From 1cfb9d750d7819f19ac4f4453b5edb53da490620 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Georgy Moshkin <>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2023 14:48:01 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] fix: remove migrations completely

They're being replaced with ddl create_space, etc.
 src/governor/        |  77 -------------------
 src/governor/              |  34 ---------
 src/governor/             |  26 -------
 src/                       |  72 +-----------------
 src/rpc/             |  41 -----------
 src/rpc/                   |   1 -
 src/                   | 122 +------------------------------
 src/traft/                 |  10 ---
 test/int/       |  70 ------------------
 test/int/             |   7 --
 test/manual/sql/ |  21 +++---
 11 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 470 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/governor/
 delete mode 100644 src/rpc/
 delete mode 100644 test/int/

diff --git a/src/governor/ b/src/governor/
deleted file mode 100644
index f7aef01358..0000000000
--- a/src/governor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-use crate::replicaset::Replicaset;
-pub(crate) fn get_pending_migration<'r>(
-    mut migration_ids: Vec<u64>,
-    replicasets: &[&'r Replicaset],
-    desired_schema_version: u64,
-) -> Option<(u64, &'r Replicaset)> {
-    migration_ids.sort();
-    for m_id in migration_ids {
-        for r in replicasets {
-            if r.current_schema_version < m_id && m_id <= desired_schema_version {
-                return Some((m_id, r));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    None
-mod tests {
-    use super::*;
-    #[allow(non_snake_case)]
-    fn R(rid: &str, mid: u64) -> Replicaset {
-        Replicaset {
-            replicaset_id: rid.into(),
-            replicaset_uuid: Default::default(),
-            master_id: String::default().into(),
-            weight: Default::default(),
-            current_schema_version: mid,
-        }
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_waiting_migrations() {
-        let ms = vec![3, 2, 1];
-        let rs = [R("r1", 0), R("r2", 2), R("r3", 1)];
-        let rs = rs.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
-        assert_eq!(get_pending_migration(ms.clone(), &rs, 0), None);
-        let (m, r) = get_pending_migration(ms.clone(), &rs, 1).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!((m, &*r.replicaset_id), (1, "r1"));
-        let rs = [R("r1", 1), R("r2", 2), R("r3", 1)];
-        let rs = rs.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
-        assert_eq!(get_pending_migration(ms.clone(), &rs, 1), None);
-        let (m, r) = get_pending_migration(ms.clone(), &rs, 2).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!((m, &*r.replicaset_id), (2, "r1"));
-        let rs = [R("r1", 2), R("r2", 2), R("r3", 1)];
-        let rs = rs.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
-        let (m, r) = get_pending_migration(ms.clone(), &rs, 2).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!((m, &*r.replicaset_id), (2, "r3"));
-        let rs = [R("r1", 2), R("r2", 2), R("r3", 2)];
-        let rs = rs.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
-        assert_eq!(get_pending_migration(ms.clone(), &rs, 2), None);
-        let (m, r) = get_pending_migration(ms.clone(), &rs, 3).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!((m, &*r.replicaset_id), (3, "r1"));
-        let rs = [R("r1", 3), R("r2", 2), R("r3", 2)];
-        let rs = rs.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
-        let (m, r) = get_pending_migration(ms.clone(), &rs, 99).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!((m, &*r.replicaset_id), (3, "r2"));
-        let rs = [R("r1", 3), R("r2", 3), R("r3", 2)];
-        let rs = rs.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
-        let (m, r) = get_pending_migration(ms.clone(), &rs, 99).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!((m, &*r.replicaset_id), (3, "r3"));
-        let rs = [R("r1", 3), R("r2", 3), R("r3", 3)];
-        let rs = rs.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
-        assert_eq!(get_pending_migration(ms.clone(), &rs, 99), None);
-    }
diff --git a/src/governor/ b/src/governor/
index 100e3944c9..5933ab6667 100644
--- a/src/governor/
+++ b/src/governor/
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ use ::tarantool::fiber::r#async::timeout::Error as TimeoutError;
 use ::tarantool::fiber::r#async::timeout::IntoTimeout as _;
 use ::tarantool::fiber::r#async::watch;
-use crate::event::{self, Event};
 use crate::instance::Instance;
 use crate::op::Op;
 use crate::r#loop::FlowControl::{self, Continue};
@@ -25,7 +24,6 @@ use crate::unwrap_ok_or;
 use futures::future::try_join_all;
 pub(crate) mod cc;
-pub(crate) mod migration;
 pub(crate) mod plan;
 use plan::action_plan;
@@ -59,7 +57,6 @@ impl Loop {
             .map(|rs| (&rs.replicaset_id, rs))
-        let migration_ids = storage.migrations.iter().unwrap().map(|m|;
         let term = status.get().term;
         let applied = raft_storage.applied().unwrap().unwrap();
@@ -67,7 +64,6 @@ impl Loop {
         let node = global().expect("must be initialized");
         let vshard_bootstrapped =;
         let replication_factor =;
-        let desired_schema_version =;
         let pending_schema_change =;
         let has_pending_schema_change = pending_schema_change.is_some();
@@ -79,11 +75,9 @@ impl Loop {
-            migration_ids,
-            desired_schema_version,
         let plan = unwrap_ok_or!(plan,
@@ -499,34 +493,6 @@ impl Loop {
-            Plan::ApplyMigration(ApplyMigration { target, rpc, op }) => {
-                let migration_id = rpc.migration_id;
-                governor_step! {
-                    "applying migration on a replicaset" [
-                        "replicaset_id" => %target.replicaset_id,
-                        "migration_id" => %migration_id,
-                    ]
-                    async {
-                        pool
-                            .call(&target.master_id, &rpc)?
-                            .timeout(Loop::SYNC_TIMEOUT)
-                            .await?;
-                    }
-                }
-                governor_step! {
-                    "proposing replicaset current schema version change" [
-                        "replicaset_id" => %target.replicaset_id,
-                        "schema_version" => %migration_id,
-                    ]
-                    async {
-                        node.propose_and_wait(op, Duration::from_secs(3))??
-                    }
-                }
-                event::broadcast(Event::MigrateDone);
-            }
             Plan::None => {
                 tlog!(Info, "nothing to do, waiting for events to handle");
                 _ = waker.changed().await;
diff --git a/src/governor/ b/src/governor/
index bb4b03119e..4e96eeb1b1 100644
--- a/src/governor/
+++ b/src/governor/
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ use ::tarantool::space::UpdateOps;
 use std::collections::HashMap;
 use super::cc::raft_conf_change;
-use super::migration::get_pending_migration;
 use super::Loop;
@@ -25,11 +24,9 @@ pub(super) fn action_plan<'i>(
     voters: &[RaftId],
     learners: &[RaftId],
     replicasets: &HashMap<&ReplicasetId, &'i Replicaset>,
-    migration_ids: Vec<u64>,
     my_raft_id: RaftId,
     vshard_bootstrapped: bool,
     replication_factor: usize,
-    desired_schema_version: u64,
     has_pending_schema_change: bool,
 ) -> Result<Plan<'i>> {
@@ -360,23 +357,6 @@ pub(super) fn action_plan<'i>(
         return Ok(ApplySchemaChange { rpc, targets }.into());
-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    // migration
-    let replicasets: Vec<_> = replicasets.values().copied().collect();
-    let to_apply = get_pending_migration(migration_ids, &replicasets, desired_schema_version);
-    if let Some((migration_id, target)) = to_apply {
-        let rpc = rpc::migration::apply::Request {
-            term,
-            applied,
-            timeout: Loop::SYNC_TIMEOUT,
-            migration_id,
-        };
-        let mut ops = UpdateOps::new();
-        ops.assign("current_schema_version", migration_id)?;
-        let op = Dml::update(ClusterwideSpace::Replicaset, &[&target.replicaset_id], ops)?;
-        return Ok(ApplyMigration { target, rpc, op }.into());
-    }
@@ -488,12 +468,6 @@ pub mod stage {
             pub targets: Vec<&'i InstanceId>,
             pub rpc: rpc::ddl_apply::Request,
-        pub struct ApplyMigration<'i> {
-            pub target: &'i Replicaset,
-            pub rpc: rpc::migration::apply::Request,
-            pub op: Dml,
-        }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index a49d007ba0..0e7a3c0a13 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ use rpc::{join, update_instance};
 use std::convert::TryFrom;
 use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
 use storage::Clusterwide;
-use storage::ToEntryIter as _;
 use storage::{ClusterwideSpace, PropertyName};
 use traft::RaftSpaceAccess;
 use traft::RaftTerm;
@@ -24,9 +23,8 @@ use crate::instance::grade::TargetGradeVariant;
 use crate::instance::InstanceId;
 use crate::schema::CreateSpaceParams;
 use crate::tlog::set_log_level;
-use crate::traft::event::Event;
+use crate::traft::node;
 use crate::traft::op::{self, Op};
-use crate::traft::{event, node, Migration};
 use crate::traft::{LogicalClock, RaftIndex};
 use traft::error::Error;
@@ -381,74 +379,6 @@ fn picolib_setup(args: &args::Run) {
-    luamod.set(
-        "add_migration",
-        tlua::function2(|id: u64, body: String| -> traft::Result<()> {
-            let migration = Migration { id, body };
-            let op = op::Dml::insert(ClusterwideSpace::Migration, &migration)?;
-            node::global()?.propose_and_wait(op, Duration::MAX)??;
-            Ok(())
-        }),
-    );
-    luamod.set(
-        "push_schema_version",
-        tlua::function1(|id: u64| -> traft::Result<()> {
-            let op = op::Dml::replace(
-                ClusterwideSpace::Property,
-                &(PropertyName::DesiredSchemaVersion, id),
-            )?;
-            node::global()?.propose_and_wait(op, Duration::MAX)??;
-            Ok(())
-        }),
-    );
-    luamod.set(
-        "migrate",
-        tlua::Function::new(
-            |m_id: Option<u64>, timeout: Option<f64>| -> traft::Result<Option<u64>> {
-                let node = node::global()?;
-                let Some(latest) = else {
-                    tlog!(Info, "there are no migrations to apply");
-                    return Ok(None);
-                };
-                let current_version =;
-                let target_version =|id| id.min(;
-                if target_version <= current_version {
-                    return Ok(Some(current_version));
-                }
-                let op = op::Dml::replace(
-                    ClusterwideSpace::Property,
-                    &(PropertyName::DesiredSchemaVersion, target_version),
-                )?;
-                node.propose_and_wait(op, Duration::MAX)??;
-                let deadline = {
-                    let timeout = timeout
-                        .map(Duration::from_secs_f64)
-                        .unwrap_or(Duration::MAX);
-                    let now = Instant::now();
-                    now.checked_add(timeout)
-                        .unwrap_or_else(|| now + Duration::from_secs(30 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60))
-                };
-                while node
-                    .storage
-                    .replicasets
-                    .iter()?
-                    .any(|r| r.current_schema_version < target_version)
-                {
-                    if event::wait_deadline(Event::MigrateDone, deadline)?.is_timeout() {
-                        return Err(Error::Timeout);
-                    }
-                }
-                Ok(Some(
-            },
-        ),
-    );
     // Trims raft log up to the given index (excluding the index
     // itself). Returns the new `first_index` after the log compaction.
     luamod.set("raft_compact_log", {
diff --git a/src/rpc/ b/src/rpc/
deleted file mode 100644
index d13199d570..0000000000
--- a/src/rpc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-pub mod apply {
-    use crate::rpc;
-    use crate::traft::{error::Error, node, RaftIndex, RaftTerm, Result};
-    use std::time::Duration;
-    use tarantool::{lua_state, tlua::LuaError};
-    crate::define_rpc_request! {
-        fn proc_apply_migration(req: Request) -> Result<Response> {
-            let node = node::global()?;
-            node.status().check_term(req.term)?;
-            rpc::sync::wait_for_index_timeout(req.applied, &node.raft_storage, req.timeout)?;
-            let storage = &;
-            let Some(migration) = storage.migrations.get(req.migration_id)? else {
-                return Err(Error::other(format!("migration {0} not found", req.migration_id)));
-            };
-            lua_state()
-                .exec_with(
-                    "local ok, err = box.execute(...)
-                    if not ok then
-                        box.error(err)
-                    end",
-                    migration.body,
-                )
-                .map_err(LuaError::from)?;
-            Ok(Response {})
-        }
-        pub struct Request {
-            pub term: RaftTerm,
-            pub applied: RaftIndex,
-            pub timeout: Duration,
-            pub migration_id: u64,
-        }
-        pub struct Response {}
-    }
diff --git a/src/rpc/ b/src/rpc/
index 57dd0b3689..b4dcb3e69e 100644
--- a/src/rpc/
+++ b/src/rpc/
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ pub mod ddl_apply;
 pub mod expel;
 pub mod join;
 pub mod lsn;
-pub mod migration;
 pub mod replication;
 pub mod sharding;
 pub mod sync;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 04c5b96c50..e6388d638f 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ use crate::tlog;
 use crate::traft;
 use crate::traft::error::Error;
 use crate::traft::op::Ddl;
-use crate::traft::Migration;
 use crate::traft::RaftId;
 use crate::traft::Result;
@@ -389,18 +388,6 @@ define_clusterwide_spaces! {
             /// An enumeration of indexes defined for replicaset space.
             pub enum SpaceReplicasetIndex;
-        Migration = "_pico_migration" => {
-            Clusterwide::migrations;
-            pub struct Migrations {
-                space: Space,
-                #[primary]
-                index: Index => Id = "id",
-            }
-            /// An enumeration of indexes defined for migration space.
-            pub enum SpaceMigrationIndex;
-        }
         Space = "_pico_space" => {
@@ -723,8 +710,6 @@ pub trait TClusterwideSpaceIndex {
     pub enum PropertyName {
         ReplicationFactor = "replication_factor",
         VshardBootstrapped = "vshard_bootstrapped",
-        // TODO: remove this
-        DesiredSchemaVersion = "desired_schema_version",
         /// Pending ddl operation which is to be either committed or aborted.
@@ -817,14 +802,6 @@ impl Properties {
-    #[inline]
-    pub fn desired_schema_version(&self) -> tarantool::Result<u64> {
-        let res = self
-            .get(PropertyName::DesiredSchemaVersion)?
-            .unwrap_or_default();
-        Ok(res)
-    }
     pub fn pending_schema_change(&self) -> tarantool::Result<Option<Ddl>> {
@@ -1276,56 +1253,6 @@ where
-// Migrations
-impl Migrations {
-    pub fn new() -> tarantool::Result<Self> {
-        let space = Space::builder(Self::SPACE_NAME)
-            .is_local(true)
-            .is_temporary(false)
-            .field(("id", FieldType::Unsigned))
-            .field(("body", FieldType::String))
-            .if_not_exists(true)
-            .create()?;
-        let index = space
-            .index_builder(Self::primary_index().as_str())
-            .unique(true)
-            .part("id")
-            .if_not_exists(true)
-            .create()?;
-        Ok(Self { space, index })
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    pub fn get(&self, id: u64) -> tarantool::Result<Option<Migration>> {
-        match[id])? {
-            Some(tuple) => tuple.decode().map(Some),
-            None => Ok(None),
-        }
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    pub fn get_latest(&self) -> tarantool::Result<Option<Migration>> {
-        let iter =, &())?;
-        let iter = EntryIter::new(iter);
-        let ms = iter.take(1).collect::<Vec<_>>();
-        Ok(ms.first().cloned())
-    }
-impl ToEntryIter for Migrations {
-    type Entry = Migration;
-    #[inline(always)]
-    fn index_iter(&self) -> Result<IndexIterator> {
-        Ok(, &())?)
-    }
 // EntryIter
@@ -1752,27 +1679,6 @@ mod tests {
-    #[rustfmt::skip]
-    #[::tarantool::test]
-    fn test_storage_migrations() {
-        let migrations = Migrations::new().unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(None, migrations.get_latest().unwrap());
-        for m in &[
-            (1, "first"),
-            (3, "third"),
-            (2, "second")
-        ] {
-  ;
-        }
-        assert_eq!(
-            Some(Migration {id: 3, body: "third".to_string()}),
-            migrations.get_latest().unwrap()
-        );
-    }
     fn clusterwide_space_index() {
         let storage = Clusterwide::new().unwrap();
@@ -1838,16 +1744,10 @@ mod tests {
-        storage
-            .migrations
-            .space
-            .insert(&(1, "drop table BANK_ACCOUNTS"))
-            .unwrap();
         let snapshot_data = Clusterwide::snapshot_data().unwrap();
         let space_dumps = snapshot_data.space_dumps;
-        assert_eq!(space_dumps.len(), 7);
+        assert_eq!(space_dumps.len(), 6);
         for space_dump in &space_dumps {
             match & {
@@ -1878,12 +1778,6 @@ mod tests {
                     assert_eq!(replicaset, r);
-                s if s == &*ClusterwideSpace::Migration => {
-                    let [migration]: [(i32, String); 1] =
-                        Decode::decode(space_dump.tuples.as_ref()).unwrap();
-                    assert_eq!(migration, (1, "drop table BANK_ACCOUNTS".to_owned()));
-                }
                 s if s == &*ClusterwideSpace::Space => {
                     let []: [(); 0] = Decode::decode(space_dump.tuples.as_ref()).unwrap();
@@ -1943,16 +1837,6 @@ mod tests {
-        let m = Migration {
-            id: 1,
-            body: "drop table BANK_ACCOUNTS".into(),
-        };
-        let tuples = [&m].to_tuple_buffer().unwrap();
-        data.space_dumps.push(SpaceDump {
-            space: ClusterwideSpace::Migration.into(),
-            tuples,
-        });
         let raw_data = data.to_tuple_buffer().unwrap();
         storage.for_each_space(|s| s.truncate()).unwrap();
@@ -1974,9 +1858,5 @@ mod tests {
         assert_eq!(, 1);
         let replicaset = storage.replicasets.get("r1").unwrap().unwrap();
         assert_eq!(replicaset, r);
-        assert_eq!(, 1);
-        let migration = storage.migrations.get(1).unwrap().unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(migration, m);
diff --git a/src/traft/ b/src/traft/
index 669e9b28c9..aac2a2102c 100644
--- a/src/traft/
+++ b/src/traft/
@@ -381,13 +381,3 @@ pub fn replicaset_uuid(replicaset_id: &str) -> String {
 fn uuid_v3(name: &str) -> Uuid {
     Uuid::new_v3(&Uuid::nil(), name.as_bytes())
-/// Migration
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub struct Migration {
-    pub id: u64,
-    pub body: String,
-impl Encode for Migration {}
diff --git a/test/int/ b/test/int/
deleted file mode 100644
index 46e4e95dd9..0000000000
--- a/test/int/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-from conftest import Cluster
-def test_add_migration(cluster: Cluster):
-    cluster.deploy(instance_count=2)
-    i1, i2 = cluster.instances
-    i1.promote_or_fail()
-    i1.eval("pico.add_migration(1, 'migration body')")
-    assert"") == [[1, "migration body"]]
-def test_push_schema_version(cluster: Cluster):
-    cluster.deploy(instance_count=2)
-    i1, i2 = cluster.instances
-    i1.promote_or_fail()
-    i1.eval("pico.push_schema_version(3)")
-    key = "desired_schema_version"
-    assert"", [key]) == [[key, 3]]
-def test_apply_migrations(cluster: Cluster):
-    # Scenario: apply migration to cluster
-    #   Given a cluster with added migration
-    #   When it push up desired_schema_version
-    #   Then the migration is applied
-    #   And replicaset's current_schema_version is set to desired_schema_version
-    cluster.deploy(instance_count=3)
-    i1 = cluster.instances[0]
-    i1.promote_or_fail()
-    i1.assert_raft_status("Leader")
-    def replicaset_schema_versions(instance):
-        return instance.eval(
-            """
-            return
-                :map(function(replicaset)
-                    return replicaset.current_schema_version
-                end)
-                :totable()
-            """
-        )
-    for n, sql in {
-        1: """create table "test_space" ("id" int primary key)""",
-        2: """alter table "test_space" add column "value" varchar(100)""",
-    }.items():
-"pico.add_migration", n, sql)
-    assert"pico.migrate", 1) == 1
-    for i in cluster.instances:
-        format ="")
-        assert [f["name"] for f in format] == ["id"]
-        assert set(replicaset_schema_versions(i)) == {1}
-    # idempotent
-    assert"pico.migrate", 1) == 1
-    assert"pico.migrate", 2) == 2
-    for i in cluster.instances:
-        format ="")
-        assert [f["name"] for f in format] == ["id", "value"]
-        assert set(replicaset_schema_versions(i)) == {2}
-    # idempotent
-    assert"pico.migrate", 1) == 2
-    assert"pico.migrate", 2) == 2
diff --git a/test/int/ b/test/int/
index 42e18b7e1b..8fe090633e 100644
--- a/test/int/
+++ b/test/int/
@@ -1,19 +1,12 @@
-import funcy  # type: ignore
 import pytest
 import re
 from conftest import (
-    Instance,
-@funcy.retry(tries=30, timeout=0.2)
-def apply_migration(i: Instance, n: int):
-    assert"pico.migrate", n) == n
 def test_pico_sql(cluster: Cluster):
     i1 = cluster.instances[0]
diff --git a/test/manual/sql/ b/test/manual/sql/
index b6a01f2af8..2b3ecb06c3 100644
--- a/test/manual/sql/
+++ b/test/manual/sql/
@@ -14,18 +14,15 @@ def test_projection(cluster: Cluster):
     i1, i2 = cluster.instances
     # Create a sharded space and populate it with data.
-    for n, sql in {
-        1: """create table t(a int, "bucket_id" unsigned, primary key (a));""",
-        2: """create index "bucket_id" on t ("bucket_id");""",
-        3: """create table "_pico_space"("id" int, "distribution" text, primary key("id"));""",
-    }.items():
-"pico.add_migration", n, sql)
-    apply_migration(i1, 3)
-    space_id = i1.eval("return")
-    sql = """insert into "_pico_space" values({id}, 'A');""".format(id=space_id)
-"pico.add_migration", 4, sql)
-    apply_migration(i1, 4)
+    cluster.create_space(
+        dict(
+            id=895,
+            name="T",
+            format=[dict(name="A", type="integer", is_nullable=False)],
+            primary_key=["A"],
+            distribution=dict(sharding_key=["A"], sharding_fn="murmur3"),
+        )
+    )
     row_number = 100
     for n in range(row_number):