From 1616b02cb6c5c224cf6acfbf4d74d08ada968331 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erik Khamitov <>
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2024 12:24:38 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] fix: add missing delimiter for input history browsing in cli

 src/cli/      |  5 +++-
 test/int/ | 61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/cli/ b/src/cli/
index 339f62af71..e60122567d 100644
--- a/src/cli/
+++ b/src/cli/
@@ -177,7 +177,10 @@ impl<T: Helper> Console<T> {
     fn update_history(&mut self, command: Command) -> Result<Option<Command>> {
         // do not save special commands
         if let Command::Expression(expression) = &command {
-            if let Err(e) = self.editor.add_history_entry(expression) {
+            if let Err(e) = self
+                .editor
+                .add_history_entry(expression.clone() + &self.delimiter.clone().unwrap_or_default())
+            {
                 println!("error while updating history: {e}");
             if let Err(e) = self.editor.save_history(&self.history_file_path) {
diff --git a/test/int/ b/test/int/
index 92005f1dc3..004731b2c2 100644
--- a/test/int/
+++ b/test/int/
@@ -622,3 +622,64 @@ def test_picodata_tarantool(cluster: Cluster):
         result =
     assert result == "it worked!"
+def test_command_history_with_delimiter(cluster: Cluster):
+    i1 = cluster.add_instance(wait_online=False)
+    i1.start()
+    i1.wait_online()
+    i1.create_user(with_name="andy", with_password="Testpa55")
+    i1.sql('GRANT CREATE TABLE TO "andy"', sudo=True)
+    cli = pexpect.spawn(
+        command=i1.binary_path,
+        args=["connect", f"{}:{i1.port}", "-u", "andy"],
+        encoding="utf-8",
+        timeout=CLI_TIMEOUT,
+    )
+    cli.logfile = sys.stdout
+    cli.expect_exact("Enter password for andy: ")
+    cli.sendline("Testpa55")
+    cli.expect_exact(
+        f'Connected to interactive console by address "{}:{i1.port}" under "andy" user'
+    )
+    cli.expect_exact("type '\\help' for interactive help")
+    cli.expect_exact("picodata> ")
+    # Set custom delimiter
+    cli.sendline("\\set delimiter ?123")
+    cli.expect_exact("Delimiter changed to '?123'")
+    # Enter a command with the custom delimiter
+    cli.sendline("CREATE TABLE test_table (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)?123")
+    cli.expect_exact("1")
+    # Press the up arrow key to access the command history
+    cli.sendline("\033[A")  # \033[A is the escape sequence for the up arrow key
+    cli.expect_exact("CREATE TABLE test_table (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)?123")
+    # Press the down arrow key to clean the input
+    cli.sendline("\033[B")  # \033[B is the escape sequence for the down arrow key
+    cli.expect_exact("picodata> ")
+    # Set delimiter back to ;
+    cli.sendline("\\set delimiter ;")
+    cli.expect_exact("Delimiter changed to ';'")
+    # Set delimiter back to default
+    cli.sendline("\\set delimiter default")
+    cli.expect_exact("Delimiter changed to ';'")
+    # Enter a command with the default delimiter
+    cli.sendline("DROP TABLE test_table;")
+    cli.expect_exact("1")
+    # Press the up arrow key to access the command history
+    cli.sendline("\033[A")  # \033[A is the escape sequence for the up arrow key
+    cli.expect_exact("DROP TABLE test_table;")
+    # Press the down arrow key to clean the input
+    cli.sendline("\033[B")  # \033[B is the escape sequence for the down arrow key
+    cli.expect_exact("picodata> ")