diff --git a/src/failure_domain.rs b/src/failure_domain.rs
index 85e9dfb645fbbd2ea8b2cdac9bb90859f88cc527..1b1dbd36eda16e112d79c62a55f500f307dac708 100644
--- a/src/failure_domain.rs
+++ b/src/failure_domain.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 use crate::stringify_debug;
+use crate::traft::Distance;
 use crate::util::Uppercase;
-use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
 /// Failure domains of a given instance.
@@ -32,6 +33,17 @@ impl FailureDomain {
+    /// Calculate distance between two `FailureDomain`.
+    /// `Distance` is property of metric space implicitly set by `FailureDomain` keys (axis) and values
+    pub fn distance(&self, other: &Self) -> Distance {
+        let mut keys: HashSet<&Uppercase> = HashSet::new();
+        keys.extend(self.names());
+        keys.extend(other.names());
+        keys.iter()
+            .filter(|&&key| self.data.get(key) != other.data.get(key))
+            .count() as u64
+    }
 impl std::fmt::Display for FailureDomain {
diff --git a/src/governor/cc.rs b/src/governor/cc.rs
index eb4dcd7b3adf347717205af248ae4026821455cc..20da77e9044e3e0153f809d7a625f30147395a4f 100644
--- a/src/governor/cc.rs
+++ b/src/governor/cc.rs
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
 use ::raft::prelude as raft;
 use ::raft::prelude::ConfChangeType::*;
-use std::collections::BTreeMap;
-use std::collections::BTreeSet;
+use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
 use crate::has_grades;
 use crate::instance::grade::TargetGradeVariant;
 use crate::instance::Instance;
-use crate::traft::RaftId;
+use crate::traft::{Distance, RaftId};
 struct RaftConf<'a> {
     all: BTreeMap<RaftId, &'a Instance>,
@@ -47,6 +46,28 @@ impl<'a> RaftConf<'a> {
+/// Sum of failure domain distances between `a` and each of `bs`
+fn sum_distance(all: &BTreeMap<RaftId, &Instance>, a: &RaftId, bs: &BTreeSet<RaftId>) -> Distance {
+    let Some(a) = all.get(a) else { return 0 };
+    bs.iter()
+        .filter_map(|raft_id| all.get(raft_id))
+        .map(|b| b.failure_domain.distance(&a.failure_domain))
+        .sum()
+/// From `candidates` find one with maximum total distance to `voters`
+fn find_farthest(
+    all: &BTreeMap<RaftId, &Instance>,
+    voters: &BTreeSet<RaftId>,
+    candidates: &BTreeSet<RaftId>,
+) -> Option<(RaftId, Distance)> {
+    candidates
+        .iter()
+        .filter(|&&raft_id| !voters.contains(&raft_id))
+        .map(|&raft_id| (raft_id, sum_distance(all, &raft_id, voters)))
+        .reduce(|acc, item| if item.1 > acc.1 { item } else { acc })
 pub(crate) fn raft_conf_change(
     instances: &[Instance],
     voters: &[RaftId],
@@ -74,6 +95,7 @@ pub(crate) fn raft_conf_change(
     // Remove / replace voters
+    let mut next_voters: BTreeSet<&RaftId> = BTreeSet::new();
     for voter_id in raft_conf.voters.clone().iter() {
         let Some(instance) = raft_conf.all.get(voter_id) else {
             // Nearly impossible, but rust forces me to check it.
@@ -88,14 +110,14 @@ pub(crate) fn raft_conf_change(
             TargetGradeVariant::Offline => {
                 // A voter goes offline. Replace it with
                 // another online instance if possible.
-                let Some(replacement) = instances.iter().find(|instance| {
+                let Some(next_voter) = instances.iter().find(|instance| {
                     has_grades!(instance, Online -> Online)
                     && !raft_conf.voters.contains(&instance.raft_id)
+                    && !next_voters.contains(&instance.raft_id)
                 }) else { continue };
-                let ccs1 = raft_conf.change_single(AddLearnerNode, instance.raft_id);
-                let ccs2 = raft_conf.change_single(AddNode, replacement.raft_id);
-                changes.extend_from_slice(&[ccs1, ccs2]);
+                next_voters.insert(&next_voter.raft_id);
+                let ccs = raft_conf.change_single(AddLearnerNode, instance.raft_id);
+                changes.push(ccs);
             TargetGradeVariant::Expelled => {
                 // Expelled instance is removed unconditionally.
@@ -132,18 +154,40 @@ pub(crate) fn raft_conf_change(
+    let remembered_voters = raft_conf.voters.clone();
     // Promote more voters
-    for instance in instances
+    let candidates: BTreeSet<_> = instances
         .filter(|instance| has_grades!(instance, Online -> Online))
-    {
-        if raft_conf.voters.len() >= voters_needed {
+        .map(|p| p.raft_id)
+        .collect();
+    while raft_conf.voters.len() < voters_needed {
+        if let Some((new_voter_id, _)) =
+            find_farthest(&raft_conf.all, &raft_conf.voters, &candidates)
+        {
+            let ccs = raft_conf.change_single(AddNode, new_voter_id);
+            changes.push(ccs);
+        } else {
+    }
-        if !raft_conf.voters.contains(&instance.raft_id) {
-            let ccs = raft_conf.change_single(AddNode, instance.raft_id);
-            changes.push(ccs);
+    // Redistributing existing voters according to failure domains
+    for voter_id in remembered_voters {
+        let mut other_voters = raft_conf.voters.clone();
+        other_voters.remove(&voter_id);
+        if let Some((new_voter_id, new_distance)) =
+            find_farthest(&raft_conf.all, &other_voters, &candidates)
+        {
+            if new_distance > sum_distance(&raft_conf.all, &voter_id, &other_voters) {
+                let ccs1 = raft_conf.change_single(AddLearnerNode, voter_id);
+                let ccs2 = raft_conf.change_single(AddNode, new_voter_id);
+                changes.push(ccs1);
+                changes.push(ccs2);
+            }
+        } else {
+            break;
@@ -175,15 +219,24 @@ mod tests {
     use super::*;
     use ::raft::prelude as raft;
+    use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
+    use crate::failure_domain::FailureDomain;
     use crate::instance::grade::{CurrentGradeVariant, Grade};
     use crate::traft::RaftId;
+    macro_rules! fd {
+        ($(,)?) => { FailureDomain::default() };
+        ($($k:tt : $v:tt),+ $(,)?) => {
+            FailureDomain::from([$((stringify!($k), stringify!($v))),+])
+        }
+    }
     macro_rules! p {
-            $current_grade:ident ->
-            $target_grade:ident
+            $current_grade:ident -> $target_grade:ident
+            $(, $failure_domain:expr)?
         ) => {
             Instance {
                 raft_id: $raft_id,
@@ -197,6 +250,7 @@ mod tests {
                     // raft_conf_change doesn't care about incarnations
                     incarnation: 0,
+                $(failure_domain: $failure_domain,)?
@@ -204,8 +258,10 @@ mod tests {
+            $(, $failure_domain:expr)?
         ) => {
-            p!($raft_id, $grade -> $grade)
+            p!($raft_id, $grade -> $grade $(, $failure_domain)?)
@@ -234,7 +290,59 @@ mod tests {
-    fn conf_change() {
+    fn test_sum_distance() {
+        assert_eq!(
+            3,
+            sum_distance(
+                &BTreeMap::from([
+                    (1, &p!(1, Online, fd! {x: A, y: B})),
+                    (2, &p!(2, Online, fd! {x: A, y: C})),
+                    (3, &p!(3, Online, fd! {x: D, y: C}))
+                ]),
+                &1,
+                &BTreeSet::from([2, 3])
+            )
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            0,
+            sum_distance(
+                &BTreeMap::from([(1, &p!(1, Online, fd! {x: A, y: B}))]),
+                &1,
+                &BTreeSet::new()
+            )
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_find_farthest() {
+        let instances = [
+            p!(1, Online, fd! {dc: Msk, srv: Msk1}),
+            p!(2, Online, fd! {dc: Msk, srv: Msk2}),
+            p!(3, Online, fd! {dc: Msk, srv: Msk3}),
+            p!(4, Online, fd! {dc: Spb, srv: Spb1}),
+            p!(5, Online, fd! {dc: Spb, srv: Spb2}),
+            p!(6, Online, fd! {dc: Spb, srv: Spb3}),
+            p!(7, Online, fd! {dc: Arb, srv: Arb1}),
+        ];
+        let map: BTreeMap<RaftId, &Instance> = instances.iter().map(|p| (p.raft_id, p)).collect();
+        let (found_raft_id, found_distance) = find_farthest(
+            &map,
+            &BTreeSet::from([7, 1]),
+            &BTreeSet::from([2, 3, 4, 5, 6]),
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        let expected = [4, 5, 6];
+        assert!(BTreeSet::<RaftId>::from(expected).contains(&found_raft_id));
+        assert_eq!(4, found_distance);
+        assert_eq!(
+            None,
+            find_farthest(&map, &BTreeSet::from([7, 1]), &BTreeSet::from([]))
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_conf_change() {
         let p1 = || p!(1, Online);
         let p2 = || p!(2, Online);
         let p3 = || p!(3, Online);
@@ -367,5 +475,75 @@ mod tests {
             // Voter p2 goes offline, but there's no replacement.
+        assert_eq!(
+            cc(
+                &[
+                    p!(1, Online, fd! {dc: Arb}),
+                    p!(2, Online, fd! {dc: Msk}),
+                    p!(3, Online, fd! {dc: Msk}),
+                    p!(4, Online, fd! {dc: Msk}),
+                    p!(5, Online, fd! {dc: Spb}),
+                    p!(6, Offline, fd! {dc: Spb}),
+                    p!(7, Online, fd! {dc: Spb}),
+                ],
+                &[1, 2, 3, 5],
+                &[4, 7]
+            ),
+            // New voter should respect failure domain
+            cc![AddLearnerNode(6), AddNode(7)]
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            cc(
+                &[
+                    p!(1, Online, fd! {dc: Arb}),
+                    p!(2, Online, fd! {dc: Msk}),
+                    p!(3, Online, fd! {dc: Msk}),
+                    p!(4, Online, fd! {dc: Msk}),
+                    p!(5, Online, fd! {dc: Msk}),
+                    p!(6, Online, fd! {dc: Spb}),
+                    p!(7, Online, fd! {dc: Spb}),
+                    p!(8, Online, fd! {dc: Spb}),
+                    p!(9, Online, fd! {dc: Spb}),
+                ],
+                &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
+                &[6, 7, 8, 9]
+            ),
+            // Existing voters should be redistributed according to failure domains
+            cc![AddLearnerNode(2), AddLearnerNode(3), AddNode(6), AddNode(7)]
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            cc(
+                &[
+                    p!(1, Online, fd! {x: _1, y: _5}),
+                    p!(2, Online, fd! {x: _2, y: _2}),
+                    p!(3, Online, fd! {x: _3, y: _3}),
+                    p!(4, Online, fd! {x: _4, y: _4}),
+                    p!(5, Online, fd! {x: _5, y: _5}),
+                    p!(6, Online, fd! {x: _1, y: _2}),
+                ],
+                &[2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
+                &[1]
+            ),
+            // Voter should not be replaced if candidate has same distance to other voters
+            None
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            cc(
+                &[
+                    p!(1, Offline, fd! {dc: msk}),
+                    p!(2, Offline, fd! {dc: msk}),
+                    p!(3, Online, fd! {dc: spb}),
+                    p!(4, Online, fd! {dc: spb}),
+                ],
+                &[1, 2, 3],
+                &[4]
+            ),
+            // Vouters number should not fall below the optimal number
+            cc![AddLearnerNode(1), AddNode(4)]
+        );
diff --git a/src/traft/mod.rs b/src/traft/mod.rs
index fe2adb9c24212a473e33127ebf1f925ebb0e1755..5affa193c9a08b2f761cf74a0516e3fa59af5252 100644
--- a/src/traft/mod.rs
+++ b/src/traft/mod.rs
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ pub type RaftId = u64;
 pub type RaftTerm = u64;
 pub type RaftIndex = u64;
 pub type Address = String;
+pub type Distance = u64;
 pub const INIT_RAFT_TERM: RaftTerm = 1;