diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 10f008a1f9e2f4ca663beb72d45c5abf033a4157..5f52027f7c6b937e1455826a4609eefa0119e436 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -30,6 +30,15 @@ with the `YY.0M.MICRO` scheme.
 - _Clusterwide SQL_ introduces the capability to delete sharded tables.
   To obtain more details, please consult `pico.help('sql')`.
+- _Clusterwide SQL_ now supports simple `on conflict` clause in insert
+  to specify behaviour when duplicate error arises. Supported behaviour:
+  replace the conflicting tuple (`do replace`), skip the tuple which causes
+  error (`do nothing`), return error back to user (`do fail`).
+- _Clusterwide SQL_ now supports two execution limits per query: 
+  max number of rows in virtual table and max number of VDBE opcodes
+  for local query execution.
 ### Lua API:
 - Update `pico.LUA_API_VERSION`: `1.0.0` -> `1.3.0`
diff --git a/sbroad b/sbroad
index c5a56009214f6d0c5a53a294b2f5abb605156b40..60c6caa2b2efbba31ec8c9f09d09ff94629a006b 160000
--- a/sbroad
+++ b/sbroad
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit c5a56009214f6d0c5a53a294b2f5abb605156b40
+Subproject commit 60c6caa2b2efbba31ec8c9f09d09ff94629a006b
diff --git a/src/sql.rs b/src/sql.rs
index b3f8a8ae3a8dac3a94989ec39844b910a2bca454..7f5fba821ec47201b9e784db83352f1f5f7c5e3c 100644
--- a/src/sql.rs
+++ b/src/sql.rs
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ pub const DEFAULT_BUCKET_COUNT: u64 = 3000;
 /// Dispatches a query to the cluster.
 pub fn dispatch_query(encoded_params: EncodedPatternWithParams) -> traft::Result<Tuple> {
-    let mut params = PatternWithParams::from(encoded_params);
+    let mut params = PatternWithParams::try_from(encoded_params).map_err(Error::from)?;
     let id = params.clone_id();
     let ctx = params.extract_context();
-    let tracer = params.get_tracer();
+    let tracer = params.tracer;
     query_span::<Result<Tuple, Error>, _>(
diff --git a/src/sql/init.lua b/src/sql/init.lua
index dd002736f90dee0bd9cd424f9dc735d2d679642b..2d7455205ffc2fba98ab6f1338a88e0358976a5a 100644
--- a/src/sql/init.lua
+++ b/src/sql/init.lua
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ local helper = require('sbroad.helper')
 local function trace(query, params, context, id)
     local has_err, parser_res = pcall(
-            return box.func[".dispatch_query"]:call({ query, params, context, id, true })
+            return box.func[".dispatch_query"]:call({
+                query, params, context, id, helper.constants.STAT_TRACER })
@@ -31,7 +32,9 @@ local function sql(...)
     local has_err, parser_res = pcall(
-            return box.func[".dispatch_query"]:call({ query, params, box.NULL, box.NULL, false })
+            return box.func[".dispatch_query"]:call({
+                query, params, box.NULL, box.NULL,
+                helper.constants.GLOBAL_TRACER })
diff --git a/src/sql/router.rs b/src/sql/router.rs
index 940d112bb0f551d3e31c1336709bae89aa00649c..77939513c10c038294d1c4774cf84b8e0a818118 100644
--- a/src/sql/router.rs
+++ b/src/sql/router.rs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ use sbroad::executor::engine::helpers::{
 use sbroad::executor::engine::Metadata;
 use sbroad::ir::function::Function;
-use sbroad::ir::relation::{Column, ColumnRole, Table, Type};
+use sbroad::ir::relation::{space_pk_columns, Column, ColumnRole, Table, Type};
 use std::borrow::Cow;
@@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ impl Vshard for RouterRuntime {
         optional: Binary,
         query_type: QueryType,
         conn_type: ConnectionType,
+        vtable_max_rows: u64,
     ) -> Result<Box<dyn Any>, SbroadError> {
@@ -191,6 +192,7 @@ impl Vshard for RouterRuntime {
+            vtable_max_rows,
@@ -222,6 +224,7 @@ impl Vshard for &RouterRuntime {
         optional: Binary,
         query_type: QueryType,
         conn_type: ConnectionType,
+        vtable_max_rows: u64,
     ) -> Result<Box<dyn Any>, SbroadError> {
@@ -229,6 +232,7 @@ impl Vshard for &RouterRuntime {
+            vtable_max_rows,
@@ -377,7 +381,7 @@ impl Metadata for RouterMetadata {
                 format!("serde error: {e}"),
-        let keys: Vec<_> = match &space_def.distribution {
+        let shard_key_cols: Vec<_> = match &space_def.distribution {
             Distribution::Global => {
                 return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
@@ -406,11 +410,17 @@ impl Metadata for RouterMetadata {
-        let sharding_keys: &[&str] = &keys.iter().map(String::as_str).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+        let sharding_key_arg: &[&str] = &shard_key_cols
+            .iter()
+            .map(String::as_str)
+            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+        let pk_cols = space_pk_columns(&name, &columns)?;
+        let pk_arg = &pk_cols.iter().map(String::as_str).collect::<Vec<_>>();
-            sharding_keys,
+            sharding_key_arg,
+            pk_arg,
diff --git a/src/sql/storage.rs b/src/sql/storage.rs
index 184d37917c07e3869964cd089492c7022017fdf1..8e2204958558236913fe8a48dc464fa013fce48f 100644
--- a/src/sql/storage.rs
+++ b/src/sql/storage.rs
@@ -2,29 +2,23 @@
 //! Implements the `sbroad` crate infrastructure
 //! for execution of the dispatched query plan subtrees.
-use sbroad::debug;
 use sbroad::errors::{Action, Entity, SbroadError};
 use sbroad::executor::bucket::Buckets;
 use sbroad::executor::engine::helpers::storage::meta::StorageMetadata;
-use sbroad::executor::engine::helpers::storage::runtime::{
-    prepare, read_prepared, read_unprepared, unprepare, write_prepared, write_unprepared,
+use sbroad::executor::engine::helpers::storage::runtime::unprepare;
 use sbroad::executor::engine::helpers::storage::PreparedStmt;
 use sbroad::executor::engine::helpers::vshard::get_random_bucket;
-use sbroad::executor::engine::helpers::{compile_encoded_optional, execute_dml};
+use sbroad::executor::engine::helpers::{self};
 use sbroad::executor::engine::{QueryCache, Vshard};
 use sbroad::executor::ir::{ConnectionType, ExecutionPlan, QueryType};
 use sbroad::executor::lru::{Cache, LRUCache, DEFAULT_CAPACITY};
 use sbroad::executor::protocol::{Binary, RequiredData};
 use sbroad::ir::value::Value;
-use sbroad::warn;
 use std::{any::Any, cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};
 use super::{router::calculate_bucket_id, DEFAULT_BUCKET_COUNT};
-use tarantool::tuple::Tuple;
     static STATEMENT_CACHE: Rc<RefCell<LRUCache<String, PreparedStmt>>> = Rc::new(
         RefCell::new(LRUCache::new(DEFAULT_CAPACITY, Some(Box::new(unprepare))).unwrap())
@@ -70,6 +64,7 @@ impl Vshard for StorageRuntime {
         _optional: Binary,
         _query_type: QueryType,
         _conn_type: ConnectionType,
+        _vtable_max_rows: u64,
     ) -> Result<Box<dyn Any>, SbroadError> {
@@ -126,168 +121,18 @@ impl StorageRuntime {
         raw_optional: &mut Vec<u8>,
     ) -> Result<Box<dyn Any>, SbroadError> {
         match required.query_type {
-            QueryType::DML => self.execute_dml(required, raw_optional),
+            QueryType::DML => helpers::execute_dml(self, required, raw_optional),
             QueryType::DQL => {
                 if required.can_be_cached {
-                    self.execute_cacheable_dql(required, raw_optional)
-                } else {
-                    execute_non_cacheable_dql(required, raw_optional)
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    #[allow(unused_variables)]
-    fn execute_dml(
-        &self,
-        required: &mut RequiredData,
-        raw_optional: &mut Vec<u8>,
-    ) -> Result<Box<dyn Any>, SbroadError> {
-        if required.query_type != QueryType::DML {
-            return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
-                Entity::Plan,
-                Some("Expected a DML plan.".to_string()),
-            ));
-        }
-        let result = execute_dml(self, raw_optional)?;
-        let tuple = Tuple::new(&(result,))
-            .map_err(|e| SbroadError::Invalid(Entity::Tuple, Some(format!("{e:?}"))))?;
-        Ok(Box::new(tuple) as Box<dyn Any>)
-    }
-    #[allow(unused_variables)]
-    fn execute_cacheable_dql(
-        &self,
-        required: &mut RequiredData,
-        raw_optional: &mut Vec<u8>,
-    ) -> Result<Box<dyn Any>, SbroadError> {
-        let plan_id = required.plan_id.clone();
-        if !required.can_be_cached {
-            return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
-                Entity::Plan,
-                Some("Expected a plan that can be cached.".to_string()),
-            ));
-        }
-        // Look for the prepared statement in the cache.
-        if let Some(stmt) = self
-            .cache
-            .try_borrow_mut()
-            .map_err(|e| {
-                SbroadError::FailedTo(Action::Borrow, Some(Entity::Cache), format!("{e}"))
-            })?
-            .get(&plan_id)?
-        {
-            let stmt_id = stmt.id()?;
-            // The statement was found in the cache, so we can execute it.
-            debug!(
-                Option::from("execute plan"),
-                &format!("Execute prepared statement: {stmt:?}"),
-            );
-            let result = match required.query_type {
-                QueryType::DML => write_prepared(stmt_id, "", &required.parameters),
-                QueryType::DQL => read_prepared(stmt_id, "", &required.parameters),
-            };
-            // If prepared statement is invalid for some reason, fallback to the long pass
-            // and recompile the query.
-            if result.is_ok() {
-                return result;
-            }
-        }
-        debug!(
-            Option::from("execute plan"),
-            &format!("Failed to find a plan (id {plan_id}) in the cache."),
-        );
-        let (pattern_with_params, _tmp_spaces) = compile_encoded_optional(raw_optional)?;
-        let result = match prepare(&pattern_with_params.pattern) {
-            Ok(stmt) => {
-                let stmt_id = stmt.id()?;
-                debug!(
-                    Option::from("execute plan"),
-                    &format!(
-                        "Created prepared statement {} for the pattern {}",
-                        stmt_id,
-                        stmt.pattern()?
-                    ),
-                );
-                self.cache
-                    .try_borrow_mut()
-                    .map_err(|e| {
-                        SbroadError::FailedTo(
-                            Action::Put,
-                            None,
-                            format!("prepared statement {stmt:?} into the cache: {e:?}"),
-                        )
-                    })?
-                    .put(plan_id, stmt)?;
-                // The statement was found in the cache, so we can execute it.
-                debug!(
-                    Option::from("execute plan"),
-                    &format!("Execute prepared statement: {stmt_id}"),
-                );
-                if required.query_type == QueryType::DML {
-                    write_prepared(
-                        stmt_id,
-                        &pattern_with_params.pattern,
-                        &pattern_with_params.params,
-                    )
+                    helpers::execute_cacheable_dql_with_raw_optional(self, required, raw_optional)
                 } else {
-                    read_prepared(
-                        stmt_id,
-                        &pattern_with_params.pattern,
-                        &pattern_with_params.params,
+                    helpers::execute_non_cacheable_dql_with_raw_optional(
+                        raw_optional,
+                        required.options.vtable_max_rows,
+                        std::mem::take(&mut required.options.execute_options),
-            Err(e) => {
-                // Possibly the statement is correct, but doesn't fit into
-                // Tarantool's prepared statements cache (`sql_cache_size`).
-                // So we try to execute it bypassing the cache.
-                warn!(
-                    Option::from("execute"),
-                    &format!(
-                        "Failed to prepare the statement: {}, error: {e}",
-                        pattern_with_params.pattern
-                    ),
-                );
-                if required.query_type == QueryType::DML {
-                    write_unprepared(&pattern_with_params.pattern, &pattern_with_params.params)
-                } else {
-                    read_unprepared(&pattern_with_params.pattern, &pattern_with_params.params)
-                }
-            }
-        };
-        result
-    }
-fn execute_non_cacheable_dql(
-    required: &mut RequiredData,
-    raw_optional: &mut Vec<u8>,
-) -> Result<Box<dyn Any>, SbroadError> {
-    if required.can_be_cached || required.query_type != QueryType::DQL {
-        return Err(SbroadError::Invalid(
-            Entity::Plan,
-            Some("Expected a DQL plan that can not be cached.".to_string()),
-        ));
+        }
-    let (pattern_with_params, _tmp_spaces) = compile_encoded_optional(raw_optional)?;
-    debug!(
-        Option::from("execute"),
-        &format!(
-            "Failed to execute the statement: {}",
-            pattern_with_params.pattern
-        ),
-    );
-    warn!(
-        Option::from("execute"),
-        &format!("SQL pattern: {}", pattern_with_params.pattern),
-    );
-    read_unprepared(&pattern_with_params.pattern, &pattern_with_params.params)
diff --git a/test/int/test_sql.py b/test/int/test_sql.py
index c20a0b52212bc82cc7c7bd3ee5025bc0181f6555..dbdc2da2f7393eec90db3c0eb6fe46444e812855 100644
--- a/test/int/test_sql.py
+++ b/test/int/test_sql.py
@@ -185,3 +185,99 @@ def test_drop_table(cluster: Cluster):
     assert ddl["row_count"] == 1
+def test_insert_on_conflict(cluster: Cluster):
+    cluster.deploy(instance_count=2)
+    i1, _ = cluster.instances
+    ddl = i1.sql(
+        """
+        create table "t" ("a" integer not null, "b" int not null, primary key ("a"))
+        using memtx
+        distributed by ("b")
+        option (timeout = 3)
+    """
+    )
+    assert ddl["row_count"] == 1
+    dml = i1.sql(
+        """
+        insert into "t" values (1, 1)
+    """
+    )
+    assert dml["row_count"] == 1
+    dml = i1.sql(
+        """
+        insert into "t" values (1, 1) on conflict do nothing
+    """
+    )
+    assert dml["row_count"] == 0
+    data = i1.sql(
+        """select * from "t"
+    """
+    )
+    assert data["rows"] == [[1, 1]]
+    dml = i1.sql(
+        """
+        insert into "t" values (1, 2) on conflict do replace
+    """
+    )
+    assert dml["row_count"] == 1
+    data = i1.sql(
+        """select * from "t"
+    """
+    )
+    assert data["rows"] == [[1, 2]]
+def test_sql_limits(cluster: Cluster):
+    cluster.deploy(instance_count=2)
+    i1, _ = cluster.instances
+    ddl = i1.sql(
+        """
+        create table "t" ("a" integer not null, "b" int not null, primary key ("a"))
+        using memtx
+        distributed by ("b")
+        option (timeout = 3)
+    """
+    )
+    assert ddl["row_count"] == 1
+    dml = i1.sql(
+        """
+    insert into "t" values (1, 1), (2, 1)
+    """
+    )
+    assert dml["row_count"] == 2
+    with pytest.raises(
+        ReturnError, match="Reached a limit on max executed vdbe opcodes. Limit: 5"
+    ):
+        i1.sql(
+            """
+        select * from "t" where "a" = 1 option(sql_vdbe_max_steps=5)
+    """
+        )
+    dql = i1.sql(
+        """
+        select * from "t" where "a" = 1 option(sql_vdbe_max_steps=50)
+    """
+    )
+    assert dql["rows"] == [[1, 1]]
+    with pytest.raises(
+        ReturnError,
+        match=r"Exceeded maximum number of rows \(1\) in virtual table: 2",
+    ):
+        i1.sql(
+            """
+        select * from "t" option(vtable_max_rows=1, sql_vdbe_max_steps=50)
+    """
+        )