diff --git a/src/executor.rs b/src/executor.rs
index 91348ac49f2e4757c018f01a49cc0facd472db02..e673374aeb121a6aaefbb502cb3b9195fac39404 100644
--- a/src/executor.rs
+++ b/src/executor.rs
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ pub mod vtable;
 impl Plan {
     /// Apply optimization rules to the plan.
-    fn optimize(&mut self) -> Result<(), QueryPlannerError> {
+    pub(crate) fn optimize(&mut self) -> Result<(), QueryPlannerError> {
diff --git a/src/ir/explain.rs b/src/ir/explain.rs
index f0a2f26e52362ccb0147776db60c5dd23e85413f..13e9ee5fdc6e311a53ea8ff847bb1d1701f86aa6 100644
--- a/src/ir/explain.rs
+++ b/src/ir/explain.rs
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ use traversal::DftPost;
 use crate::errors::QueryPlannerError;
 use crate::ir::expression::Expression;
 use crate::ir::operator::Relational;
+use crate::ir::transformation::redistribution::{
+    DataGeneration, MotionPolicy as IrMotionPolicy, Target as IrTarget,
 use crate::ir::Plan;
 use super::operator::{Bool, Unary};
@@ -359,6 +362,78 @@ impl Display for SubQuery {
+#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
+struct Motion {
+    policy: MotionPolicy,
+    generation: DataGeneration,
+impl Motion {
+    fn new(policy: MotionPolicy, generation: DataGeneration) -> Self {
+        Motion { policy, generation }
+    }
+impl Display for Motion {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        write!(
+            f,
+            "motion [policy: {}, generation: {}]",
+            &self.policy, &self.generation
+        )
+    }
+#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
+enum MotionPolicy {
+    Full,
+    Segment(MotionKey),
+    Local,
+impl Display for MotionPolicy {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        match &self {
+            MotionPolicy::Full => write!(f, "full"),
+            MotionPolicy::Segment(mk) => write!(f, "segment({})", mk),
+            MotionPolicy::Local => write!(f, "local"),
+        }
+    }
+#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
+struct MotionKey {
+    pub targets: Vec<Target>,
+impl Display for MotionKey {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        let targets = &self
+            .targets
+            .iter()
+            .map(ToString::to_string)
+            .collect::<Vec<String>>()
+            .join(", ");
+        write!(f, "[{}]", targets)
+    }
+#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
+pub enum Target {
+    Reference(String),
+    Value(Value),
+impl Display for Target {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        match &self {
+            Target::Reference(s) => write!(f, "ref({})", s),
+            Target::Value(v) => write!(f, "value({})", v),
+        }
+    }
 #[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
 enum ExplainNode {
@@ -368,6 +443,7 @@ enum ExplainNode {
+    Motion(Motion),
 impl Display for ExplainNode {
@@ -379,6 +455,7 @@ impl Display for ExplainNode {
             ExplainNode::Selection(s) => format!("selection {}", s),
             ExplainNode::UnionAll => "union all".to_string(),
             ExplainNode::SubQuery(s) => s.to_string(),
+            ExplainNode::Motion(m) => m.to_string(),
         write!(f, "{}", s)
@@ -551,8 +628,61 @@ impl FullExplain {
                     let s = SubQuery::new(alias.as_ref().map(ToString::to_string));
+                Relational::Motion {
+                    children,
+                    policy,
+                    generation,
+                    ..
+                } => {
+                    let child = stack.pop().ok_or_else(|| {
+                        QueryPlannerError::CustomError(
+                            "Motion node must have exactly one child".into(),
+                        )
+                    })?;
+                    current_node.children.push(child);
+                    let p = match policy {
+                        IrMotionPolicy::Segment(s) => {
+                            let child_id = children.first().ok_or_else(|| {
+                                QueryPlannerError::CustomError(
+                                    "Current node should have exactly one child".to_string(),
+                                )
+                            })?;
+                            let child_output_id = ir.get_relation_node(*child_id)?.output();
+                            let col_list =
+                                ir.get_expression_node(child_output_id)?.get_row_list()?;
+                            let targets = (&s.targets)
+                                .iter()
+                                .map(|r| match r {
+                                    IrTarget::Reference(pos) => {
+                                        let col_id = *col_list.get(*pos).ok_or_else(|| {
+                                            QueryPlannerError::CustomError(String::from(
+                                                "Invalid position in list",
+                                            ))
+                                        })?;
+                                        let col_name = ir
+                                            .get_expression_node(col_id)?
+                                            .get_alias_name()?
+                                            .to_string();
+                                        Ok(Target::Reference(col_name))
+                                    }
+                                    IrTarget::Value(v) => Ok(Target::Value(v.clone())),
+                                })
+                                .collect::<Result<Vec<Target>, _>>()?;
+                            MotionPolicy::Segment(MotionKey { targets })
+                        }
+                        IrMotionPolicy::Full => MotionPolicy::Full,
+                        IrMotionPolicy::Local => MotionPolicy::Local,
+                    };
+                    let m = Motion::new(p, generation.clone());
+                    Some(ExplainNode::Motion(m))
+                }
                 Relational::InnerJoin { .. }
-                | Relational::Motion { .. }
                 | Relational::Insert { .. }
                 | Relational::Values { .. }
                 | Relational::ValuesRow { .. } => {
diff --git a/src/ir/explain/tests.rs b/src/ir/explain/tests.rs
index 9164969e505cd52b322a668b184c1d189fd96cc5..685a975c7ee04a150837aad6199785f76bfec6cf 100644
--- a/src/ir/explain/tests.rs
+++ b/src/ir/explain/tests.rs
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
 use super::*;
-use crate::ir::transformation::helpers::sql_to_ir;
+use crate::ir::transformation::helpers::sql_to_optimized_ir;
 fn simple_query_without_cond_plan() {
     let query =
         r#"SELECT "t"."identification_number" as "c1", "product_code" FROM "hash_testing" as "t""#;
-    let plan = sql_to_ir(query, vec![]);
+    let plan = sql_to_optimized_ir(query, vec![]);
     let top = &plan.get_top().unwrap();
     let explain_tree = FullExplain::new(&plan, *top).unwrap();
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ fn simple_query_without_cond_plan() {
 fn simple_query_with_cond_plan() {
     let query = r#"SELECT "t"."identification_number" as "c1", "product_code" FROM "hash_testing" as "t" WHERE "t"."identification_number" = 1 AND "t"."product_code" = '222'"#;
-    let plan = sql_to_ir(query, vec![]);
+    let plan = sql_to_optimized_ir(query, vec![]);
     let top = &plan.get_top().unwrap();
     let explain_tree = FullExplain::new(&plan, *top).unwrap();
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ fn simple_query_with_cond_plan() {
     let mut actual_explain = String::new();
         r#"projection ("t"."identification_number" -> "c1", "t"."product_code" -> "product_code")
-    selection ROW("t"."identification_number") = ROW(1) and ROW("t"."product_code") = ROW('222')
+    selection ROW("t"."identification_number", "t"."product_code") = ROW(1, '222')
         scan "hash_testing" -> "t"
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ fn union_query_plan() {
         UNION ALL
         SELECT "t2"."identification_number", "product_code" FROM "hash_testing_hist" as "t2""#;
-    let plan = sql_to_ir(query, vec![]);
+    let plan = sql_to_optimized_ir(query, vec![]);
     let top = &plan.get_top().unwrap();
     let explain_tree = FullExplain::new(&plan, *top).unwrap();
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ SELECT "id", "FIRST_NAME" FROM "test_space_hist" WHERE "sys_op" < 0
 ) as "t"
 WHERE "id" = 1"#;
-    let plan = sql_to_ir(query, vec![]);
+    let plan = sql_to_optimized_ir(query, vec![]);
     let top = &plan.get_top().unwrap();
     let explain_tree = FullExplain::new(&plan, *top).unwrap();
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ WHERE "id" = 1"#;
         scan "t"
             union all
                 projection ("test_space"."id" -> "id", "test_space"."FIRST_NAME" -> "FIRST_NAME")
-                    selection ROW("test_space"."sys_op") > ROW(0) and ROW("test_space"."sysFrom") < ROW(0)
+                    selection ROW("test_space"."sysFrom") < ROW(0) and ROW("test_space"."sys_op") > ROW(0)
                         scan "test_space"
                 projection ("test_space_hist"."id" -> "id", "test_space_hist"."FIRST_NAME" -> "FIRST_NAME")
                     selection ROW("test_space_hist"."sys_op") < ROW(0)
@@ -109,21 +109,20 @@ WHERE "id" IN (SELECT "id"
       SELECT "id", "FIRST_NAME" FROM "test_space_hist" WHERE "sys_op" < 0
   ) as "t2"
   WHERE "t2"."id" = 4)
-  AND "FIRST_NAME" IN (SELECT "FIRST_NAME" FROM "test_space" WHERE "id" = 5)
-    let plan = sql_to_ir(query, vec![]);
+    let plan = sql_to_optimized_ir(query, vec![]);
     let top = &plan.get_top().unwrap();
     let explain_tree = FullExplain::new(&plan, *top).unwrap();
     let mut actual_explain = String::new();
     actual_explain.push_str(r#"projection ("t"."id" -> "id", "t"."FIRST_NAME" -> "FIRST_NAME")
-    selection ROW("t"."id") in ROW($0) and ROW("t"."FIRST_NAME") in ROW($1)
+    selection ROW("t"."id") in ROW($0)
         scan "t"
             union all
                 projection ("test_space"."id" -> "id", "test_space"."FIRST_NAME" -> "FIRST_NAME")
-                    selection ROW("test_space"."sys_op") > ROW(0) and ROW("test_space"."sysFrom") < ROW(0)
+                    selection ROW("test_space"."sysFrom") < ROW(0) and ROW("test_space"."sys_op") > ROW(0)
                         scan "test_space"
                 projection ("test_space_hist"."id" -> "id", "test_space_hist"."FIRST_NAME" -> "FIRST_NAME")
                     selection ROW("test_space_hist"."sys_op") < ROW(0)
@@ -140,11 +139,6 @@ scan
                             projection ("test_space_hist"."id" -> "id", "test_space_hist"."FIRST_NAME" -> "FIRST_NAME")
                                 selection ROW("test_space_hist"."sys_op") < ROW(0)
                                     scan "test_space_hist"
-subquery $1:
-            projection ("test_space"."FIRST_NAME" -> "FIRST_NAME")
-                selection ROW("test_space"."id") = ROW(5)
-                    scan "test_space"
     assert_eq!(actual_explain, explain_tree.to_string())
@@ -156,17 +150,74 @@ fn explain_except1() {
         SELECT "identification_number" FROM "hash_testing_hist""#;
-    let plan = sql_to_ir(query, vec![]);
+    let plan = sql_to_optimized_ir(query, vec![]);
     let top = &plan.get_top().unwrap();
     let explain_tree = FullExplain::new(&plan, *top).unwrap();
     let expected = format!(
-        "{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n",
+        "{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n",
         r#"    projection ("t"."product_code" -> "pc")"#,
         r#"        scan "hash_testing" -> "t""#,
-        r#"    projection ("hash_testing_hist"."identification_number" -> "identification_number")"#,
-        r#"        scan "hash_testing_hist""#,
+        r#"    motion [policy: full, generation: none]"#,
+        r#"        projection ("hash_testing_hist"."identification_number" -> "identification_number")"#,
+        r#"            scan "hash_testing_hist""#,
     assert_eq!(expected, explain_tree.to_string())
+fn motion_subquery_plan() {
+    let query = r#"SELECT * FROM (
+SELECT "id", "FIRST_NAME" FROM "test_space" WHERE "sys_op" > 0 and "sysFrom" < 0
+SELECT "id", "FIRST_NAME" FROM "test_space_hist" WHERE "sys_op" < 0
+) as "t"
+WHERE "id" IN (SELECT "id"
+   FROM (
+      SELECT "id", "FIRST_NAME" FROM "test_space" WHERE "sys_op" > 0
+      UNION ALL
+      SELECT "id", "FIRST_NAME" FROM "test_space_hist" WHERE "sys_op" < 0
+  ) as "t2"
+  WHERE "t2"."id" = 4)
+  OR "id" IN (SELECT "identification_number" FROM "hash_testing" WHERE "identification_number" = 5 AND "product_code" = '123')
+    let plan = sql_to_optimized_ir(query, vec![]);
+    let top = &plan.get_top().unwrap();
+    let explain_tree = FullExplain::new(&plan, *top).unwrap();
+    let mut actual_explain = String::new();
+    actual_explain.push_str(r#"projection ("t"."id" -> "id", "t"."FIRST_NAME" -> "FIRST_NAME")
+    selection ROW("t"."id") in ROW($0) or ROW("t"."id") in ROW($1)
+        scan "t"
+            union all
+                projection ("test_space"."id" -> "id", "test_space"."FIRST_NAME" -> "FIRST_NAME")
+                    selection ROW("test_space"."sysFrom") < ROW(0) and ROW("test_space"."sys_op") > ROW(0)
+                        scan "test_space"
+                projection ("test_space_hist"."id" -> "id", "test_space_hist"."FIRST_NAME" -> "FIRST_NAME")
+                    selection ROW("test_space_hist"."sys_op") < ROW(0)
+                        scan "test_space_hist"
+subquery $0:
+            projection ("t2"."id" -> "id")
+                selection ROW("t2"."id") = ROW(4)
+                    scan "t2"
+                        union all
+                            projection ("test_space"."id" -> "id", "test_space"."FIRST_NAME" -> "FIRST_NAME")
+                                selection ROW("test_space"."sys_op") > ROW(0)
+                                    scan "test_space"
+                            projection ("test_space_hist"."id" -> "id", "test_space_hist"."FIRST_NAME" -> "FIRST_NAME")
+                                selection ROW("test_space_hist"."sys_op") < ROW(0)
+                                    scan "test_space_hist"
+subquery $1:
+motion [policy: segment([ref("identification_number")]), generation: none]
+            scan
+                projection ("hash_testing"."identification_number" -> "identification_number")
+                    selection ROW("hash_testing"."identification_number", "hash_testing"."product_code") = ROW(5, '123')
+                        scan "hash_testing"
+    assert_eq!(actual_explain, explain_tree.to_string())
diff --git a/src/ir/transformation/helpers.rs b/src/ir/transformation/helpers.rs
index 89f101e9cdbb93079939f127e03b2455a90c15d2..b4d009282fb66ce0534c43473efbe1e3e0d05a3b 100644
--- a/src/ir/transformation/helpers.rs
+++ b/src/ir/transformation/helpers.rs
@@ -10,6 +10,14 @@ use crate::frontend::Ast;
 use crate::ir::value::Value;
 use crate::ir::Plan;
+/// Compiles an SQL query to optimized IR plan.
+pub fn sql_to_optimized_ir(query: &str, params: Vec<Value>) -> Plan {
+    let mut plan = sql_to_ir(query, params);
+    plan.optimize().unwrap();
+    plan
 /// Compiles an SQL query to IR plan.
 pub fn sql_to_ir(query: &str, params: Vec<Value>) -> Plan {
diff --git a/src/ir/transformation/redistribution.rs b/src/ir/transformation/redistribution.rs
index 58d53f0efd8e0ba778e779b206c3bcae6a062fee..f1b3010fd2915519dafe15e42ca6934c199ac0b2 100644
--- a/src/ir/transformation/redistribution.rs
+++ b/src/ir/transformation/redistribution.rs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 use ahash::RandomState;
 use std::cmp::Ordering;
 use std::collections::{hash_map::Entry, HashMap, HashSet};
+use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
 use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
 use traversal::{Bft, DftPost};
@@ -79,6 +80,17 @@ pub enum DataGeneration {
+impl Display for DataGeneration {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        let op = match &self {
+            DataGeneration::None => "none",
+            DataGeneration::ShardingColumn => "sharding_column",
+        };
+        write!(f, "{}", op)
+    }
 struct BoolOp {
     left: usize,
     op: Bool,
diff --git a/test_app/test/integration/api_test.lua b/test_app/test/integration/api_test.lua
index a93b6d33a485bf042d2b202a8ed423407d6a7fb5..080fc950911f640efc2812816ff0a6f9d95587d7 100644
--- a/test_app/test/integration/api_test.lua
+++ b/test_app/test/integration/api_test.lua
@@ -777,13 +777,26 @@ g.test_bucket_id_in_join = function()
-g.test_invalid_explain = function()
+g.test_motion_explain = function()
     local api = cluster:server("api-1").net_box
-    local _, err = api:call("sbroad.explain", { [[SELECT "id", "name" FROM "testing_space"
+    local r, err = api:call("sbroad.explain", { [[SELECT "id", "name" FROM "testing_space"
     WHERE "id" in (SELECT "id" FROM "space_simple_shard_key_hist" WHERE "sysOp" < 0)]] })
-    t.assert_str_contains(tostring(err), "Explain hasn't supported node Motion")
+    t.assert_equals(err, nil)
+    t.assert_equals(
+        r,
+        {
+            "projection (\"testing_space\".\"id\" -> \"id\", \"testing_space\".\"name\" -> \"name\")",
+            "    selection ROW(\"testing_space\".\"id\") in ROW($0)",
+            "        scan \"testing_space\"",
+            "subquery $0:",
+            "motion [policy: full, generation: none]",
+            "            scan",
+            "                projection (\"space_simple_shard_key_hist\".\"id\" -> \"id\")",
+            "                    selection ROW(\"space_simple_shard_key_hist\".\"sysOp\") < ROW(0)",
+            "                        scan \"space_simple_shard_key_hist\"",
+        }
+    )
 g.test_valid_explain = function()