diff --git a/src/lib.rs b/src/lib.rs
index 3cc8b199d1f800455499f95b72456f1bf2e65683..adfccd652edb15b479c1012aa93f6b337f854cf9 100644
--- a/src/lib.rs
+++ b/src/lib.rs
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ pub mod on_shutdown;
 pub mod replicaset;
 pub mod rpc;
 pub mod schema;
+pub mod sentinel;
 pub mod sql;
 pub mod storage;
 pub mod sync;
@@ -701,6 +702,8 @@ fn postjoin(args: &args::Run, storage: Clusterwide, raft_storage: RaftSpaceAcces
+    node.sentinel_loop.on_self_activate();
 pub async fn tt_expel(args: args::Expel) {
diff --git a/src/on_shutdown.rs b/src/on_shutdown.rs
index d460c15d5d7c654c9e0d187a42d731b50067c40b..c1cec1d759b95fc010c43ae8a6145573132177d6 100644
--- a/src/on_shutdown.rs
+++ b/src/on_shutdown.rs
@@ -1,30 +1,21 @@
-use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
+use std::time::Duration;
 use ::tarantool::fiber;
 use crate::has_grades;
-use crate::instance::grade::TargetGradeVariant;
-use crate::rpc;
-use crate::rpc::update_instance::handle_update_instance_request_and_wait;
 use crate::storage::ClusterwideSpaceId;
 use crate::tlog;
-use crate::traft;
 use crate::traft::node;
 use crate::unwrap_ok_or;
 pub async fn callback() {
-    // 1. Try setting target grade Offline in a separate fiber
-    tlog!(Info, "trying to shutdown gracefully ...");
-    let go_offline = fiber::Builder::new()
-        .name("go_offline")
-        .func(|| match go_offline() {
-            Ok(()) => tlog!(Info, "target grade set Offline"),
-            Err(e) => tlog!(Error, "failed setting target grade Offline: {e}"),
-        });
-    std::mem::forget(go_offline.start());
+    let node = node::global().unwrap();
+    // 1. Wake up the sentinel so it starts trying to set target grade Offline.
+    node.sentinel_loop.on_shut_down();
+    fiber::reschedule();
     // 2. Meanwhile, wait until either it succeeds or there is no quorum.
-    let node = node::global().unwrap();
     let raft_id = node.raft_id();
     let mut instances_watcher = node.storage_watcher(ClusterwideSpaceId::Instance);
     loop {
@@ -66,30 +57,3 @@ pub async fn callback() {
-fn go_offline() -> traft::Result<()> {
-    let node = node::global()?;
-    let raft_id = node.raft_id();
-    let instance = node.storage.instances.get(&raft_id)?;
-    let cluster_id = node.raft_storage.cluster_id()?;
-    let req = rpc::update_instance::Request::new(instance.instance_id, cluster_id)
-        .with_target_grade(TargetGradeVariant::Offline);
-    loop {
-        let now = Instant::now();
-        let wait_before_retry = Duration::from_millis(300);
-        match handle_update_instance_request_and_wait(req.clone(), wait_before_retry) {
-            Ok(_) => break Ok(()),
-            Err(e) => {
-                tlog!(Warning,
-                    "failed setting target grade Offline: {e}, retrying ...";
-                );
-                fiber::sleep(wait_before_retry.saturating_sub(now.elapsed()));
-                continue;
-            }
-        };
-    }
diff --git a/src/rpc/update_instance.rs b/src/rpc/update_instance.rs
index 03a7f9186b384fe63a2618ac45242496b8547f6d..66e6d186443956ddd6dc8bccdd995c98d95c5556 100644
--- a/src/rpc/update_instance.rs
+++ b/src/rpc/update_instance.rs
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ crate::define_rpc_request! {
         /// Can be set by instance
         pub target_grade: Option<TargetGradeVariant>,
         pub failure_domain: Option<FailureDomain>,
+        /// If `true` then the resulting CaS request is not retried upon failure.
+        pub dont_retry: bool,
     pub struct Response {}
@@ -55,10 +57,16 @@ impl Request {
         Self {
+            dont_retry: false,
+    pub fn with_dont_retry(mut self, value: bool) -> Self {
+        self.dont_retry = value;
+        self
+    }
+    #[inline]
     pub fn with_current_grade(mut self, value: CurrentGrade) -> Self {
         self.current_grade = Some(value);
@@ -127,7 +135,10 @@ pub fn handle_update_instance_request_and_wait(req: Request, timeout: Duration)
             Err(err) => {
-                if err.is_cas_err() | err.is_term_mismatch_err() {
+                if req.dont_retry {
+                    return Err(err);
+                }
+                if err.is_cas_err() || err.is_term_mismatch_err() {
                     // cas error - retry
diff --git a/src/sentinel.rs b/src/sentinel.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5ef46dcc1d9fe1b4bcc5fb82f03e534a839f53e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sentinel.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+use crate::has_grades;
+use crate::instance::grade::TargetGradeVariant;
+use crate::r#loop::FlowControl::{self, Break, Continue};
+use crate::rpc;
+use crate::storage::Clusterwide;
+use crate::tlog;
+use crate::traft::error::Error;
+use crate::traft::network::ConnectionPool;
+use crate::traft::network::InstanceReachabilityManagerRef;
+use crate::traft::{node, RaftSpaceAccess};
+use ::tarantool::fiber;
+use ::tarantool::fiber::r#async::timeout::IntoTimeout as _;
+use ::tarantool::fiber::r#async::watch;
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::time::Duration;
+impl Loop {
+    /// A value for non-urgent timeouts, e.g. nothing needed to be done during
+    /// a loop iteration.
+    const SENTINEL_LONG_SLEEP: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
+    /// A value for urgent timeouts, e.g. retry of failed update peer request.
+    const SENTINEL_SHORT_RETRY: Duration = Duration::from_millis(300);
+    const UPDATE_INSTANCE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(3);
+    async fn iter_fn(
+        State {
+            pool,
+            storage,
+            raft_storage,
+            raft_status,
+            status,
+            instance_reachability,
+        }: &mut State,
+    ) -> FlowControl {
+        if status.get() == SentinelStatus::Initial || node::global().is_err() {
+            tlog!(Info, "waiting until initialized...");
+            _ = status.changed().timeout(Self::SENTINEL_LONG_SLEEP).await;
+            return Continue;
+        }
+        let node = node::global().expect("just checked it's ok");
+        let cluster_id = raft_storage.cluster_id().expect("storage shouldn't fail");
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // Awoken during graceful shutdown.
+        // Should change own target grade to Offline and finish.
+        if status.get() == SentinelStatus::ShuttingDown {
+            let raft_id = node.raft_id();
+            let instance = storage
+                .instances
+                .get(&raft_id)
+                .expect("storage shouldn't fail");
+            let req = rpc::update_instance::Request::new(instance.instance_id, cluster_id)
+                .with_target_grade(TargetGradeVariant::Offline);
+            tlog!(Info, "setting own target grade Offline");
+            let timeout = Self::SENTINEL_SHORT_RETRY;
+            loop {
+                let now = fiber::clock();
+                let res = async {
+                    let Some(leader_id) = raft_status.get().leader_id else {
+                        return Err(Error::LeaderUnknown);
+                    };
+                    pool.call(&leader_id, &req, timeout)?.await?;
+                    Ok(())
+                }
+                .await;
+                match res {
+                    Ok(_) => return Break,
+                    Err(e) => {
+                        tlog!(Warning,
+                            "failed setting own target grade Offline: {e}, retrying ...";
+                        );
+                        fiber::sleep(timeout.saturating_sub(now.elapsed()));
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // When running on leader, find any unreachable instances which need to
+        // have their grade automatically changed.
+        if raft_status.get().raft_state.is_leader() {
+            let instances = storage
+                .instances
+                .all_instances()
+                .expect("storage shouldn't fail");
+            let unreachables = instance_reachability.borrow().get_unreachables();
+            let mut instance_to_downgrade = None;
+            for instance in &instances {
+                if has_grades!(instance, * -> Online) && unreachables.contains(&instance.raft_id) {
+                    instance_to_downgrade = Some(instance);
+                }
+            }
+            let Some(instance) = instance_to_downgrade else {
+                _ = status.changed().timeout(Self::SENTINEL_LONG_SLEEP).await;
+                return Continue;
+            };
+            tlog!(Info, "setting target grade Offline"; "instance_id" => %instance.instance_id);
+            let req = rpc::update_instance::Request::new(instance.instance_id.clone(), cluster_id)
+                // We only try setting the grade once and if a CaS conflict
+                // happens we should reassess the situation, because somebody
+                // else could have changed this particular instance's target grade.
+                .with_dont_retry(true)
+                .with_target_grade(TargetGradeVariant::Offline);
+            let res = rpc::update_instance::handle_update_instance_request_and_wait(
+                req,
+                Self::UPDATE_INSTANCE_TIMEOUT,
+            );
+            if let Err(e) = res {
+                tlog!(Warning,
+                    "failed setting target grade Offline: {e}";
+                    "instance_id" => %instance.instance_id,
+                );
+            }
+            _ = status.changed().timeout(Self::SENTINEL_SHORT_RETRY).await;
+            return Continue;
+        }
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // When running not on leader, check if own target has automatically
+        // changed to Offline and try to update it to Online.
+        let raft_id = node.raft_id();
+        let instance = storage
+            .instances
+            .get(&raft_id)
+            .expect("storage shouldn't fail");
+        if has_grades!(instance, * -> Offline) {
+            tlog!(Info, "setting own target grade Online");
+            let req = rpc::update_instance::Request::new(instance.instance_id.clone(), cluster_id)
+                // We only try setting the grade once and if a CaS conflict
+                // happens we should reassess the situation, because somebody
+                // else could have changed this particular instance's target grade.
+                .with_dont_retry(true)
+                .with_target_grade(TargetGradeVariant::Online);
+            let res = async {
+                let Some(leader_id) = raft_status.get().leader_id else {
+                    return Err(Error::LeaderUnknown);
+                };
+                pool.call(&leader_id, &req, Self::UPDATE_INSTANCE_TIMEOUT)?
+                    .await?;
+                Ok(())
+            }
+            .await;
+            if let Err(e) = res {
+                tlog!(Warning, "failed setting own target grade Online: {e}");
+            }
+            _ = status.changed().timeout(Self::SENTINEL_SHORT_RETRY).await;
+            return Continue;
+        }
+        _ = status.changed().timeout(Self::SENTINEL_LONG_SLEEP).await;
+        return Continue;
+    }
+    pub fn start(
+        pool: Rc<ConnectionPool>,
+        raft_status: watch::Receiver<node::Status>,
+        storage: Clusterwide,
+        raft_storage: RaftSpaceAccess,
+        instance_reachability: InstanceReachabilityManagerRef,
+    ) -> Self {
+        let (status_tx, status_rx) = watch::channel(SentinelStatus::Initial);
+        let state = State {
+            pool,
+            storage,
+            raft_storage,
+            raft_status,
+            status: status_rx,
+            instance_reachability,
+        };
+        Self {
+            _loop: crate::loop_start!("sentinel_loop", Self::iter_fn, state),
+            status: status_tx,
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn on_shut_down(&self) {
+        self.status
+            .send(SentinelStatus::ShuttingDown)
+            .expect("we shouldn't be holding references to the value")
+    }
+    pub fn on_self_activate(&self) {
+        self.status
+            .send(SentinelStatus::Activated)
+            .expect("we shouldn't be holding references to the value")
+    }
+pub struct Loop {
+    _loop: Option<fiber::UnitJoinHandle<'static>>,
+    status: watch::Sender<SentinelStatus>,
+/// Describes possible states of the current instance with respect to what
+/// sentinel should be doing.
+/// TODO: maybe this should be merged with [`node::Status`].
+#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+enum SentinelStatus {
+    /// Instance has started, but didn't yet receive confirmation from the
+    /// leader that it was activated.
+    #[default]
+    Initial,
+    /// Instance has been activated, sentinel is doing it's normal job.
+    Activated,
+    /// Instance is currently gracefully shutting down.
+    ShuttingDown,
+struct State {
+    pool: Rc<ConnectionPool>,
+    storage: Clusterwide,
+    raft_storage: RaftSpaceAccess,
+    raft_status: watch::Receiver<node::Status>,
+    status: watch::Receiver<SentinelStatus>,
+    instance_reachability: InstanceReachabilityManagerRef,
diff --git a/src/traft/network.rs b/src/traft/network.rs
index 5a93d6db5d5aa726dff9835b0ae6c48ce0820906..dceb03c591ab13be3e22fbf5ad8f886607f7ec96 100644
--- a/src/traft/network.rs
+++ b/src/traft/network.rs
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ use futures::FutureExt as _;
 use std::cell::RefCell;
 use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
 use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::collections::HashSet;
 use std::collections::VecDeque;
 use std::pin::Pin;
 use std::rc::Rc;
@@ -410,6 +411,7 @@ pub type InstanceReachabilityManagerRef = Rc<RefCell<InstanceReachabilityManager
 impl InstanceReachabilityManager {
     // TODO: make these configurable via _pico_property
+    const MAX_TIME_SINCE_SUCCESS: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5);
     const MAX_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5);
     pub fn new(storage: Clusterwide) -> Self {
@@ -420,7 +422,8 @@ impl InstanceReachabilityManager {
     /// Is called from a connection pool worker loop to report results of raft
-    /// messages sent to other instances. Updates info for the given instance.
+    /// messages sent to other instances. For example a timeout is considered
+    /// a failure. Updates info for the given instance.
     pub fn report_result(&mut self, raft_id: RaftId, success: bool) {
         let now = fiber::clock();
         let info = self.infos.entry(raft_id).or_insert_with(Default::default);
@@ -446,18 +449,11 @@ impl InstanceReachabilityManager {
     pub fn take_unreachables_to_report(&mut self) -> Vec<RaftId> {
         let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(16);
         for (raft_id, info) in &mut self.infos {
-            if info.last_success.is_none() {
-                // Don't report nodes which didn't previously respond once,
-                // so that they can safely boot atleast.
-                continue;
-            }
             if info.is_reported {
                 // Don't report nodes repeatedly.
-            // TODO: add configurable parameters, for example number of attempts
-            // before report.
-            if info.fail_streak > 0 {
+            if Self::determine_reachability(info) == Unreachable {
                 info.is_reported = true;
@@ -465,6 +461,39 @@ impl InstanceReachabilityManager {
+    /// Is called by sentinel to get information about which instances should be
+    /// automatically assigned a different grade.
+    pub fn get_unreachables(&self) -> HashSet<RaftId> {
+        let mut res = HashSet::with_capacity(self.infos.len() / 3);
+        for (raft_id, info) in &self.infos {
+            if Self::determine_reachability(info) == Unreachable {
+                res.insert(*raft_id);
+            }
+        }
+        return res;
+    }
+    /// Make a descision on the given instance's reachability based on the
+    /// provided `info`. This is an internal function.
+    fn determine_reachability(info: &InstanceReachabilityInfo) -> ReachabilityState {
+        let Some(last_success) = info.last_success else {
+            // Don't make decisions about instances which didn't previously
+            // respond once so as to not interrup the process of booting up.
+            // TODO: report unreachable if fail_streak is big enough.
+            return Undecided;
+        };
+        if info.fail_streak == 0 {
+            // Didn't fail once, so can't be unreachable.
+            return Reachable;
+        }
+        let now = fiber::clock();
+        if now.duration_since(last_success) > Self::MAX_TIME_SINCE_SUCCESS {
+            Unreachable
+        } else {
+            Reachable
+        }
+    }
     /// Is called from raft main loop when handling raft messages, passing a
     /// raft id of an instance which was previously determined to be unreachable.
     /// This function makes a decision about how often raft hearbeat messages
@@ -504,8 +533,9 @@ impl InstanceReachabilityManager {
         // DN == attemptN.duration_since(last_success)
         let now = fiber::clock();
-        let wait_timeout = last_attempt.duration_since(last_success).min(Self::MAX_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD);
-        if now > last_attempt + wait_timeout {
+        let since_last_success = last_attempt.duration_since(last_success);
+        let delay = since_last_success.min(Self::MAX_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD);
+        if now > last_attempt + delay {
             return true;
@@ -513,6 +543,14 @@ impl InstanceReachabilityManager {
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+pub enum ReachabilityState {
+    Undecided,
+    Reachable,
+    Unreachable,
+use ReachabilityState::*;
 /// Information about recent attempts to communicate with a single given instance.
 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
 pub struct InstanceReachabilityInfo {
diff --git a/src/traft/node.rs b/src/traft/node.rs
index b1b09c9f5f022a3208da5e047e359286b248a26c..8ddad96eae3e02aa8bf1038b063bb96294d1541b 100644
--- a/src/traft/node.rs
+++ b/src/traft/node.rs
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ use crate::loop_start;
 use crate::r#loop::FlowControl;
 use crate::rpc;
 use crate::schema::{Distribution, IndexDef, SpaceDef};
+use crate::sentinel;
 use crate::storage::acl;
 use crate::storage::ddl_meta_drop_space;
 use crate::storage::SnapshotData;
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ use ::tarantool::vclock::Vclock;
 use protobuf::Message as _;
 use std::cell::Cell;
+use std::cell::RefCell;
 use std::cmp::Ordering;
 use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
 use std::convert::TryFrom;
@@ -141,6 +143,7 @@ pub struct Node {
     pub(crate) raft_storage: RaftSpaceAccess,
     pub(crate) main_loop: MainLoop,
     pub(crate) governor_loop: governor::Loop,
+    pub(crate) sentinel_loop: sentinel::Loop,
     status: watch::Receiver<Status>,
     watchers: Rc<Mutex<StorageWatchers>>,
@@ -171,7 +174,7 @@ impl Node {
         let instance_reachability = Rc::new(RefCell::new(InstanceReachabilityManager::new(
-        pool.instance_reachability = instance_reachability;
+        pool.instance_reachability = instance_reachability.clone();
         let pool = Rc::new(pool);
         let node_impl = NodeImpl::new(pool.clone(), storage.clone(), raft_storage.clone())?;
@@ -186,10 +189,17 @@ impl Node {
             main_loop: MainLoop::start(node_impl.clone(), watchers.clone()), // yields
             governor_loop: governor::Loop::start(
+                pool.clone(),
+                status.clone(),
+                storage.clone(),
+                raft_storage.clone(),
+            ),
+            sentinel_loop: sentinel::Loop::start(
+                instance_reachability,
diff --git a/test/int/test_network_effects.py b/test/int/test_network_effects.py
index 152995ddb3b93b8f99fced19c06bfafc4dcb3655..08152f40e25965b88197a3d0edb988c6148c7210 100644
--- a/test/int/test_network_effects.py
+++ b/test/int/test_network_effects.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import pytest
+import time
-from conftest import Cluster, Instance, retrying, ReturnError
+from conftest import Cluster, Instance, retrying, ReturnError, Retriable
@@ -143,3 +144,31 @@ def test_leader_disruption(cluster3: Cluster):
     # i3 should become the follower again without disrupting i1
     retrying(lambda: i3.assert_raft_status("Follower", i1.raft_id))
+def get_instance_grades(peer: Instance, instance_id) -> tuple[str, str]:
+    instance_info = peer.call("pico.instance_info", instance_id)
+    return (
+        instance_info["current_grade"]["variant"],
+        instance_info["target_grade"]["variant"],
+    )
+def test_instance_automatic_offline_detection(cluster: Cluster):
+    i1, i2, i3 = cluster.deploy(instance_count=3)
+    assert get_instance_grades(i1, i3.instance_id) == ("Online", "Online")
+    i3.kill()
+    # Give the governor some time to detect the problem and act accordingly.
+    time.sleep(10)
+    assert get_instance_grades(i1, i3.instance_id) == ("Offline", "Offline")
+    i3.start()
+    def assert_online(peer, instance_id):
+        assert get_instance_grades(peer, instance_id) == ("Online", "Online")
+    Retriable(timeout=6, rps=5).call(lambda: assert_online(i1, i3.instance_id))