From e2b6207d15aa8ec6eacbdeb25b5c53dde000a1e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Emir Vildanov <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2023 08:24:27 +0000
 options for ALTER USER

 doc/sql/query.ebnf                            |  13 +-
 .../test_app/test/integration/acl_test.lua    |  26 +
 sbroad-core/src/                     |   3 +
 sbroad-core/src/frontend/               | 953 +++++++++---------
 sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/           | 182 +---
 sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/query.pest       |  40 +-
 sbroad-core/src/ir/                     | 163 ++-
 7 files changed, 764 insertions(+), 616 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/sql/query.ebnf b/doc/sql/query.ebnf
index 1ea1616184..00e8fff7c7 100644
--- a/doc/sql/query.ebnf
+++ b/doc/sql/query.ebnf
@@ -3,11 +3,20 @@ EXPLAIN     ::= 'EXPLAIN' ( DML | DQL )
 DML         ::= (DELETE | INSERT | UPDATE) Options?
 DDL         ::= CreateTable | DropTable
-ACL         ::= DropRole | DropUser | CreateRole | CreateUser | AlterUser
+ACL         ::= DropRole | DropUser | CreateRole | CreateUser | AlterUser | GrantPrivilege | RevokePrivilege
+RevokePrivilege      ::= 'revoke' Privilege 'from' (role | user) ('option' '(' ('timeout' '=' DOUBLE)')')?
+GrantPrivilege       ::= 'grant' Privilege 'to' (role | user) ('option' '(' ('timeout' '=' DOUBLE)')')?
+Privilege ::= (('create' | 'alter' | 'drop') 'user')
+              | (('alter' | 'drop') 'on' 'user' (role | user))
+              | (('create' | 'drop') 'role')
+              | ('drop' 'on' 'role' (role | user))
+              | (('read' | 'write' | 'create' | 'alter' | 'drop') 'table')
+              | (('alter' | 'drop' | 'read' | 'write') 'on' 'table'? table)
+              | role
 CreateRole  ::= 'create role' role ('option' '(' ('timeout' '=' DOUBLE)')')?
 CreateTable ::= 'create table' table '(' Column (',' Column)* ',' PrimaryKey ')' ('using' ('memtx' | 'vinyl'))? Distribution ('option' '(' ('timeout' '=' DOUBLE)')')?
 CreateUser  ::= 'create user' user 'with'? 'password' "'" password "'" ('using' ('chap-sha1' | 'ldap' | 'md5'))? ('option' '(' ('timeout' '=' DOUBLE)')')?
-AlterUser   ::= 'alter user' user 'with'? 'password' "'" password "'" ('using' ('chap-sha1' | 'ldap' | 'md5'))? ('option' '(' ('timeout' '=' DOUBLE)')')?
+AlterUser   ::= 'alter user' user 'with'? ('login' | 'nologin' | 'password' "'" password "'" ('using' ('chap-sha1' | 'ldap' | 'md5'))?) ('option' '(' ('timeout' '=' DOUBLE)')')?
 Column      ::= name ('Bool' | 'Decimal' | 'Double' | 'Int' | 'Number' | 'Scalar' | 'String' | 'Text' | 'Unsigned' | 'Varchar') (('not'?)  'null')?
 PrimaryKey  ::= 'primary key' '(' name (',' name)* ')'
 Distribution ::= 'global' | ('distributed by' '(' name (',' name)*  ')')
diff --git a/sbroad-cartridge/test_app/test/integration/acl_test.lua b/sbroad-cartridge/test_app/test/integration/acl_test.lua
index 99f987eb23..d88e37bf84 100644
--- a/sbroad-cartridge/test_app/test/integration/acl_test.lua
+++ b/sbroad-cartridge/test_app/test/integration/acl_test.lua
@@ -81,3 +81,29 @@ g.test_alter_user = function()
             [[Sbroad Error: ACL queries are not supported]]
+g.test_grant_privilege = function()
+    local api = cluster:server("api-1").net_box
+    local _, err = api:call(
+            "sbroad.execute",
+            { [[ GRANT READ ON TABLE "t" TO "role" ]], {} }
+    )
+    t.assert_equals(
+            string.format("%s", err),
+            [[Sbroad Error: ACL queries are not supported]]
+    )
+g.test_revoke_privilege = function()
+    local api = cluster:server("api-1").net_box
+    local _, err = api:call(
+            "sbroad.execute",
+            { [[ REVOKE READ ON TABLE "t" FROM "role" ]], {} }
+    )
+    t.assert_equals(
+            string.format("%s", err),
+            [[Sbroad Error: ACL queries are not supported]]
+    )
diff --git a/sbroad-core/src/ b/sbroad-core/src/
index 2fc13ab51e..345ef62aee 100644
--- a/sbroad-core/src/
+++ b/sbroad-core/src/
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ pub enum Entity {
     /// primary key of tarantool space
+    /// privilege participating in GRANT/REVOKE query
+    Privilege,
     /// corresponds to struct ProducerResult
     /// SQL query
@@ -173,6 +175,7 @@ impl fmt::Display for Entity {
             Entity::PatternWithParams => "pattern with parameters".to_string(),
             Entity::Plan => "plan".to_string(),
             Entity::PrimaryKey => "primary key".to_string(),
+            Entity::Privilege => "privilege".to_string(),
             Entity::ProducerResult => "producer result".to_string(),
             Entity::ParseNode => "parse node".to_string(),
             Entity::Query => "query".to_string(),
diff --git a/sbroad-core/src/frontend/ b/sbroad-core/src/frontend/
index 21daff6fa3..1b2a06c8a6 100644
--- a/sbroad-core/src/frontend/
+++ b/sbroad-core/src/frontend/
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ use crate::ir::{Node, OptionKind, OptionSpec, Plan};
 use crate::otm::child_span;
 use crate::errors::Entity::AST;
-use crate::ir::acl::Acl;
+use crate::ir::acl::AlterOption;
+use crate::ir::acl::{Acl, GrantRevokeType, Privilege};
 use crate::ir::aggregates::AggregateKind;
 use crate::ir::helpers::RepeatableState;
 use crate::ir::transformation::redistribution::ColumnPosition;
@@ -39,7 +40,16 @@ use tarantool::decimal::Decimal;
 use tarantool::space::SpaceEngineType;
 // DDL timeout in seconds (1 day).
-const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: f64 = 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0;
+const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_F64: f64 = 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0;
+const DEFAULT_AUTH_METHOD: &str = "chap-sha1";
+fn get_default_timeout() -> Decimal {
+    Decimal::from_str(&format!("{DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_F64}")).unwrap()
+fn get_default_auth_method() -> String {
+    String::from(DEFAULT_AUTH_METHOD)
 /// Helper structure to fix the double linking
 /// problem in the BETWEEN operator.
@@ -98,6 +108,16 @@ fn get_timeout(ast: &AbstractSyntaxTree, node_id: usize) -> Result<Decimal, Sbro
+/// Parse node from which we want to get String value.
+fn parse_string_value_node(ast: &AbstractSyntaxTree, node_id: usize) -> Result<&str, SbroadError> {
+    let string_value_node = ast.nodes.get_node(node_id)?;
+    let string_value = string_value_node
+        .value
+        .as_ref()
+        .expect("Rule node must contain string value.");
+    Ok(string_value.as_str())
 fn parse_create_table(ast: &AbstractSyntaxTree, node: &ParseNode) -> Result<Ddl, SbroadError> {
@@ -112,20 +132,12 @@ fn parse_create_table(ast: &AbstractSyntaxTree, node: &ParseNode) -> Result<Ddl,
     let mut pk_keys: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
     let mut shard_key: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
     let mut engine_type: SpaceEngineType = SpaceEngineType::default();
-    let mut timeout: Decimal = Decimal::from_str(&format!("{DEFAULT_TIMEOUT}")).map_err(|_| {
-        SbroadError::Invalid(Entity::Type, Some("timeout value in create table".into()))
-    })?;
+    let mut timeout = get_default_timeout();
     for child_id in &node.children {
         let child_node = ast.nodes.get_node(*child_id)?;
         match child_node.rule {
             Type::NewTable => {
-                table_name =
-                    normalize_name_for_space_api(child_node.value.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::NotFound(
-                            Entity::Node,
-                            "table name in the create table AST".into(),
-                        )
-                    })?);
+                table_name = normalize_name_for_space_api(parse_string_value_node(ast, *child_id)?);
             Type::Columns => {
                 let columns_node = ast.nodes.get_node(*child_id)?;
@@ -137,15 +149,7 @@ fn parse_create_table(ast: &AbstractSyntaxTree, node: &ParseNode) -> Result<Ddl,
                         match def_child_node.rule {
                             Type::ColumnDefName => {
                        = normalize_name_for_space_api(
-                                    def_child_node.value.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
-                                        SbroadError::Invalid(
-                                            Entity::Column,
-                                            Some(
-                                                "column name is empty in the create table AST"
-                                                    .into(),
-                                            ),
-                                        )
-                                    })?,
+                                    parse_string_value_node(ast, *def_child_id)?,
                             Type::ColumnDefType => {
@@ -253,17 +257,8 @@ fn parse_create_table(ast: &AbstractSyntaxTree, node: &ParseNode) -> Result<Ddl,
-                    let pk_col_name = normalize_name_for_space_api(
-                        pk_col_node.value.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
-                            SbroadError::Invalid(
-                                Entity::Column,
-                                Some(
-                                    "primary key column name is empty in the create table AST"
-                                        .into(),
-                                ),
-                            )
-                        })?,
-                    );
+                    let pk_col_name =
+                        normalize_name_for_space_api(parse_string_value_node(ast, *pk_col_id)?);
                     let mut column_found = false;
                     for column in &columns {
                         if == pk_col_name {
@@ -344,12 +339,7 @@ fn parse_create_table(ast: &AbstractSyntaxTree, node: &ParseNode) -> Result<Ddl,
                                 let shard_col_name = normalize_name_for_space_api(
-                                    shard_col_node.value.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
-                                        SbroadError::Invalid(
-                                            Entity::Column,
-                                            Some("AST shard key column name is empty".into()),
-                                        )
-                                    })?,
+                                    parse_string_value_node(ast, *shard_col_id)?,
                                 let column_found = columns.iter().any(|c| == shard_col_name);
@@ -427,74 +417,122 @@ fn parse_create_table(ast: &AbstractSyntaxTree, node: &ParseNode) -> Result<Ddl,
-/// Code block common for CREATE/ALTER USER moved to separate function.
-fn parse_create_alter_user(
-    ast: &AbstractSyntaxTree,
+/// Get String value under `RoleName` node.
+fn parse_role_name(ast: &AbstractSyntaxTree, node_id: usize) -> Result<String, SbroadError> {
+    Ok(normalize_name_for_space_api(parse_string_value_node(
+        ast, node_id,
+    )?))
+/// Common logic for parsing GRANT/REVOKE queries.
+fn parse_grant_revoke(
     node: &ParseNode,
-    default_timeout: Decimal,
-) -> Result<(String, String, String, Decimal), SbroadError> {
-    let mut iter = node.children.iter();
-    // User name
-    let user_name_id =|| {
-        SbroadError::Invalid(
-            Entity::ParseNode,
-            Some(String::from("UserName expected as a first child")),
-        )
-    })?;
-    let user_name_node = ast.nodes.get_node(*user_name_id)?;
-    let user_name =
-        normalize_name_for_space_api(user_name_node.value.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
-            SbroadError::NotFound(Entity::Node, "user name in UserName node".into())
-        })?);
-    // Password
-    let pwd_id =|| {
-        SbroadError::Invalid(
-            Entity::ParseNode,
-            Some(String::from("Password expected as a second child")),
-        )
-    })?;
-    let pwd_node = ast.nodes.get_node(*pwd_id)?;
-    let password: String = pwd_node
-        .value
-        .as_ref()
-        .ok_or_else(|| SbroadError::NotFound(Entity::Node, "password in Password node".into()))?
-        .to_string();
-    // Optional parameters: auth method and timeout.
-    let mut timeout = default_timeout;
-    let mut auth_method = String::from("chap-sha1");
-    for child_id in iter {
-        let child_node = ast.nodes.get_node(*child_id)?;
-        match child_node.rule {
-            Type::Timeout => {
-                timeout = get_timeout(ast, *child_id)?;
-            }
-            Type::AuthMethod => {
-                let method_id = child_node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                    SbroadError::Invalid(
+    ast: &AbstractSyntaxTree,
+) -> Result<(GrantRevokeType, String, Decimal), SbroadError> {
+    let privilege_block_node_id = node
+        .children
+        .first()
+        .expect("Specific privilege block expected under GRANT/REVOKE");
+    let privilege_block_node = ast.nodes.get_node(*privilege_block_node_id)?;
+    let grant_revoke_type = match privilege_block_node.rule {
+        Type::PrivBlockPrivilege => {
+            let privilege_node_id = privilege_block_node
+                .children
+                .first()
+                .expect("Expected to see Privilege under PrivBlockPrivilege");
+            let privilege_node = ast.nodes.get_node(*privilege_node_id)?;
+            let privilege = match privilege_node.rule {
+                Type::PrivilegeAlter => Privilege::Alter,
+                Type::PrivilegeCreate => Privilege::Create,
+                Type::PrivilegeDrop => Privilege::Drop,
+                Type::PrivilegeExecute => Privilege::Execute,
+                Type::PrivilegeRead => Privilege::Read,
+                Type::PrivilegeSession => Privilege::Session,
+                Type::PrivilegeUsage => Privilege::Usage,
+                Type::PrivilegeWrite => Privilege::Write,
+                _ => {
+                    return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
+                        Entity::Privilege,
+                        Some(format!(
+                            "Expected to see Privilege node. Got: {privilege_node:?}"
+                        )),
+                    ))
+                }
+            };
+            let inner_privilege_block_node_id = privilege_block_node
+                .children
+                .get(1)
+                .expect("Expected to see inner priv block under PrivBlockPrivilege");
+            let inner_privilege_block_node = ast.nodes.get_node(*inner_privilege_block_node_id)?;
+            match inner_privilege_block_node.rule {
+                Type::PrivBlockUser => GrantRevokeType::user(privilege)?,
+                Type::PrivBlockSpecificUser => {
+                    let user_name_node_id = inner_privilege_block_node
+                        .children
+                        .first()
+                        .expect("Expected to see RoleName under PrivBlockSpecificUser");
+                    let user_name = parse_role_name(ast, *user_name_node_id)?;
+                    GrantRevokeType::specific_user(privilege, user_name)?
+                }
+                Type::PrivBlockRole => GrantRevokeType::role(privilege)?,
+                Type::PrivBlockSpecificRole => {
+                    let role_name_node_id = inner_privilege_block_node
+                        .children
+                        .first()
+                        .expect("Expected to see RoleName under PrivBlockSpecificUser");
+                    let role_name = parse_role_name(ast, *role_name_node_id)?;
+                    GrantRevokeType::specific_role(privilege, role_name)?
+                }
+                Type::PrivBlockTable => GrantRevokeType::table(privilege)?,
+                Type::PrivBlockSpecificTable => {
+                    let table_node_id = inner_privilege_block_node.children.first().expect(
+                        "Expected to see TableName as a first child of PrivBlockSpecificTable",
+                    );
+                    let table_name =
+                        normalize_name_for_space_api(parse_string_value_node(ast, *table_node_id)?);
+                    GrantRevokeType::specific_table(privilege, table_name)?
+                }
+                _ => {
+                    return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
-                        Some(String::from("Method expected under AuthMethod node")),
-                    )
-                })?;
-                let method_node = ast.nodes.get_node(*method_id)?;
-                auth_method = method_node
-                    .value
-                    .as_ref()
-                    .ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::NotFound(Entity::Node, "auth method in AuthMethod node".into())
-                    })?
-                    .to_string();
-            }
-            _ => {
-                return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
-                    Entity::Node,
-                    Some(format!(
-                        "ACL node contains unexpected child: {child_node:?}",
-                    )),
-                ));
+                        Some(format!(
+                            "Expected specific priv block, got: {inner_privilege_block_node:?}"
+                        )),
+                    ))
+                }
+        Type::PrivBlockRolePass => {
+            let role_name_id = privilege_block_node
+                .children
+                .first()
+                .expect("RoleName must be a first child of PrivBlockRolePass");
+            let role_name = parse_role_name(ast, *role_name_id)?;
+            GrantRevokeType::role_pass(role_name)
+        }
+        _ => {
+            return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
+                Entity::ParseNode,
+                Some(format!(
+                    "Expected specific priv block, got: {privilege_block_node:?}"
+                )),
+            ))
+        }
+    };
+    let grantee_name_node_id = node
+        .children
+        .get(1)
+        .expect("RoleName must be a second child of GRANT/REVOKE");
+    let grantee_name = parse_role_name(ast, *grantee_name_node_id)?;
+    let mut timeout = get_default_timeout();
+    if let Some(timeout_child_id) = node.children.get(2) {
+        timeout = get_timeout(ast, *timeout_child_id)?;
-    Ok((user_name, password, auth_method, timeout))
+    Ok((grant_revoke_type, grantee_name, timeout))
 impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
@@ -608,11 +646,10 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
             // also we will mark this expr to add in the future `()`
             let arithmetic_parse_node = self.nodes.get_node(ast_id)?;
             if arithmetic_parse_node.rule == Type::ArithParentheses {
-                let arithmetic_id = arithmetic_parse_node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                    SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues(
-                        "ArithParentheses has no children.".into(),
-                    )
-                })?;
+                let arithmetic_id = arithmetic_parse_node
+                    .children
+                    .first()
+                    .expect("ArithParentheses has no children.");
                 plan_id = plan.as_row(map.get(*arithmetic_id)?, rows)?;
             } else {
@@ -628,11 +665,10 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                                     map: &Translation,
                                     arith_expr_with_parentheses_ids: &mut Vec<usize>,
                                     rows: &mut HashSet<usize>| {
-            let ast_left_id = current_node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues(
-                    "Multiplication or Addition has no children.".into(),
-                )
-            })?;
+            let ast_left_id = current_node
+                .children
+                .first()
+                .expect("Multiplication or Addition has no children.");
             let plan_left_id = get_arithmetic_plan_id(
@@ -641,13 +677,9 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
-            let ast_right_id = current_node.children.get(2).ok_or_else(|| {
-                SbroadError::NotFound(
-                    Entity::Node,
-                    "that is right node with index 2 among Multiplication or Addition children"
-                        .into(),
-                )
-            })?;
+            let ast_right_id = current_node.children.get(2).expect(
+                "that is right node with index 2 among Multiplication or Addition children",
+            );
             let plan_right_id = get_arithmetic_plan_id(
@@ -656,13 +688,7 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
-            let ast_op_id = current_node.children.get(1).ok_or_else(|| {
-                    SbroadError::NotFound(
-                        Entity::Node,
-                        "that is center node (operator) with index 1 among Multiplication or Addition children"
-                            .into(),
-                    )
-                })?;
+            let ast_op_id = current_node.children.get(1).expect("that is center node (operator) with index 1 among Multiplication or Addition children");
             let op_node = self.nodes.get_node(*ast_op_id)?;
             let op = Arithmetic::from_node_type(&op_node.rule)?;
@@ -672,18 +698,14 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
             Ok::<usize, SbroadError>(op_id)
-        let default_timeout: Decimal = Decimal::from_str(&format!("{DEFAULT_TIMEOUT}"))
-            .map_err(|_| SbroadError::Invalid(Entity::Type, Some("timeout option".into())))?;
         for (_, id) in dft_post.iter(top) {
             let node = self.nodes.get_node(id)?;
             match &node.rule {
                 Type::Scan => {
-                    let ast_scan_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues(
-                            "could not find first child id in scan node".to_string(),
-                        )
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_scan_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .first()
+                        .expect("could not find first child id in scan node");
                     let plan_child_id = map.get(*ast_scan_id)?;
                     map.add(id, plan_child_id);
                     if let Some(ast_alias_id) = node.children.get(1) {
@@ -703,11 +725,10 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                 Type::ScanTable => {
-                    let ast_table_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues(
-                            "could not find first child id in scan table node".to_string(),
-                        )
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_table_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .first()
+                        .expect("could not find first child id in scan table node");
                     let ast_table = self.nodes.get_node(*ast_table_id)?;
                     match ast_table.value {
                         Some(ref table) if ast_table.rule == Type::Table => {
@@ -735,11 +756,10 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                 Type::SubQuery => {
-                    let ast_child_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues(
-                            "child node id is not found among sub-query children.".into(),
-                        )
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_child_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .first()
+                        .expect("child node id is not found among sub-query children.");
                     let plan_child_id = map.get(*ast_child_id)?;
                     let plan_sq_id = plan.add_sub_query(plan_child_id, None)?;
                     map.add(id, plan_sq_id);
@@ -756,14 +776,9 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     let get_column_name = |ast_id: usize| -> Result<String, SbroadError> {
                         let ast_col_name = self.nodes.get_node(ast_id)?;
                         if let Type::ColumnName = ast_col_name.rule {
-                            let name: Option<String> =
-                                ast_col_name.value.as_deref().map(normalize_name_from_sql);
-                            Ok(name.ok_or_else(|| {
-                                SbroadError::Invalid(
-                                    Entity::Name,
-                                    Some("empty AST column name".into()),
-                                )
-                            })?)
+                            let name =
+                                normalize_name_from_sql(parse_string_value_node(self, ast_id)?);
+                            Ok(name)
                         } else {
@@ -920,11 +935,7 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                             let ast_scan = self.nodes.get_node(*ast_scan_id)?;
                             if let Type::ScanName = ast_scan.rule {
                                 let ast_scan_name = Some(normalize_name_from_sql(
-                                    ast_scan.value.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
-                                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues(
-                                            "empty scan name for AST node.".into(),
-                                        )
-                                    })?,
+                                    parse_string_value_node(self, *ast_scan_id)?,
                                 let plan_scan_name = get_scan_name(&col_name, *plan_rel_id)?;
                                 if plan_scan_name != ast_scan_name {
@@ -985,13 +996,11 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     map.add(id, plan.add_const(val));
                 Type::VTableMaxRows => {
-                    let ast_child_id = *node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::Invalid(
-                            Entity::AST,
-                            Some("no children for sql_vdbe_max_steps option".into()),
-                        )
-                    })?;
-                    let ast_child_node = self.nodes.get_node(ast_child_id)?;
+                    let ast_child_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .first()
+                        .expect("no children for sql_vdbe_max_steps option");
+                    let ast_child_node = self.nodes.get_node(*ast_child_id)?;
                     let val: Option<Value> = match ast_child_node.rule {
                         Type::Parameter => None,
                         Type::Unsigned => {
@@ -1025,13 +1034,11 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                 Type::SqlVdbeMaxSteps => {
-                    let ast_child_id = *node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::Invalid(
-                            Entity::AST,
-                            Some("no children for sql_vdbe_max_steps option".into()),
-                        )
-                    })?;
-                    let ast_child_node = self.nodes.get_node(ast_child_id)?;
+                    let ast_child_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .first()
+                        .expect("no children for sql_vdbe_max_steps option");
+                    let ast_child_node = self.nodes.get_node(*ast_child_id)?;
                     let val: Option<Value> = match ast_child_node.rule {
                         Type::Parameter => None,
                         Type::Unsigned => {
@@ -1090,31 +1097,20 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     map.add(id, plan_asterisk_id);
                 Type::Alias => {
-                    let ast_ref_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues(
-                            "list of alias children is empty, Reference node id is not found."
-                                .into(),
-                        )
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_ref_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .first()
+                        .expect("list of alias children is empty, Reference node id is not found.");
                     let plan_ref_id = map.get(*ast_ref_id)?;
-                    let ast_name_id = node.children.get(1).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::NotFound(Entity::Node, "(Alias name) with index 1".into())
-                    })?;
-                    let name = self
-                        .nodes
-                        .get_node(*ast_name_id)?
-                        .value
-                        .as_ref()
-                        .ok_or_else(|| SbroadError::NotFound(Entity::Name, "of Alias".into()))?;
+                    let ast_name_id = node.children.get(1).expect("(Alias name) with index 1");
+                    let name = parse_string_value_node(self, *ast_name_id)?;
                     let plan_alias_id = plan
                         .add_alias(&normalize_name_from_sql(name), plan_ref_id)?;
                     map.add(id, plan_alias_id);
                 Type::Column => {
-                    let ast_child_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues("Column has no children.".into())
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_child_id = node.children.first().expect("Column has no children.");
                     let plan_child_id = map.get(*ast_child_id)?;
                     map.add(id, plan_child_id);
@@ -1138,39 +1134,29 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     map.add(id, plan_row_id);
                 Type::And | Type::Or => {
-                    let ast_left_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues("Comparison has no children.".into())
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_left_id = node.children.first().expect("Comparison has no children.");
                     let plan_left_id = plan.as_row(map.get(*ast_left_id)?, &mut rows)?;
-                    let ast_right_id = node.children.get(1).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::NotFound(
-                            Entity::Node,
-                            "that is right node with index 1 among comparison children".into(),
-                        )
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_right_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .get(1)
+                        .expect("that is right node with index 1 among comparison children");
                     let plan_right_id = plan.as_row(map.get(*ast_right_id)?, &mut rows)?;
                     let op = Bool::from_node_type(&node.rule)?;
                     let cond_id = plan.add_cond(plan_left_id, op, plan_right_id)?;
                     map.add(id, cond_id);
                 Type::Cmp => {
-                    let ast_left_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues("Comparison has no children.".into())
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_left_id = node.children.first().expect("Comparison has no children.");
                     let plan_left_id = plan.as_row(map.get(*ast_left_id)?, &mut rows)?;
-                    let ast_right_id = node.children.get(2).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::NotFound(
-                            Entity::Node,
-                            "that is right node with index 2 among comparison children".into(),
-                        )
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_right_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .get(2)
+                        .expect("that is right node with index 2 among comparison children");
                     let plan_right_id = plan.as_row(map.get(*ast_right_id)?, &mut rows)?;
-                    let ast_op_id = node.children.get(1).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::NotFound(
-                            Entity::Node,
-                            "that is operator node with index 1 among comparison children".into(),
-                        )
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_op_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .get(1)
+                        .expect("that is operator node with index 1 among comparison children");
                     let op_node = self.nodes.get_node(*ast_op_id)?;
                     let op = Bool::from_node_type(&op_node.rule)?;
                     let is_not = match op {
@@ -1194,12 +1180,7 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
-                    let ast_child_id = node.children.get(1).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues(format!(
-                            "{:?} has no children.",
-                            &node.rule
-                        ))
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_child_id = node.children.get(1).expect("Not has no children.");
                     let plan_child_id = plan.as_row(map.get(*ast_child_id)?, &mut rows)?;
                     let op = Unary::from_node_type(&node.rule)?;
                     let unary_id = plan.add_unary(op, plan_child_id)?;
@@ -1219,12 +1200,10 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
-                    let ast_child_id = node.children.get(child_index).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues(format!(
-                            "{:?} has no children.",
-                            &node.rule
-                        ))
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_child_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .get(child_index)
+                        .expect("{:?} has no children.");
                     let plan_child_id = plan.as_row(map.get(*ast_child_id)?, &mut rows)?;
                     let op = Unary::from_node_type(&node.rule)?;
                     let op_id = plan.add_unary(op, plan_child_id)?;
@@ -1249,12 +1228,7 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
-                    let ast_child_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues(format!(
-                            "{:?} has no children.",
-                            &node.rule
-                        ))
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_child_id = node.children.first().expect("IsNull has no children.");
                     let plan_child_id = plan.as_row(map.get(*ast_child_id)?, &mut rows)?;
                     let op = Unary::from_node_type(&node.rule)?;
                     let op_id = plan.add_unary(op, plan_child_id)?;
@@ -1281,20 +1255,20 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
-                    let ast_left_id = node.children.get(left_index).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues("Between has no children.".into())
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_left_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .get(left_index)
+                        .expect("Between has no children.");
                     let plan_left_id = plan.as_row(map.get(*ast_left_id)?, &mut rows)?;
-                    let ast_center_id = node.children.get(center_index).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::NotFound(
-                            Entity::Node,
-                            "(center) among between children".into(),
-                        )
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_center_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .get(center_index)
+                        .expect("Center not found among between children");
                     let plan_center_id = plan.as_row(map.get(*ast_center_id)?, &mut rows)?;
-                    let ast_right_id = node.children.get(right_index).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::NotFound(Entity::Node, "(right) among between children".into())
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_right_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .get(right_index)
+                        .expect("Right not found among between children");
                     let plan_right_id = plan.as_row(map.get(*ast_right_id)?, &mut rows)?;
                     let greater_eq_id = plan.add_cond(plan_left_id, Bool::GtEq, plan_center_id)?;
@@ -1309,25 +1283,19 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     betweens.push(Between::new(plan_left_id, less_eq_id));
                 Type::Cast => {
-                    let ast_child_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues("Condition has no children.".into())
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_child_id = node.children.first().expect("Condition has no children.");
                     let plan_child_id = map.get(*ast_child_id)?;
-                    let ast_type_id = node.children.get(1).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::NotFound(
-                            Entity::Node,
-                            "(Cast type) among cast children".into(),
-                        )
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_type_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .get(1)
+                        .expect("Cast type not found among cast children");
                     let ast_type = self.nodes.get_node(*ast_type_id)?;
                     let cast_type = if ast_type.rule == Type::TypeVarchar {
                         // Get the length of the varchar.
-                        let ast_len_id = ast_type.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                            SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues(
-                                "Cast has no children. Cast type length node id is not found."
-                                    .into(),
-                            )
-                        })?;
+                        let ast_len_id = ast_type
+                            .children
+                            .first()
+                            .expect("Cast has no children. Cast type length node id is not found.");
                         let ast_len = self.nodes.get_node(*ast_len_id)?;
                         let len = ast_len
@@ -1352,31 +1320,25 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     map.add(id, cast_id);
                 Type::Concat => {
-                    let ast_left_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues("Concat has no children.".into())
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_left_id = node.children.first().expect("Concat has no children.");
                     let plan_left_id = plan.as_row(map.get(*ast_left_id)?, &mut rows)?;
-                    let ast_right_id = node.children.get(1).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::NotFound(Entity::Node, "(right) among concat children".into())
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_right_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .get(1)
+                        .expect("Right not found among concat children");
                     let plan_right_id = plan.as_row(map.get(*ast_right_id)?, &mut rows)?;
                     let concat_id = plan.add_concat(plan_left_id, plan_right_id)?;
                     map.add(id, concat_id);
                 Type::Condition => {
-                    let ast_child_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues("Condition has no children.".into())
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_child_id = node.children.first().expect("Condition has no children.");
                     let plan_child_id = map.get(*ast_child_id)?;
                     map.add(id, plan_child_id);
                 Type::Function => {
                     if let Some((first, mut other)) = node.children.split_first() {
                         let mut is_distinct = false;
-                        let function_name =
-                            self.nodes.get_node(*first)?.value.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
-                                SbroadError::NotFound(Entity::Name, "of sql function".into())
-                            })?;
+                        let function_name = parse_string_value_node(self, *first)?;
                         if let Some(first_id) = other.first() {
                             let rule = &self.nodes.get_node(*first_id)?.rule;
                             match rule {
@@ -1417,7 +1379,7 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                         if let Some(kind) = AggregateKind::new(function_name) {
                             let plan_id = plan.add_aggregate_function(
-                                &function_name.to_string(),
+                                function_name,
@@ -1473,23 +1435,21 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     // - kind
                     // - right scan
                     // - condition
-                    let ast_left_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues("Join has no children.".into())
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_left_id = node.children.first().expect("Join has no children.");
                     let plan_left_id = map.get(*ast_left_id)?;
-                    let ast_right_id = node.children.get(2).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::NotFound(Entity::Node, "(right) among Join children.".into())
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_right_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .get(2)
+                        .expect("Right not found among Join children.");
                     let plan_right_id = map.get(*ast_right_id)?;
-                    let ast_cond_id = node.children.get(3).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::NotFound(
-                            Entity::Node,
-                            "(Condition) among Join children".into(),
-                        )
-                    })?;
-                    let ast_kind_id = node.children.get(1).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::NotFound(Entity::Node, "(kind) among Join children.".into())
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_cond_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .get(3)
+                        .expect("Condition not found among Join children");
+                    let ast_kind_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .get(1)
+                        .expect("Kind not found among Join children.");
                     let ast_kind_node = self.nodes.get_node(*ast_kind_id)?;
                     let kind = match ast_kind_node.rule {
                         Type::LeftJoinKind => JoinKind::LeftOuter,
@@ -1510,16 +1470,15 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     map.add(id, plan_join_id);
                 Type::Selection | Type::Having => {
-                    let ast_child_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues(format!("{node:?} has no children."))
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_child_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .first()
+                        .expect("Selection or Having has no children.");
                     let plan_child_id = map.get(*ast_child_id)?;
-                    let ast_filter_id = node.children.get(1).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::NotFound(
-                            Entity::Node,
-                            "(Filter) among Selection children".into(),
-                        )
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_filter_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .get(1)
+                        .expect("Filter not found among Selection children");
                     let plan_filter_id = map.get(*ast_filter_id)?;
                     let plan_node_id = match &node.rule {
                         Type::Selection => plan.add_select(&[plan_child_id], plan_filter_id)?,
@@ -1559,13 +1518,11 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                         let ast_column = self.nodes.get_node(*ast_column_id)?;
                         match ast_column.rule {
                             Type::Column => {
-                                let ast_alias_id =
-                                    *ast_column.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues(
-                                            "Column has no children.".into(),
-                                        )
-                                    })?;
-                                let plan_alias_id = map.get(ast_alias_id)?;
+                                let ast_alias_id = ast_column
+                                    .children
+                                    .first()
+                                    .expect("Column has no children.");
+                                let plan_alias_id = map.get(*ast_alias_id)?;
                             Type::Asterisk => {
@@ -1612,48 +1569,39 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     map.add(id, cond_id);
                 Type::ArithParentheses => {
-                    let ast_child_id = *node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::Invalid(
-                            Entity::AST,
-                            Some(format!("ArithParentheses ({id}) have no child!")),
-                        )
-                    })?;
-                    let plan_child_id = map.get(ast_child_id)?;
+                    let ast_child_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .first()
+                        .expect("ArithParentheses have no child!");
+                    let plan_child_id = map.get(*ast_child_id)?;
                     map.add(id, plan_child_id);
                 Type::Except => {
-                    let ast_left_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues("Except has no children.".into())
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_left_id = node.children.first().expect("Except has no children.");
                     let plan_left_id = map.get(*ast_left_id)?;
-                    let ast_right_id = node.children.get(1).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::NotFound(Entity::Node, "(right) among Except children".into())
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_right_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .get(1)
+                        .expect("Right not found among Except children");
                     let plan_right_id = map.get(*ast_right_id)?;
                     let plan_except_id = plan.add_except(plan_left_id, plan_right_id)?;
                     map.add(id, plan_except_id);
                 Type::UnionAll => {
-                    let ast_left_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues("Union All has no children.".into())
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_left_id = node.children.first().expect("Union All has no children.");
                     let plan_left_id = map.get(*ast_left_id)?;
-                    let ast_right_id = node.children.get(1).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::NotFound(
-                            Entity::Node,
-                            "(right) among Union All children".into(),
-                        )
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_right_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .get(1)
+                        .expect("Right not found among Union All children");
                     let plan_right_id = map.get(*ast_right_id)?;
                     let plan_union_all_id = plan.add_union_all(plan_left_id, plan_right_id)?;
                     map.add(id, plan_union_all_id);
                 Type::ValuesRow => {
                     // TODO(ars): check that all row elements are constants
-                    let ast_child_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues("Values Row has no children.".into())
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_child_id = node.children.first().expect("Values Row has no children.");
                     let plan_child_id = map.get(*ast_child_id)?;
                     let values_row_id = plan.add_values_row(plan_child_id, &mut col_idx)?;
                     map.add(id, values_row_id);
@@ -1669,14 +1617,10 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     map.add(id, plan_values_id);
                 Type::Update => {
-                    let rel_child_ast_id = *node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues("Update has no children.".into())
-                    })?;
-                    let rel_child_id = map.get(rel_child_ast_id)?;
-                    let ast_table_id = *node.children.get(1).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues("Update has no children.".into())
-                    })?;
-                    let ast_table = self.nodes.get_node(ast_table_id)?;
+                    let rel_child_ast_id = node.children.first().expect("Update has no children.");
+                    let rel_child_id = map.get(*rel_child_ast_id)?;
+                    let ast_table_id = node.children.get(1).expect("Update has no children.");
+                    let ast_table = self.nodes.get_node(*ast_table_id)?;
                     if let Type::ScanTable = ast_table.rule {
                     } else {
                         return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
@@ -1686,7 +1630,7 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
-                    let plan_scan_id = map.get(ast_table_id)?;
+                    let plan_scan_id = map.get(*ast_table_id)?;
                     let plan_scan_node = plan.get_relation_node(plan_scan_id)?;
                     let relation = if let Relational::ScanRelation { relation, .. } = plan_scan_node
@@ -1699,7 +1643,10 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
-                    let update_list_id = node.children.get(2).unwrap();
+                    let update_list_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .get(2)
+                        .expect("Update lise expected as a second child of Update");
                     let update_list = self.nodes.get_node(*update_list_id)?;
                     // Maps position of column in table to corresponding update expression
                     let mut update_defs: HashMap<ColumnPosition, ExpressionId, RepeatableState> =
@@ -1725,9 +1672,15 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     for update_item_id in &update_list.children {
                         let update_item = self.nodes.get_node(*update_item_id)?;
-                        let ast_column_id = update_item.children.first().unwrap();
-                        let expr_ast_id = *update_item.children.get(1).unwrap();
-                        let expr_id = map.get(expr_ast_id)?;
+                        let ast_column_id = update_item
+                            .children
+                            .first()
+                            .expect("Column expected as first child of UpdateItem");
+                        let expr_ast_id = update_item
+                            .children
+                            .get(1)
+                            .expect("Expression expected as second child of UpdateItem");
+                        let expr_id = map.get(*expr_ast_id)?;
                         if plan.contains_aggregates(expr_id, true)? {
                             return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
@@ -1738,28 +1691,23 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                         let col = self.nodes.get_node(*ast_column_id)?;
-                        let name = col.value.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
-                            SbroadError::NotFound(
-                                Entity::Name,
-                                "of Column among the AST target columns (update)".into(),
-                            )
-                        })?;
+                        let col_name = parse_string_value_node(self, *ast_column_id)?;
                         if let Type::ColumnName = col.rule {
-                            match names.get(name.as_str()) {
+                            match names.get(col_name) {
                                 Some((&ColumnRole::User, pos)) => {
                                     if pk_positions.contains(pos) {
                                         return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
                                                 "it is illegal to update primary key column: {}",
-                                                name
+                                                col_name
                                     if update_defs.contains_key(pos) {
                                         return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
-                                            Some(format!("The same column is specified twice in update list: {}", name))
+                                            Some(format!("The same column is specified twice in update list: {}", col_name))
                                     update_defs.insert(*pos, expr_id);
@@ -1768,13 +1716,13 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                                     return Err(SbroadError::FailedTo(
-                                        format!("system column {name} cannot be updated"),
+                                        format!("system column {col_name} cannot be updated"),
                                 None => {
                                     return Err(SbroadError::NotFound(
-                                        (*name).to_string(),
+                                        (*col_name).to_string(),
@@ -1813,14 +1761,11 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                                 (plan_scan_id, table)
                             Type::DeleteFilter => {
-                                let ast_table_id =
-                                    *child_node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                                        SbroadError::NotFound(
-                                            Entity::Node,
-                                            "(Table) among DeleteFilter children".into(),
-                                        )
-                                    })?;
-                                let plan_scan_id = map.get(ast_table_id)?;
+                                let ast_table_id = child_node
+                                    .children
+                                    .first()
+                                    .expect("Table not found among DeleteFilter children");
+                                let plan_scan_id = map.get(*ast_table_id)?;
                                 let plan_scan_node = plan.get_relation_node(plan_scan_id)?;
                                 let table = if let Relational::ScanRelation { relation, .. } =
@@ -1835,13 +1780,10 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
-                                let ast_filter_id =
-                                    child_node.children.get(1).ok_or_else(|| {
-                                        SbroadError::NotFound(
-                                            Entity::Node,
-                                            "(Expr) among DeleteFilter children".into(),
-                                        )
-                                    })?;
+                                let ast_filter_id = child_node
+                                    .children
+                                    .get(1)
+                                    .expect("Expr not found among DeleteFilter children");
                                 let plan_filter_id = map.get(*ast_filter_id)?;
                                 let plan_select_id =
                                     plan.add_select(&[plan_scan_id], plan_filter_id)?;
@@ -1898,9 +1840,7 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     map.add(id, plan_delete_id);
                 Type::Insert => {
-                    let ast_table_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues("Insert has no children.".into())
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_table_id = node.children.first().expect("Insert has no children.");
                     let ast_table = self.nodes.get_node(*ast_table_id)?;
                     if let Type::Table = ast_table.rule {
                     } else {
@@ -1910,16 +1850,12 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     let relation =
-                        normalize_name_from_sql(ast_table.value.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
-                            SbroadError::NotFound(Entity::Name, "of table in the AST".into())
-                        })?);
+                        normalize_name_from_sql(parse_string_value_node(self, *ast_table_id)?);
-                    let ast_child_id = node.children.get(1).ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::NotFound(
-                            Entity::Node,
-                            "(second child) among insert children".into(),
-                        )
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_child_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .get(1)
+                        .expect("Second child not found among Insert children");
                     let get_conflict_strategy =
                         |child_idx: usize| -> Result<ConflictStrategy, SbroadError> {
                             let Some(child_id) = node.children.get(child_idx).copied() else {
@@ -1950,12 +1886,7 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                         for col_id in &ast_child.children {
                             let col = self.nodes.get_node(*col_id)?;
                             if let Type::ColumnName = col.rule {
-                                selected_col_names.push(col.value.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
-                                    SbroadError::NotFound(
-                                        Entity::Name,
-                                        "of Column among the AST target columns (insert)".into(),
-                                    )
-                                })?);
+                                selected_col_names.push(parse_string_value_node(self, *col_id)?);
                             } else {
                                 return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
@@ -1987,12 +1918,10 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
-                        let ast_rel_child_id = node.children.get(2).ok_or_else(|| {
-                            SbroadError::NotFound(
-                                Entity::Node,
-                                "(third child) among Insert children".into(),
-                            )
-                        })?;
+                        let ast_rel_child_id = node
+                            .children
+                            .get(2)
+                            .expect("Third child not found among Insert children");
                         let plan_rel_child_id = map.get(*ast_rel_child_id)?;
                         let conflict_strategy = get_conflict_strategy(3)?;
@@ -2012,17 +1941,14 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                 Type::Explain => {
-                    let ast_child_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues("Explain has no children.".into())
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_child_id = node.children.first().expect("Explain has no children.");
                     map.add(0, map.get(*ast_child_id)?);
                 Type::SingleQuotedString => {
-                    let ast_child_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::UnexpectedNumberOfValues(
-                            "SingleQuotedString has no children.".into(),
-                        )
-                    })?;
+                    let ast_child_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .first()
+                        .expect("SingleQuotedString has no children.");
                     map.add(id, map.get(*ast_child_id)?);
                 Type::CountAsterisk => {
@@ -2033,9 +1959,8 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     // Query may have two children:
                     // 1. select | insert | except | ..
                     // 2. Option child - for which no plan node is created
-                    let child_id = map.get(*node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::Invalid(Entity::AST, Some("no children for Query rule".into()))
-                    })?)?;
+                    let child_id =
+                        map.get(*node.children.first().expect("no children for Query rule"))?;
                     map.add(id, child_id);
                 Type::CreateTable => {
@@ -2043,24 +1968,35 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     let plan_id = plan.nodes.push(Node::Ddl(create_sharded_table));
                     map.add(id, plan_id);
+                Type::GrantPrivilege => {
+                    let (grant_type, grantee_name, timeout) = parse_grant_revoke(node, self)?;
+                    let grant_privilege = Acl::GrantPrivilege {
+                        grant_type,
+                        grantee_name,
+                        timeout,
+                    };
+                    let plan_id = plan.nodes.push(Node::Acl(grant_privilege));
+                    map.add(id, plan_id);
+                }
+                Type::RevokePrivilege => {
+                    let (revoke_type, grantee_name, timeout) = parse_grant_revoke(node, self)?;
+                    let revoke_privilege = Acl::RevokePrivilege {
+                        revoke_type,
+                        grantee_name,
+                        timeout,
+                    };
+                    let plan_id = plan.nodes.push(Node::Acl(revoke_privilege));
+                    map.add(id, plan_id);
+                }
                 Type::DropRole => {
-                    let role_name_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::Invalid(
-                            Entity::ParseNode,
-                            Some(String::from("RoleName expected under DropRole node")),
-                        )
-                    })?;
-                    let role_name_node = self.nodes.get_node(*role_name_id)?;
-                    let role_name = normalize_name_for_space_api(
-                        role_name_node.value.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
-                            SbroadError::NotFound(
-                                Entity::Node,
-                                "role name in the drop role AST".into(),
-                            )
-                        })?,
-                    );
+                    let role_name_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .first()
+                        .expect("RoleName expected under DropRole node");
+                    let role_name =
+                        normalize_name_for_space_api(parse_string_value_node(self, *role_name_id)?);
-                    let mut timeout = default_timeout;
+                    let mut timeout = get_default_timeout();
                     if let Some(timeout_child_id) = node.children.get(1) {
                         timeout = get_timeout(self, *timeout_child_id)?;
@@ -2073,19 +2009,14 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                 Type::DropTable => {
                     let mut table_name: String = String::new();
-                    let mut timeout = default_timeout;
+                    let mut timeout = get_default_timeout();
                     for child_id in &node.children {
                         let child_node = self.nodes.get_node(*child_id)?;
                         match child_node.rule {
                             Type::DeletedTable => {
-                                table_name = normalize_name_for_space_api(
-                                    child_node.value.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
-                                        SbroadError::NotFound(
-                                            Entity::Node,
-                                            "table name in the drop table AST".into(),
-                                        )
-                                    })?,
-                                );
+                                table_name = normalize_name_for_space_api(parse_string_value_node(
+                                    self, *child_id,
+                                )?);
                             Type::Timeout => {
                                 timeout = get_timeout(self, *child_id)?;
@@ -2109,20 +2040,114 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     map.add(id, plan_id);
                 Type::AlterUser => {
-                    let (user_name, password, auth_method, timeout) =
-                        parse_create_alter_user(self, node, default_timeout)?;
+                    let user_name_node_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .first()
+                        .expect("RoleName expected as a first child");
+                    let user_name = parse_role_name(self, *user_name_node_id)?;
+                    let alter_option_node_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .get(1)
+                        .expect("Some AlterOption expected as a second child");
+                    let alter_option_node = self.nodes.get_node(*alter_option_node_id)?;
+                    let alter_option = match alter_option_node.rule {
+                        Type::AlterLogin => AlterOption::Login,
+                        Type::AlterNoLogin => AlterOption::NoLogin,
+                        Type::AlterPassword => {
+                            let pwd_node_id = alter_option_node
+                                .children
+                                .first()
+                                .expect("Password expected as a first child");
+                            let password =
+                                String::from(parse_string_value_node(self, *pwd_node_id)?);
+                            let mut auth_method = get_default_auth_method();
+                            if let Some(auth_method_node_id) = alter_option_node.children.get(1) {
+                                let auth_method_node = self.nodes.get_node(*auth_method_node_id)?;
+                                let auth_method_string_node_id = auth_method_node
+                                    .children
+                                    .first()
+                                    .expect("Method expected under AuthMethod node");
+                                auth_method = String::from(parse_string_value_node(
+                                    self,
+                                    *auth_method_string_node_id,
+                                )?);
+                            }
+                            AlterOption::Password {
+                                password,
+                                auth_method,
+                            }
+                        }
+                        _ => {
+                            return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
+                                Entity::ParseNode,
+                                Some(String::from("Expected to see concrete alter option")),
+                            ))
+                        }
+                    };
+                    let mut timeout = get_default_timeout();
+                    if let Some(timeout_node_id) = node.children.get(2) {
+                        timeout = get_timeout(self, *timeout_node_id)?;
+                    }
                     let alter_user = Acl::AlterUser {
                         name: user_name,
-                        password,
-                        auth_method,
+                        alter_option,
                     let plan_id = plan.nodes.push(Node::Acl(alter_user));
                     map.add(id, plan_id);
                 Type::CreateUser => {
-                    let (user_name, password, auth_method, timeout) =
-                        parse_create_alter_user(self, node, default_timeout)?;
+                    let mut iter = node.children.iter();
+                    let user_name_node_id =|| {
+                        SbroadError::Invalid(
+                            Entity::ParseNode,
+                            Some(String::from("RoleName expected as a first child")),
+                        )
+                    })?;
+                    let user_name = parse_role_name(self, *user_name_node_id)?;
+                    let pwd_node_id =|| {
+                        SbroadError::Invalid(
+                            Entity::ParseNode,
+                            Some(String::from("Password expected as a second child")),
+                        )
+                    })?;
+                    let password = String::from(parse_string_value_node(self, *pwd_node_id)?);
+                    let mut timeout = get_default_timeout();
+                    let mut auth_method = get_default_auth_method();
+                    for child_id in iter {
+                        let child_node = self.nodes.get_node(*child_id)?;
+                        match child_node.rule {
+                            Type::Timeout => {
+                                timeout = get_timeout(self, *child_id)?;
+                            }
+                            Type::AuthMethod => {
+                                let auth_method_node_id = child_node
+                                    .children
+                                    .first()
+                                    .expect("Method expected under AuthMethod node");
+                                auth_method = String::from(parse_string_value_node(
+                                    self,
+                                    *auth_method_node_id,
+                                )?);
+                            }
+                            _ => {
+                                return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
+                                    Entity::Node,
+                                    Some(format!(
+                                        "ACL node contains unexpected child: {child_node:?}",
+                                    )),
+                                ));
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
                     let create_user = Acl::CreateUser {
                         name: user_name,
@@ -2133,23 +2158,13 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     map.add(id, plan_id);
                 Type::DropUser => {
-                    let user_name_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::Invalid(
-                            Entity::ParseNode,
-                            Some(String::from("UserName expected under DropUser node")),
-                        )
-                    })?;
-                    let user_name_node = self.nodes.get_node(*user_name_id)?;
-                    let user_name = normalize_name_for_space_api(
-                        user_name_node.value.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
-                            SbroadError::NotFound(
-                                Entity::Node,
-                                "user name in the drop user AST".into(),
-                            )
-                        })?,
-                    );
+                    let user_name_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .first()
+                        .expect("RoleName expected under DropUser node");
+                    let user_name = parse_role_name(self, *user_name_id)?;
-                    let mut timeout = default_timeout;
+                    let mut timeout = get_default_timeout();
                     if let Some(timeout_child_id) = node.children.get(1) {
                         timeout = get_timeout(self, *timeout_child_id)?;
@@ -2161,23 +2176,13 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                     map.add(id, plan_id);
                 Type::CreateRole => {
-                    let role_name_id = node.children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
-                        SbroadError::Invalid(
-                            Entity::ParseNode,
-                            Some(String::from("RoleName expected under CreateRole node")),
-                        )
-                    })?;
-                    let role_name_node = self.nodes.get_node(*role_name_id)?;
-                    let role_name = normalize_name_for_space_api(
-                        role_name_node.value.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
-                            SbroadError::NotFound(
-                                Entity::Node,
-                                "role name in the create role AST".into(),
-                            )
-                        })?,
-                    );
+                    let role_name_id = node
+                        .children
+                        .first()
+                        .expect("RoleName expected under CreateRole node");
+                    let role_name = parse_role_name(self, *role_name_id)?;
-                    let mut timeout = default_timeout;
+                    let mut timeout = get_default_timeout();
                     if let Some(timeout_child_id) = node.children.get(1) {
                         timeout = get_timeout(self, *timeout_child_id)?;
@@ -2190,6 +2195,9 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                 | Type::AliasName
+                | Type::AlterLogin
+                | Type::AlterNoLogin
+                | Type::AlterPassword
                 | Type::AuthMethod
                 | Type::ChapSha1
                 | Type::Columns
@@ -2230,6 +2238,22 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                 | Type::PrimaryKey
                 | Type::PrimaryKeyColumn
                 | Type::RoleName
+                | Type::PrivBlockPrivilege
+                | Type::PrivBlockUser
+                | Type::PrivBlockSpecificUser
+                | Type::PrivBlockRole
+                | Type::PrivBlockSpecificRole
+                | Type::PrivBlockTable
+                | Type::PrivBlockSpecificTable
+                | Type::PrivBlockRolePass
+                | Type::PrivilegeAlter
+                | Type::PrivilegeCreate
+                | Type::PrivilegeDrop
+                | Type::PrivilegeExecute
+                | Type::PrivilegeRead
+                | Type::PrivilegeSession
+                | Type::PrivilegeUsage
+                | Type::PrivilegeWrite
                 | Type::ScanName
                 | Type::Select
                 | Type::Sharding
@@ -2250,7 +2274,6 @@ impl Ast for AbstractSyntaxTree {
                 | Type::TypeVarchar
                 | Type::UpdateList
                 | Type::UpdateItem
-                | Type::UserName
                 | Type::Vinyl => {}
                 rule => {
                     return Err(SbroadError::NotImplemented(
diff --git a/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/ b/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/
index be74c1e117..137a93db5d 100644
--- a/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/
+++ b/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 extern crate pest;
 use std::collections::{hash_map::Entry, HashMap, HashSet};
-use std::fmt;
 use std::mem::swap;
 use pest::iterators::Pair;
@@ -30,6 +29,10 @@ pub enum Type {
+    AlterOption,
+    AlterLogin,
+    AlterNoLogin,
+    AlterPassword,
@@ -73,6 +76,7 @@ pub enum Type {
+    GrantPrivilege,
@@ -112,8 +116,25 @@ pub enum Type {
+    PrivBlockPrivilege,
+    PrivBlockUser,
+    PrivBlockSpecificUser,
+    PrivBlockRole,
+    PrivBlockSpecificRole,
+    PrivBlockTable,
+    PrivBlockSpecificTable,
+    PrivBlockRolePass,
+    PrivilegeAlter,
+    PrivilegeCreate,
+    PrivilegeDrop,
+    PrivilegeExecute,
+    PrivilegeRead,
+    PrivilegeSession,
+    PrivilegeUsage,
+    PrivilegeWrite,
+    RevokePrivilege,
@@ -147,7 +168,6 @@ pub enum Type {
-    UserName,
@@ -164,6 +184,9 @@ impl Type {
             Rule::Alias => Ok(Type::Alias),
             Rule::AliasName => Ok(Type::AliasName),
             Rule::AlterUser => Ok(Type::AlterUser),
+            Rule::AlterLogin => Ok(Type::AlterLogin),
+            Rule::AlterNoLogin => Ok(Type::AlterNoLogin),
+            Rule::AlterPassword => Ok(Type::AlterPassword),
             Rule::And => Ok(Type::And),
             Rule::ArithmeticExpr => Ok(Type::ArithmeticExpr),
             Rule::ArithParentheses => Ok(Type::ArithParentheses),
@@ -210,6 +233,7 @@ impl Type {
             Rule::Engine => Ok(Type::Engine),
             Rule::FunctionName => Ok(Type::FunctionName),
             Rule::Global => Ok(Type::Global),
+            Rule::GrantPrivilege => Ok(Type::GrantPrivilege),
             Rule::GroupBy => Ok(Type::GroupBy),
             Rule::GroupingElement => Ok(Type::GroupingElement),
             Rule::Gt => Ok(Type::Gt),
@@ -246,8 +270,25 @@ impl Type {
             Rule::Primary => Ok(Type::Primary),
             Rule::PrimaryKey => Ok(Type::PrimaryKey),
             Rule::PrimaryKeyColumn => Ok(Type::PrimaryKeyColumn),
+            Rule::PrivBlockPrivilege => Ok(Type::PrivBlockPrivilege),
+            Rule::PrivBlockUser => Ok(Type::PrivBlockUser),
+            Rule::PrivBlockSpecificUser => Ok(Type::PrivBlockSpecificUser),
+            Rule::PrivBlockRole => Ok(Type::PrivBlockRole),
+            Rule::PrivBlockSpecificRole => Ok(Type::PrivBlockSpecificRole),
+            Rule::PrivBlockTable => Ok(Type::PrivBlockTable),
+            Rule::PrivBlockSpecificTable => Ok(Type::PrivBlockSpecificTable),
+            Rule::PrivBlockRolePass => Ok(Type::PrivBlockRolePass),
+            Rule::PrivilegeAlter => Ok(Type::PrivilegeAlter),
+            Rule::PrivilegeCreate => Ok(Type::PrivilegeCreate),
+            Rule::PrivilegeDrop => Ok(Type::PrivilegeDrop),
+            Rule::PrivilegeExecute => Ok(Type::PrivilegeExecute),
+            Rule::PrivilegeRead => Ok(Type::PrivilegeRead),
+            Rule::PrivilegeSession => Ok(Type::PrivilegeSession),
+            Rule::PrivilegeUsage => Ok(Type::PrivilegeUsage),
+            Rule::PrivilegeWrite => Ok(Type::PrivilegeWrite),
             Rule::Projection => Ok(Type::Projection),
             Rule::Reference => Ok(Type::Reference),
+            Rule::RevokePrivilege => Ok(Type::RevokePrivilege),
             Rule::RoleName => Ok(Type::RoleName),
             Rule::Row => Ok(Type::Row),
             Rule::Scan => Ok(Type::Scan),
@@ -281,7 +322,6 @@ impl Type {
             Rule::UpdateList => Ok(Type::UpdateList),
             Rule::UpdateItem => Ok(Type::UpdateItem),
             Rule::Unsigned => Ok(Type::Unsigned),
-            Rule::UserName => Ok(Type::UserName),
             Rule::Value => Ok(Type::Value),
             Rule::Values => Ok(Type::Values),
             Rule::ValuesRow => Ok(Type::ValuesRow),
@@ -294,142 +334,6 @@ impl Type {
-impl fmt::Display for Type {
-    #[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)]
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-        let p = match self {
-            Type::Add => "Add".to_string(),
-            Type::Addition => "Addition".to_string(),
-            Type::Alias => "Alias".to_string(),
-            Type::AliasName => "AliasName".to_string(),
-            Type::AlterUser => "AlterUser".to_string(),
-            Type::And => "And".to_string(),
-            Type::ArithmeticExpr => "ArithmeticExpr".to_string(),
-            Type::ArithParentheses => "ArithParentheses".to_string(),
-            Type::Asterisk => "Asterisk".to_string(),
-            Type::AuthMethod => "AuthMethod".to_string(),
-            Type::Between => "Between".to_string(),
-            Type::Cast => "Cast".to_string(),
-            Type::ChapSha1 => "ChapSha1".to_string(),
-            Type::Cmp => "Cmp".to_string(),
-            Type::CreateRole => "CreateRole".to_string(),
-            Type::CreateTable => "CreateTable".to_string(),
-            Type::CreateUser => "CreateUser".to_string(),
-            Type::Column => "Column".to_string(),
-            Type::ColumnDef => "ColumnDef".to_string(),
-            Type::ColumnDefIsNull => "ColumnDefIsNull".to_string(),
-            Type::ColumnDefName => "ColumnDefName".to_string(),
-            Type::ColumnDefType => "ColumnDefType".to_string(),
-            Type::Columns => "Columns".to_string(),
-            Type::ColumnName => "ColumnName".to_string(),
-            Type::Concat => "Concat".to_string(),
-            Type::CountAsterisk => "CountAsterisk".to_string(),
-            Type::Condition => "Condition".to_string(),
-            Type::Decimal => "Decimal".to_string(),
-            Type::Delete => "Delete".to_string(),
-            Type::DeleteFilter => "DeleteFilter".to_string(),
-            Type::DeletedTable => "DeletedTable".to_string(),
-            Type::Distinct => "Distinct".to_string(),
-            Type::Distribution => "Distribution".to_string(),
-            Type::Divide => "Divide".to_string(),
-            Type::Double => "Double".to_string(),
-            Type::DropRole => "DropRole".to_string(),
-            Type::DropTable => "DropTable".to_string(),
-            Type::DropUser => "DropUser".to_string(),
-            Type::Duration => "Duration".to_string(),
-            Type::DoReplace => "DoUpdateStrategy".to_string(),
-            Type::DoNothing => "DoNothingStrategy".to_string(),
-            Type::DoFail => "DoFailStrategy".to_string(),
-            Type::Eq => "Eq".to_string(),
-            Type::Engine => "Engine".to_string(),
-            Type::Except => "Except".to_string(),
-            Type::Exists => "Exists".to_string(),
-            Type::Explain => "Explain".to_string(),
-            Type::False => "False".to_string(),
-            Type::Function => "Function".to_string(),
-            Type::FunctionName => "FunctionName".to_string(),
-            Type::Global => "Global".to_string(),
-            Type::Gt => "Gt".to_string(),
-            Type::GtEq => "GtEq".to_string(),
-            Type::Having => "Having".to_string(),
-            Type::InnerJoinKind => "inner".to_string(),
-            Type::In => "In".to_string(),
-            Type::Join => "Join".to_string(),
-            Type::Insert => "Insert".to_string(),
-            Type::Integer => "Integer".to_string(),
-            Type::IsNull => "IsNull".to_string(),
-            Type::Ldap => "Ldap".to_string(),
-            Type::Length => "Length".to_string(),
-            Type::LeftJoinKind => "left".to_string(),
-            Type::Lt => "Lt".to_string(),
-            Type::LtEq => "LtEq".to_string(),
-            Type::Md5 => "Md5".to_string(),
-            Type::Memtx => "Memtx".to_string(),
-            Type::Multiplication => "Multiplication".to_string(),
-            Type::Multiply => "Multiply".to_string(),
-            Type::Name => "Name".to_string(),
-            Type::NewTable => "NewTable".to_string(),
-            Type::Not => "Not".to_string(),
-            Type::NotEq => "NotEq".to_string(),
-            Type::NotFlag => "NotFlag".to_string(),
-            Type::Null => "Null".to_string(),
-            Type::Or => "Or".to_string(),
-            Type::Parameter => "Parameter".to_string(),
-            Type::Parentheses => "Parentheses".to_string(),
-            Type::Password => "Password".to_string(),
-            Type::Primary => "Primary".to_string(),
-            Type::PrimaryKey => "PrimaryKey".to_string(),
-            Type::PrimaryKeyColumn => "PrimaryKeyColumn".to_string(),
-            Type::Projection => "Projection".to_string(),
-            Type::Query => "Query".to_string(),
-            Type::Reference => "Reference".to_string(),
-            Type::RoleName => "RoleName".to_string(),
-            Type::Row => "Row".to_string(),
-            Type::Scan => "Scan".to_string(),
-            Type::ScanName => "ScanName".to_string(),
-            Type::ScanTable => "ScanTable".to_string(),
-            Type::Select => "Select".to_string(),
-            Type::Selection => "Selection".to_string(),
-            Type::Sharding => "Sharding".to_string(),
-            Type::ShardingColumn => "ShardingColumn".to_string(),
-            Type::String => "String".to_string(),
-            Type::SingleQuotedString => "SingleQuotedString".to_string(),
-            Type::SqlVdbeMaxSteps => "sql_vdbe_max_steps".to_string(),
-            Type::SubQuery => "SubQuery".to_string(),
-            Type::Subtract => "Subtract".to_string(),
-            Type::Table => "Table".to_string(),
-            Type::TargetColumns => "TargetColumns".to_string(),
-            Type::Timeout => "Timeout".to_string(),
-            Type::True => "True".to_string(),
-            Type::TypeAny => "TypeAny".to_string(),
-            Type::TypeBool => "TypeBool".to_string(),
-            Type::TypeDecimal => "TypeDecimal".to_string(),
-            Type::TypeDouble => "TypeDouble".to_string(),
-            Type::TypeInt => "TypeInt".to_string(),
-            Type::TypeNumber => "TypeNumber".to_string(),
-            Type::TypeScalar => "TypeScalar".to_string(),
-            Type::TypeString => "TypeString".to_string(),
-            Type::TypeText => "TypeText".to_string(),
-            Type::TypeUnsigned => "TypeUnsigned".to_string(),
-            Type::TypeVarchar => "TypeVarchar".to_string(),
-            Type::UnionAll => "UnionAll".to_string(),
-            Type::Update => "Update".to_string(),
-            Type::UpdateItem => "UpdateItem".to_string(),
-            Type::UpdateList => "UpdateList".to_string(),
-            Type::UserName => "UserName".to_string(),
-            Type::Unsigned => "Unsigned".to_string(),
-            Type::Value => "Value".to_string(),
-            Type::Values => "Values".to_string(),
-            Type::ValuesRow => "ValuesRow".to_string(),
-            Type::Vinyl => "Vinyl".to_string(),
-            Type::VTableMaxRows => "vtable_max_rows".to_string(),
-            Type::GroupBy => "GroupBy".to_string(),
-            Type::GroupingElement => "GroupingElement".to_string(),
-        };
-        write!(f, "{p}")
-    }
 /// Parse node is a wrapper over the pest pair.
 #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize)]
 pub struct ParseNode {
diff --git a/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/query.pest b/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/query.pest
index 380270c35d..72d11a80ed 100644
--- a/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/query.pest
+++ b/sbroad-core/src/frontend/sql/query.pest
@@ -1,25 +1,51 @@
 Command = _{ SOI ~ (ExplainQuery | Query | DDL | ACL) ~ EOF }
-ACL = _{ DropRole | DropUser | CreateRole | CreateUser | AlterUser }
+ACL = _{ DropRole | DropUser | CreateRole | CreateUser | AlterUser | GrantPrivilege | RevokePrivilege }
+    /// Represents both RoleName and UserName.
+    RoleName = @{ Name }
     CreateUser = {
-        ^"create" ~ ^"user" ~ UserName ~ (^"with")? ~ ^"password" ~ PasswordString ~
+        ^"create" ~ ^"user" ~ RoleName ~ (^"with")? ~ ^"password" ~ PasswordString ~
         AuthMethod? ~ Option?
         PasswordString = _{ "'" ~ Password ~ "'" }
             Password = @{ String }
     AlterUser = {
-        ^"alter" ~ ^"user" ~ UserName ~ (^"with")? ~ ^"password" ~ PasswordString ~
-        AuthMethod? ~ Option?
+        ^"alter" ~ ^"user" ~ RoleName ~ (^"with")? ~ AlterOption ~ Option?
+        AlterOption = _{ AlterLogin | AlterNoLogin | AlterPassword }
+            AlterLogin = { ^"login" }
+            AlterNoLogin = { ^"nologin" }
+            AlterPassword = { ^"password" ~ PasswordString ~ AuthMethod? }
 	AuthMethod = { ^"using" ~ (ChapSha1 | Md5 | Ldap) }
             ChapSha1 = { ^"chap-sha1" }
             Md5 = { ^"md5" }
             Ldap = { ^"ldap" }
-    DropUser = { ^"drop" ~ ^"user" ~ UserName ~ Option? }
-        UserName = @{ Name }
+    DropUser = { ^"drop" ~ ^"user" ~ RoleName ~ Option? }
     CreateRole = { ^"create" ~ ^"role" ~ RoleName ~ Option? }
-        RoleName = @{ Name }
     DropRole = { ^"drop" ~ ^"role" ~ RoleName ~ Option? }
+    GrantPrivilege = { ^"grant" ~ PrivBlock ~ ^"to" ~ RoleName ~ Option? }
+    RevokePrivilege = { ^"revoke" ~ PrivBlock ~ ^"from" ~ RoleName ~ Option? }
+        PrivBlock = _{ PrivBlockPrivilege | PrivBlockRolePass }
+            PrivBlockPrivilege = {Privilege ~ (PrivBlockUser | PrivBlockSpecificUser | PrivBlockRole
+                                                | PrivBlockSpecificRole | PrivBlockTable | PrivBlockSpecificTable)}
+            PrivBlockUser = { ^"user" }
+            PrivBlockSpecificUser = { ^"on" ~ ^"user" ~ RoleName }
+            PrivBlockRole = { ^"role" }
+            PrivBlockSpecificRole = { ^"on" ~ ^"role" ~ RoleName }
+            PrivBlockTable = { ^"table" }
+            PrivBlockSpecificTable = { ^"on" ~ ^"table" ~ Table }
+            PrivBlockRolePass = { RoleName }
+        Privilege = _{ PrivilegeRead | PrivilegeWrite | PrivilegeExecute |
+                      PrivilegeCreate | PrivilegeAlter | PrivilegeDrop |
+                      PrivilegeSession | PrivilegeUsage }
+            PrivilegeAlter = { ^"alter" }
+            PrivilegeCreate = { ^"create" }
+            PrivilegeDrop = { ^"drop" }
+            PrivilegeExecute = { ^"execute" }
+            PrivilegeRead = { ^"read" }
+            PrivilegeSession = { ^"session" }
+            PrivilegeUsage = { ^"usage" }
+            PrivilegeWrite = { ^"write" }
 DDL = _{ CreateTable | DropTable }
     CreateTable = {
diff --git a/sbroad-core/src/ir/ b/sbroad-core/src/ir/
index 029d512862..339c9e1d46 100644
--- a/sbroad-core/src/ir/
+++ b/sbroad-core/src/ir/
@@ -2,6 +2,152 @@ use crate::ir::{Entity, Node, Plan, SbroadError};
 use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
 use tarantool::decimal::Decimal;
+::tarantool::define_str_enum! {
+    /// Revoked or granted privilege.
+    pub enum Privilege {
+        Read = "read",
+        Write = "write",
+        Execute = "execute",
+        Create = "create",
+        Alter = "alter",
+        Drop = "drop",
+        Session = "session",
+        Usage = "usage",
+    }
+/// Helper enum representing one of possible revoking/granting options:
+/// * Table: for specific table.
+/// * Universe: for any object supporting passed privilege.
+/// * Role: for making user/role a part of another role.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize)]
+pub enum GrantRevokeType {
+    User {
+        privilege: Privilege,
+    },
+    SpecificUser {
+        privilege: Privilege,
+        user_name: String,
+    },
+    Role {
+        privilege: Privilege,
+    },
+    SpecificRole {
+        privilege: Privilege,
+        role_name: String,
+    },
+    Table {
+        privilege: Privilege,
+    },
+    SpecificTable {
+        privilege: Privilege,
+        table_name: String,
+    },
+    RolePass {
+        role_name: String,
+    },
+/// Check passed privilege is in the list of accepted privileges.
+fn check_privilege(privilege: Privilege, accepted: &[Privilege]) -> Result<(), SbroadError> {
+    if !accepted.contains(&privilege) {
+        return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
+            Entity::Privilege,
+            Some(format!("Supported privileges are: {accepted:?}")),
+        ));
+    }
+    Ok(())
+impl GrantRevokeType {
+    /// # Errors
+    /// - Unacceptable privilege for user was passed.
+    pub fn user(privilege: Privilege) -> Result<Self, SbroadError> {
+        check_privilege(
+            privilege,
+            &[Privilege::Create, Privilege::Alter, Privilege::Drop],
+        )?;
+        Ok(Self::User { privilege })
+    }
+    /// # Errors
+    /// - Unacceptable privilege for specific user was passed.
+    pub fn specific_user(privilege: Privilege, user_name: String) -> Result<Self, SbroadError> {
+        check_privilege(privilege, &[Privilege::Alter, Privilege::Drop])?;
+        Ok(Self::SpecificUser {
+            privilege,
+            user_name,
+        })
+    }
+    /// # Errors
+    /// - Unacceptable privilege for role was passed.
+    pub fn role(privilege: Privilege) -> Result<Self, SbroadError> {
+        check_privilege(privilege, &[Privilege::Create, Privilege::Drop])?;
+        Ok(Self::Role { privilege })
+    }
+    /// # Errors
+    /// - Unacceptable privilege for specific role was passed.
+    pub fn specific_role(privilege: Privilege, role_name: String) -> Result<Self, SbroadError> {
+        check_privilege(privilege, &[Privilege::Drop])?;
+        Ok(Self::SpecificRole {
+            privilege,
+            role_name,
+        })
+    }
+    /// # Errors
+    /// - Unacceptable privilege for table was passed.
+    pub fn table(privilege: Privilege) -> Result<Self, SbroadError> {
+        check_privilege(
+            privilege,
+            &[
+                Privilege::Read,
+                Privilege::Write,
+                Privilege::Create,
+                Privilege::Alter,
+                Privilege::Drop,
+            ],
+        )?;
+        Ok(Self::Table { privilege })
+    }
+    /// # Errors
+    /// - Unacceptable privilege for specific table was passed.
+    pub fn specific_table(privilege: Privilege, table_name: String) -> Result<Self, SbroadError> {
+        check_privilege(
+            privilege,
+            &[
+                Privilege::Read,
+                Privilege::Write,
+                Privilege::Alter,
+                Privilege::Drop,
+            ],
+        )?;
+        Ok(Self::SpecificTable {
+            privilege,
+            table_name,
+        })
+    }
+    #[must_use]
+    pub fn role_pass(role_name: String) -> Self {
+        Self::RolePass { role_name }
+    }
+/// Type of ALTER USER command execution.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize)]
+pub enum AlterOption {
+    Login,
+    NoLogin,
+    Password {
+        password: String,
+        auth_method: String,
+    },
 #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize)]
 pub enum Acl {
     DropRole {
@@ -24,8 +170,17 @@ pub enum Acl {
     AlterUser {
         name: String,
-        password: String,
-        auth_method: String,
+        alter_option: AlterOption,
+        timeout: Decimal,
+    },
+    GrantPrivilege {
+        grant_type: GrantRevokeType,
+        grantee_name: String,
+        timeout: Decimal,
+    },
+    RevokePrivilege {
+        revoke_type: GrantRevokeType,
+        grantee_name: String,
         timeout: Decimal,
@@ -41,7 +196,9 @@ impl Acl {
             | Acl::DropUser { ref timeout, .. }
             | Acl::CreateRole { ref timeout, .. }
             | Acl::AlterUser { ref timeout, .. }
-            | Acl::CreateUser { ref timeout, .. } => timeout,
+            | Acl::CreateUser { ref timeout, .. }
+            | Acl::RevokePrivilege { ref timeout, .. }
+            | Acl::GrantPrivilege { ref timeout, .. } => timeout,