diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs
index dcaf14fe81f76147a6b28821aba90c3e47bd0c30..33a1270284501513fbb0f6b95afc01b15e522b64 100644
--- a/src/main.rs
+++ b/src/main.rs
@@ -10,45 +10,29 @@ use ::tarantool::set_error;
 use ::tarantool::tlua;
 use ::tarantool::tuple::{FunctionArgs, FunctionCtx, Tuple};
 use indoc::indoc;
+use message::Message;
+use std::convert::TryFrom;
+use std::time::Duration;
 mod app;
 mod args;
 mod error;
 mod message;
-pub mod stash;
 mod tarantool;
 mod tlog;
 mod traft;
 pub struct InnerTest {
     pub name: &'static str,
     pub body: fn(),
-use message::Message;
-use std::cell::Ref;
-use std::cell::RefCell;
-use std::convert::TryFrom;
-use std::time::Duration;
+static mut NODE: Option<&'static traft::Node> = None;
-pub struct Stash {
-    raft_node: RefCell<Option<traft::Node>>,
-impl Stash {
-    pub fn access() -> &'static Self {
-        stash::access("_picolib_stash")
-    }
-    pub fn set_raft_node(&self, raft_node: traft::Node) {
-        *self.raft_node.borrow_mut() = Some(raft_node);
-    }
-    pub fn raft_node(&self) -> Ref<Option<traft::Node>> {
-        self.raft_node.borrow()
-    }
+fn node() -> &'static traft::Node {
+    unsafe { NODE.expect("Picodata not running yet") }
 fn picolib_setup(args: args::Run) {
@@ -79,17 +63,17 @@ fn picolib_setup(args: args::Run) {
     // Export public API
     luamod.set("run", tlua::function0(move || start(&args)));
-    luamod.set("raft_status", tlua::function0(raft_status));
+    luamod.set("raft_status", tlua::function0(|| node().status()));
     luamod.set("raft_tick", tlua::function1(raft_tick));
-        tlua::function1(|x: String| raft_propose(Message::Info { msg: x })),
+        tlua::function1(|x: String| node().propose(&Message::Info { msg: x })),
         tlua::function2(|timeout: f64, x: String| {
-            raft_propose_wait_applied(
-                Message::EvalLua { code: x },
+            node().propose_wait_applied(
+                &Message::EvalLua { code: x },
@@ -110,8 +94,6 @@ fn picolib_setup(args: args::Run) {
 fn start(args: &args::Run) {
-    let stash = Stash::access();
     if tarantool::cfg().is_some() {
         // Already initialized
@@ -175,8 +157,12 @@ fn start(args: &args::Run) {
         applied: traft::Storage::applied().unwrap().unwrap_or_default(),
-    let node = traft::Node::new(&raft_cfg, handle_committed_data).unwrap();
-    stash.set_raft_node(node);
+    unsafe {
+        NODE = Some(Box::leak(Box::new(
+            traft::Node::new(&raft_cfg, handle_committed_data).unwrap(),
+        )));
+    };
     cfg.listen = Some(args.listen.clone());
@@ -191,35 +177,12 @@ fn start(args: &args::Run) {
 fn raft_tick(n_times: u32) {
-    let stash = Stash::access();
-    let raft_ref = stash.raft_node();
-    let raft_node = raft_ref.as_ref().expect("Picodata not running yet");
+    let raft_node = node();
     for _ in 0..n_times {
-fn raft_status() -> traft::Status {
-    let stash = Stash::access();
-    let raft_ref = stash.raft_node();
-    let raft_node = raft_ref.as_ref().expect("Picodata not running yet");
-    raft_node.status()
-fn raft_propose(msg: Message) {
-    let stash = Stash::access();
-    let raft_ref = stash.raft_node();
-    let raft_node = raft_ref.as_ref().expect("Picodata not running yet");
-    raft_node.propose(&msg)
-fn raft_propose_wait_applied(msg: Message, timeout: Duration) -> bool {
-    let stash = Stash::access();
-    let raft_ref = stash.raft_node();
-    let raft_node = raft_ref.as_ref().expect("Picodata not running yet");
-    raft_node.propose_wait_applied(&msg, timeout)
 fn handle_committed_data(data: &[u8]) {
     use Message::*;
@@ -246,11 +209,7 @@ fn init_handlers() {
 pub extern "C" fn raft_interact(_: FunctionCtx, args: FunctionArgs) -> c_int {
-    let stash = Stash::access();
-    let raft_ref = stash.raft_node();
-    let raft_node = raft_ref
-        .as_ref()
-        .expect("picodata should already be running");
+    let raft_node = node();
     // Conversion pipeline:
     // FunctionArgs -> Tuple -?-> traft::row::Message -?-> raft::Message;
diff --git a/src/stash.rs b/src/stash.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 51246f03ce887bbe17820c11b512400a57d88526..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/stash.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-//! Tarantool-flavored singleton pattern implementation.
-//! Tarantool has a peculiarity - when calling stored procedures with `{language = "C"}` option, it
-//! disregards the shared object (`.so` / `.dylib`) already loaded by Lua and makes the second
-//! independent `dlopen`. As a result, Lua and C stored procedures can't share state, because even
-//! static variables point to different memory locations.
-//! As a workaround, this module provides the API for hiding the state inside `lua_State`. Under the
-//! hood, the stash consumes a custom struct and leaks the wrapping box. Inside Lua, it's
-//! represented by a userdata, which the `access()` function provides access to.
-//! Example:
-//! ```
-//! use std::cell::Ref;
-//! use std::cell::RefCell;
-//! /// The particular singleton structure
-//! #[derive(Default)]
-//! struct Stash {
-//!     x: RefCell<u32>,
-//! }
-//! unsafe impl Send for Stash {}
-//! unsafe impl Sync for Stash {}
-//! impl Stash {
-//!     pub fn access() -> &'static Self {
-//!         stash::access("my_stash")
-//!     }
-//!     pub fn set_x(&self, x: u32) {
-//!         *self.x.borrow_mut() = x;
-//!     }
-//!     pub fn x(&self) -> Ref<u32> {
-//!         self.x.borrow()
-//!     }
-//! }
-//! #[no_mangle]
-//! pub extern "C" fn luaopen_easy(_l: std::ffi::c_void) -> std::os::raw::c_int {
-//!     // Tarantool calls this function upon require("easy")
-//!     let stash = Stash::access();
-//!     stash.set_x(100);
-//!     assert_eq!(*stash.x(), 100);
-//!     0
-//! }
-//! ```
-use ::tarantool::tlua;
-use std::ops::Deref;
-struct Inner<S>(S);
-impl<S> std::ops::Deref for Inner<S> {
-    type Target = S;
-    #[inline]
-    fn deref(&self) -> &S {
-        &self.0
-    }
-impl<L, S> tlua::PushInto<L> for Inner<S>
-    L: tlua::AsLua,
-    S: 'static,
-    type Err = tlua::Void;
-    fn push_into_lua(self, lua: L) -> Result<tlua::PushGuard<L>, (tlua::Void, L)> {
-        let boxed = Box::new(self);
-        let ptr: &'static Inner<S> = Box::leak(boxed);
-        Ok(tlua::push_userdata(ptr, lua, |_| {}))
-    }
-impl<L, S> tlua::PushOneInto<L> for Inner<S>
-    L: tlua::AsLua,
-    S: 'static,
-impl<L, S> tlua::LuaRead<L> for &Inner<S>
-    L: tlua::AsLua,
-    fn lua_read_at_position(lua: L, index: std::num::NonZeroI32) -> Result<&'static Inner<S>, L> {
-        let val: tlua::UserdataOnStack<&Inner<S>, _> =
-            tlua::LuaRead::lua_read_at_position(lua, index)?;
-        Ok(val.deref())
-    }
-/// Returns reference to the particular singleton structure.
-/// When called for the first time, initializes it with the default values.
-pub fn access<S>(name: &str) -> &'static S
-    S: Default,
-    // TODO: this place is a potential performance bottleneck.
-    // Every access to the stash implies a call to `lua_newthread()`
-    // and further garbage collection.
-    let l = tarantool::lua_state();
-    let get = || l.get::<&Inner<S>, _>(name);
-    match get() {
-        Some(Inner(v)) => v,
-        None => {
-            l.set(name, Inner::<S>::default());
-            get().expect("impossible")
-        }
-    }