diff --git a/doc/sql/query.ebnf b/doc/sql/query.ebnf
index 117e033c4aea8f59745c7e0c05dda1bec5ccb0c6..aa6f8cf8731a056ee51f6c60d741c4ffee1cb52a 100644
--- a/doc/sql/query.ebnf
+++ b/doc/sql/query.ebnf
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ select      ::= 'SELECT' 'DISTINCT'?  ((projection (',' projection)*))
                 ('GROUP' 'BY' expression (',' expression)*)?
                 ('HAVING' expression)?
                 ((('UNION' 'ALL') | ('EXCEPT' 'DISTINCT'?)) select)?
-projection  ::= '*' | expression (('AS')? name)? | aggregate
+projection  ::= (table '.')? '*' | expression (('AS')? name)? | aggregate
 expression  ::= (table '.')? column
                | expression ('IS' ('NOT')? 'NULL')
                | expression ('OR' | 'AND' | '*' | '/' | '+' | '-' | '=' | '>' | '<' | '>=' | '<=' | ('<>' | '!=')) expression
diff --git a/sbroad-core/src/executor/engine/helpers.rs b/sbroad-core/src/executor/engine/helpers.rs
index 16a4fdcdb564b608fbd293306d12a50489cc0bc0..967cadf1d4be2943c8ba75202af2994747784e31 100644
--- a/sbroad-core/src/executor/engine/helpers.rs
+++ b/sbroad-core/src/executor/engine/helpers.rs
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ pub fn normalize_name_from_sql(s: &str) -> String {
 /// Transform:
-/// * "s" -> s (uppercased, unquoted)
-/// * s   -> S (same cased, unquoted)
+/// * "s" -> s (same cased, unquoted)
+/// * s   -> S (uppercased, unquoted)
 pub fn normalize_name_for_space_api(s: &str) -> String {
     if let (Some('"'), Some('"')) = (s.chars().next(), s.chars().last()) {
diff --git a/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql.rs b/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql.rs
index 9f3e179a07339f59b135255ebc003b5c3965a7ec..83d32312afed70745a9798b1d9a3ded995bc45de 100644
--- a/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql.rs
+++ b/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql.rs
@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ use crate::frontend::Ast;
 use crate::ir::ddl::{ColumnDef, Ddl};
 use crate::ir::ddl::{Language, ParamDef};
 use crate::ir::expression::cast::Type as CastType;
-use crate::ir::expression::{ColumnPositionMap, Expression, ExpressionId, Position};
+use crate::ir::expression::{
+    ColumnPositionMap, ColumnsRetrievalSpec, Expression, ExpressionId, Position,
 use crate::ir::operator::{Arithmetic, Bool, ConflictStrategy, JoinKind, Relational, Unary};
 use crate::ir::relation::{Column, ColumnRole, Type as RelationType};
 use crate::ir::tree::traversal::PostOrder;
@@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ use crate::ir::acl::AlterOption;
 use crate::ir::acl::{Acl, GrantRevokeType, Privilege};
 use crate::ir::aggregates::AggregateKind;
 use crate::ir::block::Block;
+use crate::ir::expression::NewColumnsSource;
 use crate::ir::helpers::RepeatableState;
 use crate::ir::transformation::redistribution::ColumnPosition;
 use sbroad_proc::otm_child_span;
@@ -222,10 +225,10 @@ fn parse_rename_proc(ast: &AbstractSyntaxTree, node: &ParseNode) -> Result<Ddl,
         let child_node = ast.nodes.get_node(*child_id)?;
         match child_node.rule {
             Rule::NewProc => {
-                new_name = normalize_name_for_space_api(parse_string_value_node(ast, *child_id)?);
+                new_name = parse_identifier(ast, *child_id)?;
             Rule::OldProc => {
-                old_name = normalize_name_for_space_api(parse_string_value_node(ast, *child_id)?);
+                old_name = parse_identifier(ast, *child_id)?;
             Rule::ProcParams => {
                 params = Some(parse_proc_params(ast, child_node)?);
@@ -2098,16 +2101,26 @@ impl AbstractSyntaxTree {
                             Rule::Asterisk => {
-                                let plan_asterisk_id =
-                                    plan.add_row_for_output(plan_rel_child_id, &[], false)?;
-                                let Node::Expression(Expression::Row { list, .. }) =
-                                    plan.get_node(plan_asterisk_id).expect(
-                                        "`add_row_for_output` must've added an Expression::Row",
-                                    )
-                                else {
-                                    unreachable!("Row expected under Asterisk")
+                                let table_name_id = ast_column.children.first();
+                                let plan_asterisk_id = if let Some(table_name_id) = table_name_id {
+                                    let table_name =
+                                        parse_normalized_identifier(self, *table_name_id)?;
+                                    let col_name_pos_map =
+                                        ColumnPositionMap::new(&plan, plan_rel_child_id)?;
+                                    let filtered_col_ids =
+                                        col_name_pos_map.get_by_scan_name(&table_name)?;
+                                    plan.add_row_by_indices(
+                                        plan_rel_child_id,
+                                        filtered_col_ids,
+                                        false,
+                                    )?
+                                } else {
+                                    plan.add_row_for_output(plan_rel_child_id, &[], false)?
-                                for row_id in list {
+                                let row_list = plan.get_row_list(plan_asterisk_id)?;
+                                for row_id in row_list {
@@ -2339,10 +2352,10 @@ impl AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     let pk_column_ids = plan.new_columns(
-                        &[proj_child_id],
-                        false,
-                        &[0],
-                        pk_columns.as_ref(),
+                        &NewColumnsSource::Other {
+                            child: proj_child_id,
+                            columns_spec: Some(ColumnsRetrievalSpec::Names(pk_columns)),
+                        },
diff --git a/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/ir/tests.rs b/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/ir/tests.rs
index 06e71a049e91388eaf5cc21e1e69be2dc9c9c05c..920aa55714943d0114ae24eb0c5a11350810b1b1 100644
--- a/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/ir/tests.rs
+++ b/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/ir/tests.rs
@@ -424,6 +424,75 @@ vtable_max_rows = 5000
     assert_eq!(expected_explain, plan.as_explain().unwrap());
+fn front_projection_with_scan_specification_under_scan() {
+    let input = r#"SELECT "hash_testing".* FROM "hash_testing""#;
+    let plan = sql_to_optimized_ir(input, vec![]);
+    let expected_explain = String::from(
+        r#"projection ("hash_testing"."identification_number"::integer -> "identification_number", "hash_testing"."product_code"::string -> "product_code", "hash_testing"."product_units"::boolean -> "product_units", "hash_testing"."sys_op"::unsigned -> "sys_op")
+    scan "hash_testing"
+execution options:
+sql_vdbe_max_steps = 45000
+vtable_max_rows = 5000
+    );
+    assert_eq!(expected_explain, plan.as_explain().unwrap());
+fn front_projection_with_scan_specification_under_join() {
+    let input = r#"SELECT "hash_testing".* FROM "hash_testing" join "test_space" on true"#;
+    let plan = sql_to_optimized_ir(input, vec![]);
+    let expected_explain = String::from(
+        r#"projection ("hash_testing"."identification_number"::integer -> "identification_number", "hash_testing"."product_code"::string -> "product_code", "hash_testing"."product_units"::boolean -> "product_units", "hash_testing"."sys_op"::unsigned -> "sys_op")
+    join on true::boolean
+        scan "hash_testing"
+            projection ("hash_testing"."identification_number"::integer -> "identification_number", "hash_testing"."product_code"::string -> "product_code", "hash_testing"."product_units"::boolean -> "product_units", "hash_testing"."sys_op"::unsigned -> "sys_op")
+                scan "hash_testing"
+        motion [policy: full]
+            scan "test_space"
+                projection ("test_space"."id"::unsigned -> "id", "test_space"."sysFrom"::unsigned -> "sysFrom", "test_space"."FIRST_NAME"::string -> "FIRST_NAME", "test_space"."sys_op"::unsigned -> "sys_op")
+                    scan "test_space"
+execution options:
+sql_vdbe_max_steps = 45000
+vtable_max_rows = 5000
+    );
+    assert_eq!(expected_explain, plan.as_explain().unwrap());
+fn front_projection_with_scan_specification_under_join_of_subqueries() {
+    let input = r#"SELECT "ts_sq".*, "hs".* FROM "hash_testing" as "hs"
+                                join (select "ts".* from "test_space" as "ts") as "ts_sq" on true"#;
+    let plan = sql_to_optimized_ir(input, vec![]);
+    let expected_explain = String::from(
+        r#"projection ("ts_sq"."id"::unsigned -> "id", "ts_sq"."sysFrom"::unsigned -> "sysFrom", "ts_sq"."FIRST_NAME"::string -> "FIRST_NAME", "ts_sq"."sys_op"::unsigned -> "sys_op", "hs"."identification_number"::integer -> "identification_number", "hs"."product_code"::string -> "product_code", "hs"."product_units"::boolean -> "product_units", "hs"."sys_op"::unsigned -> "sys_op")
+    join on true::boolean
+        scan "hs"
+            projection ("hs"."identification_number"::integer -> "identification_number", "hs"."product_code"::string -> "product_code", "hs"."product_units"::boolean -> "product_units", "hs"."sys_op"::unsigned -> "sys_op")
+                scan "hash_testing" -> "hs"
+        motion [policy: full]
+            scan "ts_sq"
+                projection ("ts"."id"::unsigned -> "id", "ts"."sysFrom"::unsigned -> "sysFrom", "ts"."FIRST_NAME"::string -> "FIRST_NAME", "ts"."sys_op"::unsigned -> "sys_op")
+                    scan "test_space" -> "ts"
+execution options:
+sql_vdbe_max_steps = 45000
+vtable_max_rows = 5000
+    );
+    assert_eq!(expected_explain, plan.as_explain().unwrap());
 fn front_sql_subquery_column_duplicates() {
     let input = r#"SELECT "id" FROM "test_space" WHERE ("id", "id")
diff --git a/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/query.pest b/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/query.pest
index f8248af145ea733e7cef624afa6614346daf6f61..2c6856bb0b5f3fc292d971b127781d2c785d6884 100644
--- a/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/query.pest
+++ b/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/query.pest
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ Query = { (SelectWithOptionalContinuation | Values | Insert | Update | Delete) ~
         Projection = { Distinct? ~ ProjectionElement ~ ("," ~ ProjectionElement)* }
             ProjectionElement = _{ Asterisk | Column }
             Column = { Expr ~ ((^"as")? ~ Identifier)? }
-            Asterisk = { "*" }
+            Asterisk = { (Identifier ~ ".")? ~ "*" }
         WhereClause = _{ ^"where" ~ Selection }
         Selection = { Expr }
         Scan = { (ScanTable | SubQuery) ~ ((^"as")? ~ Identifier)? }
diff --git a/sbroad-core/src/ir/expression.rs b/sbroad-core/src/ir/expression.rs
index 6764afb9aa54cd566e8330f008d1cc46633c4114..f4a3e8ffd013855bd0fc3755b616d916d6e958fa 100644
--- a/sbroad-core/src/ir/expression.rs
+++ b/sbroad-core/src/ir/expression.rs
@@ -417,32 +417,6 @@ impl Nodes {
         self.push(Node::Expression(Expression::Row { list, distribution }))
-    /// Adds row node, where every column has an alias.
-    /// Mostly used for relational node output.
-    ///
-    /// # Errors
-    /// - nodes in the list do not exist in the arena
-    /// - some nodes in the list are not aliases
-    pub fn add_row_of_aliases(
-        &mut self,
-        list: Vec<usize>,
-        distribution: Option<Distribution>,
-    ) -> Result<usize, SbroadError> {
-        for alias_id in &list {
-            let node = self.arena.get(*alias_id).ok_or_else(|| {
-                SbroadError::NotFound(Entity::Node, format!("from arena with index {alias_id}"))
-            })?;
-            if let Node::Expression(Expression::Alias { .. }) = node {
-                continue;
-            }
-            return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
-                Entity::Expression,
-                Some(format!("expected {alias_id}  to be alias, got {node:?}")),
-            ));
-        }
-        Ok(self.add_row(list, distribution))
-    }
     /// Adds unary boolean node.
     /// # Errors
@@ -833,7 +807,7 @@ impl ColumnPositionMap {
-    /// Get position of relational output that corresponds to given `column`.
+    /// Get position of relational node output that corresponds to given `column`.
     /// Note that we don't specify a Scan name here (see `get_with_scan` below for that logic).
     pub(crate) fn get(&self, column: &str) -> Result<Position, SbroadError> {
         let from_key = (SmolStr::from(column), None);
@@ -871,6 +845,7 @@ impl ColumnPositionMap {
+    /// Get position of relational node output that corresponds to given `scan.column`.
     pub(crate) fn get_with_scan(
         column: &str,
@@ -896,6 +871,172 @@ impl ColumnPositionMap {
             format!("with name {column} and scan {scan:?}"),
+    /// Get positions of all columns in relational node output
+    /// that corresponds to given `target_scan_name`.
+    pub(crate) fn get_by_scan_name(
+        &self,
+        target_scan_name: &str,
+    ) -> Result<Vec<Position>, SbroadError> {
+        let mut res = Vec::new();
+        for (_, positions) in self.map.iter().filter(|((_, scan_name), _)| {
+            if let Some(scan_name) = scan_name {
+                scan_name == target_scan_name
+            } else {
+                false
+            }
+        }) {
+            if let Positions::Single(pos) = positions {
+                res.push(*pos);
+            } else {
+                return Err(SbroadError::DuplicatedValue(format!(
+                    "column name for {target_scan_name} scan name is ambiguous"
+                )));
+            }
+        }
+        // Note: sorting of usizes doesn't take much time.
+        res.sort_unstable();
+        Ok(res)
+    }
+/// Specification of column names/indices that we want to retrieve in `new_columns` call.
+pub enum ColumnsRetrievalSpec<'spec> {
+    Names(Vec<&'spec str>),
+    Indices(Vec<usize>),
+/// Specification of targets to retrieve from join within `new_columns` call.
+pub enum JoinTargets<'targets> {
+    Left {
+        columns_spec: Option<ColumnsRetrievalSpec<'targets>>,
+    },
+    Right {
+        columns_spec: Option<ColumnsRetrievalSpec<'targets>>,
+    },
+    Both,
+/// Indicator of relational nodes source for `new_columns` call.
+/// If `columns_spec` is met, it means we'd like to retrieve only specific columns.
+/// Otherwise, we retrieve all the columns from children.
+pub enum NewColumnsSource<'targets> {
+    Join {
+        outer_child: usize,
+        inner_child: usize,
+        targets: JoinTargets<'targets>,
+    },
+    /// Enum variant used both for Except and UnionAll operators.
+    ExceptUnion {
+        left_child: usize,
+        right_child: usize,
+    },
+    /// Other relational nodes.
+    Other {
+        child: usize,
+        columns_spec: Option<ColumnsRetrievalSpec<'targets>>,
+    },
+/// Iterator needed for unified way of source nodes traversal during `new_columns` call.
+pub struct NewColumnSourceIterator<'iter> {
+    source: &'iter NewColumnsSource<'iter>,
+    index: usize,
+impl<'targets> Iterator for NewColumnSourceIterator<'targets> {
+    // Pair of (relational node id, target id)
+    type Item = (usize, usize);
+    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
+        let result = match &self.source {
+            NewColumnsSource::Join {
+                outer_child,
+                inner_child,
+                targets,
+            } => match targets {
+                JoinTargets::Left { .. } => match self.index {
+                    0 => outer_child,
+                    _ => return None,
+                },
+                JoinTargets::Right { .. } => match self.index {
+                    0 => inner_child,
+                    _ => return None,
+                },
+                JoinTargets::Both => match self.index {
+                    0 => outer_child,
+                    1 => inner_child,
+                    _ => return None,
+                },
+            },
+            NewColumnsSource::ExceptUnion { left_child, .. } => match self.index {
+                // For the `UnionAll` and `Except` operators we need only the first
+                // child to get correct column names for a new tuple
+                // (the second child aliases would be shadowed). But each reference should point
+                // to both children to give us additional information
+                // during transformations.
+                0 => left_child,
+                _ => return None,
+            },
+            NewColumnsSource::Other { child, .. } => match self.index {
+                0 => child,
+                _ => return None,
+            },
+        };
+        let res = Some((*result, self.index));
+        self.index += 1;
+        res
+    }
+impl<'iter, 'source: 'iter> IntoIterator for &'source NewColumnsSource<'iter> {
+    type Item = (usize, usize);
+    type IntoIter = NewColumnSourceIterator<'iter>;
+    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+        NewColumnSourceIterator {
+            source: self,
+            index: 0,
+        }
+    }
+impl<'source> NewColumnsSource<'source> {
+    fn is_join(&self) -> bool {
+        matches!(self, NewColumnsSource::Join { .. })
+    }
+    fn get_columns_spec(&self) -> Option<ColumnsRetrievalSpec> {
+        match self {
+            NewColumnsSource::Join { targets, .. } => match targets {
+                JoinTargets::Left { columns_spec } | JoinTargets::Right { columns_spec } => {
+                    columns_spec.clone()
+                }
+                JoinTargets::Both => None,
+            },
+            NewColumnsSource::ExceptUnion { .. } => None,
+            NewColumnsSource::Other { columns_spec, .. } => columns_spec.clone(),
+        }
+    }
+    fn targets(&self) -> Vec<usize> {
+        match self {
+            NewColumnsSource::Join { targets, .. } => match targets {
+                JoinTargets::Left { .. } => vec![0],
+                JoinTargets::Right { .. } => vec![1],
+                JoinTargets::Both => vec![0, 1],
+            },
+            NewColumnsSource::ExceptUnion { .. } => vec![0, 1],
+            NewColumnsSource::Other { .. } => vec![0],
+        }
+    }
+    fn iter(&'source self) -> NewColumnSourceIterator {
+        <&Self as IntoIterator>::into_iter(self)
+    }
 impl Plan {
@@ -906,170 +1047,92 @@ impl Plan {
     /// Returns a list of columns from the children relational nodes outputs.
-    /// * If `col_names` is empty then copies all the columns
-    ///   from the child node to a new tuple.`need_sharding_column` indicates whether we want
-    ///   to copy sharding columns from the child relational node
-    /// * If `col_names` is not empty then copies only child output columns that correspond
-    ///   to that names.
-    ///
     /// `need_aliases` indicates whether we'd like to copy aliases (their names) from the child
     ///  node or whether we'd like to build raw References list.
-    /// The `is_join` option "on" builds an output tuple for the left child and
-    /// appends the right child's one to it. Otherwise we build an output tuple
-    /// only from the first (left) child.
-    ///
     /// # Errors
     /// Returns `SbroadError`:
     /// - relation node contains invalid `Row` in the output
-    /// - targets and children are inconsistent
     /// - column names don't exist
     /// # Panics
-    /// - `targets` has unreachable values
+    /// - Plan is in inconsistent state.
     pub fn new_columns(
         &mut self,
-        child_rel_nodes: &[usize],
-        is_join: bool,
-        targets: &[usize],
-        col_names: &[&str],
+        source: &NewColumnsSource,
         need_aliases: bool,
         need_sharding_column: bool,
     ) -> Result<Vec<usize>, SbroadError> {
-        // We can pass two target children nodes only in case
-        // of `UnionAll` and `InnerJoin`.
-        // - For the `UnionAll` operator we need only the first
-        // child to get correct column names for a new tuple
-        // (the second child aliases would be shadowed). But each reference should point
-        // to both children to give us additional information
-        // during transformations.
-        if (targets.len() > 2) || targets.is_empty() {
-            return Err(SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues(format!(
-                "invalid target length: {}",
-                targets.len()
-            )));
-        }
-        if let Some(max) = targets.iter().max() {
-            if *max >= child_rel_nodes.len() {
-                return Err(SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues(format!(
-                    "invalid children length: {}",
-                    child_rel_nodes.len()
-                )));
-            }
-        }
+        // Vec of (column position in child output, column plan id, new_targets).
+        let mut filtered_children_row_list: Vec<(usize, usize, Vec<usize>)> = Vec::new();
+        if let Some(columns_spec) = source.get_columns_spec() {
+            let (rel_child, _) = source
+                .iter()
+                .next()
+                .expect("Source must have a single target");
+            let relational_op = self.get_relation_node(rel_child)?;
+            let output_id = relational_op.output();
+            let child_node_row_list = self.get_row_list(output_id)?.to_vec();
+            let indices: Vec<usize> = match columns_spec {
+                ColumnsRetrievalSpec::Names(names) => {
+                    let col_name_pos_map = ColumnPositionMap::new(self, rel_child)?;
+                    let indices: Result<Vec<usize>, SbroadError> =
+                        names.iter().map(|n| col_name_pos_map.get(n)).collect();
+                    indices?
+                }
+                ColumnsRetrievalSpec::Indices(indices) => indices.clone(),
+            };
-        // List of columns to be passed into `Expression::Row`.
-        let mut result_row_list: Vec<usize> = Vec::new();
-        if col_names.is_empty() {
-            let required_targets = if is_join { targets } else { &targets[0..1] };
-            for target_idx in required_targets {
-                let target_rel_child_id = targets
-                    .get(*target_idx)
-                    .expect("target child not found among required");
-                let child_node_id = child_rel_nodes
-                    .get(*target_rel_child_id)
-                    .expect("child rel node not found");
-                let rel_node = self.get_relation_node(*child_node_id)?;
-                let child_row_list: Vec<(usize, usize)> = if let Expression::Row { list, .. } =
-                    self.get_expression_node(rel_node.output())?
-                {
-                    if need_sharding_column {
-                        list.iter()
-                            .enumerate()
-                            .map(|(pos, id)| (pos, *id))
-                            .collect()
-                    } else {
-                        let mut new_list = Vec::with_capacity(list.len());
-                        for (pos, expr_id) in list.iter().enumerate() {
-                            if let Expression::Alias { name, .. } =
-                                self.get_expression_node(*expr_id)?
-                            {
-                                if is_sharding_column_name(name.as_str()) {
-                                    continue;
-                                }
-                            }
-                            new_list.push((pos, *expr_id));
-                        }
-                        new_list
-                    }
+            for index in indices {
+                let col_id = *child_node_row_list
+                    .get(index)
+                    .expect("Column id not found under relational child output");
+                let alias_name = self.get_expression_node(col_id)?.get_alias_name()?;
+                if is_sharding_column_name(alias_name) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                filtered_children_row_list.push((index, col_id, source.targets()));
+            }
+        } else {
+            for (child_node_id, target_idx) in source {
+                let new_targets: Vec<usize> = if source.is_join() {
+                    vec![target_idx]
                 } else {
-                    return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
-                        Entity::Expression,
-                        Some("child node is not a row".into()),
-                    ));
+                    source.targets()
-                result_row_list.reserve(child_row_list.len());
-                for (pos, alias_node) in child_row_list {
-                    let expr = self.get_expression_node(alias_node)?;
-                    let name: String = if let Expression::Alias { ref name, .. } = expr {
-                        String::from(name)
-                    } else {
-                        return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
-                            Entity::Expression,
-                            Some(format!("expression {expr:?} is not an Alias")),
-                        ));
-                    };
-                    let new_targets: Vec<usize> = if is_join {
-                        // Reference in a join tuple first points to the left,
-                        // then to the right child.
-                        vec![*target_idx]
-                    } else {
-                        // Reference in union tuple points to **both** left and right children.
-                        targets.to_vec()
-                    };
-                    let col_type = expr.calculate_type(self)?;
-                    // Adds new references and aliases to arena (if we need them).
-                    let r_id = self.nodes.add_ref(None, Some(new_targets), pos, col_type);
-                    if need_aliases {
-                        let a_id = self.nodes.add_alias(&name, r_id)?;
-                        result_row_list.push(a_id);
-                    } else {
-                        result_row_list.push(r_id);
+                let rel_node = self.get_relation_node(child_node_id)?;
+                let child_row_list = self.get_row_list(rel_node.output())?;
+                if need_sharding_column {
+                    child_row_list.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(pos, id)| {
+                        filtered_children_row_list.push((pos, *id, new_targets.clone()));
+                    });
+                } else {
+                    for (pos, expr_id) in child_row_list.iter().enumerate() {
+                        let alias_name = self.get_expression_node(*expr_id)?.get_alias_name()?;
+                        if is_sharding_column_name(alias_name) {
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                        filtered_children_row_list.push((pos, *expr_id, new_targets.clone()));
+        };
-            return Ok(result_row_list);
-        }
-        result_row_list.reserve(col_names.len());
-        let target_child = targets.first().expect("targets are empty");
-        let child_node = child_rel_nodes
-            .get(*target_child)
-            .expect("child_rel_nodes doesn't contain needed target");
-        let mut col_names_set: HashSet<&str, RandomState> =
-            HashSet::with_capacity_and_hasher(col_names.len(), RandomState::new());
-        for col_name in col_names {
-            col_names_set.insert(col_name);
-        }
-        // Map of { column name (aliased) from child output -> its index in output }
-        let map = ColumnPositionMap::new(self, *child_node)?;
-        // Vec of { `map` key (column name), targets, `map` value (column index in child output) }
-        let mut refs: Vec<(&str, Vec<usize>, usize)> = Vec::with_capacity(col_names.len());
-        for col in col_names {
-            let pos = map.get(col)?;
-            refs.push((col, targets.to_vec(), pos));
-        }
+        // List of columns to be passed into `Expression::Row`.
+        let mut result_row_list: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(filtered_children_row_list.len());
+        for (pos, alias_node_id, new_targets) in filtered_children_row_list {
+            let alias_expr = self.get_expression_node(alias_node_id)?;
+            let alias_name = String::from(alias_expr.get_alias_name()?);
+            let col_type = alias_expr.calculate_type(self)?;
-        let relational_op = self.get_relation_node(*child_node)?;
-        let output_id = relational_op.output();
-        let output = self.get_expression_node(output_id)?;
-        let columns = output.clone_row_list()?;
-        for (col, new_targets, pos) in refs {
-            let col_id = *columns
-                .get(pos)
-                .expect("Column id not found under relational child output");
-            let col_expr = self.get_expression_node(col_id)?;
-            let col_type = col_expr.calculate_type(self)?;
             let r_id = self.nodes.add_ref(None, Some(new_targets), pos, col_type);
             if need_aliases {
-                let a_id = self.nodes.add_alias(col, r_id)?;
+                let a_id = self.nodes.add_alias(&alias_name, r_id)?;
             } else {
@@ -1079,6 +1142,29 @@ impl Plan {
+    /// New output for a single child node (with aliases)
+    /// specified by indices we should retrieve from given `rel_node` output.
+    ///
+    /// # Errors
+    /// Returns `SbroadError`:
+    /// - child is an inconsistent relational node
+    pub fn add_row_by_indices(
+        &mut self,
+        rel_node: usize,
+        indices: Vec<usize>,
+        need_sharding_column: bool,
+    ) -> Result<usize, SbroadError> {
+        let list = self.new_columns(
+            &NewColumnsSource::Other {
+                child: rel_node,
+                columns_spec: Some(ColumnsRetrievalSpec::Indices(indices)),
+            },
+            true,
+            need_sharding_column,
+        )?;
+        Ok(self.nodes.add_row(list, None))
+    }
     /// New output for a single child node (with aliases).
     /// If column names are empty, copy all the columns from the child.
@@ -1092,15 +1178,21 @@ impl Plan {
         col_names: &[&str],
         need_sharding_column: bool,
     ) -> Result<usize, SbroadError> {
+        let specific_columns = if col_names.is_empty() {
+            None
+        } else {
+            Some(ColumnsRetrievalSpec::Names(Vec::from(col_names)))
+        };
         let list = self.new_columns(
-            &[rel_node],
-            false,
-            &[0],
-            col_names,
+            &NewColumnsSource::Other {
+                child: rel_node,
+                columns_spec: specific_columns,
+            },
-        self.nodes.add_row_of_aliases(list, None)
+        Ok(self.nodes.add_row(list, None))
     /// New output row for union node.
@@ -1113,8 +1205,15 @@ impl Plan {
         left: usize,
         right: usize,
     ) -> Result<usize, SbroadError> {
-        let list = self.new_columns(&[left, right], false, &[0, 1], &[], true, true)?;
-        self.nodes.add_row_of_aliases(list, None)
+        let list = self.new_columns(
+            &NewColumnsSource::ExceptUnion {
+                left_child: left,
+                right_child: right,
+            },
+            true,
+            true,
+        )?;
+        Ok(self.nodes.add_row(list, None))
     /// New output row for join node.
@@ -1125,8 +1224,16 @@ impl Plan {
     /// Returns `SbroadError`:
     /// - children are inconsistent relational nodes
     pub fn add_row_for_join(&mut self, left: usize, right: usize) -> Result<usize, SbroadError> {
-        let list = self.new_columns(&[left, right], true, &[0, 1], &[], true, true)?;
-        self.nodes.add_row_of_aliases(list, None)
+        let list = self.new_columns(
+            &NewColumnsSource::Join {
+                outer_child: left,
+                inner_child: right,
+                targets: JoinTargets::Both,
+            },
+            true,
+            true,
+        )?;
+        Ok(self.nodes.add_row(list, None))
     /// Project columns from the child node.
@@ -1142,7 +1249,20 @@ impl Plan {
         child: usize,
         col_names: &[&str],
     ) -> Result<usize, SbroadError> {
-        let list = self.new_columns(&[child], false, &[0], col_names, false, true)?;
+        let specific_columns = if col_names.is_empty() {
+            None
+        } else {
+            Some(ColumnsRetrievalSpec::Names(Vec::from(col_names)))
+        };
+        let list = self.new_columns(
+            &NewColumnsSource::Other {
+                child,
+                columns_spec: specific_columns,
+            },
+            false,
+            true,
+        )?;
         Ok(self.nodes.add_row(list, None))
@@ -1196,7 +1316,17 @@ impl Plan {
         right: usize,
         col_names: &[&str],
     ) -> Result<usize, SbroadError> {
-        let list = self.new_columns(&[left, right], true, &[0], col_names, false, true)?;
+        let list = self.new_columns(
+            &NewColumnsSource::Join {
+                outer_child: left,
+                inner_child: right,
+                targets: JoinTargets::Left {
+                    columns_spec: Some(ColumnsRetrievalSpec::Names(Vec::from(col_names))),
+                },
+            },
+            false,
+            true,
+        )?;
         Ok(self.nodes.add_row(list, None))
@@ -1214,7 +1344,17 @@ impl Plan {
         right: usize,
         col_names: &[&str],
     ) -> Result<usize, SbroadError> {
-        let list = self.new_columns(&[left, right], true, &[1], col_names, false, true)?;
+        let list = self.new_columns(
+            &NewColumnsSource::Join {
+                outer_child: left,
+                inner_child: right,
+                targets: JoinTargets::Right {
+                    columns_spec: Some(ColumnsRetrievalSpec::Names(Vec::from(col_names))),
+                },
+            },
+            false,
+            true,
+        )?;
         Ok(self.nodes.add_row(list, None))
diff --git a/sbroad-core/src/ir/expression/tests.rs b/sbroad-core/src/ir/expression/tests.rs
index bd5233bb2f60fc8ce09ffdb585c7a99af1a11fe7..9e39f5036a868d78a2c1b91990e54619d8e1c62f 100644
--- a/sbroad-core/src/ir/expression/tests.rs
+++ b/sbroad-core/src/ir/expression/tests.rs
@@ -14,9 +14,7 @@ fn row_duplicate_column_names() {
     let c1_alias_a = plan.nodes.add_alias("a", c1).unwrap();
     let c2 = plan.nodes.add_const(Value::from(2_u64));
     let c2_alias_a = plan.nodes.add_alias("a", c2).unwrap();
-    plan.nodes
-        .add_row_of_aliases(vec![c1_alias_a, c2_alias_a], None)
-        .unwrap();
+    plan.nodes.add_row(vec![c1_alias_a, c2_alias_a], None);
diff --git a/sbroad-core/src/ir/operator.rs b/sbroad-core/src/ir/operator.rs
index 7cdcab368d5e703f4397cd003eb61d181ac22885..aefd905c1503fa3e1ecd7041d1351e83110828d0 100644
--- a/sbroad-core/src/ir/operator.rs
+++ b/sbroad-core/src/ir/operator.rs
@@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@ impl Plan {
         let dist = Distribution::Segment {
             keys: KeySet::from(keys),
-        let output = self.nodes.add_row_of_aliases(refs, Some(dist))?;
+        let output = self.nodes.add_row(refs, Some(dist));
         let insert = Node::Relational(Relational::Insert {
             relation: relation.into(),
@@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@ impl Plan {
-            let output_id = nodes.add_row_of_aliases(refs, None)?;
+            let output_id = nodes.add_row(refs, None);
             let scan = Relational::ScanRelation {
                 output: output_id,
                 relation: String::from(table),
@@ -1421,7 +1421,7 @@ impl Plan {
         columns: &[usize],
         is_distinct: bool,
     ) -> Result<usize, SbroadError> {
-        let output = self.nodes.add_row_of_aliases(columns.to_vec(), None)?;
+        let output = self.nodes.add_row(columns.to_vec(), None);
         let proj = Relational::Projection {
             children: vec![child],