diff --git a/src/args.rs b/src/args.rs
index d6a65ca058bd44db741201d85526edfc0968527f..16d7cfbafa0a0cef0100f75b718331a713695664 100644
--- a/src/args.rs
+++ b/src/args.rs
@@ -114,6 +114,13 @@ impl Run {
+    pub fn advertise_address(&self) -> String {
+        match &self.advertise_address {
+            Some(v) => v.clone(),
+            None => self.listen.clone(),
+        }
+    }
@@ -147,6 +154,12 @@ pub struct Test {
     pub run: Run,
+impl Test {
+    pub fn tt_args(&self) -> Result<Vec<CString>, String> {
+        Ok(vec![current_exe()?])
+    }
 // fns
diff --git a/src/discovery.rs b/src/discovery.rs
index a756c5bd267f59a4a3a524fe380b9042c739e588..a35640bb5b0b33d3334a7583fcf0f52661199928 100644
--- a/src/discovery.rs
+++ b/src/discovery.rs
@@ -1,122 +1,15 @@
-use std::{
-    collections::BTreeSet,
-    fmt::{Debug, Display},
-    net::{SocketAddr, ToSocketAddrs},
-    time::Duration,
-    vec,
+use ::tarantool::fiber::{mutex::MutexGuard, Mutex};
+use ::tarantool::proc;
+use ::tarantool::uuid::Uuid;
 use itertools::Itertools;
-use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Deserialize, Serialize};
-use tarantool::{
-    fiber::{self, mutex::MutexGuard, Mutex},
-    net_box,
-    tuple::AsTuple,
-    uuid::Uuid,
-use crate::tlog;
-pub fn net_box_repeat_call_until_succeed<Args, Res, Addr>(
-    address: Addr,
-    fn_name: &str,
-    args: Args,
-) -> Res
-    Args: AsTuple,
-    Addr: ToSocketAddrs + Display,
-    Res: DeserializeOwned,
-    loop {
-        let conn = match net_box::Conn::new(
-            &address,
-            net_box::ConnOptions {
-                connect_timeout: Duration::from_secs(2),
-                ..Default::default()
-            },
-            None,
-        ) {
-            Ok(conn) => conn,
-            Err(e) => {
-                tlog!(Warning, "could not connect to {}: {}", address, e);
-                fiber::sleep(Duration::from_secs(2));
-                continue;
-            }
-        };
-        match conn.call(
-            fn_name,
-            &args,
-            &net_box::Options {
-                timeout: Some(Duration::from_secs(2)),
-                ..Default::default()
-            },
-        ) {
-            Ok(Some(tuple)) => break tuple.into_struct::<((Res,),)>().unwrap().0 .0,
-            Ok(None) => unreachable!(),
-            Err(e) => {
-                tlog!(
-                    Warning,
-                    "net.box call failed address={address} fn={fn_name}: {e}"
-                );
-                fiber::sleep(Duration::from_secs(2))
-            }
-        }
-    }
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use std::collections::BTreeSet;
+use std::error::Error as StdError;
-static mut DISCOVERY: &Option<Mutex<Discovery>> = &None;
-pub fn handle_request(request: Request, request_to: &Address) -> Response {
-    Discovery::handle_request(&mut discovery(), request, request_to)
+use crate::stringify_cfunc;
+use crate::tarantool;
-fn set_discovery(d: Discovery) {
-    unsafe { DISCOVERY = Box::leak(Box::new(Some(Mutex::new(d)))) }
-fn discovery() -> MutexGuard<'static, Discovery> {
-    unsafe { DISCOVERY }
-        .as_ref()
-        .expect("discovery error: expected DISCOVERY to be set on instance startup")
-        .lock()
-#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
-pub struct Address {
-    pub host: String,
-    pub port: u16,
-impl<S> From<S> for Address
-    S: AsRef<str>,
-    fn from(s: S) -> Self {
-        let (host, port_str) = s.as_ref().split_once(":").unwrap();
-        Self {
-            host: host.into(),
-            port: port_str.parse().unwrap(),
-        }
-    }
-impl Display for Address {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
-        write!(f, "{}:{}", self.host, self.port)
-    }
-impl Debug for Address {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
-        Display::fmt(self, f)
-    }
-impl ToSocketAddrs for Address {
-    type Iter = vec::IntoIter<SocketAddr>;
-    fn to_socket_addrs(&self) -> std::io::Result<vec::IntoIter<SocketAddr>> {
-        format!("{}", self).to_socket_addrs()
-    }
+type Address = String;
 #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
 pub enum Role {
@@ -294,12 +187,38 @@ impl Discovery {
-pub fn discover(
+// TODO Мутекс здесь не нужен, пусть даже он тарантульный.
+// Здесь достаточно просто
+// static mut RAFT_DISCOVERY: Option<&'static Discovery> = None;
+// Мутекс - это потенциальный йилд, но алгоритм дискавери не предполагает
+// никаких йилдов. Обработка запросов и ответов и так должна быть атомарной.
+// Если же это не так - то это некорректный алгоритм,
+// а мутекс - не больше чем попытка замести грязь под ковёр.
+static mut DISCOVERY: &Option<Mutex<Discovery>> = &None;
+fn discovery() -> MutexGuard<'static, Discovery> {
+    unsafe { DISCOVERY }
+        .as_ref()
+        .expect("discovery error: expected DISCOVERY to be set on instance startup")
+        .lock()
+pub fn init_global(
     peers: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl Into<Address>>,
-    make_request: impl Fn(Request, &Address) -> Response,
-) -> Role {
+    // make_request: impl Fn(Request, &Address) -> Response,
+) {
+    // make_request = fn rpc_discover(
+    //     request: discovery::Request,
+    //     address: &discovery::Address,
+    // ) -> discovery::Response {
+    //     net_box_repeat_call_until_succeed(address, ".discover", (request, address))
+    // }
     let d = Discovery::new(Uuid::random().to_string(), peers);
-    set_discovery(d);
+    unsafe { DISCOVERY = Box::leak(Box::new(Some(Mutex::new(d)))) }
+pub fn wait_global() -> Role {
     loop {
         let mut d = discovery();
         if let State::Done(role) = &d.state {
@@ -307,13 +226,20 @@ pub fn discover(
         let step = d.next();
         drop(d); // release the lock before doing i/o
-        if let Some((request, address)) = step {
-            let response = make_request(request, &address);
+        if let Some((request, address)) = &step {
+            let fn_name = stringify_cfunc!(proc_discover);
+            let response = tarantool::net_box_call_retry(address, fn_name, &(request, address));
+fn proc_discover(request: Request, request_to: Address) -> Result<Response, Box<dyn StdError>> {
+    let mut discovery = discovery();
+    Ok(discovery.handle_request(request, &request_to))
 mod tests {
     use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs
index c175636d916cc989397acfec2703c5b5e062c4fa..b51752d3f4ed4f62a6aea72a4ee9c76da5ae07ad 100644
--- a/src/main.rs
+++ b/src/main.rs
@@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ fn init_handlers() {
-    use discovery::raft_discover;
-    declare_cfunc!(raft_discover);
+    use discovery::proc_discover;
+    declare_cfunc!(proc_discover);
     use traft::node::raft_interact;
@@ -309,41 +309,41 @@ fn start_discover(supervisor: Supervisor) {
-    discovery::init_global(
-        discovery::PeerInfo {
-            raft_id: traft::Storage::id().unwrap(),
-            random_uuid: tarantool::info("uuid").unwrap(),
-            instance_id: args.instance_id.clone(),
-            replicaset_id: args.replicaset_id.clone(),
-            advertise_address: args.advertise_address(),
-        },
-        &args.peers,
-    );
+    // исходный discovery::discover() пришлось разбить на две части -
+    // init_global и wait_global. К сожалению, они не могут быть атомарны,
+    // потому что listen порт надо поднимать именно посередине. С неподнятым портом
+    // уходить в кишки discovery::discover() нельзя - на запросы отвечать будет некому.
+    // А если поднять порт до инициализации дискавери, то образуется временно́е окно,
+    // и прилетевший пакет приведёт к панике "discovery error: expected DISCOVERY
+    // to be set on instance startup"
+    discovery::init_global(&args.peers);
     cfg.listen = Some(args.listen.clone());
-    let summary = discovery::wait_global().unwrap();
+    let role = discovery::wait_global();
     // TODO assert traft::Storage::instance_id == (null || args.instance_id)
     if let Some(_) = traft::Storage::id().unwrap() {
         return postjoin(supervisor);
-    let msg = if summary.its_me {
-        return start_boot(supervisor);
-        // let next_entrypoint = Entrypoint::StartBoot();
-        // IpcMessage {
-        //     next_entrypoint,
-        //     drop_db: false,
-        // }
-    } else {
-        let next_entrypoint = Entrypoint::StartJoin {
-            leader_uri: summary.leader.unwrap().advertise_address,
-        };
-        IpcMessage {
-            next_entrypoint,
-            drop_db: true,
+    let msg = match role {
+        discovery::Role::Leader { .. } => {
+            return start_boot(supervisor);
+            // let next_entrypoint = Entrypoint::StartBoot();
+            // IpcMessage {
+            //     next_entrypoint,
+            //     drop_db: false,
+            // }
+        }
+        discovery::Role::NonLeader { leader } => {
+            let next_entrypoint = Entrypoint::StartJoin { leader_uri: leader };
+            IpcMessage {
+                next_entrypoint,
+                drop_db: true,
+            }
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ fn start_join(leader_uri: String, supervisor: Supervisor) {
     let fn_name = stringify_cfunc!(raft_join);
     let timeout = Duration::from_secs_f32(1.5);
     let resp: traft::node::JoinResponse =
-        tarantool::net_box_call(&leader_uri, fn_name, req, timeout).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
+        tarantool::net_box_call(&leader_uri, fn_name, &req, timeout).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
             tlog!(Warning, "net_box_call failed: {e}";
                 "peer" => &leader_uri,
                 "fn" => fn_name,
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ fn postjoin(supervisor: Supervisor) {
         use traft::node::raft_join;
         let fn_name = stringify_cfunc!(raft_join);
         let now = Instant::now();
-        match tarantool::net_box_call(&leader.peer_address, fn_name, req, timeout) {
+        match tarantool::net_box_call(&leader.peer_address, fn_name, &req, timeout) {
             Err(e) => {
                 tlog!(Error, "failed to promote myself: {e}");
diff --git a/src/tarantool.rs b/src/tarantool.rs
index 0de46cb03533fdbd3c36f7e8cf6bf5ef5d35ef10..62b6788a35c98d02c4b3c2f819b49fe0c4e65401 100644
--- a/src/tarantool.rs
+++ b/src/tarantool.rs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ use std::ffi::CStr;
 use std::time::Duration;
 use std::time::Instant;
+use ::tarantool::fiber;
 use ::tarantool::lua_state;
 use ::tarantool::net_box;
 use ::tarantool::tlua::{self, LuaFunction, LuaTable};
@@ -138,13 +139,6 @@ pub fn cfg() -> Option<Cfg> {
-pub fn info(k: &str) -> Option<String> {
-    let l = lua_state();
-    let b: LuaTable<_> = l.get("box")?;
-    let info: LuaTable<_> = b.get("info").unwrap();
-    info.get(k)
 pub fn set_cfg(cfg: &Cfg) {
     let l = lua_state();
     let box_cfg = LuaFunction::load(l, "return box.cfg(...)").unwrap();
@@ -160,7 +154,7 @@ pub fn eval(code: &str) {
 pub fn net_box_call<Args, Res, Addr>(
     address: Addr,
     fn_name: &str,
-    args: Args,
+    args: &Args,
     timeout: Duration,
 ) -> Result<Res, ::tarantool::error::Error>
@@ -183,8 +177,27 @@ where
     let tuple = conn
-        .call(fn_name, &args, &call_opts)?
+        .call(fn_name, args, &call_opts)?
         .expect("unexpected net_box result Ok(None)");
     tuple.into_struct::<((Res,),)>().map(|res| res.0 .0)
+pub fn net_box_call_retry<Args, Res, Addr>(address: Addr, fn_name: &str, args: &Args) -> Res
+    Args: AsTuple,
+    Addr: std::net::ToSocketAddrs + std::fmt::Display,
+    Res: serde::de::DeserializeOwned,
+    loop {
+        let timeout = Duration::from_millis(200);
+        let now = Instant::now();
+        match net_box_call(&address, fn_name, args, timeout) {
+            Ok(v) => break v,
+            Err(e) => {
+                crate::tlog!(Warning, "could not connect to {}: {}", address, e);
+                fiber::sleep(timeout.saturating_sub(now.elapsed()))
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/test/helper/picodata.lua b/test/helper/picodata.lua
index 11841b8abb4ca772701a745071dc77392cce837f..4bd355d1484262350aaffddcc6329dd2ea6f4b47 100644
--- a/test/helper/picodata.lua
+++ b/test/helper/picodata.lua
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ local Picodata = {
     name = 'default',
     listen = '',
     peer = {''},
-    args = {'run', '--instance-id', 'i1'},
+    args = {'run'},
     env = {},
     command = 'target/debug/picodata',