diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml index 5b9eeb483a01121002f4a74756b6631604583360..f8065e5f591b05ad2af50203e206a192ea8cb8dc 100644 --- a/.gitlab-ci.yml +++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml @@ -338,6 +338,14 @@ pack-astralinux: paths: - build_astra/*.deb +pack-rosalinux: + extends: .pack + script: + - DOCKER_REPO=docker-picodata.binary.picodata.io/packpack/rosa DOCKER_IMAGE=chrome BUILDDIR=$PWD/build_rosa packpack/packpack + artifacts: + paths: + - build_rosa/picodata*.rpm + pack-macos-arm: extends: .pack tags: @@ -394,19 +402,23 @@ sign-rpm-packages: - echo "$GPG_KEY_KDY" | base64 -d > build_centos/kdy.asc - echo "$GPG_KEY_KDY" | base64 -d > build_alt/kdy.asc - echo "$GPG_KEY_KDY" | base64 -d > build_redos/kdy.asc + - echo "$GPG_KEY_KDY" | base64 -d > build_rosa/kdy.asc script: - docker run --rm -e KEY_FILE=kdy.asc -v $PWD/build_centos:/build docker-picodata.binary.picodata.io/rpmsign:centos7 - docker run --rm -e KEY_FILE=kdy.asc -v $PWD/build_alt:/build docker-picodata.binary.picodata.io/rpmsign:centos7 - docker run --rm -e KEY_FILE=kdy.asc -v $PWD/build_redos:/build docker-picodata.binary.picodata.io/rpmsign:centos7 + - docker run --rm -e KEY_FILE=kdy.asc -v $PWD/build_rosa:/build docker-picodata.binary.picodata.io/rpmsign:centos7 artifacts: paths: - build_centos/picodata*.rpm - build_alt/picodata*.rpm - build_redos/picodata*.rpm + - build_rosa/picodata*.rpm dependencies: - pack-centos - pack-altlinux - pack-redos + - pack-rosalinux sign-astralinux-packages: variables: @@ -444,62 +456,68 @@ deploy-packages: - echo "Deploying sources..." - scp -o stricthostkeychecking=no build_sources/picodata*.tar.xz ansible@picodata.io:/data/nginx/www/packrepo/tarantool-picodata/sources/ # CentOS 7 - - echo "Deploying rpm-centos7-packet..." + - echo "Deploying rpm-centos7-package..." - scp -o stricthostkeychecking=no build_centos/picodata*.el7.*rpm ansible@picodata.io:/data/nginx/www/packrepo/tarantool-picodata/el/7/x86_64/ - ssh -o stricthostkeychecking=no ansible@picodata.io "cd /data/nginx/www/packrepo/tarantool-picodata/el/7/ && createrepo --update x86_64 && gpg --no-tty --yes -u kdy@picodata.io --detach-sign --armor x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml" - - echo "rpm-centos7-packet successfully deployed." + - echo "rpm-centos7-package successfully deployed." - echo # CentOS 8 - - echo "Deploying rpm-centos8-packet..." + - echo "Deploying rpm-centos8-package..." - scp -o stricthostkeychecking=no build_centos/picodata*.el8.*rpm ansible@picodata.io:/data/nginx/www/packrepo/tarantool-picodata/el/8/x86_64/ - ssh -o stricthostkeychecking=no ansible@picodata.io "cd /data/nginx/www/packrepo/tarantool-picodata/el/8/ && createrepo --update x86_64 && gpg --no-tty --yes -u kdy@picodata.io --detach-sign --armor x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml" - - echo "rpm-centos8-packet successfully deployed." + - echo "rpm-centos8-package successfully deployed." - echo # Ubuntu focal - - echo "Deploying ubuntu focal deb-packets..." + - echo "Deploying ubuntu focal deb-packages..." - ssh -o stricthostkeychecking=no ansible@picodata.io "mkdir -p ~/.deb/ubuntu" - scp -o stricthostkeychecking=no build_focal/picodata*deb ansible@picodata.io:.deb/ubuntu/ - ssh -o stricthostkeychecking=no ansible@picodata.io "reprepro --keepunreferencedfiles -b /data/nginx/www/packrepo/tarantool-picodata/ubuntu/ -C main includedeb focal ~/.deb/ubuntu/picodata*focal*deb; rm ~/.deb/ubuntu/picodata*focal*deb" - - echo "ubuntu focal deb-packets successfully deployed." + - echo "ubuntu focal deb-packages successfully deployed." - echo # Ubuntu jammy - - echo "Deploying ubuntu jammy deb-packets..." + - echo "Deploying ubuntu jammy deb-packages..." - ssh -o stricthostkeychecking=no ansible@picodata.io "mkdir -p ~/.deb/ubuntu" - scp -o stricthostkeychecking=no build_jammy/picodata*deb ansible@picodata.io:.deb/ubuntu/ - ssh -o stricthostkeychecking=no ansible@picodata.io "reprepro --keepunreferencedfiles -b /data/nginx/www/packrepo/tarantool-picodata/ubuntu/ -C main includedeb jammy ~/.deb/ubuntu/picodata*jammy*deb; rm ~/.deb/ubuntu/picodata*jammy*deb" - - echo "ubuntu jammy deb-packets successfully deployed." + - echo "ubuntu jammy deb-packages successfully deployed." - echo # Debian - - echo "Deploying debian packets..." + - echo "Deploying debian packages..." - ssh -o stricthostkeychecking=no ansible@picodata.io "mkdir -p ~/.deb/debian" - scp -o stricthostkeychecking=no build_debian/picodata*deb ansible@picodata.io:.deb/debian/ - ssh -o stricthostkeychecking=no ansible@picodata.io "reprepro --keepunreferencedfiles -b /data/nginx/www/packrepo/tarantool-picodata/debian/ -C main includedeb bullseye ~/.deb/debian/picodata*bullseye*deb; rm ~/.deb/debian/picodata*bullseye*deb" - - echo "debian packets successfully deployed." + - echo "debian packages successfully deployed." - echo # Altlinux p9 - ssh -o stricthostkeychecking=no ansible@picodata.io "mkdir -p /tmp/altlinux/" - - echo "Deploying altlinux-p9 packet..." + - echo "Deploying altlinux-p9 package..." - scp -o stricthostkeychecking=no build_alt/picodata*.p9.*rpm ansible@picodata.io:/tmp/altlinux/ - - echo "altlinux-p9 packet successfully deployed." + - echo "altlinux-p9 package successfully deployed." - echo # Altlinux p10 - - echo "Deploying altlinux-p10 packet..." + - echo "Deploying altlinux-p10 package..." - scp -o stricthostkeychecking=no build_alt/picodata*.p10.*rpm ansible@picodata.io:/tmp/altlinux/ - ssh -o stricthostkeychecking=no ansible@picodata.io "/usr/local/bin/repogen.sh" - - echo "altlinux-p10 packet successfully deployed." + - echo "altlinux-p10 package successfully deployed." - echo # RedOS - - echo "Deploying RedOS 7 packet..." + - echo "Deploying RedOS 7 package..." - scp -o stricthostkeychecking=no build_redos/picodata*.el7.*rpm ansible@picodata.io:/data/nginx/www/packrepo/tarantool-picodata/redos/7/x86_64/ - ssh -o stricthostkeychecking=no ansible@picodata.io "cd /data/nginx/www/packrepo/tarantool-picodata/redos/7/ && createrepo --update x86_64 && gpg --no-tty --yes -u kdy@picodata.io --detach-sign --armor x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml" - - echo "RedOS 7 packet successfully deployed." + - echo "RedOS 7 package successfully deployed." - echo # Astralinux - - echo "Deploying Astralinux packet..." + - echo "Deploying Astralinux package..." - ssh -o stricthostkeychecking=no ansible@picodata.io "mkdir -p ~/.deb/astra" - scp -o stricthostkeychecking=no build_astra/picodata*_signed.deb ansible@picodata.io:.deb/astra/ - ssh -o stricthostkeychecking=no ansible@picodata.io "reprepro --keepunreferencedfiles -b /data/nginx/www/packrepo/tarantool-picodata/astra -C main includedeb orel ~/.deb/astra/picodata*_signed.deb; rm -rf ~/.deb/astra" - - echo "Astralinux-packets successfully deployed." + - echo "Astralinux-packages successfully deployed." + - echo + # ROSAlinux + - echo "Deploying Rosa Linux package..." + - scp -o stricthostkeychecking=no build_rosa/picodata*-rosa*rpm ansible@picodata.io:/data/nginx/www/packrepo/tarantool-picodata/rosa/chrome/x86_64 + - ssh -o stricthostkeychecking=no ansible@picodata.io "cd /data/nginx/www/packrepo/tarantool-picodata/rosa/chrome && createrepo --update x86_64 && gpg --no-tty --yes -u kdy@picodata.io --detach-sign --armor x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml" + - echo "ROSA Linux package successfully deployed." - echo dependencies: - pack-ubuntu @@ -575,13 +593,16 @@ check-deployment-rpm: parallel: matrix: - BASE_IMAGE: centos:7 - PACKAGE: el/7/x86_64/picodata-release- + PACKAGE: el/7/x86_64/picodata-release- GIT_FETCH_PARAM: depth - BASE_IMAGE: rockylinux:8 - PACKAGE: el/8/x86_64/picodata-release- + PACKAGE: el/8/x86_64/picodata-release- GIT_FETCH_PARAM: deepen - BASE_IMAGE: packpack/packpack:redos-7.3 - PACKAGE: redos/7/x86_64/picodata-release- + PACKAGE: redos/7/x86_64/picodata-release- + GIT_FETCH_PARAM: deepen + - BASE_IMAGE: docker-picodata.binary.picodata.io/rosa/rosa-chrome:2021.1 + PACKAGE: rosa/chrome/x86_64/picodata-release- GIT_FETCH_PARAM: deepen before_script: - yum install -y git diff --git a/rpm/picodata.spec b/rpm/picodata.spec index 7876404739b8e47dd8ceb08e207a40cece08809e..47cd83cb0d998ff9d4dea89504c4fdf747e1be6b 100644 --- a/rpm/picodata.spec +++ b/rpm/picodata.spec @@ -21,6 +21,28 @@ BuildRequires: cmake3 BuildRequires: libstdc++-static %endif +%if "%{?mandriva_os}" == "linux" +BuildRequires: lib64luajit-5.1-devel +BuildRequires: lib64zstd-devel +BuildRequires: lib64z-devel +BuildRequires: lib64yaml-devel +BuildRequires: lib64curl-devel +BuildRequires: lib64icu-devel +BuildRequires: lib64openssl-devel +BuildRequires: lib64readline-devel +BuildRequires: lib64stdc++-static-devel +BuildRequires: lib64gomp-static-devel +%else +BuildRequires: readline-devel +BuildRequires: openssl-devel +BuildRequires: libcurl-devel +BuildRequires: libicu-devel +BuildRequires: libyaml-devel +BuildRequires: libzstd-devel +#BuildRequires: luajit-devel +%endif + + %description Picodata is a high performance in-memory NoSQL database and Rust application server. Picodata supports replication, online backup and @@ -33,6 +55,7 @@ This package provides the repository binary and tools %build make install-cargo +sudo find {/opt,/usr} -name libgomp.spec -delete %if %use_cmake3 make centos7-cmake3 @@ -42,7 +65,7 @@ make build %install -%if %{?_build_vendor} == alt +%if "%{?_build_vendor}" == "alt" %makeinstall_std %else %make_install @@ -57,7 +80,7 @@ make build %{_bindir}/picodata %doc README.md %{!?_licensedir:%global license %doc} -%if %{?_build_vendor} == alt +%if "%{?_build_vendor}" == "alt" %doc docs/licenses/eula_en.txt docs/licenses/eula_ru.txt AUTHORS %else %license docs/licenses/eula_en.txt docs/licenses/eula_ru.txt AUTHORS