diff --git a/src/traft/node.rs b/src/traft/node.rs
index ed05cea04aefe7cd5c9025d29759b52de46a8f63..d61d71b9452b7b37e053a62a0eee0f7770c7f7d7 100644
--- a/src/traft/node.rs
+++ b/src/traft/node.rs
@@ -82,20 +82,27 @@ enum NormalRequest {
     /// Propose `raft::prelude::Entry` of `EntryNormal` kind.
     /// Make a notification when it's committed.
     ProposeNormal { op: traft::Op, notify: Notify },
     /// Propose `raft::prelude::Entry` of `EntryConfChange` kind.
-    /// Make a notification when it's committed.
+    /// Make a notification when the second EntryConfChange is
+    /// committed (that corresponds to the leaving of a joint state).
     ProposeConfChange {
+        term: u64,
         peers: Vec<traft::Peer>,
         notify: Notify,
     /// Get a read barrier. In some systems it's also called the "quorum read".
     /// Make a notification when index is read.
     ReadIndex { notify: Notify },
     /// Start a new raft term .
     /// Make a notification when request is processed.
     Campaign { notify: Notify },
     /// Handle message from anoher raft node.
     /// Tick the node.
     /// Make a notification when request is processed.
     Tick { n_times: u32, notify: Notify },
@@ -282,7 +289,11 @@ fn raft_main_loop(
                         notifications.insert(lc.clone(), notify);
-                NormalRequest::ProposeConfChange { peers, notify } => {
+                NormalRequest::ProposeConfChange {
+                    term,
+                    peers,
+                    notify,
+                } => {
                     // In some states proposing a ConfChange is impossible.
                     // Check if there's a reason to reject it.
@@ -296,6 +307,10 @@ fn raft_main_loop(
                             break Some("not a leader");
+                        if term != raw_node.raft.term {
+                            break Some("raft term mismatch");
+                        }
                         // Without this check the node would silently ignore the conf change.
                         // See https://github.com/tikv/raft-rs/blob/v0.6.0/src/raft.rs#L2014-L2026
                         if raw_node.raft.has_pending_conf() {
@@ -336,8 +351,14 @@ fn raft_main_loop(
                     if let Err(e) = raw_node.propose_conf_change(ctx, cc) {
                         notify.try_send(Err(e)).expect("that's a bug");
                     } else {
+                        // oops, current instance isn't actually a leader
+                        // (which is impossible in theory, but we're not
+                        // sure in practice) and sent the ConfChange message
+                        // to the raft network instead of appending it to the
+                        // raft log.
                         let last_index = raw_node.raft.raft_log.last_index();
                         assert!(last_index == prev_index + 1);
                         joint_state_latch = Some(JointStateLatch {
                             index: last_index,
@@ -622,6 +643,7 @@ fn raft_join_loop(inbox: Mailbox<(JoinRequest, Notify)>, main_inbox: Mailbox<Nor
         tlog!(Info, "processing batch: {ids:?}");
         // 1. Gererate raft_id
+        let term = Storage::term().unwrap().unwrap_or(0);
         let mut peers = Vec::<traft::Peer>::new();
         let mut max_id = Storage::max_peer_id().unwrap();
         for (req, notify) in &batch {
@@ -657,7 +679,11 @@ fn raft_join_loop(inbox: Mailbox<(JoinRequest, Notify)>, main_inbox: Mailbox<Nor
         // 2. Propose the ConfChange.
         let (rx, tx) = fiber::Channel::new(1).into_clones();
-        main_inbox.send(NormalRequest::ProposeConfChange { peers, notify: tx });
+        main_inbox.send(NormalRequest::ProposeConfChange {
+            term,
+            peers,
+            notify: tx,
+        });
         // main_loop gives the warranty that every ProposeConfChange
         // will sometimes be handled and there's no need in timeout.