From 36775e2bf3951dd9be5db78cdce6d6a900f4b884 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Georgy Moshkin <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2023 22:12:00 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] chore: remove event module

 src/                |   1 -
 src/traft/        | 265 --------------------------------------
 src/traft/          |   1 -
 src/traft/         |   5 -
 src/traft/ |  10 +-
 5 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 277 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/traft/

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 9160fc5ec6..50ce0089a0 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -380,7 +380,6 @@ fn init_common(args: &args::Run, cfg: &tarantool::Cfg) -> (Clusterwide, RaftSpac
-    traft::event::init();
     let storage = Clusterwide::try_get(true).expect("storage initialization should never fail");
diff --git a/src/traft/ b/src/traft/
deleted file mode 100644
index f2f1ecfd24..0000000000
--- a/src/traft/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-use std::borrow::Borrow;
-use std::collections::{HashMap, LinkedList};
-use std::fmt::Write;
-use std::rc::Rc;
-use std::str::FromStr;
-use std::time::Duration;
-use ::tarantool::fiber::{self, mutex::MutexGuard, Cond, Mutex};
-use ::tarantool::proc;
-use ::tarantool::time::Instant;
-use ::tarantool::unwrap_or;
-use crate::tlog;
-use crate::traft::error::Error;
-use crate::traft::Result;
-use crate::unwrap_ok_or;
-pub type BoxResult<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;
-::tarantool::define_str_enum! {
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    /// An enumeration of builtin events
-    pub enum Event {
-        JointStateEnter = "raft.joint-state-enter",
-        JointStateLeave = "raft.joint-state-leave",
-        JointStateDrop = "raft.joint-state-drop",
-    }
-/// Struct that stores information about event handlers
-pub struct Events {
-    handlers: HashMap<Event, Handler>,
-    conds: HashMap<Event, Rc<Cond>>,
-impl Events {
-    // TODO: query/modify registered handlers
-    fn once_handler(&mut self, event: &Event) -> Option<Handler> {
-        self.handlers.remove(event)
-    }
-    #[allow(dead_code)]
-    fn add_once_handler(&mut self, event: Event, handler: Handler) {
-        self.handlers.insert(event, handler);
-    }
-    /// Signals to everybody who's waiting for this repeated `event`.
-    ///
-    /// **does not yield**
-    fn broadcast_repeated(&self, event: &Event) {
-        if let Some(cond) = self.conds.get(event) {
-            cond.broadcast()
-        }
-    }
-    /// Returns a [`Cond`] which will be signalled every time the given `event`
-    /// occurs. Can be used to wait for a repeated event.
-    ///
-    /// [`Events`] should always be accessed via [`MutexGuard`], therefore this
-    /// function returns a `Rc<Cond>` rather then waiting on it, so that the
-    /// mutex guard can be released before the fiber yields.
-    ///
-    /// **does not yield**
-    fn regular_cond(&mut self, event: Event) -> Rc<Cond> {
-        self.conds
-            .entry(event)
-            .or_insert_with(|| Rc::new(Cond::new()))
-            .clone()
-    }
-/// Result returned from [`wait_timeout`]. Specifies whether the call resulted
-/// in a signal or a timeout.
-pub enum WaitTimeout {
-    /// Event was signaled.
-    Signal,
-    /// Timeout exceeded before event could be signaled.
-    Timeout,
-impl WaitTimeout {
-    #[inline]
-    pub fn is_timeout(&self) -> bool {
-        matches!(self, Self::Timeout)
-    }
-// functions
-/// Waits for the event to happen or timeout to end.
-/// Returns an error if the `EVENTS` is uninitialized.
-/// **This function yields**
-pub fn wait_timeout(event: Event, timeout: Duration) -> Result<WaitTimeout> {
-    let mut events = events()?;
-    let cond = events.regular_cond(event);
-    // events must be released before yielding
-    drop(events);
-    Ok(if cond.wait_timeout(timeout) {
-        WaitTimeout::Signal
-    } else {
-        WaitTimeout::Timeout
-    })
-/// Waits for the event to happen or deadline to be reached.
-/// Uses the [`fiber::clock`] API to get the current instant.
-/// Returns an error if the `EVENTS` is uninitialized.
-/// **This function yields**
-pub fn wait_deadline(event: Event, deadline: Instant) -> Result<WaitTimeout> {
-    let mut events = events()?;
-    let cond = events.regular_cond(event);
-    // events must be released before yielding
-    drop(events);
-    if let Some(timeout) = deadline.checked_duration_since(fiber::clock()) {
-        if cond.wait_timeout(timeout) {
-            Ok(WaitTimeout::Signal)
-        } else {
-            Ok(WaitTimeout::Timeout)
-        }
-    } else {
-        Ok(WaitTimeout::Timeout)
-    }
-/// Signals to everybody who's waiting for this `event` either repeated or one
-/// time.
-/// If `EVENTS` is uninitialized, nothing happens
-pub fn broadcast(event: impl Borrow<Event>) {
-    let event = event.borrow();
-    tlog!(Debug, "broadcast"; "event" => event.as_str());
-    let mut events = unwrap_ok_or!(events(), Err(_) => return);
-    events.broadcast_repeated(event);
-    let handler = unwrap_or!(events.once_handler(event), return);
-    if let Err(e) = handler.handle() {
-        tlog!(Warning, "error happened during handling of event: {e}";
-            "event" => event.as_str(),
-        )
-    }
-/// Sets the `target` event to be broadcast when the `when` event happens.
-/// **NOTE**: the postponement is volatile, so if the instance restarts between
-/// the `target` and the `when` events happen, there will not be a
-/// notification.
-/// Adds an event handler which will broadcast the `target` event when the
-/// `when` event happens.
-/// Returns an error if `EVENTS` is uninitialized
-pub fn broadcast_when(target: Event, when: Event) -> Result<()> {
-    let mut events = events()?;
-    let cond = events.regular_cond(target);
-    events.add_once_handler(
-        when,
-        handler(move || {
-            tlog!(Debug, "broadcast"; "event" => target.as_str());
-            cond.broadcast();
-            Ok(())
-        }),
-    );
-    // events must be released before yielding
-    drop(events);
-    Ok(())
-/// Struct that handles an event
-pub struct Handler {
-    // TODO: add ability to pass context to event handler
-    pub cbs: LinkedList<Box<dyn FnOnce() -> BoxResult<()>>>,
-impl Handler {
-    fn new<T>(cb: T) -> Self
-    where
-        T: 'static,
-        T: FnOnce() -> BoxResult<()>,
-    {
-        let mut cbs: LinkedList<Box<dyn FnOnce() -> BoxResult<()>>> = LinkedList::new();
-        cbs.push_back(Box::new(cb));
-        Self { cbs }
-    }
-    #[allow(dead_code)]
-    /// Add a callback to this event handler
-    pub fn push<T>(&mut self, cb: T)
-    where
-        T: 'static,
-        T: FnOnce() -> BoxResult<()>,
-    {
-    }
-    /// Handle the event.
-    pub fn handle(self) -> BoxResult<()> {
-        let (_, errs): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = self
-            .cbs
-            .into_iter()
-            .map(|cb| (cb)())
-            .partition(|res| res.is_ok());
-        match &errs[..] {
-            [] => Ok(()),
-            [_only_one_error] => errs.into_iter().next().unwrap(),
-            [..] => {
-                let mut msg = String::with_capacity(128);
-                writeln!(msg, "{} errors happened:", errs.len()).unwrap();
-                for err in errs {
-                    writeln!(msg, "{}", err.unwrap_err()).unwrap();
-                }
-                Err(msg.into())
-            }
-        }
-    }
-pub fn handler<T>(cb: T) -> Handler
-    T: 'static,
-    T: FnOnce() -> BoxResult<()>,
-    Handler::new(cb)
-/// Global [`Events`] instance that handles all events received by the instance
-static mut EVENTS: Option<Box<Mutex<Events>>> = None;
-/// Initialize the global [`Events`] singleton. **Should only be called once**
-pub fn init() {
-    unsafe {
-        assert!(EVENTS.is_none(), "event::init() must be called only once");
-        EVENTS = Some(Box::new(Mutex::new(Events::default())));
-    }
-/// Acquire the global [`Events`] singleton.
-pub fn events() -> Result<MutexGuard<'static, Events>> {
-    if let Some(events) = unsafe { EVENTS.as_ref() } {
-        Ok(events.lock())
-    } else {
-        Err(Error::EventsUninitialized)
-    }
-// proc
-fn raft_event(event: String) -> BoxResult<()> {
-    let event = Event::from_str(&event).map_err(|e| format!("{e}: {event}"))?;
-    let handler = events()?
-        .once_handler(&event)
-        .ok_or_else(|| format!("no handler registered for '{event}'"))?;
-    handler.handle()
diff --git a/src/traft/ b/src/traft/
index c8a1989874..e8d4dd42f5 100644
--- a/src/traft/
+++ b/src/traft/
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 //! Compatibility layer between Tarantool and `raft-rs`.
 pub mod error;
-pub mod event;
 pub(crate) mod network;
 pub mod node;
 pub mod notify;
diff --git a/src/traft/ b/src/traft/
index 159974ef0d..95da65eaed 100644
--- a/src/traft/
+++ b/src/traft/
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ use crate::sync;
 use crate::tlog;
 use crate::traft;
 use crate::traft::error::Error;
-use crate::traft::event;
-use crate::traft::event::Event;
 use crate::traft::network::WorkerOptions;
 use crate::traft::notify::{notification, Notifier, Notify};
 use crate::traft::op::{Acl, Ddl, Dml, Op, OpResult};
@@ -586,7 +584,6 @@ impl NodeImpl {
         let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
         self.joint_state_latch.insert(last_index, tx);
-        event::broadcast(Event::JointStateEnter);
@@ -989,7 +986,6 @@ impl NodeImpl {
             let e = RaftError::ConfChangeError("rolled back".into());
             let _ = notify.send(Err(e));
-            event::broadcast(Event::JointStateDrop);
@@ -1179,7 +1175,6 @@ impl NodeImpl {
         let mut latch_unlock = || {
             if let Some(notify) = self.joint_state_latch.take() {
                 let _ = notify.send(Ok(()));
-                event::broadcast(Event::JointStateLeave);
diff --git a/src/traft/ b/src/traft/
index 634d384dd2..e6c7f47d60 100644
--- a/src/traft/
+++ b/src/traft/
@@ -867,8 +867,8 @@ mod tests {
         for i in first..=last {
             storage.persist_entries(&[dummy_entry(i, i)]).unwrap();
-        let commit = 8;
-        storage.persist_commit(commit).unwrap();
+        let applied = 8;
+        storage.persist_applied(applied).unwrap();
         let entries = |lo, hi| S::entries(&storage, lo, hi, u64::MAX);
         let compact_log = |up_to| transaction(|| storage.compact_log(up_to));
@@ -900,10 +900,10 @@ mod tests {
         assert_eq!(compact_log(0).unwrap(), first);
         assert_eq!(compact_log(first).unwrap(), first);
-        // cannot compact past commit
-        assert_eq!(compact_log(commit + 2).unwrap(), commit + 1);
+        // cannot compact past applied
+        assert_eq!(compact_log(applied + 2).unwrap(), applied + 1);
-        storage.persist_commit(last).unwrap();
+        storage.persist_applied(last).unwrap();
         // trim to the end
         assert_eq!(compact_log(u64::MAX).unwrap(), last + 1);