => Ok(Value::Decimal(Decimal::from(*v)).into()),
-                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null.into()),
-                _ => Err(cast_error),
+                Value::Decimal(_) => Ok(self),
+                Value::Double(ref v) => Ok(Value::Decimal(
+                    Decimal::from_str(&format!("{v}"))
+                        .map_err(|_| cast_error(&self, column_type))?,
+                )),
+                Value::Integer(v) => Ok(Value::Decimal(Decimal::from(v))),
+                Value::Unsigned(v) => Ok(Value::Decimal(Decimal::from(v))),
+                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null),
+                _ => Err(cast_error(&self, column_type)),
             Type::Double => match self {
-                Value::Double(_) => Ok(self.into()),
-                Value::Decimal(v) => Ok(Value::Double(Double::from_str(&format!("{v}"))?).into()),
-                Value::Integer(v) => Ok(Value::Double(Double::from(*v)).into()),
-                Value::Unsigned(v) => Ok(Value::Double(Double::from(*v)).into()),
-                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null.into()),
-                _ => Err(cast_error),
+                Value::Double(_) => Ok(self),
+                Value::Decimal(v) => Ok(Value::Double(Double::from_str(&format!("{v}"))?)),
+                Value::Integer(v) => Ok(Value::Double(Double::from(v))),
+                Value::Unsigned(v) => Ok(Value::Double(Double::from(v))),
+                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null),
+                _ => Err(cast_error(&self, column_type)),
             Type::Integer => match self {
-                Value::Integer(_) => Ok(self.into()),
-                Value::Decimal(v) => Ok(Value::Integer(v.to_i64().ok_or(cast_error)?).into()),
-                Value::Double(v) => v
+                Value::Integer(_) => Ok(self),
+                Value::Decimal(v) => Ok(Value::Integer(
+                    v.to_i64().ok_or_else(|| cast_error(&self, column_type))?,
+                )),
+                Value::Double(ref v) => v
-                    .map(EncodedValue::from)
-                    .map_err(|_| cast_error),
-                Value::Unsigned(v) => {
-                    Ok(Value::Integer(i64::try_from(*v).map_err(|_| cast_error)?).into())
-                }
-                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null.into()),
-                _ => Err(cast_error),
+                    .map_err(|_| cast_error(&self, column_type)),
+                Value::Unsigned(v) => Ok(Value::Integer(
+                    i64::try_from(v).map_err(|_| cast_error(&self, column_type))?,
+                )),
+                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null),
+                _ => Err(cast_error(&self, column_type)),
             Type::Scalar => match self {
-                Value::Tuple(_) => Err(cast_error),
-                _ => Ok(self.into()),
+                Value::Tuple(_) => Err(cast_error(&self, column_type)),
+                _ => Ok(self),
             Type::String => match self {
-                Value::String(_) => Ok(self.into()),
-                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null.into()),
-                _ => Err(cast_error),
+                Value::String(_) => Ok(self),
+                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null),
+                _ => Err(cast_error(&self, column_type)),
             Type::Uuid => match self {
-                Value::Uuid(_) => Ok(self.into()),
-                Value::String(v) => {
-                    Ok(Value::Uuid(Uuid::parse_str(v).map_err(|_| cast_error)?).into())
-                }
-                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null.into()),
-                _ => Err(cast_error),
+                Value::Uuid(_) => Ok(self),
+                Value::String(ref v) => Ok(Value::Uuid(
+                    Uuid::parse_str(v).map_err(|_| cast_error(&self, column_type))?,
+                )),
+                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null),
+                _ => Err(cast_error(&self, column_type)),
             Type::Number => match self {
                 Value::Integer(_) | Value::Decimal(_) | Value::Double(_) | Value::Unsigned(_) => {
-                    Ok(self.into())
+                    Ok(self)
-                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null.into()),
-                _ => Err(cast_error),
+                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null),
+                _ => Err(cast_error(&self, column_type)),
             Type::Unsigned => match self {
-                Value::Unsigned(_) => Ok(self.into()),
-                Value::Integer(v) => {
-                    Ok(Value::Unsigned(u64::try_from(*v).map_err(|_| cast_error)?).into())
-                }
-                Value::Decimal(v) => Ok(Value::Unsigned(v.to_u64().ok_or(cast_error)?).into()),
-                Value::Double(v) => v
+                Value::Unsigned(_) => Ok(self),
+                Value::Integer(v) => Ok(Value::Unsigned(
+                    u64::try_from(v).map_err(|_| cast_error(&self, column_type))?,
+                )),
+                Value::Decimal(v) => Ok(Value::Unsigned(
+                    v.to_u64().ok_or_else(|| cast_error(&self, column_type))?,
+                )),
+                Value::Double(ref v) => v
-                    .map(EncodedValue::from)
-                    .map_err(|_| cast_error),
-                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null.into()),
-                _ => Err(cast_error),
+                    .map_err(|_| cast_error(&self, column_type)),
+                Value::Null => Ok(Value::Null),
+                _ => Err(cast_error(&self, column_type)),
+    /// Cast a value to a different type and wrap into encoded value.
+    /// If the target type is the same as the current type, the value
+    /// is returned by reference. Otherwise, the value is cloned.
+    ///
+    /// # Errors
+    /// - the value cannot be cast to the given type.
+    #[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)]
+    pub fn cast_and_encode(&self, column_type: &Type) -> Result<EncodedValue, SbroadError> {
+        // First, try variants returning EncodedValue::Ref to avoid cloning.
+        match (column_type, self) {
+            (Type::Any | Type::Scalar, value) => return Ok(value.into()),
+            (Type::Boolean, Value::Boolean(_)) => return Ok(self.into()),
+            (Type::Datetime, Value::Datetime(_)) => return Ok(self.into()),
+            (Type::Decimal, Value::Decimal(_)) => return Ok(self.into()),
+            (Type::Double, Value::Double(_)) => return Ok(self.into()),
+            (Type::Integer, Value::Integer(_)) => return Ok(self.into()),
+            (Type::String, Value::String(_)) => return Ok(self.into()),
+            (Type::Uuid, Value::Uuid(_)) => return Ok(self.into()),
+            (Type::Unsigned, Value::Unsigned(_)) => return Ok(self.into()),
+            (
+                Type::Number,
+                Value::Integer(_) | Value::Decimal(_) | Value::Double(_) | Value::Unsigned(_),
+            ) => return Ok(self.into()),
+            _ => (),
+        }
+        // Then, apply cast with clone.
+        self.clone().cast(*column_type).map(Into::into)
+    }
     pub fn get_type(&self) -> Type {
         match self {
diff --git a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/value/tests.rs b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/value/tests.rs
index a2d019fbdbe3195bb3733b32772f391aba6e539a..4067eaf45c7110a24a3cda09cbc75324437657b9 100644
--- a/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/value/tests.rs
+++ b/sbroad/sbroad-core/src/ir/value/tests.rs
@@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ fn uuid() {
-        Value::String(uid.to_string()).cast(&Type::Uuid).is_ok(),
+        Value::String(uid.to_string())
+            .cast_and_encode(&Type::Uuid)
+            .is_ok(),
     assert_eq!(v_uid.partial_cmp(&Value::String(t_uid_2.to_string())), None);
@@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ fn uuid() {
 fn uuid_negative() {
-            .cast(&Type::Uuid)
+            .cast_and_encode(&Type::Uuid)
diff --git a/src/sql.rs b/src/sql.rs
index 11ca2985af7ec96b9101cfbfd726e036f1219018..7618f5e84dfc5b142336ddbd48e9c9eca7249ef3 100644
--- a/src/sql.rs
+++ b/src/sql.rs
@@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@ fn alter_system_ir_node_to_op_or_result(
             else {
                 return Err(Error::other(format!("unknown parameter: '{param_name}'")));
-            let Ok(casted_value) = param_value.cast(&expected_type) else {
+            let Ok(casted_value) = param_value.cast_and_encode(&expected_type) else {
                 let actual_type = value_type_str(param_value);
                 return Err(Error::other(format!(
                     "invalid value for '{param_name}' expected {expected_type}, got {actual_type}",