diff --git a/src/pgproto.rs b/src/pgproto.rs
index 44f20f4d739807eb9650ee0d8242bc4f27163663..e2a24117991849171867fd594bdfa75473c25e22 100644
--- a/src/pgproto.rs
+++ b/src/pgproto.rs
@@ -10,13 +10,12 @@ use tarantool::coio::{CoIOListener, CoIOStream};
 mod backend;
 mod client;
-mod entrypoints;
 mod error;
 mod messages;
 mod server;
-mod storage;
 mod stream;
 mod tls;
+mod value;
 pub const DEFAULT_MAX_PG_STATEMENTS: usize = 50;
 pub const DEFAULT_MAX_PG_PORTALS: usize = 50;
diff --git a/src/pgproto/backend.rs b/src/pgproto/backend.rs
index 50965b06cd438f8d6340a7da90b92e597cce9385..f99ff5352873ead5f1e1913a2584b3dd507118bd 100644
--- a/src/pgproto/backend.rs
+++ b/src/pgproto/backend.rs
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
 use self::describe::{PortalDescribe, StatementDescribe};
+use self::result::ExecuteResult;
 use self::storage::{with_portals_mut, Portal, Statement, PG_PORTALS, PG_STATEMENTS};
 use super::client::ClientId;
 use super::error::{PgError, PgResult};
-use crate::pgproto::storage::value::Format;
+use crate::pgproto::value::{Format, PgValue, RawFormat};
 use crate::schema::ADMIN_ID;
 use crate::sql::otm::TracerKind;
 use crate::sql::router::RouterRuntime;
 use crate::sql::with_tracer;
 use crate::traft::error::Error;
+use bytes::Bytes;
 use opentelemetry::sdk::trace::Tracer;
 use opentelemetry::Context;
 use postgres_types::Oid;
@@ -20,15 +22,61 @@ use sbroad::ir::Plan as IrPlan;
 use sbroad::otm::{query_id, query_span, OTM_CHAR_LIMIT};
 use sbroad::utils::MutexLike;
 use smol_str::ToSmolStr;
+use std::iter::zip;
 use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering};
 use tarantool::session::with_su;
-use tarantool::tuple::Tuple;
 mod pgproc;
+mod result;
 mod storage;
 pub mod describe;
+fn decode_parameter_values(
+    params: Vec<Option<Bytes>>,
+    param_oids: &[Oid],
+    formats: &[Format],
+) -> PgResult<Vec<Value>> {
+    if params.len() != param_oids.len() {
+        return Err(PgError::ProtocolViolation(format!(
+            "got {} parameters, {} oids and {} formats",
+            params.len(),
+            param_oids.len(),
+            formats.len()
+        )));
+    }
+    zip(zip(params, param_oids), formats)
+        .map(|((bytes, oid), format)| {
+            let value = PgValue::decode(bytes.as_ref(), *oid, *format)?;
+            Ok(value.into_inner())
+        })
+        .collect()
+/// Map any encoding format to per-column or per-parameter format just like pg does it in
+/// [exec_bind_message](https://github.com/postgres/postgres/blob/5c7038d70bb9c4d28a80b0a2051f73fafab5af3f/src/backend/tcop/postgres.c#L1840-L1845)
+/// or [PortalSetResultFormat](https://github.com/postgres/postgres/blob/5c7038d70bb9c4d28a80b0a2051f73fafab5af3f/src/backend/tcop/pquery.c#L623).
+fn prepare_encoding_format(formats: &[RawFormat], n: usize) -> PgResult<Vec<Format>> {
+    if formats.len() == n {
+        // format specified for each column
+        formats.iter().map(|i| Format::try_from(*i)).collect()
+    } else if formats.len() == 1 {
+        // single format specified, use it for each column
+        Ok(vec![Format::try_from(formats[0])?; n])
+    } else if formats.is_empty() {
+        // no format specified, use the default for each column
+        Ok(vec![Format::Text; n])
+    } else {
+        Err(PgError::ProtocolViolation(format!(
+            "got {} format codes for {} items",
+            formats.len(),
+            n
+        )))
+    }
 // helper function to get `TracerRef`
 fn get_tracer_param(traceable: bool) -> &'static Tracer {
     let kind = TracerKind::from_traceable(traceable);
@@ -40,7 +88,7 @@ pub fn bind(
     stmt_name: String,
     portal_name: String,
     params: Vec<Value>,
-    output_format: Vec<u8>,
+    result_format: Vec<Format>,
     traceable: bool,
 ) -> PgResult<()> {
     let key = (client_id, stmt_name.into());
@@ -63,11 +111,7 @@ pub fn bind(
-            let format = output_format
-                .into_iter()
-                .map(|raw| Format::try_from(raw as i16).unwrap())
-                .collect();
-            Portal::new(plan, statement.clone(), format)
+            Portal::new(plan, statement.clone(), result_format)
@@ -79,7 +123,12 @@ pub fn bind(
-pub fn execute(id: ClientId, name: String, max_rows: i64, traceable: bool) -> PgResult<Tuple> {
+pub fn execute(
+    id: ClientId,
+    name: String,
+    max_rows: i64,
+    traceable: bool,
+) -> PgResult<ExecuteResult> {
     let max_rows = if max_rows <= 0 { i64::MAX } else { max_rows };
     let name = Rc::from(name);
@@ -89,7 +138,7 @@ pub fn execute(id: ClientId, name: String, max_rows: i64, traceable: bool) -> Pg
     with_portals_mut((id, name), |portal| {
         let ctx = with_tracer(Context::new(), TracerKind::from_traceable(traceable));
-        query_span::<PgResult<Tuple>, _>(
+        query_span::<PgResult<_>, _>(
@@ -159,7 +208,7 @@ pub fn parse(
-pub fn describe_stmt(id: ClientId, name: String) -> PgResult<StatementDescribe> {
+pub fn describe_statement(id: ClientId, name: &str) -> PgResult<StatementDescribe> {
     let key = (id, name.into());
     let Some(statement) = PG_STATEMENTS.with(|storage| storage.borrow().get(&key)) else {
         return Err(PgError::Other(
@@ -169,24 +218,169 @@ pub fn describe_stmt(id: ClientId, name: String) -> PgResult<StatementDescribe>
-pub fn describe_portal(id: ClientId, name: String) -> PgResult<PortalDescribe> {
+pub fn describe_portal(id: ClientId, name: &str) -> PgResult<PortalDescribe> {
     with_portals_mut((id, name.into()), |portal| Ok(portal.describe().clone()))
-pub fn close_stmt(id: ClientId, name: String) {
+pub fn close_statement(id: ClientId, name: &str) {
     // Close can't cause an error in PG.
     PG_STATEMENTS.with(|storage| storage.borrow_mut().remove(&(id, name.into())));
-pub fn close_portal(id: ClientId, name: String) {
+pub fn close_portal(id: ClientId, name: &str) {
     // Close can't cause an error in PG.
     PG_PORTALS.with(|storage| storage.borrow_mut().remove(&(id, name.into())));
-pub fn close_client_stmts(id: ClientId) {
+pub fn close_client_statements(id: ClientId) {
     PG_STATEMENTS.with(|storage| storage.borrow_mut().remove_by_client_id(id))
 pub fn close_client_portals(id: ClientId) {
     PG_PORTALS.with(|storage| storage.borrow_mut().remove_by_client_id(id))
+/// Each postgres client uses its own backend to handle incoming messages.
+pub struct Backend {
+    /// A unique identificator of a postgres client. It is used as a part of a key in the portal
+    /// storage, allowing to store in a single storage portals from many clients.
+    client_id: ClientId,
+impl Backend {
+    pub fn new() -> Self {
+        /// Generate a unique client id.
+        fn unique_id() -> ClientId {
+            static ID_COUNTER: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);
+            ID_COUNTER.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed)
+        }
+        Self {
+            client_id: unique_id(),
+        }
+    }
+    /// Execute a simple query. Handler for a Query message.
+    ///
+    /// First, it closes an unnamed portal and statement, just like PG does when gets a Query
+    /// messsage. After that the extended pipeline is executed on unnamed portal and statement:
+    /// parse + bind + describe + execute and result is returned.
+    ///
+    /// Note that it closes the uunamed portal and statement even in case of a failure.
+    pub fn simple_query(&self, sql: String) -> PgResult<ExecuteResult> {
+        let close_unnamed = || {
+            self.close_statement(None);
+            self.close_portal(None);
+        };
+        let simple_query = || {
+            close_unnamed();
+            self.parse(None, sql, vec![])?;
+            self.bind(None, None, vec![], &[], &[Format::Text as RawFormat])?;
+            self.execute(None, -1)
+        };
+        simple_query().map_err(|err| {
+            close_unnamed();
+            err
+        })
+    }
+    /// Handler for a Describe message.
+    ///
+    /// Describe a statement.
+    pub fn describe_statement(&self, name: Option<&str>) -> PgResult<StatementDescribe> {
+        let name = name.unwrap_or_default();
+        describe_statement(self.client_id, name)
+    }
+    /// Handler for a Describe message.
+    ///
+    /// Describe a portal.
+    pub fn describe_portal(&self, name: Option<&str>) -> PgResult<PortalDescribe> {
+        let name = name.unwrap_or_default();
+        describe_portal(self.client_id, name)
+    }
+    /// Handler for a Parse message.
+    ///
+    /// Create a statement from a query and store it in the statement storage with the
+    /// given name. In case of a conflict the strategy is the same with PG.
+    /// The statement lasts until it is explicitly closed.
+    pub fn parse(&self, name: Option<String>, sql: String, param_oids: Vec<Oid>) -> PgResult<()> {
+        let name = name.unwrap_or_default();
+        parse(self.client_id, name, sql, param_oids, false)
+    }
+    /// Handler for a Bind message.
+    ///
+    /// Copy the sources statement, create a portal by binding the given parameters and store it
+    /// in the portal storage. In case of a conflict the strategy is the same with PG.
+    /// The portal lasts until it is explicitly closed.
+    pub fn bind(
+        &self,
+        statement: Option<String>,
+        portal: Option<String>,
+        params: Vec<Option<Bytes>>,
+        params_format: &[RawFormat],
+        result_format: &[RawFormat],
+    ) -> PgResult<()> {
+        let statement = statement.unwrap_or_default();
+        let portal = portal.unwrap_or_default();
+        let describe = describe_statement(self.client_id, &statement)?;
+        let params_format = prepare_encoding_format(params_format, params.len())?;
+        let result_format = prepare_encoding_format(result_format, describe.ncolumns())?;
+        let params = decode_parameter_values(params, &describe.param_oids, &params_format)?;
+        bind(
+            self.client_id,
+            statement,
+            portal,
+            params,
+            result_format,
+            true,
+        )
+    }
+    /// Handler for an Execute message.
+    ///
+    /// Take a portal from the storage and retrive at most max_rows rows from it. In case of
+    /// non-dql queries max_rows is ignored and result with no rows is returned.
+    pub fn execute(&self, portal: Option<String>, max_rows: i64) -> PgResult<ExecuteResult> {
+        let name = portal.unwrap_or_default();
+        execute(self.client_id, name, max_rows, true)
+    }
+    /// Handler for a Close message.
+    ///
+    /// Close a portal. It's not an error to close a non-existent portal.
+    pub fn close_portal(&self, name: Option<&str>) {
+        let name = name.unwrap_or_default();
+        close_portal(self.client_id, name)
+    }
+    /// Handler for a Close message.
+    ///
+    /// Close a statement. It's not an error to close a non-existent statement.
+    pub fn close_statement(&self, name: Option<&str>) {
+        let name = name.unwrap_or_default();
+        close_statement(self.client_id, name)
+    }
+    /// Close all the client's portals. It should be called at the end of the transaction.
+    pub fn close_all_portals(&self) {
+        close_client_portals(self.client_id)
+    }
+    fn on_disconnect(&self) {
+        close_client_statements(self.client_id);
+        close_client_portals(self.client_id);
+    }
+impl Drop for Backend {
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        self.on_disconnect()
+    }
diff --git a/src/pgproto/backend/describe.rs b/src/pgproto/backend/describe.rs
index fdb2a109c34c11b0a5ea8a8cbc829cbddaa64cbd..65a19b8336c4e958885109af9fffc26dbb012f91 100644
--- a/src/pgproto/backend/describe.rs
+++ b/src/pgproto/backend/describe.rs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 use crate::pgproto::error::PgResult;
-use crate::pgproto::storage::value::{self, Format};
+use crate::pgproto::value::{self, Format};
 use pgwire::messages::data::{FieldDescription, RowDescription};
 use postgres_types::{Oid, Type};
 use sbroad::errors::{Entity, SbroadError};
@@ -177,12 +177,13 @@ impl TryFrom<&Node> for CommandTag {
 #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
 pub struct MetadataColumn {
     name: String,
-    r#type: String,
+    #[serde(rename = "type")]
+    ty: String,
 impl MetadataColumn {
     fn new(name: String, ty: String) -> Self {
-        Self { name, r#type: ty }
+        Self { name, ty }
@@ -305,7 +306,7 @@ impl Describe {
                     .map(|col| {
-                        let type_str = col.r#type.as_str();
+                        let type_str = col.ty.as_str();
                             .map(|ty| field_description(col.name.clone(), ty, Format::Text))
@@ -369,7 +370,7 @@ impl PortalDescribe {
                 let output_format = &self.output_format;
                 let row_description = zip(metadata, output_format)
                     .map(|(col, format)| {
-                        let type_str = col.r#type.as_str();
+                        let type_str = col.ty.as_str();
                             .map(|ty| field_description(col.name.clone(), ty, *format))
@@ -390,15 +391,4 @@ impl PortalDescribe {
     pub fn output_format(&self) -> &[Format] {
-    // Enforce use of the text format for output rows. We use it for simple query, as it supports only the text format.
-    pub fn set_text_output_format(&mut self) {
-        let mut output_format = Vec::new();
-        output_format.resize(self.ncolumns(), Format::Text);
-        self.output_format = output_format;
-    }
-    pub fn ncolumns(&self) -> usize {
-        self.describe.metadata.len()
-    }
diff --git a/src/pgproto/backend/pgproc.rs b/src/pgproto/backend/pgproc.rs
index 5f98cf925ca38a7b002a5dedeeefb73f1954c388..763fdc892998b3485f02af574db5ed8d6ffc7e62 100644
--- a/src/pgproto/backend/pgproc.rs
+++ b/src/pgproto/backend/pgproc.rs
@@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
-use super::describe::{PortalDescribe, StatementDescribe};
+use super::describe::{PortalDescribe, QueryType, StatementDescribe};
 use super::storage::{UserPortalNames, UserStatementNames};
 use crate::pgproto::backend;
+use crate::pgproto::error::DecodingError;
+use crate::pgproto::value::Format;
 use crate::pgproto::{client::ClientId, error::PgResult};
 use ::tarantool::proc;
 use postgres_types::Oid;
 use sbroad::ir::value::{LuaValue, Value};
-use serde::Deserialize;
-use tarantool::tuple::Tuple;
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use tarantool::tuple::{Encode, Tuple};
 struct BindArgs {
     id: ClientId,
     stmt_name: String,
     portal_name: String,
     params: Vec<Value>,
-    encoding_format: Vec<u8>,
+    encoding_format: Vec<Format>,
     traceable: bool,
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for BindArgs {
-            Vec<u8>,
+            Vec<i16>,
@@ -41,12 +43,17 @@ impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for BindArgs {
+        let format: Vec<_> = encoding_format
+            .into_iter()
+            .map(|raw| Format::try_from(raw).unwrap_or_default())
+            .collect();
         Ok(Self {
-            encoding_format,
+            encoding_format: format,
             traceable: traceable.unwrap_or(false),
@@ -68,12 +75,12 @@ pub fn proc_pg_bind(args: BindArgs) -> PgResult<()> {
 pub fn proc_pg_describe_stmt(id: ClientId, name: String) -> PgResult<StatementDescribe> {
-    backend::describe_stmt(id, name)
+    backend::describe_statement(id, &name)
 pub fn proc_pg_describe_portal(id: ClientId, name: String) -> PgResult<PortalDescribe> {
-    backend::describe_portal(id, name)
+    backend::describe_portal(id, &name)
@@ -83,7 +90,46 @@ pub fn proc_pg_execute(
     max_rows: i64,
     traceable: bool,
 ) -> PgResult<Tuple> {
-    backend::execute(id, name, max_rows, traceable)
+    let result = backend::execute(id, name, max_rows, traceable)?;
+    let bytes = match result.query_type() {
+        QueryType::Explain | QueryType::Dql => {
+            #[derive(Serialize)]
+            struct ProcResult {
+                rows: Vec<Vec<LuaValue>>,
+                is_finished: bool,
+            }
+            impl Encode for ProcResult {}
+            let is_finished = result.is_portal_finished();
+            let rows = result
+                .into_values_stream()
+                .map(|values| {
+                    values
+                        .into_iter()
+                        .map(|v| LuaValue::from(v.into_inner()))
+                        .collect()
+                })
+                .collect();
+            let result = ProcResult { rows, is_finished };
+            rmp_serde::to_vec_named(&vec![result])
+        }
+        QueryType::Acl | QueryType::Ddl | QueryType::Dml => {
+            #[derive(Serialize)]
+            struct ProcResult {
+                row_count: Option<usize>,
+            }
+            impl Encode for ProcResult {}
+            let result = ProcResult {
+                row_count: result.row_count(),
+            };
+            rmp_serde::to_vec_named(&vec![result])
+        }
+    };
+    let bytes = bytes.map_err(|e| DecodingError::Other(e.into()))?;
+    let tuple = Tuple::try_from_slice(&bytes).map_err(|e| DecodingError::Other(e.into()))?;
+    Ok(tuple)
@@ -99,17 +145,17 @@ pub fn proc_pg_parse(
 pub fn proc_pg_close_stmt(id: ClientId, name: String) {
-    backend::close_stmt(id, name)
+    backend::close_statement(id, &name)
 pub fn proc_pg_close_portal(id: ClientId, name: String) {
-    backend::close_portal(id, name)
+    backend::close_portal(id, &name)
 pub fn proc_pg_close_client_stmts(id: ClientId) {
-    backend::close_client_stmts(id)
+    backend::close_client_statements(id)
diff --git a/src/pgproto/storage/result.rs b/src/pgproto/backend/result.rs
similarity index 75%
rename from src/pgproto/storage/result.rs
rename to src/pgproto/backend/result.rs
index 1c80f9334928c247328cc2d969ac2fa1d4201860..e6e5a40d5b176eaaedfd8c8c0252219af77eec7e 100644
--- a/src/pgproto/storage/result.rs
+++ b/src/pgproto/backend/result.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-use super::value::{Format, PgValue};
 use crate::pgproto::backend::describe::{CommandTag, PortalDescribe, QueryType};
 use crate::pgproto::error::PgResult;
+use crate::pgproto::value::{Format, PgValue};
 use bytes::BytesMut;
 use pgwire::messages::data::{DataRow, RowDescription};
 use std::iter::zip;
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ fn encode_row(values: Vec<PgValue>, formats: &[Format], buf: &mut BytesMut) -> D
 pub struct ExecuteResult {
     describe: PortalDescribe,
     values_stream: IntoIter<Vec<PgValue>>,
@@ -22,28 +23,25 @@ pub struct ExecuteResult {
 impl ExecuteResult {
-    pub fn new(
-        rows: Vec<Vec<PgValue>>,
-        describe: PortalDescribe,
-        is_portal_finished: bool,
-    ) -> Self {
-        let values_stream = rows.into_iter();
+    /// Create a new finished result. It is used for non-dql queries.
+    pub fn new(row_count: usize, describe: PortalDescribe) -> Self {
         Self {
-            values_stream,
+            values_stream: Default::default(),
-            row_count: 0,
-            is_portal_finished,
+            row_count,
+            is_portal_finished: true,
             buf: BytesMut::default(),
-    pub fn empty(row_count: usize, describe: PortalDescribe) -> Self {
+    /// Create a query result with rows. It is used for dql-like queries.
+    pub fn with_rows(self, rows: Vec<Vec<PgValue>>, is_portal_finished: bool) -> Self {
+        let values_stream = rows.into_iter();
         Self {
-            values_stream: Default::default(),
-            describe,
-            row_count,
-            is_portal_finished: true,
-            buf: BytesMut::default(),
+            values_stream,
+            row_count: 0,
+            is_portal_finished,
+            ..self
@@ -67,6 +65,16 @@ impl ExecuteResult {
+impl ExecuteResult {
+    pub fn query_type(&self) -> &QueryType {
+        self.describe.describe.query_type()
+    }
+    pub fn into_values_stream(self) -> IntoIter<Vec<PgValue>> {
+        self.values_stream
+    }
 impl Iterator for ExecuteResult {
     type Item = DataRow;
diff --git a/src/pgproto/backend/storage.rs b/src/pgproto/backend/storage.rs
index 8479ef0f16fada998a149cac9b79f3d14a3149be..b02934526b144a53df476d9d02ae191e6615c4c0 100644
--- a/src/pgproto/backend/storage.rs
+++ b/src/pgproto/backend/storage.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+use super::describe::QueryType;
 use super::describe::{Describe, PortalDescribe, StatementDescribe};
+use super::result::ExecuteResult;
 use crate::pgproto::error::{PgError, PgResult};
-use crate::pgproto::storage::value::Format;
+use crate::pgproto::value::{Format, PgValue};
 use crate::traft::node;
 use ::tarantool::tuple::Tuple;
@@ -370,41 +372,50 @@ pub struct Portal {
 enum PortalState {
-    Running(IntoIter<Value>),
-    Finished(Option<Tuple>),
+    Running(IntoIter<Vec<PgValue>>),
+    Finished(Option<ExecuteResult>),
-/// Try to get rows from the query execution result.
-/// Some is returned for dql-like queires (dql or explain), otherwise None is returned.
-fn tuple_as_rows(tuple: &Tuple) -> Option<Vec<Value>> {
+fn mp_row_into_pg_row(mp: Vec<Value>) -> PgResult<Vec<PgValue>> {
+    mp.into_iter().map(PgValue::try_from).collect()
+fn mp_rows_into_pg_rows(mp: Vec<Vec<Value>>) -> PgResult<Vec<Vec<PgValue>>> {
+    mp.into_iter().map(mp_row_into_pg_row).collect()
+/// Get rows from dql-like(dql or explain) query execution result.
+fn get_rows_from_tuple(tuple: &Tuple) -> PgResult<Vec<Vec<PgValue>>> {
     #[derive(Deserialize, Default, Debug)]
     struct DqlResult {
-        rows: Vec<Value>,
+        rows: Vec<Vec<Value>>,
     if let Ok(Some(res)) = tuple.field::<DqlResult>(0) {
-        return Some(res.rows);
+        return mp_rows_into_pg_rows(res.rows);
     // Try to parse explain result.
     if let Ok(Some(res)) = tuple.field::<Vec<Value>>(0) {
-        return Some(res);
+        let rows = res.into_iter().map(|row| vec![row]).collect();
+        return mp_rows_into_pg_rows(rows);
-    None
+    Err(PgError::InternalError(
+        "couldn't get rows from the result tuple".into(),
+    ))
-fn take_rows(rows: &mut IntoIter<Value>, max_rows: usize) -> PgResult<Tuple> {
-    let is_finished = rows.len() <= max_rows;
-    let rows = rows.take(max_rows).collect();
-    #[derive(Serialize)]
-    struct RunningResult {
-        rows: Vec<Value>,
-        is_finished: bool,
-    }
-    let result = RunningResult { rows, is_finished };
-    let mp = rmp_serde::to_vec_named(&vec![result])?;
-    let ret = Tuple::try_from_slice(&mp)?;
-    Ok(ret)
+/// Get row_count from result tuple.
+fn get_row_count_from_tuple(tuple: &Tuple) -> PgResult<usize> {
+    #[derive(Deserialize)]
+    struct RowCount {
+        row_count: usize,
+    }
+    let res: RowCount = tuple.field(0)?.ok_or(PgError::InternalError(
+        "couldn't get row count from the result tuple".into(),
+    ))?;
+    Ok(res.row_count)
 impl Portal {
@@ -419,27 +430,30 @@ impl Portal {
-    pub fn execute(&mut self, max_rows: usize) -> PgResult<Tuple> {
+    pub fn execute(&mut self, max_rows: usize) -> PgResult<ExecuteResult> {
         loop {
             match &mut self.state {
                 PortalState::NotStarted => self.start()?,
-                PortalState::Finished(Some(res)) => {
-                    // clone only increments tuple's refcounter
-                    let res = res.clone();
-                    self.state = PortalState::Finished(None);
-                    return Ok(res);
+                PortalState::Finished(Some(_)) => {
+                    let state = std::mem::replace(&mut self.state, PortalState::Finished(None));
+                    match state {
+                        PortalState::Finished(Some(result)) => return Ok(result),
+                        _ => unreachable!(),
+                    }
                 PortalState::Running(ref mut rows) => {
-                    let res = take_rows(rows, max_rows)?;
+                    let taken = rows.take(max_rows).collect();
                     if rows.len() == 0 {
                         self.state = PortalState::Finished(None);
-                    return Ok(res);
+                    let is_finished = matches!(self.state, PortalState::Finished(_));
+                    return Ok(ExecuteResult::new(0, self.describe().clone())
+                        .with_rows(taken, is_finished));
                 _ => {
                     return Err(PgError::Other(
                         format!("Can't execute portal in state {:?}", self.state).into(),
-                    ))
+                    ));
@@ -458,12 +472,20 @@ impl Portal {
-        let res = dispatch(query)?;
-        if let Some(rows) = tuple_as_rows(&res) {
-            self.state = PortalState::Running(rows.into_iter());
-        } else {
-            self.state = PortalState::Finished(Some(res));
-        }
+        let tuple = dispatch(query)?;
+        self.state = match self.describe().query_type() {
+            QueryType::Dml => {
+                let row_count = get_row_count_from_tuple(&tuple)?;
+                PortalState::Finished(Some(ExecuteResult::new(row_count, self.describe().clone())))
+            }
+            QueryType::Acl | QueryType::Ddl => {
+                PortalState::Finished(Some(ExecuteResult::new(0, self.describe().clone())))
+            }
+            QueryType::Dql | QueryType::Explain => {
+                let rows = get_rows_from_tuple(&tuple)?.into_iter();
+                PortalState::Running(rows)
+            }
+        };
diff --git a/src/pgproto/client.rs b/src/pgproto/client.rs
index 308375c0568e3a4f9a6170c13162cbd90a2a473a..c7eb472a36feadc887d9145ab088d58805d1e2cb 100644
--- a/src/pgproto/client.rs
+++ b/src/pgproto/client.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+use super::backend::Backend;
 use super::client::simple_query::process_query_message;
 use super::error::*;
 use super::messages;
-use super::storage::StorageManager;
 use super::stream::{BeMessage, FeMessage, PgStream};
 use super::tls::TlsAcceptor;
 use crate::tlog;
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ pub type ClientId = u32;
 /// Postgres client representation.
 pub struct PgClient<S> {
-    // The portal and statement storage manager.
-    manager: StorageManager,
+    /// Postgres backend that handles queries.
+    backend: Backend,
     /// Stream for network communication.
     stream: PgStream<S>,
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ impl<S: io::Read + io::Write> PgClient<S> {
         tlog!(Info, "client authenticated");
         Ok(PgClient {
-            manager: StorageManager::new(),
+            backend: Backend::new(),
             loop_state: MessageLoopState::ReadyForQuery,
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ impl<S: io::Read + io::Write> PgClient<S> {
         match message {
             FeMessage::Query(query) => {
                 tlog!(Info, "executing simple query: {}", query.query);
-                process_query_message(&mut self.stream, &self.manager, query)?;
+                process_query_message(&mut self.stream, &self.backend, query)?;
                 self.loop_state = MessageLoopState::ReadyForQuery;
             FeMessage::Parse(parse) => {
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ impl<S: io::Read + io::Write> PgClient<S> {
                 self.loop_state = MessageLoopState::RunningExtendedQuery;
-                extended_query::process_parse_message(&mut self.stream, &self.manager, parse)?;
+                extended_query::process_parse_message(&mut self.stream, &self.backend, parse)?;
             FeMessage::Bind(bind) => {
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ impl<S: io::Read + io::Write> PgClient<S> {
                 self.loop_state = MessageLoopState::RunningExtendedQuery;
-                extended_query::process_bind_message(&mut self.stream, &self.manager, bind)?;
+                extended_query::process_bind_message(&mut self.stream, &self.backend, bind)?;
             FeMessage::Execute(execute) => {
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ impl<S: io::Read + io::Write> PgClient<S> {
                 self.loop_state = MessageLoopState::RunningExtendedQuery;
-                extended_query::process_execute_message(&mut self.stream, &self.manager, execute)?;
+                extended_query::process_execute_message(&mut self.stream, &self.backend, execute)?;
             FeMessage::Describe(describe) => {
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ impl<S: io::Read + io::Write> PgClient<S> {
                 self.loop_state = MessageLoopState::RunningExtendedQuery;
                     &mut self.stream,
-                    &self.manager,
+                    &self.backend,
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ impl<S: io::Read + io::Write> PgClient<S> {
                 self.loop_state = MessageLoopState::RunningExtendedQuery;
-                extended_query::process_close_message(&mut self.stream, &self.manager, close)?;
+                extended_query::process_close_message(&mut self.stream, &self.backend, close)?;
             FeMessage::Flush(_) => {
                 tlog!(Info, "flushing");
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ impl<S: io::Read + io::Write> PgClient<S> {
             FeMessage::Sync(_) => {
                 tlog!(Info, "syncing");
                 self.loop_state = MessageLoopState::ReadyForQuery;
-                extended_query::process_sync_mesage(&self.manager)?;
+                extended_query::process_sync_mesage(&self.backend);
             FeMessage::Terminate(_) => {
                 tlog!(Info, "terminating the session");
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ impl<S: io::Read + io::Write> PgClient<S> {
             loop {
                 if let FeMessage::Sync(_) = self.stream.read_message()? {
                     self.loop_state = MessageLoopState::ReadyForQuery;
-                    extended_query::process_sync_mesage(&self.manager)?;
+                    extended_query::process_sync_mesage(&self.backend);
diff --git a/src/pgproto/client/extended_query.rs b/src/pgproto/client/extended_query.rs
index d1c27f84e8858db6248d58e3eba96cad70961f32..cb6d140bf5fb33ba99f9d40982836bbea79be79d 100644
--- a/src/pgproto/client/extended_query.rs
+++ b/src/pgproto/client/extended_query.rs
@@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
-use crate::pgproto::storage::value::{Format, PgValue, RawFormat};
+use crate::pgproto::backend::Backend;
 use crate::pgproto::stream::{BeMessage, FeMessage};
 use crate::pgproto::{
     error::{PgError, PgResult},
-    storage::StorageManager,
-use bytes::Bytes;
 use pgwire::messages::extendedquery::{Bind, Close, Describe, Execute, Parse};
-use postgres_types::Oid;
 use std::io::{Read, Write};
-use std::iter::zip;
 fn use_tarantool_parameter_placeholders(sql: &str) -> String {
     // TODO: delete it after the pg parameters are supported,
@@ -23,98 +19,42 @@ fn use_tarantool_parameter_placeholders(sql: &str) -> String {
 pub fn process_parse_message(
     stream: &mut PgStream<impl Read + Write>,
-    manager: &StorageManager,
+    backend: &Backend,
     parse: Parse,
 ) -> PgResult<()> {
     let query = use_tarantool_parameter_placeholders(&parse.query);
-    manager.parse(parse.name.as_deref(), &query, &parse.type_oids)?;
+    backend.parse(parse.name, query, parse.type_oids)?;
-/// Map any encoding format to per-column or per-parameter format just like pg does it in
-/// [exec_bind_message](https://github.com/postgres/postgres/blob/5c7038d70bb9c4d28a80b0a2051f73fafab5af3f/src/backend/tcop/postgres.c#L1840-L1845)
-/// or [PortalSetResultFormat](https://github.com/postgres/postgres/blob/5c7038d70bb9c4d28a80b0a2051f73fafab5af3f/src/backend/tcop/pquery.c#L623).
-fn prepare_encoding_format(formats: &[RawFormat], n: usize) -> PgResult<Vec<Format>> {
-    if formats.len() == n {
-        // format specified for each column
-        formats.iter().map(|i| Format::try_from(*i)).collect()
-    } else if formats.len() == 1 {
-        // single format specified, use it for each column
-        Ok(vec![Format::try_from(formats[0])?; n])
-    } else if formats.is_empty() {
-        // no format specified, use the default for each column
-        Ok(vec![Format::Text; n])
-    } else {
-        Err(PgError::ProtocolViolation(format!(
-            "got {} format codes for {} items",
-            formats.len(),
-            n
-        )))
-    }
-fn decode_parameter_values(
-    params: &[Option<Bytes>],
-    param_oids: &[Oid],
-    formats: &[RawFormat],
-) -> PgResult<Vec<PgValue>> {
-    let formats = prepare_encoding_format(formats, params.len())?;
-    if params.len() != param_oids.len() {
-        return Err(PgError::ProtocolViolation(format!(
-            "got {} parameters, {} oids and {} formats",
-            params.len(),
-            param_oids.len(),
-            formats.len()
-        )));
-    }
-    zip(zip(params, param_oids), formats)
-        .map(|((bytes, oid), format)| PgValue::decode(bytes.as_ref(), *oid, format))
-        .collect()
 pub fn process_bind_message(
     stream: &mut PgStream<impl Read + Write>,
-    manager: &StorageManager,
+    backend: &Backend,
     bind: Bind,
 ) -> PgResult<()> {
-    let describe = manager.describe_statement(bind.statement_name.as_deref())?;
-    let params = decode_parameter_values(
-        &bind.parameters,
-        &describe.param_oids,
+    backend.bind(
+        bind.statement_name,
+        bind.portal_name,
+        bind.parameters,
+        &bind.result_column_format_codes,
-    let result_format =
-        prepare_encoding_format(&bind.result_column_format_codes, describe.ncolumns())?;
-    manager.bind(
-        bind.statement_name.as_deref(),
-        bind.portal_name.as_deref(),
-        params,
-        result_format,
-    )?;
 pub fn process_execute_message(
     stream: &mut PgStream<impl Read + Write>,
-    manager: &StorageManager,
+    backend: &Backend,
     execute: Execute,
 ) -> PgResult<()> {
-    let mut count = execute.max_rows as i64;
-    let mut execute_result = manager.execute(execute.name.as_deref())?;
-    if count <= 0 {
-        count = std::i64::MAX;
-    }
+    let max_rows = execute.max_rows as i64;
+    let mut execute_result = backend.execute(execute.name, max_rows)?;
-    for _ in 0..count {
-        if let Some(row) = execute_result.next() {
-            stream.write_message_noflush(messages::data_row(row))?;
-        } else {
-            break;
-        }
+    for row in execute_result.by_ref() {
+        stream.write_message_noflush(messages::data_row(row))?;
     if execute_result.is_portal_finished() {
@@ -129,10 +69,10 @@ pub fn process_execute_message(
 fn describe_statement(
-    manager: &StorageManager,
+    backend: &Backend,
     statement: Option<&str>,
 ) -> PgResult<(BeMessage, BeMessage)> {
-    let stmt_describe = manager.describe_statement(statement)?;
+    let stmt_describe = backend.describe_statement(statement)?;
     let param_oids = stmt_describe.param_oids;
     let describe = stmt_describe.describe;
@@ -147,8 +87,8 @@ fn describe_statement(
-fn describe_portal(manager: &StorageManager, portal: Option<&str>) -> PgResult<BeMessage> {
-    let describe = manager.describe_portal(portal)?;
+fn describe_portal(backend: &Backend, portal: Option<&str>) -> PgResult<BeMessage> {
+    let describe = backend.describe_portal(portal)?;
     if let Some(row_description) = describe.row_description()? {
     } else {
@@ -158,19 +98,19 @@ fn describe_portal(manager: &StorageManager, portal: Option<&str>) -> PgResult<B
 pub fn process_describe_message(
     stream: &mut PgStream<impl Read + Write>,
-    manager: &StorageManager,
+    backend: &Backend,
     describe: Describe,
 ) -> PgResult<()> {
     let name = describe.name.as_deref();
     match describe.target_type {
         b'S' => {
-            let (params_desc, rows_desc) = describe_statement(manager, name)?;
+            let (params_desc, rows_desc) = describe_statement(backend, name)?;
         b'P' => {
-            let rows_desc = describe_portal(manager, name)?;
+            let rows_desc = describe_portal(backend, name)?;
@@ -183,13 +123,13 @@ pub fn process_describe_message(
 pub fn process_close_message(
     stream: &mut PgStream<impl Read + Write>,
-    manager: &StorageManager,
+    backend: &Backend,
     close: Close,
 ) -> PgResult<()> {
     let name = close.name.as_deref();
     match close.target_type {
-        b'S' => manager.close_statement(name)?,
-        b'P' => manager.close_portal(name)?,
+        b'S' => backend.close_statement(name),
+        b'P' => backend.close_portal(name),
         _ => {
             return Err(PgError::ProtocolViolation(format!(
                 "unknown close type \'{}\'",
@@ -201,13 +141,13 @@ pub fn process_close_message(
-pub fn process_sync_mesage(manager: &StorageManager) -> PgResult<()> {
+pub fn process_sync_mesage(backend: &Backend) {
     // By default, PG runs in autocommit mode, which means that every statement is ran inside its own transaction.
     // In simple query statement means the query inside a Query message.
     // In extended query statement means everything before a Sync message.
     // When PG gets a Sync mesage it finishes the current transaction by calling finish_xact_command,
     // which drops all non-holdable portals. We close all portals here because we don't have the holdable portals.
-    manager.close_all_portals()
+    backend.close_all_portals()
 pub fn is_extended_query_message(message: &FeMessage) -> bool {
diff --git a/src/pgproto/client/simple_query.rs b/src/pgproto/client/simple_query.rs
index 6084527081fc5e74f1297104b0291d69d0c0e44d..7ab7c17904096a3e1501989f1748bcd0d9f86389 100644
--- a/src/pgproto/client/simple_query.rs
+++ b/src/pgproto/client/simple_query.rs
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-use crate::pgproto::storage::StorageManager;
+use crate::pgproto::backend::Backend;
 use crate::pgproto::{error::PgResult, messages, stream::PgStream};
 use pgwire::messages::simplequery::Query;
 use std::io::{Read, Write};
 pub fn process_query_message(
     stream: &mut PgStream<impl Read + Write>,
-    manager: &StorageManager,
+    backend: &Backend,
     query: Query,
 ) -> PgResult<()> {
-    let mut query_result = manager.simple_query(&query.query)?;
+    let mut query_result = backend.simple_query(query.query)?;
     if let Some(row_description) = query_result.row_description()? {
         let row_description = messages::row_description(row_description);
diff --git a/src/pgproto/entrypoints.rs b/src/pgproto/entrypoints.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index c4b6b65c36906d2489d48e5eb6cf238386878076..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/pgproto/entrypoints.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-use super::{
-    backend::describe::{PortalDescribe, QueryType, StatementDescribe},
-    client::ClientId,
-    error::{PgError, PgResult},
-    storage::{
-        result::ExecuteResult,
-        value::{Format, PgValue},
-    },
-use postgres_types::Oid;
-use serde::Deserialize;
-use serde_json::Value;
-use std::cell::RefCell;
-use tarantool::tlua::{LuaFunction, LuaThread, PushGuard};
-type Row = Vec<PgValue>;
-struct RawExecuteResult {
-    describe: PortalDescribe,
-    // tuple in the same format as tuples returned from pico.sql
-    result: Value,
-struct DqlResult {
-    rows: Vec<Row>,
-    is_finished: bool,
-fn parse_dql(res: Value) -> PgResult<DqlResult> {
-    #[derive(Deserialize)]
-    struct RawDqlResult {
-        rows: Vec<Vec<Value>>,
-        is_finished: bool,
-    }
-    let res: RawDqlResult = serde_json::from_value(res)?;
-    let rows: PgResult<Vec<Row>> = res
-        .rows
-        .into_iter()
-        .map(|row| row.into_iter().map(PgValue::try_from).collect())
-        .collect();
-    rows.map(|rows| DqlResult {
-        rows,
-        is_finished: res.is_finished,
-    })
-fn parse_dml(res: Value) -> PgResult<usize> {
-    #[derive(Deserialize)]
-    struct RawDmlResult {
-        row_count: usize,
-    }
-    let res: RawDmlResult = serde_json::from_value(res)?;
-    Ok(res.row_count)
-fn parse_explain(res: Value) -> PgResult<DqlResult> {
-    #[derive(Deserialize)]
-    struct RawExplainResult {
-        rows: Vec<Value>,
-        is_finished: bool,
-    }
-    let res: RawExplainResult = serde_json::from_value(res)?;
-    let rows: PgResult<Vec<Row>> = res
-        .rows
-        .into_iter()
-        // every row must be a vector
-        .map(|val| Ok(vec![PgValue::try_from(val)?]))
-        .collect();
-    rows.map(|rows| DqlResult {
-        rows,
-        is_finished: res.is_finished,
-    })
-fn execute_result_from_raw_result(raw: RawExecuteResult) -> PgResult<ExecuteResult> {
-    match raw.describe.query_type() {
-        QueryType::Dql => {
-            let res = parse_dql(raw.result)?;
-            Ok(ExecuteResult::new(res.rows, raw.describe, res.is_finished))
-        }
-        QueryType::Explain => {
-            let res = parse_explain(raw.result)?;
-            Ok(ExecuteResult::new(res.rows, raw.describe, res.is_finished))
-        }
-        QueryType::Acl | QueryType::Ddl => Ok(ExecuteResult::empty(0, raw.describe)),
-        QueryType::Dml => Ok(ExecuteResult::empty(parse_dml(raw.result)?, raw.describe)),
-    }
-fn execute_result_from_json(json: &str) -> PgResult<ExecuteResult> {
-    let raw: RawExecuteResult = serde_json::from_str(json)?;
-    execute_result_from_raw_result(raw)
-fn simple_execute_result_from_json(json: &str) -> PgResult<ExecuteResult> {
-    let mut raw: RawExecuteResult = serde_json::from_str(json)?;
-    // Simple query supports only the text format.
-    // We couldn't set the format when we were calling bind, because we didn't know the number of columns,
-    // but after executing the whole simple query pipeline we have a description containing this number.
-    raw.describe.set_text_output_format();
-    execute_result_from_raw_result(raw)
-type Entrypoint = LuaFunction<PushGuard<LuaThread>>;
-/// List of lua functions from sbroad that implement PG protcol API.
-pub struct Entrypoints {
-    /// Handler for a Query message.
-    /// First, it closes an unnamed portal and statement, just like PG does when gets a Query messsage.
-    /// After that the extended pipeline is executed on unnamed portal and statement: parse + bind + describe + execute.
-    /// It returns the query result (in the same format as pico.sql) and description.
-    /// We need the description here for the command tag (CREATE TABLE, SELECT, etc)
-    /// that is required to make a CommandComplete message as the response to the Query message,
-    /// so pico.sql is not enough.
-    ///
-    /// No resources to be free after the call.
-    simple_query: Entrypoint,
-    /// Handler for a Parse message.
-    /// Create a statement from a query query and store it in the sbroad storage using the given id and name as a key.
-    /// In case of conflicts the strategy is the same with PG.
-    ///
-    /// The statement lasts until it is explicitly closed.
-    parse: Entrypoint,
-    /// Handler for a Bind message.
-    /// Copy the sources statement, create a portal by binding parameters to it and stores the portal in the sbroad storage.
-    /// In case of conflicts the strategy is the same with PG.
-    ///
-    /// The portal lasts until it is explicitly closed or executed.
-    bind: Entrypoint,
-    /// Handler for an Execute message.
-    ///
-    /// Remove a portal from the sbroad storage, run it til the end and return the result.
-    execute: Entrypoint,
-    /// Handler for a Describe message.
-    /// Get a statement description.
-    describe_statement: Entrypoint,
-    /// Handler for a Describe message.
-    /// Get a portal description.
-    describe_portal: Entrypoint,
-    /// Handler for a Close message.
-    /// Close a portal. It's not an error to close a nonexistent portal.
-    close_portal: Entrypoint,
-    /// Handler for a Close message.
-    /// Close a statement with its portals. It's not an error to close a nonexistent statement.
-    close_statement: Entrypoint,
-    /// Close client portals by the given client id.
-    close_client_portals: Entrypoint,
-    /// Close client statements with its portals by the given client id.
-    close_client_statements: Entrypoint,
-impl Entrypoints {
-    fn new() -> PgResult<Self> {
-        let simple_query = LuaFunction::load(
-            tarantool::lua_state(),
-            "
-            local function close_unnamed(client_id)
-                pico.pg_close_stmt(client_id, '')
-                pico.pg_close_portal(client_id, '')
-            end
-            local function parse_and_execute_unnamed(client_id, sql)
-                local res, err = pico.pg_parse(client_id, '', sql, {})
-                if res == nil then
-                    return nil, err
-                end
-                -- {}, {} => no parameters, default result encoding (text)
-                local res, err = pico.pg_bind(client_id, '', '', {}, {})
-                if res == nil then
-                    return nil, err
-                end
-                local desc, err = pico.pg_describe_portal(client_id, '')
-                if desc == nil then
-                    return nil, err
-                end
-                -- -1 == fetch all
-                local res, err = pico.pg_execute(client_id, '', -1)
-                if res == nil then
-                    return nil, err
-                end
-                return {['describe'] = desc, ['result'] = res}
-            end
-            local client_id, sql = ...
-            -- Strictly speaking, this is a part of an extended query protocol.
-            -- When a query message is received, PG closes an unnamed portal and statement
-            -- and runs the extended query pipeline on them (parse + bind + execute).
-            close_unnamed(client_id)
-            local res, err = parse_and_execute_unnamed(client_id, sql)
-            -- After the execution, the portal and statement must be closed.
-            close_unnamed(client_id)
-            if res == nil then
-                error(err)
-            end
-            return require('json').encode(res)
-        ",
-        )?;
-        let close_client_statements = LuaFunction::load(
-            tarantool::lua_state(),
-            "
-            -- closing a statement closes its portals,
-            -- so then we close all the statements we close all the portals too.
-            pico.pg_close_client_stmts(...)
-            ",
-        )?;
-        let parse = LuaFunction::load(
-            tarantool::lua_state(),
-            "
-            local res, err = pico.pg_parse(...)
-            if res == nil then
-                error(err)
-            end
-            ",
-        )?;
-        let bind = LuaFunction::load(
-            tarantool::lua_state(),
-            "
-            local res, err = pico.pg_bind(...)
-            if res == nil then
-                error(err)
-            end
-            ",
-        )?;
-        let execute = LuaFunction::load(
-            tarantool::lua_state(),
-            "
-            local id, portal = ...
-            local desc, err = pico.pg_describe_portal(id, portal)
-            if desc == nil then
-                error(err)
-            end
-            -- -1 == fetch all
-            local res, err = pico.pg_execute(id, portal, -1)
-            if res == nil then
-                error(err)
-            end
-            return require('json').encode({['describe'] = desc, ['result'] = res})
-            ",
-        )?;
-        let describe_portal = LuaFunction::load(
-            tarantool::lua_state(),
-            "
-            local res, err = pico.pg_describe_portal(...)
-            if res == nil then
-                error(err)
-            end
-            return require('json').encode(res)
-            ",
-        )?;
-        let describe_statement = LuaFunction::load(
-            tarantool::lua_state(),
-            "
-            local res, err = pico.pg_describe_stmt(...)
-            if res == nil then
-                error(err)
-            end
-            return require('json').encode(res)
-            ",
-        )?;
-        let close_portal = LuaFunction::load(
-            tarantool::lua_state(),
-            "
-            local res, err = pico.pg_close_portal(...)
-            if res == nil then
-                error(err)
-            end
-            ",
-        )?;
-        let close_statement = LuaFunction::load(
-            tarantool::lua_state(),
-            "
-            local res, err = pico.pg_close_stmt(...)
-            if res == nil then
-                error(err)
-            end
-            ",
-        )?;
-        let close_client_portals = LuaFunction::load(
-            tarantool::lua_state(),
-            "
-            local res, err = pico.pg_close_client_portals(...)
-            if res == nil then
-                error(err)
-            end
-            ",
-        )?;
-        Ok(Self {
-            simple_query,
-            close_client_statements,
-            parse,
-            bind,
-            execute,
-            describe_portal,
-            describe_statement,
-            close_portal,
-            close_statement,
-            close_client_portals,
-        })
-    }
-    /// Handler for a Query message. See self.simple_query for the details.
-    pub fn simple_query(&self, client_id: ClientId, sql: &str) -> PgResult<ExecuteResult> {
-        let json: String = self
-            .simple_query
-            .call_with_args((client_id, sql))
-            .map_err(|e| PgError::LuaError(e.into()))?;
-        simple_execute_result_from_json(&json)
-    }
-    /// Handler for a Parse message. See self.parse for the details.
-    pub fn parse(
-        &self,
-        client_id: ClientId,
-        name: &str,
-        sql: &str,
-        param_oids: &[Oid],
-    ) -> PgResult<()> {
-        self.parse
-            .call_with_args((client_id, name, sql, param_oids))
-            .map_err(|e| PgError::LuaError(e.into()))
-    }
-    /// Handler for a Bind message. See self.bind for the details.
-    pub fn bind(
-        &self,
-        id: ClientId,
-        statement: &str,
-        portal: &str,
-        params: Vec<PgValue>,
-        result_format: Vec<Format>,
-    ) -> PgResult<()> {
-        self.bind
-            .call_with_args((id, statement, portal, params, result_format))
-            .map_err(|e| PgError::LuaError(e.into()))
-    }
-    /// Handler for an Execute message. See self.execute for the details.
-    pub fn execute(&self, id: ClientId, portal: &str) -> PgResult<ExecuteResult> {
-        let json: String = self
-            .execute
-            .call_with_args((id, portal))
-            .map_err(|e| PgError::LuaError(e.into()))?;
-        execute_result_from_json(&json)
-    }
-    /// Handler for a Describe message. See self.describe_portal for the details.
-    pub fn describe_portal(&self, client_id: ClientId, portal: &str) -> PgResult<PortalDescribe> {
-        let json: String = self
-            .describe_portal
-            .call_with_args((client_id, portal))
-            .map_err(|e| PgError::LuaError(e.into()))?;
-        let describe = serde_json::from_str(&json)?;
-        Ok(describe)
-    }
-    /// Handler for a Describe message. See self.describe_statement for the details.
-    pub fn describe_statement(
-        &self,
-        client_id: ClientId,
-        statement: &str,
-    ) -> PgResult<StatementDescribe> {
-        let json: String = self
-            .describe_statement
-            .call_with_args((client_id, statement))
-            .map_err(|e| PgError::LuaError(e.into()))?;
-        let describe = serde_json::from_str(&json)?;
-        Ok(describe)
-    }
-    /// Handler for a Close message. See self.close_portal for the details.
-    pub fn close_portal(&self, id: ClientId, portal: &str) -> PgResult<()> {
-        self.close_portal
-            .call_with_args((id, portal))
-            .map_err(|e| PgError::LuaError(e.into()))
-    }
-    /// Handler for a Close message. See self.close_statement for the details.
-    pub fn close_statement(&self, client_id: ClientId, statement: &str) -> PgResult<()> {
-        self.close_statement
-            .call_with_args((client_id, statement))
-            .map_err(|e| PgError::LuaError(e.into()))
-    }
-    /// Close all the client statements and portals. See self.close_client_statements for the details.
-    pub fn close_client_statements(&self, client_id: ClientId) -> PgResult<()> {
-        self.close_client_statements
-            .call_with_args(client_id)
-            .map_err(|e| PgError::LuaError(e.into()))
-    }
-    /// Close client statements with its portals.
-    pub fn close_client_portals(&self, client_id: ClientId) -> PgResult<()> {
-        self.close_client_portals
-            .call_with_args(client_id)
-            .map_err(|e| PgError::LuaError(e.into()))
-    }
-thread_local! {
-    pub static PG_ENTRYPOINTS: RefCell<Entrypoints> = RefCell::new(Entrypoints::new().unwrap())
diff --git a/src/pgproto/error.rs b/src/pgproto/error.rs
index bc25864d6a1ec548085df969af5f0417fba30973..a3a9e1f5166073707fac6f5230419024a9f3874d 100644
--- a/src/pgproto/error.rs
+++ b/src/pgproto/error.rs
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ pub type PgResult<T> = Result<T, PgError>;
 /// See <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/errcodes-appendix.html>.
 #[derive(Error, Debug)]
 pub enum PgError {
+    #[error("internal error: {0}")]
+    InternalError(String),
     #[error("protocol violation: {0}")]
@@ -26,6 +29,7 @@ pub enum PgError {
     #[error("IO error: {0}")]
     IoError(#[from] io::Error),
+    // Server could not encode value into client's format.
     #[error("encoding error: {0}")]
     EncodingError(Box<dyn error::Error>),
@@ -38,6 +42,7 @@ pub enum PgError {
     #[error("json error: {0}")]
     JsonError(#[from] serde_json::Error),
+    // Server could not decode value recieved from client.
     DecodingError(#[from] DecodingError),
@@ -99,6 +104,7 @@ impl PgError {
     fn code(&self) -> &str {
         use PgError::*;
         match self {
+            InternalError(_) => "XX000",
             ProtocolViolation(_) => "08P01",
             FeatureNotSupported(_) => "0A000",
             InvalidPassword(_) => "28P01",
diff --git a/src/pgproto/storage.rs b/src/pgproto/storage.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index ce2abcf2696d0dc8195c6173ac9d1b633fbab048..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/pgproto/storage.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-use crate::tlog;
-use self::result::ExecuteResult;
-use self::value::{Format, PgValue};
-use super::backend::describe::{PortalDescribe, StatementDescribe};
-use super::client::ClientId;
-use super::entrypoints::PG_ENTRYPOINTS;
-use super::error::PgResult;
-use postgres_types::Oid;
-use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering};
-pub mod result;
-pub mod value;
-fn unique_id() -> ClientId {
-    static ID_COUNTER: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);
-    ID_COUNTER.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed)
-/// It allows to interact with the real storage in sbroad
-/// and cleanups all the created portals and statements when it's dropped.
-pub struct StorageManager {
-    /// Unique id of a PG client.
-    /// Every portal and statement is tagged by this id in the sbroad storage,
-    /// so they all can be found and deleted using this id.
-    /// Since the id is unique the statements and portals are isolated between users.
-    client_id: ClientId,
-impl StorageManager {
-    pub fn new() -> Self {
-        Self {
-            client_id: unique_id(),
-        }
-    }
-    /// Handler for a Query message. See Entrypoints::simple_query for the details.
-    pub fn simple_query(&self, sql: &str) -> PgResult<ExecuteResult> {
-        PG_ENTRYPOINTS.with(|entrypoints| entrypoints.borrow().simple_query(self.client_id, sql))
-    }
-    pub fn describe_statement(&self, name: Option<&str>) -> PgResult<StatementDescribe> {
-        PG_ENTRYPOINTS.with(|entrypoints| {
-            entrypoints
-                .borrow()
-                .describe_statement(self.client_id, name.unwrap_or(""))
-        })
-    }
-    pub fn describe_portal(&self, name: Option<&str>) -> PgResult<PortalDescribe> {
-        PG_ENTRYPOINTS.with(|entrypoints| {
-            entrypoints
-                .borrow()
-                .describe_portal(self.client_id, name.unwrap_or(""))
-        })
-    }
-    pub fn parse(&self, name: Option<&str>, sql: &str, param_oids: &[Oid]) -> PgResult<()> {
-        PG_ENTRYPOINTS.with(|entrypoints| {
-            entrypoints
-                .borrow()
-                .parse(self.client_id, name.unwrap_or(""), sql, param_oids)
-        })
-    }
-    pub fn bind(
-        &self,
-        statement: Option<&str>,
-        portal: Option<&str>,
-        params: Vec<PgValue>,
-        result_format: Vec<Format>,
-    ) -> PgResult<()> {
-        PG_ENTRYPOINTS.with(|entrypoints| {
-            entrypoints.borrow().bind(
-                self.client_id,
-                statement.unwrap_or(""),
-                portal.unwrap_or(""),
-                params,
-                result_format,
-            )
-        })
-    }
-    pub fn execute(&self, portal: Option<&str>) -> PgResult<ExecuteResult> {
-        PG_ENTRYPOINTS.with(|entrypoints| {
-            entrypoints
-                .borrow()
-                .execute(self.client_id, portal.unwrap_or(""))
-        })
-    }
-    pub fn close_portal(&self, portal: Option<&str>) -> PgResult<()> {
-        PG_ENTRYPOINTS.with(|entrypoints| {
-            entrypoints
-                .borrow()
-                .close_portal(self.client_id, portal.unwrap_or(""))
-        })
-    }
-    pub fn close_statement(&self, statement: Option<&str>) -> PgResult<()> {
-        PG_ENTRYPOINTS.with(|entrypoints| {
-            entrypoints
-                .borrow()
-                .close_statement(self.client_id, statement.unwrap_or(""))
-        })
-    }
-    pub fn close_all_portals(&self) -> PgResult<()> {
-        PG_ENTRYPOINTS.with(|entrypoints| entrypoints.borrow().close_client_portals(self.client_id))
-    }
-    fn on_disconnect(&self) -> PgResult<()> {
-        // Close all the statements with its portals.
-            .with(|entrypoints| entrypoints.borrow().close_client_statements(self.client_id))
-    }
-impl Drop for StorageManager {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        match self.on_disconnect() {
-            Ok(_) => {}
-            Err(err) => tlog!(
-                Warning,
-                "failed to close user {} statements and portals: {:?}",
-                self.client_id,
-                err
-            ),
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/pgproto/storage/value.rs b/src/pgproto/value.rs
similarity index 76%
rename from src/pgproto/storage/value.rs
rename to src/pgproto/value.rs
index 8b798ad4e65651053c2c84adc231a07463be6498..c4258374f468b9c2604679e706c7dd8886614b8e 100644
--- a/src/pgproto/storage/value.rs
+++ b/src/pgproto/value.rs
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ use sbroad::ir::value::Value;
 use serde_repr::{Deserialize_repr, Serialize_repr};
 use std::error::Error;
 use std::str;
-use tarantool::tlua::{AsLua, Nil, PushInto};
 use crate::pgproto::error::{DecodingError, PgError, PgResult};
@@ -27,22 +26,14 @@ pub fn type_from_name(name: &str) -> PgResult<Type> {
 /// This type is used to send Format over the wire.
 pub type RawFormat = i16;
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize_repr, Deserialize_repr)]
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default, Serialize_repr, Deserialize_repr)]
 pub enum Format {
+    #[default]
     Text = 0,
     Binary = 1,
-impl<L: AsLua> PushInto<L> for Format {
-    type Err = tarantool::tlua::Void;
-    fn push_into_lua(self, lua: L) -> Result<tarantool::tlua::PushGuard<L>, (Self::Err, L)> {
-        let value = self as RawFormat;
-        value.push_into_lua(lua)
-    }
 impl TryFrom<RawFormat> for Format {
     type Error = PgError;
     fn try_from(value: RawFormat) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
@@ -60,6 +51,10 @@ impl TryFrom<RawFormat> for Format {
 pub struct PgValue(sbroad::ir::value::Value);
 impl PgValue {
+    pub fn into_inner(self) -> Value {
+        self.0
+    }
     fn integer(value: i64) -> Self {
@@ -81,30 +76,39 @@ impl PgValue {
-impl TryFrom<serde_json::Value> for PgValue {
+impl TryFrom<rmpv::Value> for PgValue {
     type Error = PgError;
-    fn try_from(value: serde_json::Value) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
-        let ret = match value {
-            serde_json::Value::Number(number) => {
-                if number.is_f64() {
-                    PgValue::float(number.as_f64().unwrap())
-                } else if number.is_i64() {
-                    PgValue::integer(number.as_i64().unwrap())
+    fn try_from(value: rmpv::Value) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+        match value {
+            rmpv::Value::Nil => Ok(PgValue::null()),
+            rmpv::Value::Boolean(v) => Ok(PgValue::boolean(v)),
+            rmpv::Value::F32(v) => Ok(PgValue::float(v.into())),
+            rmpv::Value::F64(v) => Ok(PgValue::float(v)),
+            rmpv::Value::Integer(v) => {
+                let i = if v.is_i64() {
+                    v.as_i64().unwrap()
+                } else if v.is_u64() {
+                    // NOTE: u64::MAX can't be converted into i64
+                    i64::try_from(v.as_u64().unwrap())
+                        .map_err(|e| PgError::EncodingError(e.into()))?
                 } else {
-                    Err(PgError::FeatureNotSupported(format!(
-                        "unsupported type {number}"
-                    )))?
-                }
+                    Err(PgError::EncodingError(
+                        format!("couldn't encode integer: {v:?}").into(),
+                    ))?
+                };
+                Ok(PgValue::integer(i))
-            serde_json::Value::String(string) => PgValue::text(string),
-            serde_json::Value::Bool(bool) => PgValue::boolean(bool),
-            serde_json::Value::Null => PgValue::null(),
-            _ => Err(PgError::FeatureNotSupported(format!(
-                "unsupported type {value}"
-            )))?,
-        };
-        Ok(ret)
+            rmpv::Value::String(v) => {
+                let Some(s) = v.as_str() else {
+                    Err(PgError::EncodingError(
+                        format!("couldn't encode string: {v:?}").into(),
+                    ))?
+                };
+                Ok(PgValue::text(s.to_owned()))
+            }
+            value => Err(PgError::FeatureNotSupported(format!("value: {value:?}"))),
+        }
@@ -224,20 +228,3 @@ impl PgValue {
-impl<L: AsLua> PushInto<L> for PgValue {
-    type Err = tarantool::tlua::Void;
-    fn push_into_lua(self, lua: L) -> Result<tarantool::tlua::PushGuard<L>, (Self::Err, L)> {
-        match self.0 {
-            Value::Boolean(value) => value.push_into_lua(lua),
-            Value::String(value) => value.push_into_lua(lua),
-            Value::Integer(value) => value.push_into_lua(lua),
-            Value::Double(double) => double.value.push_into_lua(lua),
-            Value::Null => PushInto::push_into_lua(Nil, lua),
-            // Let's just panic for now. Anyway, we will get rid of this PushInto impl after
-            // we get rid of the lua entrypoints in the next merge request.
-            _ => panic!("unsupported value"),
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/test/int/test_pgproto.py b/test/int/test_pgproto.py
index 6e4a6db264cbb003ba87611ff65cb5ef7441c372..5b37e222eb99d238c7ed6ef29d11185cdaf959de 100644
--- a/test/int/test_pgproto.py
+++ b/test/int/test_pgproto.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def test_extended_ddl(pg_client: PgClient):
     pg_client.bind("", "portal", [], [])
     assert len(pg_client.portals["available"]) == 1
     data = pg_client.execute("portal")
-    assert data["row_count"] == 1
+    assert data["row_count"] is None
     assert len(pg_client.statements["available"]) == 1
@@ -421,12 +421,12 @@ def test_interactive_portals(pg_client: PgClient):
     assert len(data["rows"]) == 1
     assert [
         """projection ("t"."key"::integer -> "key", "t"."value"::string -> "value")"""
-    ] == data["rows"]
+    ] == data["rows"][0]
     assert data["is_finished"] is False
     data = pg_client.execute("", -1)
     assert len(data["rows"]) == 4
-    assert """    scan "t\"""" in data["rows"]
-    assert """execution options:""" in data["rows"]
-    assert """sql_vdbe_max_steps = 45000""" in data["rows"]
-    assert """vtable_max_rows = 5000""" in data["rows"]
+    assert ["""    scan "t\""""] == data["rows"][0]
+    assert ["""execution options:"""] == data["rows"][1]
+    assert ["""sql_vdbe_max_steps = 45000"""] == data["rows"][2]
+    assert ["""vtable_max_rows = 5000"""] == data["rows"][3]
     assert data["is_finished"] is True