diff --git a/src/traft/node.rs b/src/traft/node.rs
index 7a6b99d4c0b057007c1ce904f5e01fcea6f61fca..1f8883057fb757491e92ce5f413c1f3a75801ad0 100644
--- a/src/traft/node.rs
+++ b/src/traft/node.rs
@@ -1641,7 +1641,7 @@ impl NodeImpl {
                         let bucket_id_def = IndexDef {
                             table_id: id,
                             id: 1,
-                            name: "bucket_id".into(),
+                            name: format!("{}_bucket_id", name),
                             ty: IndexType::Tree,
                             opts: vec![IndexOption::Unique(false)],
                             parts: vec![Part::field(bucket_id_index)
diff --git a/test/int/test_ddl.py b/test/int/test_ddl.py
index abfecea40468763dfe2cadf87e03f5112ddca3f4..e2ede79bfd0d17a52fdaa04353f0eea99d3b631d 100644
--- a/test/int/test_ddl.py
+++ b/test/int/test_ddl.py
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ def test_ddl_create_sharded_space(cluster: Cluster):
     pico_bucket_id_def = [
-        "bucket_id",
+        "stuff_bucket_id",
         [[1, "unsigned", None, False, None]],
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ def test_ddl_create_sharded_space(cluster: Cluster):
     tt_bucket_id_def = [
-        "bucket_id",
+        "stuff_bucket_id",
         [[1, "unsigned", None, False, None]],
@@ -589,9 +589,15 @@ def test_ddl_create_table_abort(cluster: Cluster):
     assert i1.call("box.space._space:get", space_id) is not None
-    assert get_index_names(i1, space_id) == [f"{space_name}_pkey", "bucket_id"]
+    assert get_index_names(i1, space_id) == [
+        f"{space_name}_pkey",
+        f"{space_name}_bucket_id",
+    ]
     assert i2.call("box.space._space:get", space_id) is not None
-    assert get_index_names(i2, space_id) == [f"{space_name}_pkey", "bucket_id"]
+    assert get_index_names(i2, space_id) == [
+        f"{space_name}_pkey",
+        f"{space_name}_bucket_id",
+    ]
     # Wake the instance so that governor finds out there's a conflict
     # and aborts the ddl op.
@@ -768,7 +774,7 @@ def test_ddl_create_table_from_snapshot_at_boot(cluster: Cluster):
     tt_bucket_id_def = [
-        "bucket_id",
+        "stuff_bucket_id",
         [[1, "unsigned", None, False, None]],
diff --git a/test/int/test_sql.py b/test/int/test_sql.py
index c9479ccdf6ed8b75674f30c59f7de1d9599b4f14..cef81d36993feeff2c8b15fd842b84964ece1a7d 100644
--- a/test/int/test_sql.py
+++ b/test/int/test_sql.py
@@ -3932,3 +3932,47 @@ def test_cte(cluster: Cluster):
     assert data["rows"] == [[1]]
+def test_unique_index_name_for_sharded_table(cluster: Cluster):
+    cluster.deploy(instance_count=1)
+    i1 = cluster.instances[0]
+    table_names = ["T", "T2"]
+    # Initialize two sharded table
+    for table_name in table_names:
+        ddl = i1.sql(
+            f"""
+            create table {table_name} (a int not null, b int, primary key (a))
+            distributed by (b)
+            option (timeout = 3)
+            """
+        )
+        assert ddl["row_count"] == 1
+    for table_name, other_table_name in zip(table_names, reversed(table_names)):
+        with pytest.raises(
+            ReturnError,
+            match=f"""index {table_name}_bucket_id already exists with a different signature""",
+        ):
+            # try to create existing index
+            i1.sql(
+                f""" create index "{table_name}_bucket_id"
+                on "{table_name}" (a) option (timeout = 3) """
+            )
+        with pytest.raises(
+            ReturnError,
+            match=f"""index {other_table_name}_bucket_id already exists""",
+        ):
+            # try to create non existing index with existing name
+            i1.sql(
+                f""" create index "{other_table_name}_bucket_id"
+                on "{table_name}" (a) option (timeout = 3) """
+            )
+        # ensure that index on field bucket_id of sharded table exists
+        data = i1.sql(
+            f""" select * from "_pico_index" where "name" = '{table_name}_bucket_id' """
+        )
+        assert data["rows"] != []