From b6630a4108512d9267fb4c9a1f32473418a39562 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Valentin Syrovatskiy <>
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2022 08:36:50 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] refactor: rewrite lua tests in python

 test/couple_test.lua             |  71 ------------
 test/helper.lua                  |   7 --
 test/helper/picodata.lua         | 185 -------------------------------
 test/int/             |  19 +++-
 test/int/ | 104 +++++++++++++++++
 test/int/      |  95 ++++++++++++++++
 test/single_test.lua             |  38 -------
 test/supervisor_test.lua         |  85 --------------
 test/threesome_test.lua          | 159 --------------------------
 9 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 546 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 test/couple_test.lua
 delete mode 100644 test/helper.lua
 delete mode 100644 test/helper/picodata.lua
 create mode 100644 test/int/
 create mode 100644 test/int/
 delete mode 100644 test/single_test.lua
 delete mode 100644 test/supervisor_test.lua
 delete mode 100644 test/threesome_test.lua

diff --git a/test/couple_test.lua b/test/couple_test.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index eca4226cdf..0000000000
--- a/test/couple_test.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-local t = require('luatest')
-local h = require('test.helper')
-local g =
-local fio = require('fio')
-    g.data_dir = fio.tempdir()
-    local peer = {'', ''}
-    g.cluster = {
-        i1 = h.Picodata:new({
-            name = 'i1',
-            data_dir = g.data_dir .. '/i1',
-            listen = '',
-            peer = peer,
-        }),
-        i2 = h.Picodata:new({
-            name = 'i2',
-            data_dir = g.data_dir .. '/i2',
-            listen = '',
-            peer = peer,
-        }),
-    }
-    for _, node in pairs(g.cluster) do
-        node:start()
-    end
-    for _, node in pairs(g.cluster) do
-        node:wait_started()
-    end
-    for _, node in pairs(g.cluster) do
-        node:stop()
-    end
-    fio.rmtree(g.data_dir)
-g.test_follower_proposal = function()
-    -- Speed up node election
-    g.cluster.i1:promote_or_fail()
-    t.assert(
-        g.cluster.i2:raft_propose_eval(1, '_G.check =')
-    )
-    t.assert_equals(
-        g.cluster.i1:connect():eval('return check'),
-        ''
-    )
-    t.assert_equals(
-        g.cluster.i2:connect():eval('return check'),
-        ''
-    )
-g.test_failover = function()
-    g.cluster.i1:promote_or_fail()
-    h.retrying({}, function()
-        g.cluster.i2:assert_raft_status("Follower", 1)
-    end)
-    h.retrying({}, function()
-        -- Speed up election timeout
-        g.cluster.i2:connect():eval('picolib.raft_tick(20)')
-        g.cluster.i2:assert_raft_status("Leader")
-        g.cluster.i1:assert_raft_status("Follower", 2)
-    end)
diff --git a/test/helper.lua b/test/helper.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index dfd7d5da1f..0000000000
--- a/test/helper.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-local log = require('log')
-local helper = table.copy(require('luatest.helpers'))
-log.cfg({log_level = 6})
-helper.Picodata = require('test.helper.picodata')
-return helper
diff --git a/test/helper/picodata.lua b/test/helper/picodata.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 52f2694fee..0000000000
--- a/test/helper/picodata.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-local checks = require('checks')
-local log = require('log')
-local fun = require('fun')
-local netbox = require('')
-local luatest = require('luatest')
-local Process = require('luatest.process')
--- Defaults.
-local Picodata = {
-    workdir = nil,
-    name = 'default',
-    listen = '',
-    peer = {''},
-    args = {'run'},
-    env = {},
-    command = 'target/debug/picodata',
-    process = nil,
-    __type = 'Picodata',
-    id = -1,
-function Picodata:inherit(object)
-    setmetatable(object, self)
-    self.__index = self
-    return object
---- Build picodata node.
--- @param object
--- @string Human-readable node name.
--- @string object.data_dir Path to the data directory.
--- @string object.listen Socket bind address.
--- @table object.peer URL of other peers in cluster.
--- @tab[opt] object.env Environment variables passed to the process.
--- @tab[opt] object.args Command-line arguments passed to the process.
--- @return object
-function Picodata:new(object)
-    checks('table', {
-        name = '?string',
-        data_dir = 'string',
-        listen = '?string',
-        peer = '?table',
-        args = '?table',
-        env = '?table',
-    })
-    self:inherit(object)
-    object:initialize()
-    return object
-function Picodata:initialize()
-    checks('Picodata')
-    self.env = fun.chain({
-        PICODATA_DATA_DIR = self.data_dir,
-        PICODATA_LISTEN = self.listen,
-        PICODATA_PEER = table.concat(self.peer, ','),
-    }, self.env):tomap()
---- Start the node.
-function Picodata:start()
-    checks('Picodata')
-    local env = table.copy(os.environ())
-    local log_cmd = {}
-    for k, v in pairs(self.env) do
-        table.insert(log_cmd, string.format('%s=%q', k, v))
-        env[k] = v
-    end
-    table.insert(log_cmd, self.command)
-    for _, v in ipairs(self.args) do
-        table.insert(log_cmd, string.format('%q', v))
-    end
-, ' '))
-    self.process = Process:start(self.command, self.args, env, {
-        output_prefix =,
-    })
-    log.debug('Started server PID: ' ..
-function Picodata:wait_started()
-    checks('Picodata')
-    luatest.helpers.retrying({}, function()
-        self:connect()
-        local raft_status = self:raft_status()
-        luatest.assert(raft_status)
-        luatest.assert_ge(raft_status.leader_id, 1)
- =
-    end)
---- Connect to the node.
--- Connection is established synchronously. The result is cached.
--- @function connect
--- @return netbox connection
-function Picodata:connect()
-    checks('Picodata')
-    if self.conn ~= nil and self.conn:is_connected() then
-        return self.conn
-    end
-    local conn = netbox.connect(self.listen)
-    if conn.error then
-        error(conn.error)
-    end
-    self.conn = conn
-    return conn
---- Stop the node.
-function Picodata:stop()
-    local process = self.process
-    if process == nil then
-        return
-    end
-    os.execute('pkill -TERM -P ' ..
-    luatest.helpers.retrying({}, function()
-        if process:is_alive() then
-            return error( .. ' is still running')
-        end
-    end)
-    log.warn('%s killed',
-    self.process = nil
---- Get the status of raft node.
--- @function
--- @return {id = number, leader_id = number, state = string}
---   State can be one of "Follower", "Candidate", "Leader", "PreCandidate".
-function Picodata:raft_status()
-    checks('Picodata')
-    return self:connect():call('picolib.raft_status')
---- Assert raft status matches expectations.
--- @function
--- @tparam string raft_state
--- @tparam[opt] number leader_id
-function Picodata:assert_raft_status(raft_state, leader_id)
-    checks('Picodata', 'string', '?number')
-    return luatest.assert_covers(
-        self:raft_status(),
-        {
-            leader_id = leader_id,
-            raft_state = raft_state,
-        }
-    )
---- Propose Lua code evaluation on every node in cluster.
--- @tparam number timeout
--- @tparam string code
--- @treturn boolean whether proposal was committed on the current node.
-function Picodata:raft_propose_eval(timeout, code)
-    checks('Picodata', 'number', 'string')
-    return self:connect():call(
-        'picolib.raft_propose_eval',
-        {timeout, code}
-    )
---- Forcing leader election as if previous leader was dead.
--- Wait for the node becoming a leader.
--- Raise an exception if promotion fails.
-function Picodata:promote_or_fail()
-    checks('Picodata')
-    return luatest.helpers.retrying({}, function()
-        self:connect():call('picolib.raft_timeout_now')
-        self:assert_raft_status("Leader",
-    end)
-return Picodata
diff --git a/test/int/ b/test/int/
index f73ddf9870..4efbc601fb 100644
--- a/test/int/
+++ b/test/int/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import pytest
 import signal
 import subprocess
+from datetime import datetime
 from shutil import rmtree
 from typing import Callable, Generator, Iterator
 from itertools import count
@@ -260,13 +261,16 @@ class Instance:
-    def start(self):
+    def start(self, peers=[]):
         if self.process:
             # Be idempotent
         eprint(f"{self} starting...")
+        if peers != []:
+            self.peers = map(lambda i: i.listen, peers)
         self.process = subprocess.Popen(
             env=self.env or None,
@@ -493,3 +497,16 @@ def cluster(
 def instance(cluster: Cluster) -> Generator[Instance, None, None]:
     yield cluster[0]
+def retrying(fn, timeout=3):
+    # Usage example:
+    #   retrying(lambda: assert(value == 1))
+    #   retrying(lambda: assert(value == 1), timeout = 5)
+    start =
+    while True:
+        try:
+            return fn()
+        except AssertionError as ex:
+            if ( - start).seconds > timeout:
+                raise ex from ex
diff --git a/test/int/ b/test/int/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6130db0cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/int/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+import pytest
+from conftest import (
+    Cluster,
+    Instance,
+    ReturnError,
+    retrying,
+def cluster3(cluster: Cluster):
+    cluster.deploy(instance_count=3)
+    return cluster
+def test_log_rollback(cluster3: Cluster):
+    # Scanario: the Leader can't propose without Followers
+    #   Given a cluster
+    #   When all Followers killed without graceful shutdown
+    #   And the Leader proposing changes
+    #   Then the proposition failed
+    i1, i2, i3 = cluster3.instances
+    i1.assert_raft_status("Leader")
+    i2.assert_raft_status("Follower")
+    i3.assert_raft_status("Follower")
+    def propose_state_change(srv: Instance, value):
+        code = '{"test-timeline", "%s"})' % value
+        return srv.raft_propose_eval(code, 0.1)
+    propose_state_change(i1, "i1 is a leader")
+    # Simulate the network partitioning: i1 can't reach i2 and i3.
+    i2.kill()
+    i3.kill()
+    # No operations can be committed, i1 is alone.
+    with pytest.raises(ReturnError, match="timeout"):
+        propose_state_change(i1, "i1 lost the quorum")
+    # And now i2 + i3 can't reach i1.
+    i1.terminate()
+    i2.start(peers=[i3])
+    i3.start(peers=[i2])
+    i2.wait_ready()
+    i3.wait_ready()
+    # Help i2 to become a new leader
+    i2.promote_or_fail()
+    retrying(lambda: i3.assert_raft_status("Follower", i2.raft_id))
+    propose_state_change(i2, "i2 takes the leadership")
+    # Now i1 has an uncommitted, but persisted entry that should be rolled back.
+    i1.start(peers=[i2, i3])
+    i1.wait_ready()
+    retrying(lambda: i1.assert_raft_status("Follower", i2.raft_id))
+    propose_state_change(i1, "i1 is alive again")
+def test_leader_disruption(cluster3: Cluster):
+    # Scenario: Follower reconnection on disconnect from the cluster
+    #   Given a cluster
+    #   When any Follower lost network connection with all other cluster nodes
+    #   And this Follower starts new election
+    #   And the network connection was established again
+    #   Then the Follower became Follower as it was before
+    i1, i2, i3 = cluster3.instances
+    i1.assert_raft_status("Leader")
+    i2.assert_raft_status("Follower")
+    i3.assert_raft_status("Follower")
+    # Simulate asymmetric network failure.
+    # Node i3 doesn't receive any messages,
+    # including the heartbeat from the leader.
+    # Then it starts a new election.
+"box.schema.func.drop", ".raft_interact")
+    # Speed up election timeout
+    i3.eval(
+        """
+        while picolib.raft_status().raft_state == 'Follower' do
+            picolib.raft_tick(1)
+        end
+        """
+    )
+    i3.assert_raft_status("PreCandidate", None)
+    # Advance the raft log. It makes i1 and i2 to reject the RequestPreVote.
+    i1.raft_propose_eval("return", timeout_seconds=1)
+    # Restore normal network operation
+        "box.schema.func.create",
+        ".raft_interact",
+        {"language": "C", "if_not_exists": True},
+    )
+    # i3 should become the follower again without disrupting i1
+    retrying(lambda: i3.assert_raft_status("Follower", i1.raft_id))
diff --git a/test/int/ b/test/int/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..684bf1fa31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/int/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+import signal
+import subprocess
+import os
+import time
+import pytest
+from conftest import (
+    Cluster,
+    Instance,
+    retrying,
+from functools import reduce
+def instance(cluster: Cluster):
+    cluster.deploy(instance_count=1)
+    [i1] = cluster.instances
+    return i1
+def pgrep_tree(pid):
+    command = f"exec pgrep -P{pid}"
+    try:
+        ps = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)
+        ps = ps.strip().split()
+        ps = list(map(lambda p: int(p), ps))
+        subps = map(lambda p: pgrep_tree(p), ps)  # list of lists of pids
+        subps = reduce(lambda acc, p: [*acc, *p], subps, [])  # list of pids
+        return [pid, *subps]
+    except subprocess.SubprocessError:
+        return [pid]
+def pid_alive(pid):
+    """Check For the existence of a unix pid."""
+    try:
+        os.kill(pid, 0)
+    except OSError:
+        return False
+    else:
+        return True
+def assert_all_pids_down(pids):
+    assert all(map(lambda pid: not pid_alive(pid), pids))
+def test_sigkill(instance: Instance):
+    # Scenario: terminating process should terminate all child processes
+    #   Given an instance
+    #   When the process terminated
+    #   Then all subprocesses are teminated too
+    assert instance.process
+    pids = pgrep_tree(
+    assert len(pids) == 2
+    instance.kill()
+    retrying(lambda: assert_all_pids_down(pids))
+def test_sigint(instance: Instance):
+    # Scenario: suspending of child process prevents the parent process from interrupting
+    #   Given an instance
+    #   When child process is stopped
+    #   And parent process got SIGINT
+    #   Then parent process keep living
+    #   When child process is continued
+    #   Then parent process gracefully exits
+    assert instance.process
+    pids = pgrep_tree(
+    child_pid = pids[1]
+    os.kill(child_pid, signal.SIGSTOP)
+    # Signal the supervisor and give it some time to handle one.
+    # Without a sleep the next assertion is useless. Unfortunately,
+    # there're no alternatives to sleep, because the signal
+    # delivery is a mystery of the kernel.
+    os.kill(, signal.SIGINT)
+    time.sleep(0.1)
+    # We've signalled supervisor. It should forward the signal
+    # the child and keep waiting. But the child is stopped now,
+    # and can't handle the forwarded signal.
+    # Supervisor must still be alive.
+    assert pid_alive(
+    os.kill(child_pid, signal.SIGCONT)
+    instance.process.wait(timeout=1)
+    retrying(lambda: assert_all_pids_down(pids))
diff --git a/test/single_test.lua b/test/single_test.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index dd2b397adf..0000000000
--- a/test/single_test.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-local t = require('luatest')
-local h = require('test.helper')
-local g =
-local fio = require('fio')
-    g.data_dir = fio.tempdir()
-    g.node = h.Picodata:new({
-        name = 'single',
-        data_dir = g.data_dir,
-        listen = '',
-        peer = {''},
-    })
-    g.node:start()
-    g.node:wait_started()
-    g.node:stop()
-    fio.rmtree(g.data_dir)
-g.test = function()
-    t.assert_equals(
-        {g.node:raft_propose_eval(0, 'return')},
-        {nil, "timeout"} -- Timeout
-    )
-    t.assert(
-        g.node:raft_propose_eval(1, '_G.success = true')
-    )
-    t.assert_equals(
-        g.node:connect():eval('return success'),
-        true
-    )
diff --git a/test/supervisor_test.lua b/test/supervisor_test.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f856ee0e02..0000000000
--- a/test/supervisor_test.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-local t = require('luatest')
-local h = require('test.helper')
-local g =
-local fio = require('fio')
-local log = require('log')
-local popen = require('popen')
-local function pgrep_children(pid, result)
-    pid = pid or require('tarantool').pid()
-    result = result or {}
-    local ps = t.assert('exec pgrep -P' .. pid, 'r'))
-    for _, child in ipairs(ps:read():strip():split()) do
-        table.insert(result, child)
-        pgrep_children(child, result)
-    end
-    return result
-    g.data_dir = fio.tempdir()
-    g.node = h.Picodata:new({
-            name = 'single',
-            data_dir = g.data_dir,
-            listen = '',
-            peer = {''},
-    })
-    g.node:start()
-    g.node:wait_started()
-    g.children = pgrep_children()
-    t.assert_equals(#g.children, 2, "something wrong with pgrep")
-    for _, pid in ipairs(g.children) do
-        t.Process.kill_pid(pid, 9, {quiet = true})
-    end
-    fio.rmtree(g.data_dir)
-g.test_sigkill = function()
-    g.node.process:kill('KILL')
-    log.warn("Sent SIGKILL to the supervisor")
-    h.retrying({}, function()
-        for i, pid in ipairs(g.children) do
-            t.assert_not(
-                t.Process.is_pid_alive(pid),
-                string.format("child #%d (pid %s) didn't die", i, pid)
-            )
-        end
-    end)
-g.test_sigint = function()
-    t.Process.kill_pid(g.children[2], 'STOP')
-    -- Signal the supervisor and give it some time to handle one.
-    -- Without a sleep the next assertion is useless. Unfortunately,
-    -- there're no alternatives to sleep, because the signal
-    -- delivery is a mystery of the kernel.
-    g.node.process:kill('INT')
-    log.warn("Sent SIGINT to the supervisor")
-    require('fiber').sleep(0.1)
-    -- We've signalled supervisor. It should forward the signal
-    -- the child and keep waiting. But the child is stopped now,
-    -- and can't handle the forwarded signal.
-    -- Supervisor must still be alive.
-    t.assert(g.node.process:is_alive(), "supervisor treminated prematurely")
-    t.Process.kill_pid(g.children[2], 'CONT')
-    h.retrying({}, function()
-        for i, pid in ipairs(g.children) do
-            t.assert_not(
-                t.Process.is_pid_alive(pid),
-                string.format("child #%d (pid %s) didn't die", i, pid)
-            )
-        end
-    end)
diff --git a/test/threesome_test.lua b/test/threesome_test.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 352ccc0fa9..0000000000
--- a/test/threesome_test.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-local t = require('luatest')
-local h = require('test.helper')
-local g =
-local fio = require('fio')
-    g.data_dir = fio.tempdir()
-    local peer = {
-        '',
-        '',
-        '',
-    }
-    g.cluster = {
-        i1 = h.Picodata:new({
-            name = 'i1',
-            data_dir = g.data_dir .. '/i1',
-            listen = '',
-            peer = peer,
-        }),
-        i2 = h.Picodata:new({
-            name = 'i2',
-            data_dir = g.data_dir .. '/i2',
-            listen = '',
-            peer = peer,
-        }),
-        i3 = h.Picodata:new({
-            name = 'i3',
-            data_dir = g.data_dir .. '/i3',
-            listen = '',
-            peer = peer,
-        }),
-    }
-    for _, node in pairs(g.cluster) do
-        node:start()
-    end
-    for _, node in pairs(g.cluster) do
-        node:wait_started()
-    end
-    for _, node in pairs(g.cluster) do
-        node:stop()
-    end
-    fio.rmtree(g.data_dir)
-local function propose_state_change(srv, value)
-    -- It's just a boilerplate
-    local code = string.format(
-        '{"test-timeline", %q})',
-        value
-    )
-    return srv:raft_propose_eval(0.1, code)
-g.test_log_rollback = function()
-    -- TODO
-    -- Этот тест стал некорректен с появлением фазы дискавери.
-    -- Инстансы i2 и i3 не смогут стартануть, т.к. одним из пиров
-    -- является дохлый i1.
-    -- Тем не менее, сам тест удалять не следует. Данная
-    -- проблема требует пересмотреть лишь подход к созданию причин
-    -- для ролбека рафт лога. Но основная задача теста (проверка
-    -- поведения пикодаты при ролбеке) остается актуальной.
-    t.skip('Fix me')
-    -- Speed up node election
-    g.cluster.i1:promote_or_fail()
-    h.retrying({}, function()
-        g.cluster.i2:assert_raft_status("Follower",
-        g.cluster.i3:assert_raft_status("Follower",
-    end)
-    t.assert(
-        propose_state_change(g.cluster.i1, "i1 is a leader")
-    )
-    -- Simulate the network partitioning: i1 can't reach i2 and i3.
-    g.cluster.i2:stop()
-    g.cluster.i3:stop()
-    -- No operations can be committed, i1 is alone.
-    t.assert_equals(
-        {propose_state_change(g.cluster.i1, "i1 lost the quorum")},
-        {nil, "timeout"}
-    )
-    -- And now i2 + i3 can't reach i1.
-    g.cluster.i1:stop()
-    g.cluster.i2:start()
-    g.cluster.i3:start()
-    -- Help I2 to become a new leader.
-    g.cluster.i2:promote_or_fail()
-    h.retrying({}, function()
-        g.cluster.i3:assert_raft_status("Follower",
-    end)
-    t.assert(
-        propose_state_change(g.cluster.i2, "i2 takes the leadership")
-    )
-    -- Now i1 has an uncommitted, but persisted entry that should be rolled back.
-    g.cluster.i1:start()
-    h.retrying({}, function()
-        g.cluster.i1:assert_raft_status("Follower",
-    end)
-    t.assert(
-        propose_state_change(g.cluster.i1, "i1 is alive again")
-    )
-g.test_leader_disruption = function()
-    g.cluster.i1:promote_or_fail()
-    h.retrying({}, function()
-        g.cluster.i2:assert_raft_status("Follower", 1)
-        g.cluster.i3:assert_raft_status("Follower", 1)
-    end)
-    -- Simulate asymmetric network failure.
-    -- Node i3 doesn't receive any messages,
-    -- including the heartbeat from the leader.
-    -- Then it starts a new election.
-    g.cluster.i3:connect():call(
-        'box.schema.func.drop',
-        {'.raft_interact'}
-    )
-    -- Speed up election timeout
-    g.cluster.i3:connect():eval([[
-        while picolib.raft_status().raft_state == 'Follower' do
-            picolib.raft_tick(1)
-        end
-    ]])
-    g.cluster.i3:assert_raft_status("PreCandidate", 0)
-    -- Advance the raft log. It makes i1 and i2 to reject the RequestPreVote.
-    g.cluster.i1:raft_propose_eval(1, 'return')
-    -- Restore normal network operation
-    g.cluster.i3:connect():call(
-        'box.schema.func.create',
-        {'.raft_interact', {
-            language = "C",
-            if_not_exists = true
-        }}
-    )
-    -- i3 should become the follower again without disrupting i1
-    h.retrying({}, function()
-        g.cluster.i3:assert_raft_status("Follower", 1)
-    end)