diff --git a/src/traft/node.rs b/src/traft/node.rs
index debe784338cfb8e45698fbfb8065574030feea4a..8d3d66e7b21571b7b8d94df5deedd606a95e9c22 100644
--- a/src/traft/node.rs
+++ b/src/traft/node.rs
@@ -788,113 +788,126 @@ fn raft_main_loop(
-fn raft_conf_change_loop(status: Rc<RefCell<Status>>, storage: RaftSpaceAccess) {
-    loop {
-        if status.borrow().raft_state != "Leader" {
-            event::wait(Event::StatusChanged).expect("Events system must be initialized");
-            continue;
-        }
-        let term = storage.term().unwrap().unwrap_or(0);
-        let voter_ids: HashSet<RaftId> =
-            HashSet::from_iter(storage.voters().unwrap().unwrap_or_default());
-        let learner_ids: HashSet<RaftId> =
-            HashSet::from_iter(storage.learners().unwrap().unwrap_or_default());
-        let peer_is_active: HashMap<RaftId, bool> = Storage::peers()
-            .unwrap()
+fn raft_conf_change(storage: &RaftSpaceAccess, peers: &[Peer]) -> Option<raft::ConfChangeV2> {
+    let voter_ids: HashSet<RaftId> =
+        HashSet::from_iter(storage.voters().unwrap().unwrap_or_default());
+    let learner_ids: HashSet<RaftId> =
+        HashSet::from_iter(storage.learners().unwrap().unwrap_or_default());
+    let peer_is_active: HashMap<RaftId, bool> = peers
+        .iter()
+        .map(|peer| (peer.raft_id, peer.is_active()))
+        .collect();
+    let (active_voters, to_demote): (Vec<RaftId>, Vec<RaftId>) = voter_ids
+        .iter()
+        .partition(|id| peer_is_active.get(id).copied().unwrap_or(false));
+    let active_learners: Vec<RaftId> = learner_ids
+        .iter()
+        .copied()
+        .filter(|id| peer_is_active.get(id).copied().unwrap_or(false))
+        .collect();
+    let new_peers: Vec<RaftId> = peer_is_active
+        .iter()
+        .map(|(&id, _)| id)
+        .filter(|id| !voter_ids.contains(id) && !learner_ids.contains(id))
+        .collect();
+    let mut changes: Vec<raft::ConfChangeSingle> = Vec::new();
+    const VOTER: bool = true;
+    const LEARNER: bool = false;
+    changes.extend(
+        to_demote
-            .map(|peer| (peer.raft_id, peer.is_active()))
-            .collect();
-        let (active_voters, to_demote): (Vec<RaftId>, Vec<RaftId>) = voter_ids
-            .iter()
-            .partition(|id| peer_is_active.get(id).copied().unwrap_or(false));
-        let active_learners: Vec<RaftId> = learner_ids
-            .iter()
-            .copied()
-            .filter(|id| peer_is_active.get(id).copied().unwrap_or(false))
-            .collect();
-        let new_peers: Vec<RaftId> = peer_is_active
-            .iter()
-            .map(|(&id, _)| id)
-            .filter(|id| !voter_ids.contains(id) && !learner_ids.contains(id))
-            .collect();
-        let mut changes: Vec<raft::ConfChangeSingle> = Vec::new();
-        const VOTER: bool = true;
-        const LEARNER: bool = false;
-        changes.extend(
-            to_demote
-                .into_iter()
-                .map(|id| conf_change_single(id, LEARNER)),
-        );
+            .map(|id| conf_change_single(id, LEARNER)),
+    );
-        let total_active = active_voters.len() + active_learners.len() + new_peers.len();
+    let total_active = active_voters.len() + active_learners.len() + new_peers.len();
+    if total_active == 0 {
+        return None;
+    }
-        let new_peers_to_promote;
-        match failover::voters_needed(active_voters.len(), total_active) {
-            0 => {
+    let new_peers_to_promote;
+    match failover::voters_needed(active_voters.len(), total_active) {
+        0 => {
+            new_peers_to_promote = 0;
+        }
+        pos @ 1..=i64::MAX => {
+            let pos = pos as usize;
+            if pos < active_learners.len() {
+                for &raft_id in &active_learners[0..pos] {
+                    changes.push(conf_change_single(raft_id, VOTER))
+                }
                 new_peers_to_promote = 0;
-            }
-            pos @ 1..=i64::MAX => {
-                let pos = pos as usize;
-                if pos < active_learners.len() {
-                    for &raft_id in &active_learners[0..pos] {
-                        changes.push(conf_change_single(raft_id, VOTER))
-                    }
-                    new_peers_to_promote = 0;
-                } else {
-                    for &raft_id in &active_learners {
-                        changes.push(conf_change_single(raft_id, VOTER))
-                    }
-                    new_peers_to_promote = pos - active_learners.len();
-                    assert!(new_peers_to_promote <= new_peers.len());
-                    for &raft_id in &new_peers[0..new_peers_to_promote] {
-                        changes.push(conf_change_single(raft_id, VOTER))
-                    }
+            } else {
+                for &raft_id in &active_learners {
+                    changes.push(conf_change_single(raft_id, VOTER))
-            }
-            neg @ i64::MIN..=-1 => {
-                let neg = -neg as usize;
-                assert!(neg < active_voters.len());
-                for &raft_id in &active_voters[0..neg] {
-                    changes.push(conf_change_single(raft_id, LEARNER))
+                new_peers_to_promote = pos - active_learners.len();
+                assert!(new_peers_to_promote <= new_peers.len());
+                for &raft_id in &new_peers[0..new_peers_to_promote] {
+                    changes.push(conf_change_single(raft_id, VOTER))
-                new_peers_to_promote = 0;
-        for &raft_id in &new_peers[new_peers_to_promote..] {
-            changes.push(conf_change_single(raft_id, LEARNER))
+        neg @ i64::MIN..=-1 => {
+            let neg = -neg as usize;
+            assert!(neg < active_voters.len());
+            for &raft_id in &active_voters[0..neg] {
+                changes.push(conf_change_single(raft_id, LEARNER))
+            }
+            new_peers_to_promote = 0;
+    }
+    for &raft_id in &new_peers[new_peers_to_promote..] {
+        changes.push(conf_change_single(raft_id, LEARNER))
+    }
-        if changes.is_empty() {
-            event::wait(Event::TopologyChanged).expect("Events system must be initialized");
+    if changes.is_empty() {
+        return None;
+    }
+    let conf_change = raft::ConfChangeV2 {
+        transition: raft::ConfChangeTransition::Auto,
+        changes: changes.into(),
+        ..Default::default()
+    };
+    Some(conf_change)
+fn raft_conf_change_loop(status: Rc<RefCell<Status>>, storage: RaftSpaceAccess) {
+    loop {
+        if status.borrow().raft_state != "Leader" {
+            event::wait(Event::StatusChanged).expect("Events system must be initialized");
-        let conf_change = raft::ConfChangeV2 {
-            transition: raft::ConfChangeTransition::Auto,
-            changes: changes.into(),
-            ..Default::default()
-        };
+        let peers = Storage::peers().unwrap();
+        let term = storage.term().unwrap().unwrap_or(0);
         let node = global().expect("must be initialized");
-        // main_loop gives the warranty that every ProposeConfChange
-        // will sometimes be handled and there's no need in timeout.
-        // It also guarantees that the notification will arrive only
-        // after the node leaves the joint state.
-        match node.propose_conf_change_and_wait(term, conf_change) {
-            Ok(()) => tlog!(Info, "conf_change processed"),
-            Err(e) => {
-                tlog!(Warning, "conf_change failed: {e}");
-                fiber::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1));
+        if let Some(conf_change) = raft_conf_change(&storage, &peers) {
+            // main_loop gives the warranty that every ProposeConfChange
+            // will sometimes be handled and there's no need in timeout.
+            // It also guarantees that the notification will arrive only
+            // after the node leaves the joint state.
+            match node.propose_conf_change_and_wait(term, conf_change) {
+                Ok(()) => tlog!(Info, "conf_change processed"),
+                Err(e) => {
+                    tlog!(Warning, "conf_change failed: {e}");
+                    fiber::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1));
+                }
+            continue;
+        event::wait(Event::TopologyChanged).expect("Events system must be initialized");